Nummer 30/18 18 juli 2018

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1 Nummer 30/18 18 juli 2018

2 Nummer 30/ juli 2018 Inleiding Hoofdblad Het Blad de Industriële Eigendom verschijnt op de derde werkdag van een week. Indien Octrooicentrum Nederland op deze dag is gesloten, wordt de verschijningsdag van het blad verschoven naar de eerstvolgende werkdag, waarop Octrooicentrum Nederland is geopend. Het blad verschijnt alleen in elektronische vorm. Elk nummer van het blad bestaat uit 14 rubrieken. Bijblad Verschijnt vier keer per jaar (januari, april, juli, oktober) in elektronische vorm via octrooien. Het Bijblad bevat officiële mededelingen en andere wetenswaardigheden waarmee Octrooicentrum Nederland en zijn klanten te maken hebben. Abonnementsprijzen per (kalender)jaar: Hoofdblad en Bijblad: verschijnt gratis in elektronische vorm op de website van Octrooicentrum Nederland. Bezoekadres: Octrooicentrum Nederland Prinses Beatrixlaan AL Den Haag Postadres Postbus HJ Den Haag Telefoon: Bankrekeningnummer: Voor taksen en depotrekeningen: ING Iban: NL41INGB BIC: INGBNL2A Introduction Patent Bulletin The Patent Bulletin appears on the 3rd working day of each week. If the Netherlands Patent Office is closed to the public on the above mentioned day, the date of issue of the Bulletin is the first working day thereafter, on which the Office is open. Each issue of the Bulletin consists of 14 headings. Official Journal Appears four times a year (January, April, July, October) in electronic form on the octrooien. The Official Journal contains announcements and other things worth knowing for the benefit of the Netherlands Patent Office and its customers. Subscription rates per calendar year: Patent Bulletin and Official Journal: free of charge in electronic form on the website of the Netherlands Patent Office. Visiting address: Netherlands Patent Office Prinses Beatrixlaan AL Den Haag Postadress Post Office Box: HJ Den Haag Telephone: +31(0) Account: Fees, deposit accounts: ING Iban: NL41INGB BIC: INGBNL2A

3 Nummer 30/ juli 2018 Inhoudsopgave Blz. Content Page Rubriek NP1 Bevat gegevens betreffende octrooiaanvragen die zijn ingeschreven op grond van de Octrooiwet Rubriek NP2 Bevat gegevens betreffende ingeschreven en verleende octrooien op grond van de Octrooiwet Heading NP1 Contains data concerning Netherlands patent applications which have been entered in the patent register under the Patents Act Heading NP2 Contains data concerning Netherlands patents which have been entered in the patent register under the Patents Act Rubriek NP3 Bevat gegevens betreffende Nederlandse octrooien na gedeeltelijke afstand conform artikel 63 van de Octrooiwet Heading NP3 Contains data concerning Netherlands patents after partial renunciation confirm Article 63 of the Patents Act Rubriek EP1 Bevat gegevens betreffende vertaalde conclusies van Europese octrooiaanvragen. Rubriek EP2 Bevat gegevens betreffende voor Nederland verleende Europese octrooien. 10 Heading EP1 Contains data concerning translations of the conclusions of European patent applications. 11 Heading EP2 Contains data concerning European patents granted for The Netherlands Rubriek EP3 Bevat gegevens betreffende voor Nederland verleende Europese octrooien waarvoor een vertaling is ingediend conform artikel 52 lid 1 of 6 van de Octrooiwet Heading EP3 Contains data concerning European patents granted for The Netherlands in which a translation was filed confirm Article 52 par. 1 or 6 of the Patents Act Rubriek EP4 Bevat gegevens betreffende voor Nederland verleende gewijzgde Europese octrooien. Rubriek EP5 Bevat gegevens betreffende voor Nederland verleende gewijzigde 289Heading EP4 Contains data concerning European patents granted in amended form for the Netherlands. 291Heading EP5 Contains data concerning European patents granted in amended form for

4 Nummer 30/ juli 2018 Europese octrooien waarvoor een gewijzigde vertaling is ingediend. Rubriek SPC Bevat gegevens betreffende ingeschreven en verleende certificaten The Netherlands in which an amended translation was filed. 292Heading SPC 292 Contains data concerning applications for- or granted Supplementary Protection Certificates. Rubriek VB1 293Heading VB1 Bevat gegevens betreffende rechten Contains data concerning requests and waarvoor een verzoek of bezwaarschrift notices of opposition under the General is ingediend conform de Octrooiwet administrative law. 293 Rubriek VB2 Bevat gegevens betreffende rechten waarin een beslissing is genomen of waarvoor een nieuwheidsrapport is uitgegaan op een verzoek- of bezwaarschrift conform de Octrooiwet Heading VB2 Contains data concerning requests and notices of opposition under the General administrative law in respect of which a decision has been taken or in respect for which a report has been made. 295 Rubriek MED Bevat gegevens betreffende overige mededelingen. Rubriek VRV Bevat gegevens betreffende verval of nietigverklaring. Rubriek VRB Bevat gegevens betreffende verbeteringen op eerdere publicaties. 296Heading MED Contains data concerning other communications. 298Heading VRV Contains data concerning lapse or annulment. 325Heading VRB Contains data concerning corrections on earlier publications Rubriek CO Bevat gegevens betreffende wijzigingen in het octrooiregister. 326Heading CO 326 Contains data concerning changes in the Netherland patent register. Rubriek TVH 327Heading TVH Bevat gegevens betreffende topografieën Contains data concerning depots of van halfgeleiderproducten. original topographies of semi-conductor products. 327

5 Nummer 30/ juli 2018 Overzicht van Inid codes INID CODES Inid codes worden gebruikt op de voorpagina van octrooigeschriften en in octrooibulletins. Ze dienen om de verschillende bibliografische gegevens te kunnen begrijpen zonder kennis te hebben van de taal. INID is een acronym van Internationally agreed Numbers for Identification of Data. De definities van INID codes wordt gegeven in de WIPO standaard ST. 9. INID CODES INID Codes are used on the front pages of patent documents and in official gazettes to identify various bibliographic data items without knowledge of the language used and the industrial property laws applied. INID is an acronym for Internationally agreed Numbers for the Identification of Data. The INID Codes are usually given in parenthesis adjacent to the appropriate bibliographic data item. The definitions of the INID Codes are given in WIPO Standard ST. 9 (as of November 1998) and are listed below: (11) (13) (15) (21) (22) (23) (25) (26) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (40) (41) (42) (43) Octrooinummer Soort document volgens WIPO standaard 16 Correctie informatie Octrooiaanvraagnummer Datum van indiening Datum tentoonstelling Taal van indiening Taal waarin de aanvraag is gepubliceerd Voorrangsgegevens Nummer voorrang Datum voorrang Land van herkomst voorrang Oorspronkelijk land van indiening Datum van inschrijving Datum van inschrijving van een octrooiaanvraag Datum van inschrijving van een onderzochte aanvraag (openbaarmaking) (11) (13) (15) (21) (22) (23) (25) (26) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (40) (41) (42) Datum waarop de aanvraag ter inzage is gelegd (43) Patent number Kind of document code according to WIPO standard ST.16 Patent correction information Application number Date(s) of filing application(s) Date of exhibition Language in which the published application was originally filed Language in which the application is published Priority Data Number(s) assigned to priority application(s) Date(s) of filling of priority application(s) WIPO Standard ST.3 Code indetifying the national patent office alloting the priority application number or the organization alloting the regional priority application number: for international applications filed under the PCT, the code "WO" is used. For priority fillings under the regional or international arrangements, the WIPO Standard ST.3 Code indentifying at least one country party to the Paris Union for which the regional or international application was made. Date(s) of making available to the public Date of making available to the public by viewing, or copying on request an unexamined patent document, on which no grant has taken place on or before the said date. Date of making available to the public by viewing, or copying on request an examined patent document, on which no grant has taken place on or before the said date. Date of publication by printing or similar process of anexamined document on which no grant has taken place on or before said date

