Nummer 27/18 27 juni 2018

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1 Nummer 27/18 27 juni 2018

2 Nummer 27/ juni 2018 Inleiding Hoofdblad Het Blad de Industriële Eigendom verschijnt op de derde werkdag van een week. Indien Octrooicentrum Nederland op deze dag is gesloten, wordt de verschijningsdag van het blad verschoven naar de eerstvolgende werkdag, waarop Octrooicentrum Nederland is geopend. Het blad verschijnt alleen in elektronische vorm. Elk nummer van het blad bestaat uit 14 rubrieken. Bijblad Verschijnt vier keer per jaar (januari, april, juli, oktober) in elektronische vorm via octrooien. Het Bijblad bevat officiële mededelingen en andere wetenswaardigheden waarmee Octrooicentrum Nederland en zijn klanten te maken hebben. Abonnementsprijzen per (kalender)jaar: Hoofdblad en Bijblad: verschijnt gratis in elektronische vorm op de website van Octrooicentrum Nederland. Bezoekadres: Octrooicentrum Nederland Prinses Beatrixlaan AL Den Haag Postadres Postbus HJ Den Haag Telefoon: Bankrekeningnummer: Voor taksen en depotrekeningen: ING Iban: NL41INGB BIC: INGBNL2A Introduction Patent Bulletin The Patent Bulletin appears on the 3rd working day of each week. If the Netherlands Patent Office is closed to the public on the above mentioned day, the date of issue of the Bulletin is the first working day thereafter, on which the Office is open. Each issue of the Bulletin consists of 14 headings. Official Journal Appears four times a year (January, April, July, October) in electronic form on the octrooien. The Official Journal contains announcements and other things worth knowing for the benefit of the Netherlands Patent Office and its customers. Subscription rates per calendar year: Patent Bulletin and Official Journal: free of charge in electronic form on the website of the Netherlands Patent Office. Visiting address: Netherlands Patent Office Prinses Beatrixlaan AL Den Haag Postadress Post Office Box: HJ Den Haag Telephone: +31(0) Account: Fees, deposit accounts: ING Iban: NL41INGB BIC: INGBNL2A

3 Nummer 27/ juni 2018 Inhoudsopgave Blz. Content Page Rubriek NP1 Bevat gegevens betreffende octrooiaanvragen die zijn ingeschreven op grond van de Octrooiwet Rubriek NP2 Bevat gegevens betreffende ingeschreven en verleende octrooien op grond van de Octrooiwet Heading NP1 Contains data concerning Netherlands patent applications which have been entered in the patent register under the Patents Act Heading NP2 Contains data concerning Netherlands patents which have been entered in the patent register under the Patents Act Rubriek NP3 13 Heading NP3 Bevat gegevens betreffende Nederlandse Contains data concerning Netherlands octrooien na gedeeltelijke afstand patents after partial renunciation confirm conform artikel 63 van de Octrooiwet Article 63 of the Patents Act Rubriek EP1 Bevat gegevens betreffende vertaalde conclusies van Europese octrooiaanvragen. Rubriek EP2 Bevat gegevens betreffende voor Nederland verleende Europese octrooien. 14 Heading EP1 Contains data concerning translations of the conclusions of European patent applications. 15 Heading EP2 Contains data concerning European patents granted for The Netherlands Rubriek EP3 Bevat gegevens betreffende voor Nederland verleende Europese octrooien waarvoor een vertaling is ingediend conform artikel 52 lid 1 of 6 van de Octrooiwet Heading EP3 Contains data concerning European patents granted for The Netherlands in which a translation was filed confirm Article 52 par. 1 or 6 of the Patents Act Rubriek EP4 Bevat gegevens betreffende voor Nederland verleende gewijzgde Europese octrooien. Rubriek EP5 Bevat gegevens betreffende voor Nederland verleende gewijzigde 372Heading EP4 Contains data concerning European patents granted in amended form for the Netherlands. 374Heading EP5 Contains data concerning European patents granted in amended form for

4 Nummer 27/ juni 2018 Europese octrooien waarvoor een gewijzigde vertaling is ingediend. Rubriek SPC Bevat gegevens betreffende ingeschreven en verleende certificaten The Netherlands in which an amended translation was filed. 375Heading SPC 375 Contains data concerning applications for- or granted Supplementary Protection Certificates. Rubriek VB1 376Heading VB1 Bevat gegevens betreffende rechten Contains data concerning requests and waarvoor een verzoek of bezwaarschrift notices of opposition under the General is ingediend conform de Octrooiwet administrative law. 376 Rubriek VB2 Bevat gegevens betreffende rechten waarin een beslissing is genomen of waarvoor een nieuwheidsrapport is uitgegaan op een verzoek- of bezwaarschrift conform de Octrooiwet Heading VB2 Contains data concerning requests and notices of opposition under the General administrative law in respect of which a decision has been taken or in respect for which a report has been made. 380 Rubriek MED Bevat gegevens betreffende overige mededelingen. Rubriek VRV Bevat gegevens betreffende verval of nietigverklaring. Rubriek VRB Bevat gegevens betreffende verbeteringen op eerdere publicaties. 381Heading MED Contains data concerning other communications. 382Heading VRV Contains data concerning lapse or annulment. 412Heading VRB Contains data concerning corrections on earlier publications Rubriek CO Bevat gegevens betreffende wijzigingen in het octrooiregister. 413Heading CO 413 Contains data concerning changes in the Netherland patent register. Rubriek TVH 414Heading TVH Bevat gegevens betreffende topografieën Contains data concerning depots of van halfgeleiderproducten. original topographies of semi-conductor products. 414

5 Nummer 27/ juni 2018 Overzicht van Inid codes INID CODES Inid codes worden gebruikt op de voorpagina van octrooigeschriften en in octrooibulletins. Ze dienen om de verschillende bibliografische gegevens te kunnen begrijpen zonder kennis te hebben van de taal. INID is een acronym van Internationally agreed Numbers for Identification of Data. De definities van INID codes wordt gegeven in de WIPO standaard ST. 9. INID CODES INID Codes are used on the front pages of patent documents and in official gazettes to identify various bibliographic data items without knowledge of the language used and the industrial property laws applied. INID is an acronym for Internationally agreed Numbers for the Identification of Data. The INID Codes are usually given in parenthesis adjacent to the appropriate bibliographic data item. The definitions of the INID Codes are given in WIPO Standard ST. 9 (as of November 1998) and are listed below: (11) (13) (15) (21) (22) (23) (25) (26) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (40) (41) (42) (43) Octrooinummer Soort document volgens WIPO standaard 16 Correctie informatie Octrooiaanvraagnummer Datum van indiening Datum tentoonstelling Taal van indiening Taal waarin de aanvraag is gepubliceerd Voorrangsgegevens Nummer voorrang Datum voorrang Land van herkomst voorrang Oorspronkelijk land van indiening Datum van inschrijving Datum van inschrijving van een octrooiaanvraag Datum van inschrijving van een onderzochte aanvraag (openbaarmaking) (11) (13) (15) (21) (22) (23) (25) (26) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (40) (41) (42) Datum waarop de aanvraag ter inzage is gelegd (43) Patent number Kind of document code according to WIPO standard ST.16 Patent correction information Application number Date(s) of filing application(s) Date of exhibition Language in which the published application was originally filed Language in which the application is published Priority Data Number(s) assigned to priority application(s) Date(s) of filling of priority application(s) WIPO Standard ST.3 Code indetifying the national patent office alloting the priority application number or the organization alloting the regional priority application number: for international applications filed under the PCT, the code "WO" is used. For priority fillings under the regional or international arrangements, the WIPO Standard ST.3 Code indentifying at least one country party to the Paris Union for which the regional or international application was made. Date(s) of making available to the public Date of making available to the public by viewing, or copying on request an unexamined patent document, on which no grant has taken place on or before the said date. Date of making available to the public by viewing, or copying on request an examined patent document, on which no grant has taken place on or before the said date. Date of publication by printing or similar process of anexamined document on which no grant has taken place on or before said date

