Nummer 15/16 13 april 2016

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1 Nummer 15/16 13 april 2016

2 Nummer 15/ april 2016 Inleiding Hoofdblad Het Blad de Industriële Eigendom verschijnt op de derde werkdag van een week. Indien Octrooicentrum Nederland op deze dag is gesloten, wordt de verschijningsdag van het blad verschoven naar de eerstvolgende werkdag, waarop Octrooicentrum Nederland is geopend. Het blad verschijnt alleen in elektronische vorm. Elk nummer van het blad bestaat uit 14 rubrieken. Bijblad Verschijnt vier keer per jaar (januari, april, juli, oktober) in elektronische vorm via octrooien. Het Bijblad bevat officiële mededelingen en andere wetenswaardigheden waarmee Octrooicentrum Nederland en zijn klanten te maken hebben. Abonnementsprijzen per (kalender)jaar: Hoofdblad en Bijblad: verschijnt gratis in elektronische vorm op de website van Octrooicentrum Nederland. Bezoekadres: Octrooicentrum Nederland Prinses Beatrixlaan AL Den Haag Postadres Postbus HJ Den Haag Telefoon: Telefax: Bankrekeningnummer: Voor taksen en depotrekeningen: RBS Iban: NL08RBOS BIC: RBOSNL2A Introduction Patent Bulletin The Patent Bulletin appears on the 3rd working day of each week. If the Netherlands Patent Office is closed to the public on the above mentioned day, the date of issue of the Bulletin is the first working day thereafter, on which the Office is open. Each issue of the Bulletin consists of 14 headings. Official Journal Appears four times a year (January, April, July, October) in electronic form on the octrooien. The Official Journal contains announcements and other things worth knowing for the benefit of the Netherlands Patent Office and its customers. Subscription rates per calendar year: Patent Bulletin and Official Journal: free of charge in electronic form on the website of the Netherlands Patent Office. Visiting address: Netherlands Patent Office Prinses Beatrixlaan AL Den Haag Postadress Post Office Box: HJ Den Haag Telephone: +31(0) Telefax: +31(0) Account: Fees, deposit accounts: RBS Iban: NL08RBOS BIC: RBOSNL2A

3 Nummer 15/ april 2016 Inhoudsopgave Blz. Content Page Rubriek NP1 Bevat gegevens betreffende octrooiaanvragen die zijn ingeschreven op grond van de Octrooiwet Rubriek NP2 Bevat gegevens betreffende ingeschreven en verleende octrooien op grond van de Octrooiwet Heading NP1 Contains data concerning Netherlands patent applications which have been entered in the patent register under the Patents Act Heading NP2 Contains data concerning Netherlands patents which have been entered in the patent register under the Patents Act Rubriek NP3 Bevat gegevens betreffende Nederlandse octrooien na gedeeltelijke afstand conform artikel 63 van de Octrooiwet Heading NP3 Contains data concerning Netherlands patents after partial renunciation confirm Article 63 of the Patents Act Rubriek EP1 Bevat gegevens betreffende vertaalde conclusies van Europese octrooiaanvragen. Rubriek EP2 Bevat gegevens betreffende voor Nederland verleende Europese octrooien. 10 Heading EP1 Contains data concerning translations of the conclusions of European patent applications. 11 Heading EP2 Contains data concerning European patents granted for The Netherlands Rubriek EP3 Bevat gegevens betreffende voor Nederland verleende Europese octrooien waarvoor een vertaling is ingediend conform artikel 52 lid 1 of 6 van de Octrooiwet Heading EP3 Contains data concerning European patents granted for The Netherlands in which a translation was filed confirm Article 52 par. 1 or 6 of the Patents Act Rubriek EP4 Bevat gegevens betreffende voor Nederland verleende gewijzgde Europese octrooien. Rubriek EP5 Bevat gegevens betreffende voor Nederland verleende gewijzigde 259Heading EP4 Contains data concerning European patents granted in amended form for the Netherlands. 260Heading EP5 Contains data concerning European patents granted in amended form for