6 Nummer 30/ juli 2018 (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (51) (54) (62) (68) (71) (72) (73) (74) (75) (81) (83) (84) (86) (87) (92) (93) (94) (95) Datum van openbaarmaking Datum van kracht worden van een Europees octrooi in Nederland Inschrijvingsdatum conclusies Verleningsdatum octrooi Datum waarop een verbetering van een octrooi is uitgegeven Internationale Octrooiclassificatie Korte aanduiding Nummer moeder aanvraag Nummer basis octrooi Naam aanvrager(s) Naam uitvinder(s) Naam octrooihouder(s) Naam gemachtigde Naam van uitvinders die tevens aanvrager zijn Aangewezen landen volgens de PCT Informatie over micro organismen Aangewezen landen bij regionale octrooien Nummer van omgezette aanvraag Datum en nummer van een PCT aanvraag Certificaten: nummer en datum van de eerste nationale vergunning voor een geneesmiddel Datum en nummer van de eerste EU vergunning voor een geneesmiddel Expiratiedatum voor een topografie Certificaten: naam van het product (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (51) (54) (62) (68) (71) (72) (73) (74) (75) (81) (83) (84) (86) (87) (92) (93) (94) (95) Date of publication by printing or similar process of an examined document on which no grant has taken place on or before said date Date of publication by printing or similar process of a document on which no grant has taken place on or before said date Date of publication by printing or similar process of the claim(s) only of a document Date from which the patent takes effect Date of issuance of a corrected patent document International Patent Classification Title of the invention Number and, if possible, filling date of the earlier application from which the present document has been divided out Number of the basic patent Name(s) of the applicant(s) Name(s) of the inventor(s) if know to be such Name(s) of grantee(s) Name(s) of the attorney(s) or agent(s) Name(s) of inventor(s) who is (are) also application(s) Designated States(s) according to the PCT Information concerning the deposit of microorganisms Designated Contracting States under regional patent conventions Apllication number of a PCT-application or number of European patent which is converted into a national application Publication date and number of a PCT application For an SPC, number and date of the first national authorization to place the product on the market as a medicinal product For an SPC, number and date and where applicable, country of origin, of the first authorzation to place the product on the market as a medicinal product within a regional economic community Calculated date of expiry of the topography Name of the product protected by the basic patent and in respect of which the SPC has been apllied for or granted

7 Nummer 30/ juli 2018 Rubrieken/Headings NP1 Nederlandse octrooiaanvragen die zijn ingeschreven op grond van de Octrooiwet Contains data concerning Netherlands patent applications which have been entered in the patent register under the Patents Act (51) A23C 9/123 (21) (22) (54) METHOD FOR ADJUSTING THE FLAVOR OF YOGURT WITH LACTOBACILLUS CASEI (71) ZHEJIANG UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY ZHEJIANG INM FOOD Co. Ltd. (74) ir. M.B. Plaggenborg (72) Gongnian Xiao Bo Chen Haina Yuan Weijun Wang Lingen Yu Liang Yu Ruina Zhu Jinyan Gong Like Zhu (51) B62K 5/02 (21) (22) (54) IMPROVED TILTING SUSPENSION FOR A VEHICLE (71) Royalty Bugaboo GmbH (74) ir. C.H. Riem (72) Machiel Gerardus Theodorus Marie Barenbrug Alexander Plul Johannus de Visser Pel Ariesen (51) G03F 7/20 (21) (22) (54) METHOD OF DETERMINING A PROCESS CONDITION (71) ASML Netherlands B.V. (74) ir. A.J. Maas (72) Adam Jan Urbanczyk Bart Peter Bert Segers (51) H01M 10/0568 C01B 25/455 (21) (22) (54) PRODUCTION OF LITHIUM HEXAFLUOROPHOSPHATE (71) The South African Nuclear Energy Corporation SOC Limited (74) ir. P.J. Hylarides c.s. (72) Mpho Diphago Stanley Lekgoathi Petrus John Le Roux Danny Sello Mmotong

8 Nummer 30/ juli 2018 NP2 Ingeschreven en verleende octrooien op grond van de Octrooiwet Contains data concerning Netherlands patents which have been entered in the patent register under the Patents Act 1995.

9 Nummer 30/ juli 2018 NP3 Nederlandse octrooien na gedeeltelijke afstand conform artikel 63 van de Octrooiwet Contains data concerning Netherlands patents which have been entered in the patent register (after limitation procedure) under the Patents Act 1995.

10 Nummer 30/ juli 2018 EP1 Vertaalde conclusies van Europese octrooiaanvragen. Contains data concerning translations of the claims of European patent applications.