6 Nummer 27/ juni 2018 (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (51) (54) (62) (68) (71) (72) (73) (74) (75) (81) (83) (84) (86) (87) (92) (93) (94) (95) Datum van openbaarmaking Datum van kracht worden van een Europees octrooi in Nederland Inschrijvingsdatum conclusies Verleningsdatum octrooi Datum waarop een verbetering van een octrooi is uitgegeven Internationale Octrooiclassificatie Korte aanduiding Nummer moeder aanvraag Nummer basis octrooi Naam aanvrager(s) Naam uitvinder(s) Naam octrooihouder(s) Naam gemachtigde Naam van uitvinders die tevens aanvrager zijn Aangewezen landen volgens de PCT Informatie over micro organismen Aangewezen landen bij regionale octrooien Nummer van omgezette aanvraag Datum en nummer van een PCT aanvraag Certificaten: nummer en datum van de eerste nationale vergunning voor een geneesmiddel Datum en nummer van de eerste EU vergunning voor een geneesmiddel Expiratiedatum voor een topografie Certificaten: naam van het product (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (51) (54) (62) (68) (71) (72) (73) (74) (75) (81) (83) (84) (86) (87) (92) (93) (94) (95) Date of publication by printing or similar process of an examined document on which no grant has taken place on or before said date Date of publication by printing or similar process of a document on which no grant has taken place on or before said date Date of publication by printing or similar process of the claim(s) only of a document Date from which the patent takes effect Date of issuance of a corrected patent document International Patent Classification Title of the invention Number and, if possible, filling date of the earlier application from which the present document has been divided out Number of the basic patent Name(s) of the applicant(s) Name(s) of the inventor(s) if know to be such Name(s) of grantee(s) Name(s) of the attorney(s) or agent(s) Name(s) of inventor(s) who is (are) also application(s) Designated States(s) according to the PCT Information concerning the deposit of microorganisms Designated Contracting States under regional patent conventions Apllication number of a PCT-application or number of European patent which is converted into a national application Publication date and number of a PCT application For an SPC, number and date of the first national authorization to place the product on the market as a medicinal product For an SPC, number and date and where applicable, country of origin, of the first authorzation to place the product on the market as a medicinal product within a regional economic community Calculated date of expiry of the topography Name of the product protected by the basic patent and in respect of which the SPC has been apllied for or granted

7 Nummer 27/ juni 2018 Rubrieken/Headings NP1 Nederlandse octrooiaanvragen die zijn ingeschreven op grond van de Octrooiwet Contains data concerning Netherlands patent applications which have been entered in the patent register under the Patents Act (51) A01C 1/02 (21) (22) (54) METHOD FOR SELECTING SEEDS INTENDED FOR SOWING (71) Rijk Zwaan Zaadteelt en Zaadhandel B.V. (74) ir. P.J. Hylarides c.s. (72) Peter Wilhelmus Dorothea Reinders (41) (51) A01C 23/00 A01M 7/00 (21) (22) (54) Mobiele mesttankinrichting en mobiele bemester voorzien van een mesttankinrichting (71) Vredo Beheer B.V. (74) ir. P.J. Hylarides c.s. (72) Johannes de Vree (41) (51) A01D 87/12 (21) (22) (54) Bale processing system and method for removing foil (71) Triodor Arge (74) ir. M.J.F.M. Corten (72) Maarten Koorn Cosku Bas (41) (51) A01G 9/24 (21) (22) (54) Greenhouse for growing of crop (71) FlowMotionDesign B.V. (74) mr. ir. J. van Breda c.s. (72) Christian Simon Potma (41) (51) A01G 31/02 A01G 31/06 A01G 9/14 A01G 9/24 (21) (22) (54) SYSTEM FOR CULTIVATING PLANTS OR VEGETABLES (71) Logiqs B.V. (74) ir. W.J.J.M. Kempes (72) Gerrit Johannes van Staalduinen (41) (51) A01J 5/01 A01J 5/013 (21) (22) (54) Melksysteem (71) Lely Patent N.V. (74) ir. M.J.F.M. Corten (72) Frans Emo Diderik van Halsema Gerard Mostert Rik Steenbergen (41) (51) A01J 5/01 A01J 5/08 (21) (22) (54) Melksysteem (71) Lely Patent N.V. (74) ir. M.J.F.M. Corten (72) Frans Emo Diderik van Halsema Gerard Mostert Rik Steenbergen (41) (51) A01J 5/013 (21) (22) (54) Melksysteem (71) Lely Patent N.V. (74) ir. M.J.F.M. Corten (72) Frans Emo Diderik van Halsema Gerard Mostert Rik Steenbergen (41) (51) A01J 5/013 A01J 5/08 (21) (22) (54) Melksysteem (71) Lely Patent N.V. (74) ir. M.J.F.M. Corten (72) Frans Emo Diderik van Halsema Gerard Mostert Rik Steenbergen (41) (51) A22C 21/06 (21) (22) (54) Vent cutter and method for cutting loose tissue around a vent of poultry (71) Meyn Food Processing Technology B.V. (74) mr. ir. J. van Breda c.s. (72) Cornelis Busch (41) (51) A47C 21/04 (21) (22) (54) bed (71) Pure-Development 1 B.V. (74) ir. C.M. Jansen c.s. (72) Barry van Doornewaard (41) (51) A61J 7/00 (21) (22) (54) CAPSULE COMPRISING A PROBIOTIC MICROORGANISM FOR USE IN A COMPOSITION PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION DEVICE (71) Nestle Skin Health SA (74) ir. P.J. Hylarides c.s. (72) Johannes Baensch (41) (31) (32) (51) A63C 17/02 (21) (22) (54) Verbeterde en afgeschermde regelinrichting, waarmee de vrije rotatie om de langsas van een aan een rolschaatsframe gemonteerde krukas met aan weersuiteinden diametraal overstaand gevormde krukken en daaraan draaibaar gemonteerde wielen wordt beperkt. (71) Wheelzz B.V. (72) J.W.M. Diekman (51) B23K 26/00 B23K 26/073 B23K 26/53 B23K 26/06 C03B 33/02 (21) (22) (54) APPARATUSES AND METHODS FOR LASER PROCESSING TRANSPARENT WORKPIECES USING NON- AXISYMMETRIC BEAM SPOTS (71) Corning Incorporated (74) ir. P.J. Hylarides c.s. (72) Garrett Andrew Piech Sergio Tsuda James Andrew West Ravindra Kumar Akarapu (41) (51) B29D 30/24 (21) (22) (54) Drum half, tire building machine and method for operating said tire building machine (71) VMI Holland B.V. (74) ir. F.A. Geurts c.s. (72) Martin de Graaf Dave Papot (41) (51) B62B 3/06 (21) (22) (54) Palletwagen (71) A.A. Gordijn Holding B.V. (74) ir. B.J. 't Jong (72) Christianus Cornelius Johannes Gordijn