4 Nummer 15/ april 2016 Europese octrooien waarvoor een gewijzigde vertaling is ingediend. Rubriek SPC Bevat gegevens betreffende ingeschreven en verleende certificaten The Netherlands in which an amended translation was filed. 262Heading SPC 262 Contains data concerning applications for- or granted Supplementary Protection Certificates. Rubriek VB1 263Heading VB1 Bevat gegevens betreffende rechten Contains data concerning requests and waarvoor een verzoek of bezwaarschrift notices of opposition under the General is ingediend conform de Octrooiwet administrative law. 263 Rubriek VB2 Bevat gegevens betreffende rechten waarin een beslissing is genomen of waarvoor een nieuwheidsrapport is uitgegaan op een verzoek- of bezwaarschrift conform de Octrooiwet Heading VB2 Contains data concerning requests and notices of opposition under the General administrative law in respect of which a decision has been taken or in respect for which a report has been made. 265 Rubriek MED Bevat gegevens betreffende overige mededelingen. Rubriek VRV Bevat gegevens betreffende verval of nietigverklaring. Rubriek VRB Bevat gegevens betreffende verbeteringen op eerdere publicaties. 266Heading MED Contains data concerning other communications. 267Heading VRV Contains data concerning lapse or annulment. 279Heading VRB Contains data concerning corrections on earlier publications Rubriek CO Bevat gegevens betreffende wijzigingen in het octrooiregister. 280Heading CO 280 Contains data concerning changes in the Netherland patent register. Rubriek TVH 288Heading TVH Bevat gegevens betreffende topografieën Contains data concerning depots of van halfgeleiderproducten. original topographies of semi-conductor products. 288

5 Nummer 15/ april 2016 Overzicht van Inid codes INID CODES Inid codes worden gebruikt op de voorpagina van octrooigeschriften en in octrooibulletins. Ze dienen om de verschillende bibliografische gegevens te kunnen begrijpen zonder kennis te hebben van de taal. INID is een acronym van Internationally agreed Numbers for Identification of Data. De definities van INID codes wordt gegeven in de WIPO standaard ST. 9. INID CODES INID Codes are used on the front pages of patent documents and in official gazettes to identify various bibliographic data items without knowledge of the language used and the industrial property laws applied. INID is an acronym for Internationally agreed Numbers for the Identification of Data. The INID Codes are usually given in parenthesis adjacent to the appropriate bibliographic data item. The definitions of the INID Codes are given in WIPO Standard ST. 9 (as of November 1998) and are listed below: (11) (13) (15) (21) (22) (23) (25) (26) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (40) (41) (42) (43) Octrooinummer Soort document volgens WIPO standaard 16 Correctie informatie Octrooiaanvraagnummer Datum van indiening Datum tentoonstelling Taal van indiening Taal waarin de aanvraag is gepubliceerd Voorrangsgegevens Nummer voorrang Datum voorrang Land van herkomst voorrang Oorspronkelijk land van indiening Datum van inschrijving Datum van inschrijving van een octrooiaanvraag Datum van inschrijving van een onderzochte aanvraag (openbaarmaking) (11) (13) (15) (21) (22) (23) (25) (26) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (40) (41) (42) Datum waarop de aanvraag ter inzage is gelegd (43) Patent number Kind of document code according to WIPO standard ST.16 Patent correction information Application number Date(s) of filing application(s) Date of exhibition Language in which the published application was originally filed Language in which the application is published Priority Data Number(s) assigned to priority application(s) Date(s) of filling of priority application(s) WIPO Standard ST.3 Code indetifying the national patent office alloting the priority application number or the organization alloting the regional priority application number: for international applications filed under the PCT, the code "WO" is used. For priority fillings under the regional or international arrangements, the WIPO Standard ST.3 Code indentifying at least one country party to the Paris Union for which the regional or international application was made. Date(s) of making available to the public Date of making available to the public by viewing, or copying on request an unexamined patent document, on which no grant has taken place on or before the said date. Date of making available to the public by viewing, or copying on request an examined patent document, on which no grant has taken place on or before the said date. Date of publication by printing or similar process of anexamined document on which no grant has taken place on or before said date