11 Nummer 30/ juli 2018 EP2 Voor Nederland verleende Europese octrooien. Contains data concerning European patents granted for The Netherlands. A01C 15/00 (51) A01B 59/06 A01C 7/08 A01B 71/06 B65G 53/58 (11) EP A01C 7/04 (21) EP (11) EP (21) EP (87) FR (87) CA (22) (54) DEVICE FOR HITCHING A TOOL, SUCH (22) AS AN AGRICULTURAL TOOL, ONTO (54) DECELERATING DEVICE FOR AIR A HAULING SYSTEM OF A VEHICLE CONVEYED MATERIAL SUCH AS AN AGRICULTURAL (73) Tread Enterprise Ltd. TRACTOR (72) CRUSON, Brian (73) Tracto-Lock (31) P (72) RIBO, Romain P (31) (32) (32) (33) France (51) A01B 63/ A01C 7/00 (11) EP (21) EP (51) A01C 23/00 (22) (11) EP (54) COMBINATION OF AN AGRICULTURAL (21) EP TOWING VEHICLE AND A MINIMUM TILL SEEDER (22) (73) Deere & Company (54) DISTRIBUTING DEVICE, MANURING (72) Rylander, Dave J. DEVICE AND METHOD FOR Gresch, Valentin DISTRIBUTING LIQUID SUBSTANCES Kremmer, Martin (73) Bomech B.V. Waibel, Christian (72) SCHURINK, Gerard Johannes (31) (31) (32) (32) (51) A01B 73/00 (51) A01D 34/64 A01C 15/00 A01D 34/82 (11) EP A01D 34/76 (21) EP (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Placement device for a three-point attachable (87) SE machine (73) Amazonen-Werke H. Dreyer GmbH & Co. (22) KG (54) TELESCOPING OF CUTTING DECK (72) Johannaber, Stefan Jan (73) Husqvarna AB (31) (72) CARLSSON, Daniel (32) SPÅNG, Joakim SCHYGGE, Sebastian (51) A01C 1/02 JONASSON, Henrik (11) EP ÅKESSON, Jonas (21) EP (51) A01D 34/64 A01D 69/03 (87) SE (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) IMPROVED METHOD FOR SEED (22) PRIMING (54) Working vehicle (73) Robust Seed Technology A&F Aktiebolag (73) ISEKI & CO., LTD. (72) SHEN, Tongyun (72) Tsunashima, Taro (51) A01C 7/20 Kitahara, Yusuke Okamoto, Suguru Goto, Renshi (31) (32) (51) A01D 34/90 B25F 5/02 B25G 3/38 (11) EP (21) EP (87) SE (22) (54) HANDLE ARRANGEMENT FOR A POWER TOOL (73) Husqvarna AB (72) CHRISTENSSON, Pär (51) A01F 7/06 A01F 12/20 A01F 12/22 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) RASP BAR FOR A COMBINE (73) CNH Industrial Belgium nv (72) FLICKINGER, Wayne T. RICKETTS, Jonathan E. (31) (32) (51) A01F 12/44 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) GRAIN CLEANING SYSTEM HAVING IMPROVED AIR FLOW AND ADDITIONAL FALL STEP TO IMPROVE GRAIN CLEANING PERFORMANCE (73) CNH Industrial Belgium nv (72) Ballegeer, Stefaan Derynck, Bart Duquesne, Frank R.G. (31) (32) (33) Belgium (51) A01F 15/07 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Bale wrapper (73) Maschinenfabrik Bernard Krone GmbH (72) Schulz, Stephan Borker, Martin (31) (32)

12 Nummer 30/ juli 2018 (51) A01G 7/00 A01G 9/24 E04H 5/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) JP (22) (54) TRANSGENIC PLANT FACTORY (73) KAJIMA CORPORATION (72) YASUNO, Rie ITO, Akira TANAKA, Teruyoshi MATSUMURA, Takeshi SOMA, Ichiro FUJITA, Hisaya TAKASUNA, Hiroyuki (31) (32) (51) A01H 5/00 C12N 15/82 C12P 21/06 C12N 5/04 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) METHODS FOR GENERATING TRANSGENIC PLANTS (73) Syngenta Participations AG (72) LI, Xianggan ELUMALAI, Sivamani (31) P (32) (51) A01H 5/08 A61K 36/81 (11) EP (21) EP (87) NL (22) (54) MUTANT TOMATOES AND USE THEREOF FOR PREVENTING WEIGHT GAIN AND/OR TREATING OBESITY- RELATED CONDITIONS (73) Green4health B.V. (72) VAN DER WINDT, Arie-Dirk (31) (32) (33) Netherlands (51) A01K 1/00 A01K 31/00 A01K 31/22 A01K 1/03 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Mobile animal stall (73) Wördekemper, Andreas (72) Wördekemper, Andreas (31) U U (32) Germany (51) A01K 31/04 A01K 31/14 A01K 31/12 A01K 31/22 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) POULTRY REARING DEVICE WITH ADDITIONAL PERCH RODS (73) Big Dutchman International GmbH (72) Auffarth, Volker (31) U (32) (51) A01K 67/027 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) HUMANIZED DIPEPTIDYL PEPTIDASE IV (DPP4) ANIMALS (73) Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (72) KYRATSOUS, Christos MUJICA, Alexander (31) P P P (32) (51) A01K 67/027 C07K 14/725 C12N 15/85 C07K 14/705 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) GENETICALLY MODIFIED T CELL RECEPTOR MICE (73) Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (72) MACDONALD, Lynn MURPHY, Andrew, J. MCWHIRTER, John TU, Naxin VORONINA, Vera GURER, Cagan MEAGHER, Karolina STEVENS, Sean (31) P P P (32) (51) A01K 85/12 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) FISH COLLECTING DEVICE (73) Globeride, Inc. (72) Furuya, Hideyuki (31) (32) Japan (51) A01K 85/16 (11) EP (21) EP (87) UA (22) (54) SURFACE LURE (73) Ulyanov, Sergiy Vladlenovych (72) Ulyanov, Sergiy Vladlenovych (31) (32) (33) Ukraine (51) A01M 1/02 G01N 29/14 G01N 29/44 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) DEVICE AND METHOD FOR OBTAINING INFORMATION ABOUT ONE OR MORE INVERTEBRATES (73) Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.v. (72) RÖDER, Olaf SCHUBERT, Lars TSCHÖPE, Constanze FRANKENSTEIN, Bernd LIESKE, Uwe (31) (32) (51) A01M 1/04 A01M 1/14 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) INSECT TRAP DEVICE AND METHOD OF USING (73) The Procter & Gamble Company (72) SANDFORD, Andrew LAZARCHIK, Daniel LIEBERWIRTH, Lars SCHAEFER, Hans Peter (31) P