8 Nummer 27/ juni 2018 (41) (51) B62H 5/10 B62H 5/08 (21) (22) (54) Fietsslot en combinatie van een fiets met een frame, een trapas, een aan de trapas bevestigde crank, en een fietsslot (71) Orange Ventures B.V. (74) ir. B.J. 't Jong (72) Petrus Agnes Albertus Maria Polet Nout Siemen Hogesteeger (41) (51) B63B 35/44 E21B 19/00 E21B 19/15 (21) (22) (54) Transferring items between decks fore and aft of a derrick of a drilling vessel (71) GustoMSC Resources B.V. (74) ir. C.M. Jansen c.s. (72) Sjoerd Maarten Hendriks Laurens Cornelis Claassen Wilhelmus Coenradus Johannes Jozephus Woldring (41) (51) B64C 39/02 (21) (22) (54) Insect elimination system and use thereof (71) Technische Universiteit Delft (74) ir. H.V. Mertens c.s. (72) Kevin George van Hecke Sjoerd Tijmons Bram Tijmons (41) (51) B66C 23/52 B63B 27/08 F16L 1/20 (21) (22) (54) Deep water hoisting device, and a method to lower a load to a deep sea level. (71) Heerema Marine Contractors Nederland SE (74) ir. H.V. Mertens c.s. (72) Erik van Hattem Tom Laurent Hubert Frijns (41) (51) C04B 26/02 B29C 67/24 B29C 70/64 B29L 31/10 B32B 5/02 C04B 35/638 (21) (22) (54) A method for manufacturing a slab (71) Innovative Stone Technologies B.V. (74) ir. J.M.G. Dohmen c.s. (72) Erik Schoneveld Arend Kuindert van Helden Laurens Wouter van Graafeiland (41) (51) E01F 13/12 E01F 13/08 E01F 13/06 (21) (22) (54) Inrichting voor het blokkeren en onklaar maken van voertuigen (71) Mr. Cees Kind (72) Mr. Cees Kind (51) E01F 15/08 (21) (22) (54) Barrier element and support structure for use in a barrier element (71) LAURA METAAL HOLDING B.V. (74) ir. H.Th. van den Heuvel c.s. (72) Nicky Joseph Gerardus Ramaekers Michael Sean van der Vlist (41) (51) E01F 15/08 (21) (22) (54) Mounting assembly for a traffic barrier and traffic barrier comprising a mounting assembly (71) LAURA METAAL HOLDING B.V. (74) ir. H.Th. van den Heuvel c.s. (72) Nicky Joseph Gerardus Ramaekers Michael Sean van der Vlist (41) (51) E02B 3/12 E02B 3/18 (21) (22) (54) Kunstmatig eiland en werkwijze voor het aanleggen van een kunstmatig eiland (71) Van Aalsburg Griendhouthandel B.V. (74) ir. B.J. 't Jong (72) Dick van Aalsburg (41) (51) E05B E05B 41/00 (21) (22) (54) Slot omvattende een statusindicator (71) Afkor NV (74) ir. A. Ferguson (72) Frederic Willems Yves Parent Johan Van Bruaene (41) (31) 2016/5945 (32) (33) Belgium (51) E21B 19/00 E21B 19/22 E21B 15/02 (21) (22) (54) AN OFFSHORE SUBSEA WELLBORE ACTIVITIES SYSTEM (71) Itrec B.V. (74) ir. H.V. Mertens c.s. (72) Diederick Bernardus Wijning Joop Roodenburg (41) (51) F24D 17/00 C02F 11/18 E03C 1/10 (21) (22) (54) Tapwaterbereider en werkwijze daarvoor (71) Energie Totaal Projecten B.V. (74) ir. M.F.J.M. Ketelaars c.s. (72) Marcel Klootwijk (41) (51) F24F 7/10 A01F 25/08 A01F 25/22 F24F 13/068 (21) (22) (54) Gebouw, samenstelling en vloerdeel (71) Bouwbedrijf Rovers B.V. (74) ir. P.J. Hylarides c.s. (72) Wilhelmus Adrianus Maria van Vonderen (41) (51) G01N 21/25 G01N 21/84 (21) (22) (54) Method and apparatus for detecting vegetation (71) Buisman Beheer (74) ir. C.M. Jansen c.s. (72) Jan Hendrik Tacoma Buisman (41) (51) G03B 15/06 G03B 15/08 (21) (22) (54) Optische doos, een verder kijkdoos, een doos waarin digitale beelden samenkomen met te plaatsen objecten in de doos. Door het plaatsen van een camera voor het kijkgat van de doos worden nieuwe beelden gecreëerd van het geheel. (71) Merle van de Veerdonk (72) Merle van de Veerdonk (41) (51) G03G 15/10 B41M 5/52 B41M 5/44 B41M 7/00 B41M 5/00 G03G 15/11 (21) (22) (54) Digital printing process and printed recording medium (71) Xeikon Manufacturing NV (74) ir. P.J. Hylarides c.s. (72) Wouter Jeroom Maria van Gaens Werner Jozef Johan Op de Beeck Lode Erik Dries Deprez Herman Jan Godelieve van de Straete Kurt Gustaaf Maria Mampaey Tomas Praet (41) (51) G06Q 10/08 B60P 3/00 (21) (22) (54) WERKWIJZE EN INRICHTING VOOR HET DISTRIBUEREN VAN PAKKETTEN (71) Mondia Beheer B.V. (72) Rudolf Gerardus Maria Keuren

9 Nummer 27/ juni 2018 (41) (51) G10H 1/00 G09F 25/00 (21) (22) (54) Inrichting voor het weergeven van een opgenomen auditieve boodschap (71) Bert Pennarts Marcus Jacobus Hunnekens (74) ir. H.Th. van den Heuvel c.s. (72) Bert Pennarts Marcus Jacobus Hunnekens (41) (51) H05B 37/02 (21) (22) (54) Intelligent, programmeerbaar en schakelbaar verlichtingssysteem met sensor(en). (71) Beleggingsmaatschappij Eldap B.V. (72) Joseph van Oosterum Serge Izaks (41)