6 Nummer 15/ april 2016 (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (51) (54) (62) (68) (71) (72) (73) (74) (75) (81) (83) (84) (86) (87) (92) (93) (94) (95) Datum van openbaarmaking Datum van kracht worden van een Europees octrooi in Nederland Inschrijvingsdatum conclusies Verleningsdatum octrooi Datum waarop een verbetering van een octrooi is uitgegeven Internationale Octrooiclassificatie Korte aanduiding Nummer moeder aanvraag Nummer basis octrooi Naam aanvrager(s) Naam uitvinder(s) Naam octrooihouder(s) Naam gemachtigde Naam van uitvinders die tevens aanvrager zijn Aangewezen landen volgens de PCT Informatie over micro organismen Aangewezen landen bij regionale octrooien Nummer van omgezette aanvraag Datum en nummer van een PCT aanvraag Certificaten: nummer en datum van de eerste nationale vergunning voor een geneesmiddel Datum en nummer van de eerste EU vergunning voor een geneesmiddel Expiratiedatum voor een topografie Certificaten: naam van het product (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (51) (54) (62) (68) (71) (72) (73) (74) (75) (81) (83) (84) (86) (87) (92) (93) (94) (95) Date of publication by printing or similar process of an examined document on which no grant has taken place on or before said date Date of publication by printing or similar process of a document on which no grant has taken place on or before said date Date of publication by printing or similar process of the claim(s) only of a document Date from which the patent takes effect Date of issuance of a corrected patent document International Patent Classification Title of the invention Number and, if possible, filling date of the earlier application from which the present document has been divided out Number of the basic patent Name(s) of the applicant(s) Name(s) of the inventor(s) if know to be such Name(s) of grantee(s) Name(s) of the attorney(s) or agent(s) Name(s) of inventor(s) who is (are) also application(s) Designated States(s) according to the PCT Information concerning the deposit of microorganisms Designated Contracting States under regional patent conventions Apllication number of a PCT-application or number of European patent which is converted into a national application Publication date and number of a PCT application For an SPC, number and date of the first national authorization to place the product on the market as a medicinal product For an SPC, number and date and where applicable, country of origin, of the first authorzation to place the product on the market as a medicinal product within a regional economic community Calculated date of expiry of the topography Name of the product protected by the basic patent and in respect of which the SPC has been apllied for or granted