13 Nummer 30/ juli P (32) (51) A01M 23/02 A01M 23/16 A01M 25/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) GB (22) (54) PEST BAIT STATION (73) Urquhart, Iain (72) Urquhart, Iain (31) (32) (33) United Kingdom (51) A01M 25/00 A01N 25/32 A01P 11/00 A01N 43/16 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) WAX-FREE RODENT BLOCK BAIT WITH STYRENE-ACRYLATE BINDER (73) BASF Agro B.V. (72) WEICHEL, Lars HUGHES, Sharon (31) (32) (51) A01N 25/24 A01N 43/653 A01N 43/54 A01N 25/02 A01N 25/30 C08G 69/40 C08G 73/10 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) POLYAMIDE AND POLYIMIDE STICKER ADJUVANTS (73) Huntsman Petrochemical LLC (72) MEREDITH, Matthew T. STERN, Alan J. SAYLIK, Dilek (31) P P (32) (51) A01N 25/26 B01F 7/04 B01F 15/00 B01F 3/12 (11) EP (21) EP A01N 25/04 A01P 13/00 (87) US (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) SELF-CLEANING MIXING DEVICES (87) EP AND METHODS OF USING THE SAME (73) Everris International B.V. (22) (72) CANALE, Kimberly, Anne (54) CULTIGEN-COMPATIBLE HERBICIDAL DAMMANN, Laurence, G. AGENTS CONTAINING HERBICIDES SILER, Joshua, Paul AND ACYLSULFAMOYLBENZAMIDE TERLINGEN, Johannes, Gijsbertus Antonius SAFENERS (31) P (73) Bayer CropScience AG (32) (72) ROSINGER, Christopher EVANS, Paul (51) A01N 25/28 HACKER, Erwin A01N 37/10 (31) A01N 37/18 (32) A01N 43/16 A01N 43/40 (51) A01N 25/34 A01N 65/08 A01P 1/00 A01N 65/12 A61K 31/14 A01N 65/22 A61K 33/32 A01N 65/36 A61K 31/075 A01N 65/44 A61K 8/02 A01P 17/00 A01N 25/00 (11) EP A61Q 17/00 (21) EP A61K 8/06 (11) EP (87) US (21) EP (22) (87) US (54) LONG-ACTING NANOPARTICULATE ARTHROPOD REPELLENT (22) FORMULATIONS AND METHODS OF (54) ANTI-MICROBIAL HAND TOWEL WITH USE THEREOF TIME-DELAY CHROMATIC TRANSFER (73) Merial, Inc. INDICATOR AND ABSORBENCY RATE (72) DELAVEAU, Jean DELAY MINOST, Audrey (73) GPCP IP Holdings LLC FESSI, Hatem (72) LUU, Phuong Van BOLZINGER, Marie-Alexandrine AWOFESO, Anthony O. ELAISSARI, Abdelhamid YARDLEY, Craig D. (51) A01N 25/28 YEH, Kang Chang A61K 8/11 JANDA, Bruce W. A61K 9/50 (31) P C09B 67/ C11D 3/50 (32) (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (51) A01N 37/ A01N 25/00 (22) A61K 31/075 (54) ALTERNATIVE METHOD FOR A61L 9/00 MICROENCAPSULATION OF ACTIVE A61L 2/18 INGREDIENTS A61K 31/327 (73) Creathes A01P 1/00 (72) HUILIER, Hervé (11) EP (31) (21) EP (32) (33) France (22) (51) A01N 25/32 (54) METHOD FOR THE GENERATION OF A01N 47/36 PERACETIC ACID ON SITE AT THE A01N 41/10 POINT-OF-USE. A01N 43/707 (73) Enviro Tech Chemical Services Inc. A01N 37/22 (72) Harvey, Michael S. A01N 37/40 Howarth, Jonathan N. A01N 33/18 (51) A01N 37/36

14 Nummer 30/ juli 2018 A01N 37/44 C11D 1/62 C11D 3/39 C11D 3/395 C11D 11/00 A01N 25/30 A01N 59/00 A01N 59/08 A01N 33/12 C11D 3/20 A01N 47/44 (11) EP (21) EP (87) AT (22) (54) METHOD FOR FIGHTING MOLD, ALGAE, AND OTHER MICROORGANISMS ON VARIOUS WALL, FLOOR, OR CEILING SURFACES INFESTED WITH SAID ORGANISMS, AND ON MASONRY IN GENERAL (73) BMB Gebäudehygiene GmbH (72) BRANDNER, Gerhard (31) (32) (33) Austria (51) A01N 43/04 C07H 15/24 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) PREPARATION OF (S,S)- SECOISOLARICIRESINOL DIGLUCOSIDE AND (R,R)- SECOISOLARICIRESINOL DIGLUCOSIDE (73) The Trustees Of The University Of Pennsylvania The Scripps Research Institute (72) CHRISTOFIDOU-SOLOMIDOU, Melpo NICOLAOU, Kyriacos, C. VALIULIN, Roman, A. SIMMONS, Nicholas HERETSCH, Philipp, M. (31) P (32) (51) A01N 43/40 A01N 43/08 A01N 43/82 A01N 25/04 A01P 13/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) HERBICIDAL AGENTS COMPRISING DIFLUFENICAN, FLUFENACET AND FLURTAMONE (73) Bayer CropScience AG (72) Frisch, Gerhard Rude, Janine (31) (32) European Patent Office (EPO) (51) A01N 43/56 A01N 47/40 A01N 25/00 C07D 231/40 C07D 401/04 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) PROCESSES FOR THE PREPARATION OF PESTICIDAL COMPOUNDS (73) Dow AgroSciences LLC (72) YANG, Qiang LORSBACH, Beth ROSS, JR., Ronald GRAY, Kaitlyn ZHANG, Yu ROTH, Gary (31) P P P (32) (51) A01N 43/62 A61K 31/55 A61K 9/16 A61K 9/20 A61K 9/50 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) CONTROLLED RELEASE FORMULATIONS OF ALPRAZOLAM (73) Supernus Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (72) VIEIRA, Michael, L. BHATT, Padmanabh, P. (31) P (32) (51) A01N 59/00 A01N 37/02 A01N 37/16 A01N 63/04 A01P 1/00 A23L 3/3463 A61L 2/18 B65B 55/10 (11) EP (21) EP (87) JP (22) (54) PERACETIC ACID LIQUID DISINFECTANT COMPOSITION AND METHOD OF DISINFECTING CONTAINER (73) Toyo Seikan Group Holdings, Ltd. (72) IWASHITA, Takeshi HARADA, Takaaki KOMINAMI, Kenichi (31) (32) (51) A22B 5/16 B26B 25/00 B25F 5/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) HANDHELD DEHIDER (73) JARVIS PRODUCTS CORPORATION (72) GWYTHER, Peter (31) (32) (51) A22B 7/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) NL (22) (54) SYSTEM FOR CONVEYING CARCASSES OR CARCASS PARTS OF QUADRUPED SLAUGHTER ANIMALS (73) Marel Meat B.V. (72) JANSSEN, Cornelis Joannes BEIJAARD, Barend Jacobus Emmanuel VAN DER STEEN, Franciscus Theodorus Henricus Johannes VAN DEN HURK, Franciscus Albertus Gerardus (31) (32) (33) Netherlands (51) A23C 9/12 (11) EP (21) EP (87) IE (22) (54) A REDUCED LACTOSE MILK PRODUCT AND A PROCESS FOR THE PREPARATION THEREOF (73) Glanbia Nutritionals (Ireland) Limited (72) CARRIGAN, Denis CURRAN, Erika KEEHAN, Denise WHITE, Richard (31) P (32) (51) A23C 19/00 A23C 19/068 A23C 19/076