10 Nummer 27/ juni 2018 NP2 Ingeschreven en verleende octrooien op grond van de Octrooiwet Contains data concerning Netherlands patents which have been entered in the patent register under the Patents Act (51) A01C 1/02 (11) (47) (22) (54) METHOD FOR SELECTING SEEDS INTENDED FOR SOWING (73) Rijk Zwaan Zaadteelt en Zaadhandel B.V. (72) Peter Wilhelmus Dorothea Reinders (74) ir. P.J. Hylarides c.s. (51) A01C 23/00 A01M 7/00 (11) (47) (22) (54) Mobiele mesttankinrichting en mobiele bemester voorzien van een mesttankinrichting (73) Vredo Beheer B.V. (72) Johannes de Vree (74) ir. P.J. Hylarides c.s. (51) A01D 87/12 (11) (47) (22) (54) Bale processing system and method for removing foil (73) Triodor Arge (72) Maarten Koorn Cosku Bas (74) ir. M.J.F.M. Corten (51) A01G 9/24 (11) (47) (22) (54) Greenhouse for growing of crop (73) FlowMotionDesign B.V. (72) Christian Simon Potma (74) mr. ir. J. van Breda c.s. (51) A01G 31/02 A01G 31/06 A01G 9/14 A01G 9/24 (11) (47) (22) (54) SYSTEM FOR CULTIVATING PLANTS OR VEGETABLES (73) Logiqs B.V. (72) Gerrit Johannes van Staalduinen (74) ir. W.J.J.M. Kempes (51) A01J 5/01 A01J 5/013 (11) (47) (22) (54) Melksysteem (73) Lely Patent N.V. (72) Frans Emo Diderik van Halsema Gerard Mostert Rik Steenbergen (74) ir. M.J.F.M. Corten (51) A01J 5/01 A01J 5/08 (11) (47) (22) (54) Melksysteem (73) Lely Patent N.V. (72) Frans Emo Diderik van Halsema Gerard Mostert Rik Steenbergen (74) ir. M.J.F.M. Corten (51) A01J 5/013 (11) (47) (22) (54) Melksysteem (73) Lely Patent N.V. (72) Frans Emo Diderik van Halsema Gerard Mostert Rik Steenbergen (74) ir. M.J.F.M. Corten (51) A01J 5/013 A01J 5/08 (11) (47) (22) (54) Melksysteem (73) Lely Patent N.V. (72) Frans Emo Diderik van Halsema Gerard Mostert Rik Steenbergen (74) ir. M.J.F.M. Corten (51) A22C 21/06 (11) (47) (22) (54) Vent cutter and method for cutting loose tissue around a vent of poultry (73) Meyn Food Processing Technology B.V. (72) Cornelis Busch (74) mr. ir. J. van Breda c.s. (51) A47C 21/04 (11) (47) (22) (54) bed (73) Pure-Development 1 B.V. (72) Barry van Doornewaard (74) ir. C.M. Jansen c.s. (51) A61J 7/00 (11) (47) (22) (54) CAPSULE COMPRISING A PROBIOTIC MICROORGANISM FOR USE IN A COMPOSITION PRODUCTION AND DISTRIBUTION DEVICE (73) Nestle Skin Health SA (72) Johannes Baensch (74) ir. P.J. Hylarides c.s. (31) (32) (51) A63C 17/02 (11) (47) (22) (54) Verbeterde en afgeschermde regelinrichting, waarmee de vrije rotatie om de langsas van een aan een rolschaatsframe gemonteerde krukas met aan weersuiteinden diametraal overstaand gevormde krukken en daaraan draaibaar gemonteerde wielen wordt beperkt. (73) Wheelzz B.V. (72) J.W.M. Diekman (51) B23K 26/00 B23K 26/073 B23K 26/53 B23K 26/06 C03B 33/02 (11) (47) (22) (54) APPARATUSES AND METHODS FOR LASER PROCESSING TRANSPARENT WORKPIECES USING NON- AXISYMMETRIC BEAM SPOTS (73) Corning Incorporated (72) Garrett Andrew Piech Sergio Tsuda James Andrew West Ravindra Kumar Akarapu (74) ir. P.J. Hylarides c.s. (51) B29D 30/24 (11) (47) (22) (54) Drum half, tire building machine and method for operating said tire building machine (73) VMI Holland B.V. (72) Martin de Graaf Dave Papot (74) ir. F.A. Geurts c.s. (51) B62B 3/06 (11) (47) (22) (54) Palletwagen (73) A.A. Gordijn Holding B.V. (72) Christianus Cornelius Johannes Gordijn (74) ir. B.J. 't Jong (51) B62H 5/10 B62H 5/08 (11) (47) (22)

11 Nummer 27/ juni 2018 (54) Fietsslot en combinatie van een fiets met een frame, een trapas, een aan de trapas bevestigde crank, en een fietsslot (73) Orange Ventures B.V. (72) Petrus Agnes Albertus Maria Polet Nout Siemen Hogesteeger (74) ir. B.J. 't Jong (51) B63B 35/44 E21B 19/00 E21B 19/15 (11) (47) (22) (54) Transferring items between decks fore and aft of a derrick of a drilling vessel (73) GustoMSC Resources B.V. (72) Sjoerd Maarten Hendriks Laurens Cornelis Claassen Wilhelmus Coenradus Johannes Jozephus Woldring (74) ir. C.M. Jansen c.s. (51) B64C 39/02 (11) (47) (22) (54) Insect elimination system and use thereof (73) Technische Universiteit Delft (72) Kevin George van Hecke Sjoerd Tijmons Bram Tijmons (74) ir. H.V. Mertens c.s. (51) B66C 23/52 B63B 27/08 F16L 1/20 (11) (47) (22) (54) Deep water hoisting device, and a method to lower a load to a deep sea level. (73) Heerema Marine Contractors Nederland SE (72) Erik van Hattem Tom Laurent Hubert Frijns (74) ir. H.V. Mertens c.s. (51) C04B 26/02 B29C 67/24 B29C 70/64 B29L 31/10 B32B 5/02 C04B 35/638 (11) (47) (22) (54) A method for manufacturing a slab (73) Innovative Stone Technologies B.V. (72) Erik Schoneveld Arend Kuindert van Helden Laurens Wouter van Graafeiland (74) ir. J.M.G. Dohmen c.s. (51) E01F 13/12 E01F 13/08 E01F 13/06 (11) (47) (22) (54) Inrichting voor het blokkeren en onklaar maken van voertuigen (73) Mr. Cees Kind (72) Mr. Cees Kind (51) E01F 15/08 (11) (47) (22) (54) Mounting assembly for a traffic barrier and traffic barrier comprising a mounting assembly (73) LAURA METAAL HOLDING B.V. (72) Nicky Joseph Gerardus Ramaekers Michael Sean van der Vlist (74) ir. H.Th. van den Heuvel c.s. (51) E01F 15/08 (11) (47) (22) (54) Barrier element and support structure for use in a barrier element (73) LAURA METAAL HOLDING B.V. (72) Nicky Joseph Gerardus Ramaekers Michael Sean van der Vlist (74) ir. H.Th. van den Heuvel c.s. (51) E02B 3/12 E02B 3/18 (11) (47) (22) (54) Kunstmatig eiland en werkwijze voor het aanleggen van een kunstmatig eiland (73) Van Aalsburg Griendhouthandel B.V. (72) Dick van Aalsburg (74) ir. B.J. 't Jong (51) E05B E05B 41/00 (11) (47) (22) (54) Slot omvattende een statusindicator (73) Afkor NV (72) Frederic Willems Yves Parent Johan Van Bruaene (74) ir. A. Ferguson (31) 2016/5945 (32) (33) Belgium (51) E21B 19/00 E21B 19/22 E21B 15/02 (11) (47) (22) (54) AN OFFSHORE SUBSEA WELLBORE ACTIVITIES SYSTEM (73) Itrec B.V. (72) Diederick Bernardus Wijning Joop Roodenburg (74) ir. H.V. Mertens c.s. (51) F24D 17/00 C02F 11/18 E03C 1/10 (11) (47) (22) (54) Tapwaterbereider en werkwijze daarvoor (73) Energie Totaal Projecten B.V. (72) Marcel Klootwijk (74) ir. M.F.J.M. Ketelaars c.s. (51) F24F 7/10 A01F 25/08 A01F 25/22 F24F 13/068 (11) (47) (22) (54) Gebouw, samenstelling en vloerdeel (73) Bouwbedrijf Rovers B.V. (72) Wilhelmus Adrianus Maria van Vonderen (74) ir. P.J. Hylarides c.s. (51) G01N 21/25 G01N 21/84 (11) (47) (22) (54) Method and apparatus for detecting vegetation (73) Buisman Beheer (72) Jan Hendrik Tacoma Buisman (74) ir. C.M. Jansen c.s. (51) G03B 15/06 G03B 15/08 (11) (47) (22) (54) Optische doos, een verder kijkdoos, een doos waarin digitale beelden samenkomen met te plaatsen objecten in de doos. Door het plaatsen van een camera voor het kijkgat van de doos worden nieuwe beelden gecreëerd van het geheel. (73) Merle van de Veerdonk (72) Merle van de Veerdonk (51) G03G 15/10 B41M 5/52 B41M 5/44 B41M 7/00 B41M 5/00 G03G 15/11 (11) (47) (22) (54) Digital printing process and printed recording medium (73) Xeikon Manufacturing NV (72) Wouter Jeroom Maria van Gaens Werner Jozef Johan Op de Beeck Lode Erik Dries Deprez Herman Jan Godelieve van de Straete Kurt Gustaaf Maria Mampaey Tomas Praet (74) ir. P.J. Hylarides c.s. (51) G06Q 10/08 B60P 3/00 (11) (47) (22) (54) WERKWIJZE EN INRICHTING VOOR HET DISTRIBUEREN VAN PAKKETTEN (73) Mondia Beheer B.V. (72) Rudolf Gerardus Maria Keuren (51) G10H 1/00 G09F 25/00 (11) (47)