7 Nummer 15/ april 2016 Rubrieken/Headings NP1 Bevat gegevens betreffende octrooiaanvragen die zijn ingeschreven op grond van de Octrooiwet Contains data concerning Netherlands patent applications which have been entered in the patent register under the Patents Act (51) A01G 9/10 (21) (22) (54) Methoden voor het zaaien in perspotten. (71) Plantenkwekerij Van Engeland BVBA (74) M.A.T. Beck MSc LL.B (72) Geert van Engeland (31) BE2015/5017 (32) (33) Belgium (51) B60D 1/42 B62K 5/05 (21) (22) (54) Voertuig. (71) Biketrailer B.V. (74) ir. B.J. 't Jong (72) Julius Johan Bosma (51) E04B 1/00 E04C 5/06 (21) (22) (54) Balkon, gebouw voorzien van een dergelijk balkon en een werkwijze voor het bevestigen van een dergelijk balkon. (71) Pieters Bouwtechniek B.V. Hi-Con A/S (74) ir. C.M. Jansen c.s. (72) Rogier Friso van Nalta Tommy Baek Hansen (51) E06B E06B 9/324 (21) (22) (54) Breakaway cord connector. (71) The Shade Store, LLC (74) ir. M.F.J.M. Ketelaars c.s. (72) Jacob Genzel (31) 14/ (32) (51) E21D 9/12 (21) (22) (54) Werkwijze voor het aanleggen van een tunnel in de grond, en overeenkomstige tunnelgraafinrichting. (71) Leonardus Karel van Tol (74) ir. M.F.J.M. Ketelaars c.s. (72) Leonardus Karel van Tol (41) (51) F03B 17/00 (21) (22) (54) Energieopwekkingssysteem. (71) Tom Vierstra (72) Tom Vierstra (51) G03F 7/20 (21) (22) (54) Lithography apparatus and method of manufacturing devices. (71) ASML Netherlands B.V. Carl Zeiss SMT GmbH (74) ir. A.J. Maas (72) Stig Bieling Martin Endres Maryana Escalante Marun Jan Bernard Plechelmus van Schoot Toralf Gruner Lars Wischmeier (31) (32) (51) G03F 7/20 (21) (22) (54) Lithographic Apparatus and Device Manufacturing Method. (71) ASML Netherlands B.V. (74) ir. A.J. Maas (72) Günes Nakiboglu Frank Johannes Jacobus van Boxtel Thomas Petrus Hendricus Warmerdam Jan Steven Christiaan Westerlaken Johannes Pieter Kroes (31) (32) (51) G03F 7/20 (21) (22) (54) Lithographic apparatus, device manufacturing method and associated data processing apparatus and computer program product. (71) ASML Netherlands B.V. (74) ir. A.J. Maas (72) Erik Willem Boogaart (31) (32) European Patent Office (EPO) (51) G03F 7/20 (21) (22) (54) Lithographic Method and Apparatus. (71) ASML Netherlands B.V. (74) ir. A.J. Maas (72) Johannes Jacobus Matheus Baselmans Wilhelmus Petrus de Boeij (31) (32) (51) G03F 7/20 G01B 11/24 (21) (22) (54) Inspection apparatus and methods, methods of manufacturing devices. (71) ASML Netherlands B.V. (74) ir. A.J. Maas (72) Amandev Singh Henricus Petrus Maria Pellemans Patrick Warnaar (31) (32) (51) H01J 37/04 (21) (22) (54) An electrical circuit for control of one or more beamlet deflectors, a modulation device, a charged particle lithography machine, and a conductive slab. (62) (71) Mapper Lithography IP B.V. (74) drs. W.H.P. Derks (72) Teunis van de Peut Hendrik den Boer (31) 61/ / (32)

8 Nummer 15/ april 2016 NP2 Bevat gegevens betreffende ingeschreven en verleende octrooien op grond van de Octrooiwet Contains data concerning Netherlands patents which have been entered in the patent register under the Patents Act (51) A01K 1/035 (11) (47) (22) (54) Een samengestelde multifunctionele graszodendoos voor gezelschapsdieren, overige knaagdieren, pluimvee, overige vogels, reptielen en insecten. (73) Hendrik Hingstman (72) Hendrik Hingstman (51) A21C 11/12 (11) (47) (22) (54) Cutting device and method for slitting dough portions. (73) Johan Hendrik Bernard Kaak (72) Bernardus Hermanus Maria Manschot (74) ir. F.A. Geurts c.s. (51) A23L 1/22 A23P 1/08 (11) (47) (22) (54) Een inrichting voor het aanbrengen van poeder. (73) Kiremko B.V. (72) Hendrikus Johannes Maria van Oorschot Jeroen Weijts (74) ir. J.M.G. Dohmen c.s. (51) A24D 1/02 A24F 17/00 (11) (22) (54) Method and apparatus for preparing a finished smokable product including a booklet containing a plurality of sheets each having a plurality of openings which are irregularly torn open to cause a shredding effect to assist in the sealing of a custom made smokable product. (73) Daniel S. Sinclair JR. Nathaniel Bensimon (72) Daniel S. Sinclair JR. Nathaniel Bensimon (74) dr. A. Krebs (31) 62/209,059 (32) (51) A47B 13/06 F16B 12/52 (11) (47) (22) (54) Office desk. (73) Koninklijke Ahrend N.V. (72) Petrus Antonius Laurentius van Bakel (74) mr. ir. J. van Breda c.s. (51) B60D 1/42 B62K 5/05 (11) (47) (22) (54) Voertuig. (73) Biketrailer B.V. (72) Julius Johan Bosma (74) ir. B.J. 't Jong (51) B63C 11/22 F16K 17/04 (11) (47) (22) (54) On-shore pressure helmet. (73) IHC Holland IE B.V. (72) Tjabel Jager Marcel Gerard Beerens (74) ir. M.F.J.M. Ketelaars c.s. (51) E21D 9/12 (11) (47) (22) (54) Werkwijze voor het aanleggen van een tunnel in de grond, en overeenkomstige tunnelgraafinrichting. (73) Leonardus Karel van Tol (72) Leonardus Karel van Tol (74) ir. M.F.J.M. Ketelaars c.s. (51) F03B 17/00 (11) (22) (54) Energieopwekkingssysteem. (73) Tom Vierstra (72) Tom Vierstra (51) G02B 6/44 (11) (47) (22) (54) Protection element for protecting a fiber network component against damage thereof, tapping box, method of installing a network, and communications network. (73) Draka Comteq B.V. (72) Mijndert Doorn Jianming Zeng Kees van Trigt (74) ir. C.M. Jansen c.s. (51) G06F 1/16 G06F 9/48 G06F 3/0488 (11) (22) (54) Continuity. (73) Apple Inc. (72) Lawrence Y. Yang Patrick L. Coffman Craig M. Federighi (74) ir. A.R. Aalbers (31) 62/ / PCT/US2015/ PCT/US2015/ PCT/US2015/ (32) (51) G06K 7/10 (11) (47) (22) (54) Inrichting voor het uitlezen van een passieve transponder. (73) LeeO B.V. Strukton Embedded Solutions B.V. (72) Robert Troost (74) ir. B.J. 't Jong (51) H04M 1/19 H04M 1/21 H04R 1/08 (11) (47) (22) (54) Inrichting voor gebruik met een telecommunicatie-apparaat en combinatie van de inrichting met een telecommunicatieapparaat. (73) Dutch X Holding B.V. (72) Remco van Dijk (74) ir. B.J. 't Jong