15 Nummer 30/ juli 2018 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) PHYSICALLY STABLE LIQUEFIED CHEESE COMPOSITION AND PROCESS FOR MAKING IT (73) Nestec S.A. (72) UPRETI, Praveen WULFF, David (31) P (32) (51) A23C 19/076 A23C 19/09 B65B 39/00 A23P 30/20 A23L 5/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) FOOD COMPOSITION COMPRISING CURD CHEESE (73) DMK Deutsches Milchkontor GmbH (72) Schomacker, Marina Hahn, Michael (51) A23D 9/007 A23D 9/04 C11C 3/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) LIPID ACTIVATION WITH CUMIN (73) Nestec S.A. (72) ZHANG, Jiyuan (31) (32) (51) A23G 3/02 F04B 7/06 A23G 3/20 A23G 1/00 A23G 1/20 A23G 3/34 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) DEVICE FOR METERING OUT A FLOWABLE MASS (73) KMB Produktions AG (72) KNOBEL, Guido (31) (32) (51) A23J 1/14 A23J 3/16 A23C 11/10 A23L 11/30 (11) EP (21) EP (87) JP (22) (54) FAT-REDUCED SOYBEAN PROTEIN MATERIAL AND PROCESSES FOR PRODUCTION THEREOF (73) Fuji Oil Holdings Inc. (72) SAMOTO, Masahiko KANAMORI, Jiro SHIBATA, Masayuki (31) (32) Japan (51) A23K 20/179 A23K 50/80 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION OF CAROTENOID SOLUTIONS (73) BASF SE (72) BRANDS, Mario END, Lutz KELLER, Andreas ENGEL, Robert FEUERSTEIN, Dieter FELDTHUSEN JENSEN, Jesper (31) (32) (51) A23L 2/52 A23D 9/04 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) OIL COMPOSITIONS (73) Cargill Inc. (72) BRÜSE, Falk KRUIDENBERG, Marcus, Bernardus (31) (32) (51) A23L 2/66 A61K 36/81 A61K 38/01 A61K 36/534 A23L 29/256 A23L 33/00 A23L 33/105 A23L 33/18 A23L 33/185 A23L 33/19 A23L 33/21 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Appetite regulating dietary supplement (73) D. Xign Limited (72) Vedel Saaby Nielsen, Søren Teisen-Simony, Claude (31) P (32) (33) Denmark (51) A23L 5/10 A23L 3/18 A21B 1/10 A21B 1/48 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) IMPROVED FOOD COOKING INSTALLATION. (73) Tecno Pool S.P.A. (72) LAGO, Leopoldo (31) VE (32) (33) Italy (51) A23L 5/10 A23L 19/18 A47J 37/12 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) METHOD AND SYSTEM FOR PRODUCING A FOOD PRODUCT (73) Frito-Lay North America, Inc. (72) EICHENLAUB, Sean FRENCH, Justin KOH, Christopher, James KOZMAN, Austin (31) (32) (51) A23L 7/104 A23L 5/00 A23L 7/117 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) METHOD FOR PRODUCING A GROUND FLOUR STILLAGE (73) Tölle, Marc (72) Tölle, Marc (31) (32) European Patent Office (EPO) (51) A23L 7/161 (11) EP (21) EP

16 Nummer 30/ juli 2018 (87) ES (22) (54) METHOD FOR PACKAGING WHOLE GRAINS (73) Dode S.A. (72) CAMPÀ ANFRUNS, Jordi MONTAGUT SALA, Salvador (51) A23L 11/00 B01D 11/02 C07C 51/42 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) METHOD FOR OBTAINING SINAPIC ACID FROM A NATIVE MATERIAL MIXTURE (73) GEA Mechanical Equipment GmbH (72) HRUSCHKA, Steffen ULLMANN, Detlef BOSZULAK, Wladislawa THIEL, Alexander (31) (32) (51) A23L 29/212 A23L 27/00 A23L 27/40 A23L 23/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) METHODS FOR INHOMOGENEOUS SODIUM DISTRIBUTION (73) Nestec S.A. (72) WOO, Kyungsoo (31) P (32) (51) A23L 33/105 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) Trigonellin as a muscle stimulant (73) DSM IP Assets B.V. (72) FRIEDEL, Angelika KURATLI, Karin WEHRLI, Christof WERTZ, Karin WOLFRAM, Swen WANG-SCHMIDT, Ying (31) (32) European Patent Office (EPO) (51) A23P 20/12 A23P 20/18 (32) A23L 29/00 (33) Italy A23L 7/122 (51) A24D 3/06 A23L 7/143 A24D 3/16 (11) EP (11) EP (21) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) Flavour capsule for enhanced flavour (22) delivery in cigarettes (54) GRAIN-BASED FOOD PRODUCT WITH (73) Philip Morris Products S.A. POWDER COATING (72) Karles, Georgios (73) THE QUAKER OATS COMPANY Garthaffner, Martin (72) PARSONS, Marcus Jupe, Richard LEWIS, Karen Kellogg, Diane (31) Skinner, Ila (32) Nepomuceno, Jose Layman, John (51) A24C 5/00 Morgan, Constance A24C 5/35 Fournier, Jay, A. (11) EP (31) (21) EP (32) (22) (51) A24F 47/00 (54) Method for supply and removal of full and/ (11) EP or empty transport units from at least two (21) EP production stations in the tobacco-processing industry according to requirements (22) (73) Hauni Maschinenbau GmbH (54) ELECTRONIC SMOKING DEVICE WITH (72) Horn, Matthias LIQUID RESERVOIR INCLUDING AN Ulrich, Rüdiger ACTUATOR Flügge, Thomas (73) Fontem Holdings 1 B.V. Dittmar, Dagmar, Dr. (72) Biel, Stefan Kreysern, Jan Gonzalez, Diego Kitzing, Walter (51) A41C 3/12 Becker, Carsten A41C 3/00 Busse-Riepshoff, Uwe (11) EP (51) A24C 5/00 (21) EP A24C 5/56 B26F 1/28 (87) EP (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) SHAPING INSERT FOR AN ITEM OF (87) AT WOMEN'S CLOTHING (73) BOKESCH, Martin (22) (72) BOKESCH, Martin (54) DIFFUSION-OPTIMIZED TIPPING PAPER (31) (73) Tannpapier GmbH (32) (72) LINDNER, Michael (31) (51) A41D 1/08 (32) A41D 13/05 (33) Austria (11) EP (51) A24C 5/32 (21) EP A24C 5/35 (11) EP (22) (21) EP (54) GARMENT FOR OUTDOOR USE (73) Sapopa S.r.l. (87) IB (72) RIGHETTO, PIERO GHISOLFI, MARIA ELENA (22) (31) UB (54) DEVICE FOR FEEDING ROD- (32) LIKE SMOKERS' ARTICLES IN AN (33) Italy AUTOMATIC MACHINE FOR THE (51) A41D 15/00 TOBACCO INDUSTRY A41D 27/10 (73) G.D S.p.A. A41D 3/02 (72) ESPOSTI, Marco (11) EP SARTONI, Massimo (21) EP (31) BO