12 Nummer 27/ juni 2018 (22) (54) Inrichting voor het weergeven van een opgenomen auditieve boodschap (73) Bert Pennarts Marcus Jacobus Hunnekens (72) Bert Pennarts Marcus Jacobus Hunnekens (74) ir. H.Th. van den Heuvel c.s. (51) H05B 37/02 (11) (47) (22) (54) Intelligent, programmeerbaar en schakelbaar verlichtingssysteem met sensor(en). (73) Beleggingsmaatschappij Eldap B.V. (72) Joseph van Oosterum Serge Izaks

13 Nummer 27/ juni 2018 NP3 Nederlandse octrooien na gedeeltelijke afstand conform artikel 63 van de Octrooiwet Contains data concerning Netherlands patents which have been entered in the patent register (after limitation procedure) under the Patents Act 1995.

14 Nummer 27/ juni 2018 EP1 Vertaalde conclusies van Europese octrooiaanvragen. Contains data concerning translations of the claims of European patent applications.

15 Nummer 27/ juni 2018 EP2 Voor Nederland verleende Europese octrooien. Contains data concerning European patents granted for The Netherlands. (51) A01B 33/02 (11) EP (21) EP (87) JP (22) (54) WALKING TYPE MANAGEMENT MACHINE (73) Yanmar Co., Ltd. (72) NAKANO, Masanori NISHIMURA, Shuji MATSUZAWA, Takeharu NAKAMURA, Tadayoshi (31) (32) (51) A01B 33/02 G05G 5/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Electric cultivators (73) Makita Corporation (72) Tozawa, Katsumi Takeda, Shigeru (31) (32) (51) A01B 63/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) SOIL-WORKING MACHINE WHICH IS MOBILE AND/OR CAN BE MOUNTED ON A CARRIER VEHICLE (73) Stehr Baumaschinen GmbH (72) STEHR, Juergen (31) U (32) (51) A01B 69/00 A01B 79/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) AGRICULTURAL WORKING MACHINE (73) Amazonen-Werke H. Dreyer GmbH & Co. KG (72) ENGE, Tobias MINDRUP, Tobias WESSELS, Thomas (31) (32) (51) A01B 79/00 A01C 21/00 (51) A01C 17/00 A01C 7/04 (11) EP (11) EP (21) EP (21) EP (22) (22) (54) METHOD FOR DETERMINING THE (54) METHOD OF OPERATING A PLANTING DISTRIBUTION CHARACTERISTICS OF MACHINE AND PLANTING MACHINE A DISTRIBUTION MACHINE (73) Deere & Company (73) Amazonen-Werke H. Dreyer GmbH & Co. (72) Kirtley, Daniel KG Garner, Elijah B. (72) Rahe, Florian Natarajan, Kamalakannan Wessels, Thomas (31) P Ströbel-Fröschle, Markus Ruschmeier, Kai (32) (31) (32) (51) A01C 17/00 (51) A01C 7/04 A01C 21/00 (11) EP (11) EP (21) EP (21) EP (22) (22) (54) ARRANGEMENT OF A SEED METERING (54) METHOD FOR DISTRIBUTING DEVICE ON AN AGRICULTURAL FERTILIZER WITH A CENTRIFUGAL MACHINE SPREADER (73) Väderstad Holding AB (73) Amazonen-Werke H. Dreyer GmbH & Co. (72) Gilstring, Gert KG (31) (72) Dreyer, Justus (32) Johannaber, Stefan Jan (33) Sweden Kleine-Hartlage, Hubertus (51) A01C 7/08 Rahe, Florian A01C 15/04 (31) (11) EP (32) (21) EP (51) A01C 17/00 (22) A01C 21/00 (54) PNEUMATIC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM (11) EP AND VEHICLE WITH SUCH (21) EP (73) Deere & Company (72) Borkgren, Stanley R. (22) (31) (54) METHOD FOR DISTRIBUTING (32) FERTILIZER WITH A CENTRIFUGAL SPREADER (51) A01C 15/00 (73) Amazonen-Werke H. Dreyer GmbH & Co. (11) EP KG (21) EP (72) Dreyer, Justus Johannaber, Stefan Jan (22) Kleine-Hartlage, Hubertus (54) Method and device for transferring bulk Rahe, Florian material from a storage vessel into a working (31) container having multiple separate container (32) sections (73) RAUCH Landmaschinenfabrik GmbH (51) A01C 21/00 (72) Rauch, Norbert, Dr. A01B 79/00 Speth, Fritz A01C 7/04 Fritz, Sascha (11) EP Zeitvogel, Thomas (21) EP (31) (32) (22)