17 Nummer 30/ juli 2018 (87) US (22) (54) FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT JACKET/ COAT (73) NIKE Innovate C.V. (72) FARRON, Daniel VAN SISSEREN, Sheilah, A. MARTIN, Lindsey V.J. (31) (32) (51) A42B 3/04 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) HEAD AND NECK RESTRAINT DEVICE (73) Schroth Safety Products GmbH (72) Stiles, Mark Anthony Myers, Donald Thomas (31) (32) (51) A42B 3/06 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) PROTECTIVE HELMET (73) Anomaly Action Sports S.r.l. (72) SALMINI, Carlo BISOL, Gianluca SALMINI, Elena SHARP LIGETY, Theodore (31) UB UA (32) (33) Italy Italy (51) A43B 5/02 A43B 13/22 A43C 15/16 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) ARTICLE OF FOOTWEAR WITH WALLED CLEAT SYSTEM (73) NIKE Innovate C.V. (72) GERBER, Clifford, B. (31) (32) (51) A43B 5/04 A43C 11/16 A43C 11/14 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) SKI BOOT (73) Calzaturificio S.C.A.R.P.A. S.p.A. (72) PARISOTTO, Davide (31) UB (51) A43B 13/18 (32) A43B 13/20 (33) Italy F03G 1/00 (51) A43B 5/04 F16F 1/371 A43C 11/16 F16F 1/373 A43C 11/14 F16F 1/377 (11) EP F16F 1/52 (21) EP F16F 3/093 F16F 9/02 (22) (11) EP (54) SKI BOOT (21) EP (73) Calzaturificio S.C.A.R.P.A. S.p.A. (72) PARISOTTO, Davide (87) CA (31) UB (32) (22) (33) Italy (54) ENERGY STORAGE AND RETURN (51) A43B 13/14 SPRING A43B 5/02 (73) Powerdisk Development Ltd. (11) EP (72) KLASSEN, James, B. (21) EP BOEHM, David, W. (31) P (22) P (54) FOOTWEAR WITH POWER KICK PLATE P (73) NIKE Innovate C.V P (72) Amos, Michael S P Baker, Brian D. (32) Baudouin, Alexandre Fallon, Kevin P (31) (32) (51) A43B 13/14 A43B 13/12 A43B 13/18 (11) EP (21) EP (51) A43B 13/20 A43B 13/22 (87) US A43B 21/ B29D 35/12 (22) A43B 13/14 (54) SHOE SOLE FOR INCREASING (11) EP INSTABILITY (21) EP (73) New Balance Athletics, Inc. (72) PAUK, Matthew, R. (22) SPIETH, Drew, William (54) Method for manufacturing a sole component CHOE, Patrick, Y. of an article of footwear DOWNING, Timothy, Michael (73) NIKE Innovate C.V. MURPHY, Sean (72) Dojan, Frederick, J (31) P Aveni, Michael, A. (32) Lindner, Troy, C. Foxen, Thomas (51) A43B 13/14 Holt, Scott, C. A43B 13/22 Pisciotta, Jeffrey, C. (11) EP (31) (21) EP (32) (22) (51) A43B 13/41 (54) STABILITY AND COMFORT SYSTEM A43B 23/02 FOR AN ARTICLE OF FOOTWEAR B29C 67/00 (73) NIKE Innovate C.V. A43D 1/02 (72) AVAR, Eric, P. A43B 1/00 LUEDECKE, Tom (11) EP NURSE, Matthew, A. (21) EP SPANKS, Jeffrey, C. (31) (22) (32) (54) Articles and methods of manufacture of articles (73) NIKE Innovate C.V.

18 Nummer 30/ juli 2018 (72) Jarvis, Kelly (31) P P (32) (51) A44B 13/00 A44B 99/00 A45F 5/02 A45F 5/10 A45F 5/06 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) CLIP FOR ATTACHING ARTICLES TOGETHER (73) Moreau, Darrell A. Moreau, Andre W. (72) Moreau, Darrell A. Moreau, Andre W. (31) (32) (51) A45B 3/04 F21Y 115/10 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) A lighting umbrella (73) Linhai Zhongtian Electronic Appliance Co., Ltd. (72) Jin, Shimin (31) (32) (33) China (51) A45C 11/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) CASE FOR ENCLOSING A PERSONAL ELECTRONIC DEVICE AND A CARD (73) Samsonite IP Holdings S.à.r.l. (72) MONGAN, Ryan, Hill HYNECEK, Bryan, Lee LEAN, David, Chia-wen WEIS, Jarret DUKERSCHEIN, Jon YUAN, Jonny (31) (32) (51) A45C 13/28 A45C 13/18 B65D 25/32 E05B 65/52 A45C 5/03 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Device for locking a handle of a secure transport box (73) Oberthur Cash Protection (72) Saussard, Philippe Buetler, Daniel (31) (32) (33) France (51) A45D 7/06 A61K 8/18 (11) EP (21) EP (87) IB (22) (54) METHOD OF SHAPING HAIR USING FATTY BODIES (73) L'OREAL (72) VIC, Gabin CHAISY, Maryse NUZZO, Stefania (31) P P P (32) (33) France France France (51) A45D 27/46 (11) EP (21) EP (87) IB (22) (54) DEVICE FOR CLEANING A WET SHAVING APPARATUS (73) Carrera Brands Limited (72) Hug, Peter (31) (32) (51) A45D 44/00 B01F 13/10 A45D 29/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Nail varnish mixing machine for an individual hue (73) Sallier, Elisa (72) Sallier, Elisa (31) U (32) (51) A45D 44/22 (11) EP (21) EP (87) JP (22) (54) COSMETIC EYELID-RESHAPING TAPE AND METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING SAME (73) artsbrains. co. Ltd. (72) IWAGAKI, Naoko KAMAGATA, Masayuki TANIYAMA, Jirou (31) (32) (51) A45F 3/14 A62B 25/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Shoulder Strap (73) Draeger Safety UK Ltd. (72) Wrigley, Gordon Townsend, Paul (31) (32) (33) United Kingdom (51) A45F 3/20 A45C 7/00 B65D 21/08 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) COLLAPSIBLE CONTAINER (73) Dart Industries Inc. (72) Kusuma, David D. Trudeau, Raymond J. Barea, Hector J. (31) (32) (51) A46B 1/00 A46B 3/00 A46B 9/02 (11) EP (21) EP (87) IB (22) (54) APPLICATOR FOR APPLYING A PRODUCT TO THE EYELASHES AND/ OR EYEBROWS (73) L'OREAL (72) SANCHEZ, Marcel CAULIER, Eric ANNONAY, Wendy (31) (32) (33) France