16 Nummer 27/ juni 2018 (54) PLANTING MACHINE AND METHOD FOR CONTROLLING SUCH PLANTING MACHINE (73) Deere & Company (72) RYLANDER, David J. (31) (32) (51) A01C 21/00 A01C 7/08 A01C 7/10 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Twin-row multiple variety planter and method of use (73) Deere & Company (72) Frasier, Michael E. Landphair, Donald K. Rylander, Dave J. Peterson, James R. Brockmann, Thomas C. Garner, Elijah b (31) (32) (51) A01D 34/135 A01D 34/14 A01D 34/30 A01D 34/404 A01D 34/408 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) CUTTER BAR HAVING A SCISSOR WITH DOUBLE RECIPROCATING MOTION (73) BCS S.p.A. (72) OMODEO VANONE, Fabrizio (31) UB (32) (33) Italy (51) A01D 34/416 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) CRUCIFORM TRIMMER LINE (73) Yao I Fabric Co., Ltd. (72) Liu, Yen-Ting (31) (32) (33) Taiwan, Province of China (51) A01D 34/73 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) LAWN MOWER WITH BLADE DISC (73) Honda Motor Co., Ltd. (72) KASAI, Koji UCHITANI, Hiroaki SASAKI, Hideshi (31) (32) (51) A01D 34/90 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) GRASS TRIMMER (73) Chervon (HK) Limited (72) Yamaoka, Toshinari Nie, Fangjie Guo, Jianpeng (31) U U (32) (33) China China China China (51) A01D 41/14 A01D 75/20 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) PROTECTION DEVICE OF A HEADER OF A HARVESTER AND HARVESTER WITH SUCH A PROTECTION DEVICE (73) CLAAS Saulgau GmbH (72) Valtwies, Bernd Fischer, Josef Kleck, Jens (31) (32) (51) A01D 43/073 A01D 43/08 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Operating system for and method of operating a controllable transfer device for harvested goods (73) CLAAS E-Systems KGaA mbh & Co KG (72) Madsen, Tommy Ertbolle Amhild, Kim Steen, Sören (51) A01D 65/02 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Lifter for crops (73) Gebr. Schumacher Gerätebaugesellschaft mbh (72) Höller, Frank Schumacher, Friedrich-Wilhelm (31) (32) (51) A01D 75/00 A01D 43/073 A01D 43/08 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Self-propelled harvester and vehicle combination (73) CLAAS Selbstfahrende Erntemaschinen GmbH (72) Krause, Thiilo Middelberg, René (31) (32) (51) A01D 75/18 A01D 89/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT AND METHOD FOR EJECTING A FOREIGN OBJECT (73) CNH Industrial Belgium N.V. (72) DEPESTEL, Bernard E. D. BYTTEBIER, Ward M. R. VAN BELLEGHEM, Stijn (31) (32) (33) Belgium (51) A01D 85/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) A CARRIAGE ASSEMBLY, A BALER AND A METHOD FOR DEPLOYING THE CARRIAGE ASSEMBLY (73) Deere & Company (72) Kraus, Timothy J Anstey, Henry D (31) (32) (51) A01F 15/08 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR TAGGING BALES AND SYSTEM FOR IDENTIFYING AND TRACKING BALES (73) CNH Industrial Belgium nv (72) SMITH, Kevin FOSTER, Christopher (31) (32) (51) A01F 15/08 A01D 34/56 A01D 34/76 A01D 69/00 A01D 69/08 F16H 7/00

17 Nummer 27/ juni 2018 F16H 7/08 F16H 7/12 A01D 69/03 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) DRIVE SYSTEM AND METHOD WITH SUCH (73) Deere & Company (72) Anstey, Henry, D Derscheid, Daniel, E (31) (32) (51) A01F 15/14 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) CALIBRATION SYSTEM FOR A TENSIONING SYSTEM ON A SQUARE BALER AND METHOD FOR SUCH (73) Deere & Company (72) Chaney, Nathan A (31) (32) (51) A01F 15/14 B65B 27/12 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) STRAP GRIPPER FOR AN AGRICULTURAL BALER (73) CNH Industrial America LLC (72) RIZZON, Dominick Brian LOUNDER, Joshua Lee CRANDALL, Robert D. O'DONNELL, Shaun Ahrens (31) P (32) (51) A01G 3/04 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Device and method for removing plant pieces (73) ERO-GERÄTEBAU GmbH (72) Erbach, Michael (31) (32) (51) A01G 3/08 A01D 46/26 A01G 17/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Device for thinning out fruit trees (73) Betz, Adolf (72) Betz, Adolf (31) (32) (51) A01G 7/06 (11) EP (21) EP (87) IB (22) (54) TREE INJECTION APPARATUS AND METHODS (73) Syngenta Participations AG (72) OBRIST, Gery WYSS, Peter (31) P (32) (51) A01G 9/00 A01G 31/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) WOOD FIBRE MAT FOR USE AS PLANT SUBSTRATE (73) SWISS KRONO Tec AG (72) PFEIFFER, Sabrina KALWA, Norbert (51) A01G 9/02 (11) EP (21) EP (87) JP (22) (54) HYDROCULTURE POT (73) Muranaka, Masahiro (72) Muranaka, Masahiro (31) (32) (51) A01G 9/24 (11) EP (21) EP (87) FI (22) (54) APPARATUS FOR THE GROWING OF PLANTS (73) Naturvention OY (72) JÄRVINEN, Niko SOUDUNSAARI, Aki (31) (32) (33) Finland (51) A01G 25/09 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) A SPRINKLER IRRIGATION PLANT WITH A SELF-PROPELLING DRUM AND A ACTIVATING METHOD (73) Irrimec S.r.l. (72) Turion, Jean Claude (31) UB (32) (33) Italy (51) A01G 31/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) NL (22) (54) GROWTH SUBSTRATE FOR PLANTS (73) Synbra Technology B.V. (72) NOORDEGRAAF, Jan DE JONG, Josephus Petrus Maria VAN DEN HOONAARD, Kenneth DE BRUIJN, Peter MOLENVELD, Karin BALTISSEN, Ton (31) (32) (33) Netherlands (51) A01J 5/00 A01J 5/007 A01J 5/003 A01J 5/017 (11) EP (21) EP (87) SE (22) (54) A MILKING PARLOUR FOR ANIMALS (73) DeLaval Holding AB (72) BIRK, Uzi AXELSSON, Thomas (31) P (32) (33) Sweden (51) A01J 5/017 (11) EP (21) EP (87) NL (22) (54) GRIPPER FOR ARRANGING TEAT CUPS ON AN ANIMAL FOR MILKING, ROBOT ARM AND MILKING MACHINE PROVIDED THEREWITH, AND METHOD THEREFOR (73) Technologies Holdings Corporation (72) BERGHUIS, Raymond Roger HOFMAN, Henk (31) (32) (33) Netherlands (51) A01K 1/01 A01K 1/015 A01K 23/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) JP (22)

18 Nummer 27/ juni 2018 (54) COVER MEMBER FOR PET TOILET (31) SEATS AND PET TOILET USING SAME (32) (73) Unicharm Corporation (72) HASEGAWA, Satoshi (51) A01K 67/027 MATSUO, Takayuki (11) EP (31) (21) EP (32) (87) US (51) A01K 1/ (11) EP (22) (21) EP (54) HUMAN SIRPalpha TRANSGENIC ANIMALS AND THEIR METHODS OF (22) USE (54) BEDDING FOR LIVESTOCK (73) Yale University, Inc. (73) Edilfloor S.p.A. (72) FLAVELL, Richard, A. (72) Campagnolo, Rinaldo STROWIG, Till (31) VI EYNON, Elizabeth (32) PHILBRICK, William (33) Italy MANZ, Markus G. (51) A01K 1/03 (31) P G01N 1/22 (32) G01N 1/00 (11) EP (51) A01M 1/14 (21) EP A01M 1/02 (11) EP (22) (21) EP (54) METHOD AND DEVICE FOR IMPROVED HYGIENIC MONITORING IN IVC (22) SYSTEMS (54) BED BUG MONITOR (73) Tecniplast S.p.A. (73) ECOLAB INC. Helmholtz Zentrum München Deutsches (72) LANG, Jason Gregory Forschungszentrum für Gesundheit und OLSON (FILLIPEK), Joelle Francine Umwelt GmbH BARCEY, Steven John (72) Brielmeier, Markus (31) P Nagel, Wolfgang (32) Zorn, Julia Campiotti, Alfredo (51) A01M 1/20 Milite, Gianpaolo A01N 53/00 Di Martino, Carmelo A01N 25/10 (31) UB A01N 25/18 (32) A01N 25/00 (33) Italy A61L 9/04 (51) A01K 15/02 A61L 9/12 (11) EP (11) EP (21) EP (21) EP (22) (22) (54) Cost-effective system for measuring the (54) Fan type chemicals diffusing apparatus voluntary distance travelled by mice (73) FUMAKILLA LIMITED (73) Preclinics Gesellschaft für präklinische (72) Yamasaki, Satoshi Forschung mbh Yamamoto, Kazunori (72) Füner, Jonas Matsuda, Atsushi Odau, Simone (31) (51) A01K 29/ (11) EP (21) EP (32) (87) US (22) (54) METHOD OF EVALUATING EXCREMENT FROM GROUP-HOUSED Japan COMPANION ANIMALS Japan (73) IAMS Europe B.V. Japan (72) GREENE, Jeffrey, Hayden (51) A01M 7/00 ADAMS, Kimberly, Marie (11) EP GOUBEAUX, Charlie, Thomas (21) EP MANOS, Susan, C. (22) (54) SPRAYER (73) Deere & Company (72) Mellin, Michael J (31) (32) (51) A01N 1/02 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) CRYOPRESERVATION TOOLS AND METHODS (73) FertiPro N.V. (72) Comhaire, Sven Comhaire, Björn Eertmans, Frank Bogaert, Veerle (31) (32) (51) A01N 25/30 C07C 233/35 C11D 1/52 C11D 1/62 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) AGRICULTURAL COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING A TERTIARY AMIDE AS ADJUVANT OR AS SURFACTANT (73) Taminco (72) BUYSE, Kurt MOONEN, Kristof (31) (32) (51) A01N 31/02 A01N 47/28 A01N 63/02 A01N 37/46 A01N 35/02 A01P 5/00 C05G 3/02 C05B 17/00 C05C 9/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) TREATED BIODIESEL GLYCERIN (73) Auburn University (72) Rodriguez-Kabana, Rodrigo Walker, Robert H. (31) P P P P (32)

19 Nummer 27/ juni 2018 (51) A01N 33/12 A01N 33/24 A01N 47/44 A61L 2/235 (11) EP (21) EP (87) GB (22) (54) BIOCIDAL COMPOSITION COMPRISING A BIGUANIDE POLYMER, A QUATERNARY AMMONIUM SALT AND A TERTIARY AMINE OXIDE (73) Bio Technics Limited (72) EVANS, David Thomas HOWE, Timothy Mark (31) (32) (33) United Kingdom (51) A01N 33/12 C07C 213/04 C07C 217/08 C07C 215/40 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) PROCESS FOR PREPARING CHOLINE HYDROXIDE FROM TRIMETHYLAMINE AND ETHYLENE OXIDE (73) Dow AgroSciences LLC (72) LI, Ruokang DIXIT, Ravindra S. PATEL, Avani M. CHEN, Xiaoyun PELL, Randy J. PENDERGAST, John G. (31) P P (32) (51) A01N 35/02 A01P 3/00 A01N 43/16 (11) EP (21) EP (87) JP (22) (54) PLANT DISEASE CONTROL AGENT COMPRISING D-TAGATOSE AS ACTIVE INGREDIENT, AND PLANT DISEASE CONTROL METHOD (73) Mitsui Chemicals Agro, Inc. National University Corporation Kagawa University (72) OHARA, Toshiaki ISHIDA, Yutaka KUDOU, Rika KAKIBUCHI, Kazumasa AKIMITSU, Kazuya IZUMORI, Ken TAJIMA, Shigeyuki (31) (32) (51) A01N 37/02 A01N 47/36 A01N 47/38 A01P 13/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) HERBICIDE COMBINATION COMPRISING PELARGONIC ACID AND ALS-INHIBITORS (73) Bayer CropScience Aktiengesellschaft (72) KILIAN, Michael MARIENHAGEN, Christian (31) (32) (51) A01N 37/12 A01P 7/04 A01N 25/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) JP (22) (54) USE OF A CONTROL AGENT FOR PLANT PEST AND/OR PLANT DISEASE (73) Riken (72) ARIMOTO Yutaka KASHIMA Takayuki (31) (32) (51) A01N 37/38 A01N 37/48 A01N 41/02 A01N 41/10 A01N 43/20 C07C 255/57 C07C 323/12 A01N 37/34 C07C 255/41 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) SUBSTITUTED (3R,4R)-4-CYAN-3,4- DIPHENYLBUTANOATES, METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION THEREOF AND USE THEREOF AS HERBICIDES AND PLANT GROWTH REGULATORS (73) Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH (72) JAKOBI, Harald MOSRIN, Marc GATZWEILER, Elmar HÄUSER-HAHN, Isolde HEINEMANN, Ines ROSINGER, Christopher Hugh ANGERMANN, Alfred HOFFMANN, Michael Gerhard SCHNATTERER, Stefan ZEIß, Hans-Joachim (31) P (32) (51) A01N 43/40 A01N 47/36 A01P 7/04 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) HERBICIDAL MIXTURES (73) BASF SE (72) Zagar, Cyrill Burnhams, Adam Dombo, Peter Landes, Andreas Sievernich, Bernd Vantieghem, Herve R. (31) P (32) (51) A01N 43/653 A01N 25/32 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) METHOD FOR SAFENING (73) Syngenta Participations AG (72) GODWIN, Jeremy Robert HEMING, Alexander Mark SCHNEITER, Peter (31) (32) (33) United Kingdom (51) A01N 63/04 C05F 5/00 C12N 1/16 C09K 17/16 C09K 17/32 C05C 9/00 C12N 1/18 (11) EP (21) EP (87) JP (22) (54) METHOD FOR PRODUCING A REDUCING MIXTURE DERIVED FROM MICROORGANISMS WHICH HAS AN OXIDATION-REDUCTION POTENTIAL OF 0MV OR LESS (73) Asahi Group Holdings, Ltd. (72) KITAGAWA Takanori IWABUCHI Chikako HONMA Daiki MAEKAWA Yoshio