19 Nummer 30/ juli 2018 (51) A46B 3/18 A46D 3/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Homogeneous core wire protective cleaning tip (73) SANDERSON MACLEOD INC (72) Borsari, Mark N. Hudson, David (31) (32) (51) A46B 5/02 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) METHOD OF RELATING DIFFERENT PRODUCTS BY A COMMON FEATURE (73) Colgate-Palmolive Company (72) HOHLBEIN, Douglas, J. SORREL, Steven, M. ROONEY, Michael, C. (31) P (32) (51) A46B 9/04 A46B 9/06 A46B 15/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) ORAL CARE IMPLEMENT (73) Colgate-Palmolive Company (72) LEE, David Kyung Min MOSKOVICH, Robert (51) A47B 21/007 A47B 81/06 F16M 11/04 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Device for vertically extending a screen using a gas cylinder (73) Quetzal Burosystem (72) Darre, Olivier (31) (32) (33) France (51) A47B 88/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Pull-out guide (73) Schock Metallwerk GmbH (72) König, Hubert Wiegold, Rudolf Zimmermann, Joachim (31) (32) (51) A47B 88/00 A47B 77/06 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) DRAWER REAR PANEL, DRAWER AND FURNITURE WITH DRAWER (73) Grass GmbH (72) Grabher, Günter (31) U (32) (51) A47B 88/43 H05K 7/14 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) BRACKET DEVICE (73) King Slide Technology Co., Ltd. King Slide Works Co., Ltd. (72) CHEN, Ken-Ching YANG, Shun-Ho HO, Chun-Yi WANG, Chun-Chiang (31) (32) (33) Taiwan, Province of China (51) A47B 88/457 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Furniture and device for controlling the movement of a piece of furniture (73) Grass GmbH (72) Erdel, Tobias Mintgen, Rolf (31) U (32) (51) A47C 7/02 A47C 3/12 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Cushion for chair and chair (73) P.A.S. Corporation (72) Muraguchi, Kenichi Nomura, Hisako (51) A47C 17/22 A47C 17/37 A47C 27/00 A47C 27/06 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) FOLDABLE SOFA MATTRESS AND METHOD FOR STORING A FOLDABLE MATTRESS (73) Axess Direct, Inc. (72) RAYMOND, Robert A. ROGERS, W. Clark (31) (32) (51) A47C 23/00 A47C 23/06 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) SUPPORTING SPRING SYSTEM FOR A MATTRESS IN PARTICULAR (73) Thomas Beteiligungs- und Vermögens GmbH & Co. KG (72) FORNOFF, Dieter RIES, Andreas (31) (32) Germany (51) A47C 27/14 (11) EP (21) EP (87) ES (22) (54) BABY MATTRESS (73) European Sleep Care Institute SL (72) ZAMORA ÁLVAREZ, Tomás Augusto BARBERÁ ROIG, Vicente PIN, Gonzalo (31) P (32) (33) Spain European Patent Office (EPO) (51) A47C 27/16 A47C 31/12 B29D 99/00 B29C 44/04 B29C 44/12 A47C 7/74 A47C 7/20 A47C 7/02 B29L 31/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) MOLDED SEAT (73) Todd, Mark (72) Todd, Mark (31) (32)

20 Nummer 30/ juli 2018 (51) A47D 1/10 A47D 1/00 A47C 7/42 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) HIGH CHAIR FOR CHILDREN CONVERTIBLE INTO A BOOSTER SEAT (73) Artsana S.p.A. (72) SOZZO, David MASCARELLA, Giuseppe (31) UB (32) (33) Italy (51) A47D 1/10 A47D 1/00 A47D 15/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) BOOSTER SEAT FOR CHILDREN (73) Artsana S.p.A. (72) SOZZO, David MASCARELLA, Giuseppe (31) UB (32) (33) Italy (51) A47F 3/04 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) MODULAR REFRIGERATION SYSTEMS (73) Heatcraft Refrigeration Products LLC (72) IYENGAR, Ajay (31) P (32) (51) A47F 7/02 G04D 7/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) A WATCH SUPPORT SUITABLE FOR USE WITH A WATCH WINDER (73) Swiss Industrial Consulting and Technology SA (72) PERRINJAQUET, Nicolas (31) (32) (33) United Kingdom (51) A47H 27/00 E06B 7/28 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) DEVICE FOR RENDERING A CANTILEVER PLATE ELEMENT USEFUL (73) Böhm, Günter (72) Böhm, Günter (51) A47J 27/04 A23L 5/10 B65D 77/22 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) METHOD FOR VACUUM COOKING (73) MicVac AB (72) GUSTAVSSON, Martin (31) (32) (33) Sweden Sweden (51) A47J 27/21 (11) EP (21) EP (87) GB (22) (54) LIQUID HEATING VESSEL AND CONTROL (73) Otter Controls Limited (72) SO, Richard Chee Cheung HADFIELD, Robert BUXTON, Mark GAETA, Antonio WRIGHT, Peter Hallam (31) (32) (33) United Kingdom United Kingdom United Kingdom (51) A47J 31/36 A47J 31/06 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) MODULAR BREWING UNIT FOR A COFFEE MACHINE (73) Schaerer AG (72) LÜSSI, André HOSTETTLER, Hans-Ulrich (31) (32) (33) Switzerland (51) A47J 31/40 A47J 31/41 (11) EP (21) EP (87) NL (22) (54) SYSTEM FOR PREPARING BEVERAGE CONSUMPTIONS (73) Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V. (72) DEES, Hendrik Johan WILKINSON, Craig Martin GIESEN, Leonardus Henricus Wilhelmus VERBURG, Pim NIJLAND, Wouter Plechelmus Bernardus (31) (32) (33) Netherlands (51) A47J 31/46 A47J 31/54 H01R 4/48 H01R 43/20 H05B 3/00 H01R 13/24 H01R 13/41 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) ELECTRICAL MODUL FOR BEWERAGE PREPARATION APPARATUS (73) Compagnie Méditerranéenne des Cafés (72) BLANC, Jean-Pierre GOERING, Alain (31) (32) (33) France (51) A47J 31/60 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) BEVERAGE PREPARATION DEVICE (73) JURA Elektroapparate AG (72) Büttiker, Philipp (51) A47J 36/24 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) PROGRAMMABLE DEVICE AND METHOD FOR STORING FOOD (73) Restaurant Technology, Inc. (72) KIRBY, David, W. TURCICH, Timothy, A. DORSTEN, Ronald, J. BRIDGMAN, Edward, P. RIVERA-PIEROLA, Peter (31) (32) (51) A47J 37/06 (11) EP (21) EP (87) IB (22) (54) COOKING MACHINE (73) De'Longhi Appliances S.r.l. (72) DE' LONGHI, Giuseppe (31) MI (32)