20 Nummer 27/ juni 2018 (31) (32) (51) A01N 65/03 A01N 37/44 A01P 21/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) AGRICULTURAL COMPOSITION FOR STIMULATING THE NITROGEN METABOLISM OF PLANTS, COMPRISING A SEAWEED EXTRACT OF THE LAMINARIA GENUS AND GLUTAMIC ACID, CORRESPONDING METHODS AND USES (73) BIO3G (72) GUILLERMOU, Marc LEVIVIER, Sylvie KLARZYNSKI, Olivier LEPORT, M. Laurent BOUCHEREAU, Alain (31) (32) (33) France (51) A01P 13/00 A01N 25/00 A01N 37/40 A01N 25/30 A01N 57/20 A01N 25/06 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) A COMPOSITION COMPRISING DICAMBA AND A DRIFT CONTROL AGENT COMPRISING AT LEAST ONE FATTY ALCOHOL (73) BASF SE (72) STAAL, Maarten CANNAN, Terrance (31) P (32) European Patent Office (EPO) (51) A21B 3/13 A21C 13/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) RECEPTACLE FOR DOUGH PIECES, FOR EXAMPLE FOR LEAVENING THE LATTER (73) Birnbaum-Kaiser, Maria Magdalena (72) BIRNBAUM-KAISER, Maria Magdalena JOHANNSEN, Julia BIRNBAUM, Martha Diana BIRNBAUM, Ernst Christoph (51) A21D 13/42 A21D 8/04 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) ANTISTALING PROCESS FOR FLAT BREAD (73) Novozymes A/S (72) FORMAN, Todd Michael EVANSON, Daniel N. (31) P (32) (51) A22B 5/00 A22C 9/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) PL (22) (54) DIRECT CURRENT MEAT CARCASS ELECTRICAL STIMULATION ASSEMBLY (73) Bluevent Air Systems Sp. z.o.o. (72) GIELNIAK, Igor (31) (32) (33) Poland (51) A22C 11/00 B65B 13/26 B65B 25/06 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Device for helically strapping a good (73) INOX Meccanica S.R.L. Martin Weinert Maschinenbau GmbH (72) Weinert, Martin Bonatti, Luca (31) (32) (51) A22C 13/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) CA (22) (54) VEGETABLE CASING FILM (73) Living Cell Research Inc. (72) MACQUARRIE, Reg (51) A22C 21/00 A22C 17/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) POSITIONING DEVICE FOR POSITIONING POULTRY LEGS CONVEYED IN A ROW ALONG A CONVEYING TRACK AS WELL AS METHOD COMPRISING POSITIONING FOR REMOVING THIGH MEAT FROM POULTRY LEGS (73) Linco Food Systems A/S (72) EBBERS, Hermanus Godefridus Wilhelmus GIEZEN, Wilhelmus Henricus Berendina (51) A23D 7/005 A23D 7/01 A21D 2/16 A21D 8/02 A23D 7/02 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Fat-continuous bakery emulsion (73) CSM Bakery Solutions Europe Holding B.V. (72) Demeurisse, Jeroen Stronati, Raffaele (51) A23D 7/01 A61K 8/06 A61K 9/107 A61K 9/12 B01F 17/00 A61K 8/362 A61K 8/73 A61Q 19/00 A61K 47/26 A61K 8/02 A23D 7/005 A61K 47/36 A23P 10/30 A23P 10/35 A23P 30/40 A23L 29/10 A23L 27/00 A23L 5/40 A23L 33/115 A23L 33/15 (11) EP (21) EP (87) SE (22) (54) NEW PARTICLE STABILIZED EMULSIONS AND FOAMS (73) Speximo AB (72) DEJMEK, Petr TIMGREN, Anna SJÖÖ, Malin RAYNER, Marilyn (31) (32) (33) Sweden (51) A23D 9/007 A23D 9/02 A23L 5/00 A23L 29/262 A61K 8/73 A61K 8/92 A61K 9/06 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22)

21 Nummer 27/ juni 2018 (54) PROCESS FOR PREPARING AN OLEOGEL (73) Dow Global Technologies LLC (72) ERGUN, Roja APPELL, Robert B. MALOTKY, David L. (31) P (32) (51) A23D 9/02 C11B 3/02 C11B 3/12 C11B 13/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) ES (22) (54) PROCEDURE OF PHYSICAL REFINING UTILISED FOR OBTAINMENT OF EDIBLE OLIVE POMACE OIL CONCENTRATED IN TRITERPENIC ACIDS AND RECOVERY OF FUNCTIONAL COMPONENTS PRESENT IN THE CRUDE OIL (73) Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) Oleicola El Tejar, S.C.A. (72) RUIZ MÉNDEZ, Mª Victoria DOBARGANES GARCÍA, Mª Carmen SÁNCHEZ MORAL, Pedro (31) (32) (33) Spain (51) A23F 5/38 A23L 2/395 A23G 1/56 A23C 9/18 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) AN INSTANT BEVERAGE TABLET FOR PRODUCING A LAYERED BEVERAGE (73) Nestec S.A. (72) FORNY, Laurent FRIES, Lennart MEUNIER, Vincent NIEDERREITER, Gerhard PALZER, Stefan REH, Christoph (31) (32) (51) A23G 1/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) IT (22) (54) "PROCESS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF CHOCOLATE" (73) Soremartec S.A. (72) Lico, Franco (31) MI (32) (33) Italy (51) A23G 1/00 A23G 3/00 A23G 7/00 A23G 1/20 A23G 1/22 A23G 3/02 A23G 7/02 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Method for manufacturing a confectionery product (73) Kraft Foods R & D, Inc. (72) Weers, Michael Gustav, Thorsten Oezmutlu, Oezlem (51) A23G 4/08 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) GUM BASES COMPRISING BLOCK COPOLYMERS (73) Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company (72) LIU, Jingping PHILLIPS, David MORGRET, Les BRAS, Rafael, E (31) P P (32) (51) A23J 1/14 A23P 30/40 A23L 29/212 A23L 9/10 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) LENTIL-DERIVED FOAMING AGENT AND FOAMABLE COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING SUCH FOAMING AGENT (73) Unilever NV (72) BIALEK, Jadwiga, Malgorzata VAN DER HIJDEN, Hendrikus, Theodorus, W, M KHALLOUFI, Seddik NIEMAN, Gerrit VREEKER, Robert (31) (32) (51) A23K 20/158 A23K 50/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) ES (22) (54) METHOD FOR PRODUCING PROTECTED COMPOSITIONS FOR ANIMAL FEED (73) Norel, S.A. (72) PABLOS PÉREZ, Enrique (31) (32) (33) Spain (51) A23K 40/00 A23K 20/20 A23K 10/16 A23K 50/60 A23K 50/75 A23K 50/30 (11) EP (21) EP (87) CN (22) (54) FEED PREMIX CONTAINING MULTIPLE TRACE ELEMENTS AND PREPARING METHOD THEREOF (73) Angel Yeast Co., Ltd. (72) YU, Xuefeng LI, Zhihong YU, Minghua YAO, Juan TAN, Bin (31) (32) (33) China (51) A23K 50/80 A23K 20/10 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) FEED FOR FISH COMPRISING CARVACROL AND OPTIONALLY SALVIA EXTRACT (73) Nutreco IP Assets B.V. (72) KOPPE, Wolfgang OBACH, Alex FONTANILLAS, Ramon (31) (32) (33) United Kingdom (51) A23L 2/56 A23L 2/60 A23L 27/00 A23L 27/20 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) SOLUBILIZATION OF A SWEET MODULATOR AND FLAVOR (73) Firmenich SA (72) BEAUSSOUBRE, Pascal FIEBER, Wolfgang (31) P (32)

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