21 Nummer 30/ juli 2018 (33) Italy (51) A47J 43/07 A47B 91/04 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Stand of a device, in particular a table-top kitchen appliance (73) Vorwerk & Co. Interholding GmbH (72) Schomacher, Jutta Dallmeier, Stephanie (31) (32) Germany (51) A47K 3/40 B28B 11/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Curved tile (73) Easy Sanitary Solutions B.V. (72) Keizers, Jurgen Hendrik Peter Joseph (31) (32) (33) Netherlands (51) A47K 5/14 B05B 7/00 B05B 11/00 A47K 5/12 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) A REFILL UNIT HAVING A NON- COLLAPSING CONTAINER AND A FOAM-PUMP WITH A VENT TO VENT SAID CONTAINER (73) Gojo Industries, Inc. (72) HARRIS, Donald R. MARSHALL, Aaron D. MCNULTY, John J. (31) P (32) (51) A47K 7/03 A45D 34/04 A61Q 19/00 A61K 8/02 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) TEXTURED COTTON WIPES (73) Xamax Industries, Inc. (72) YUAN, James (31) P (32) (51) A47K 11/02 F23D 14/02 F23D 14/82 F23D 14/70 (11) EP (21) EP (87) NO (22) (54) AN INCINERATION SYSTEM FOR A TOILET (73) Sirius Technology AS (72) ASLAKSEN, Odd Arne (31) (32) (33) Norway (51) A47L 1/05 A47L 7/00 A47L 11/29 A47L 11/34 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) LIQUID SUCTION DEVICE (73) Vorwerk & Co. Interholding GmbH (72) SCHEFFEL, Jenny (31) (32) (51) A47L 9/20 A47L 11/40 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) CYCLONIC SEPARATOR FOR A VACUUM CLEANER AND VACUUM CLEANER (73) Miele & Cie. KG (72) Rütten, Felix (31) (32) (51) A47L 13/258 (11) EP (21) EP (87) IB (22) (54) IMPROVED MOP BASE (73) TTS Cleaning s.r.l. (72) ZORZO, Renato (31) PD (32) (33) Italy (51) A47L 13/258 (11) EP (21) EP (87) IB (22) (54) LOCKING AND UNLOCKING KINETIC MOTION OF A MOP BASE (73) TTS Cleaning s.r.l. (72) ZORZO, Renato (31) PD (32) (33) Italy (51) A47L 15/42 A47L 15/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Dishwashing machine with heating element (73) Gorenje d.d. (72) Persson, Thomas Årlid, Christian (31) (32) (33) Sweden (51) A47L 15/42 D06F 37/42 D06F 39/14 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCE (73) BSH Hausgeräte GmbH (72) HÖPFL, Markus LIPPERT, Walter (31) (32) (51) A47L 15/50 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) DISHWASHER WITH A STORAGE CONTAINER FOR ITEMS TO BE CLEANED (73) BSH Hausgeräte GmbH (72) SCHÜTZ, Rainer EGGER, Gerhard MOSER, Hermann (31) (32) (51) A61B 1/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) JP (22) (54) INTRACORPOREAL INTRODUCTION DEVICE (73) Olympus Corporation (72) ISHIZAKI, Ryosuke NISHIIE, Takehiro (31) (32) (51) A61B 1/00 (11) EP

22 Nummer 30/ juli 2018 (21) EP (87) JP (22) (54) ENDOSCOPE SYSTEM, PROCESSOR DEVICE AND DISTANCE MEASUREMENT DEVICE (73) FUJIFILM Corporation (72) SHIRAISHI, Yasushi (31) (32) (51) A61B 1/00 A61B 8/12 A61B 10/02 A61B 17/28 A61B 10/04 (11) EP (21) EP (87) JP (22) (54) TREATMENT INSTRUMENT FOR ENDOSCOPE (73) Olympus Corporation (72) NISHINA, Kenichi BAN, Atsushi (31) (32) (51) A61B 1/00 A61B 18/14 (11) EP (21) EP (87) IB (22) (54) INTEGRATED OPTICAL SYSTEM FOR A MICROENDESCOPIC APPARATUS (73) Fondazione Istituto Italiano Di Tecnologia (72) ANTONINI, Andrea LIBERALE, Carlo FELLIN, Tommaso (31) TO (32) (33) Italy (51) A61B 1/005 A61M 25/01 (11) EP (21) EP (87) CN (22) (54) ENDOSCOPE CAPABLE OF TURNING IN MULTIPLE DIRECTIONS (73) Youcare Technology Co., Ltd. (WUHAN) (72) WANG, Shaogang YE, Zhangqun HUANG, Jian LI, Jianxing ZHANG, Xu LIU, Jihong HUANG, Yiran QI, Lin LIU, Xiuheng ZHANG, Xiaoping LIU, Tongzu WANG, Kunjie GUO, Xiaolin YU, Xiao CHEN, Qi SONG, Lei WU, Yaohui MAO, Yeyun LI, Ying HU, Xuecheng LONG, Gang (51) A61B 1/008 A61M 25/01 A61B 1/00 A61B 1/005 A61B 5/06 G02B 23/24 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) INTRACORPOREAL LOCATOR PROBE (73) Haemoband Surgical Limited (72) GHAREEB, Essam (31) (32) (33) United Kingdom (51) A61B 1/01 A61B 1/015 A61M 25/06 A61B 1/31 A61M 25/04 A61M 25/10 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) An overtube with a balloon and an endoscope system (73) FUJIFILM Corporation (72) Ueda, Yoshihiro (31) (32) (51) A61B 1/12 A61B 1/06 A61B 1/00 A61B 1/015 A61B 1/05 A61B 1/018 A61B 1/31 (11) EP (21) EP (87) IL (22) (54) FLEXIBLE ELECTRONIC CIRCUIT BOARD MULTI-CAMERA ENDOSCOPE (73) EndoChoice Innovation Center Ltd. (72) KIRMA, Yaniv LEVY, Avi SALMAN, Golan AIZENFELD, Amram (31) P (32) (51) A61B 3/00 A61B 3/113 A61B 3/14 G02C 13/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) FR (22) (54) METHOD OF DETERMINING AT LEAST ONE PARAMETER OF VISUAL BEHAVIOUR OF AN INDIVIDUAL (73) Essilor International (72) BONNIN, Thierry ESCALIER, Guilhem HADDADI, Ahmed (31) (32) (33) France (51) A61B 5/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) APPARATUS WITH EMG SENSORS FOR DETECTING SEIZURES (73) Brain Sentinel, Inc. (72) LEININGER, James, R. HERRING, Russell, M. GIROUARD, Michael, R. CAVAZOS, Jose, E. (31) P (32) (51) A61B 5/00 A61B 5/0205 A61B 5/024 A61B 5/0476 A61B 5/0478 A61B 5/1455 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) COMBINED PHYSIOLOGICAL SENSOR SYSTEMS AND METHODS (73) Covidien LP (72) MCKENNA, Edward CHEN, Bo LI, Youzhi ADDISON, Paul (31) P (32) (51) A61B 5/00 A61B 5/0205 A61N 1/362 A61N 1/365 A61N 1/368 A61N 1/36


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