9 Nummer 15/ april 2016 NP3 Bevat gegevens betreffende ingeschreven en gewijzigd verleende octrooien van de Octrooiwet Contains data concerning Netherlands patents which have been entered in the patent register (after limitation procedure) under the Patents Act 1995.

10 Nummer 15/ april 2016 EP1 Bevat gegevens betreffende vertaalde conclusies van Europese octrooiaanvragen. Contains data concerning translations of the claims of European patent applications. (43) (11) EP (51) A23L 2/00 (71) McCain Foods Limited

11 Nummer 15/ april 2016 EP2 Bevat gegevens betreffende voor Nederland verleende Europese octrooien. Contains data concerning European patents granted for The Netherlands. (51) A01B 49/06 (11) EP (21) EP (87) FR (22) (54) COMBINED SOWING MACHINE (73) KUHN S.A. (72) KIRCH, Michel (31) (32) (51) A01B 59/04 A01D 41/16 F16L 37/18 F16L 37/16 A01B 59/00 B60D 1/64 F16L 37/56 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Coupling for combining hydraulic lines (73) CLAAS Industrietechnik GmbH (72) Fedde, Thomas (31) (32) (51) A01B 71/08 A01C 17/00 E01C 19/20 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Distribution machine (73) RAUCH Landmaschinenfabrik GmbH (72) Landsgesell, Elias (31) U (32) (51) A01B 73/04 A01D 78/04 A01D 78/06 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Two-comb side-delivery rake having windrowing assemblies with coaxial hinges (73) Repossi Macchine Agricole S.r.l. (72) Repossi, Gabriele (31) MI (32) (33) Italy (51) A01B 79/00 A01C 17/00 A01C 21/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Method for equal distribution of fertiliser (73) RAUCH Landmaschinenfabrik GmbH (72) Rauch, Norbert Stöcklin, Volker (31) (32) (51) A01C 15/12 A01C 17/00 E01C 19/20 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) SPREADER DEVICE (73) RAUCH Landmaschinenfabrik GmbH (72) Dr. Rauch, Norbert Doll, Franz Zeitvogel, Thomas (31) (32) Germany (51) A01D 34/44 A01D 34/62 A01D 75/30 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Gang mower with reel mower cutting units (73) Van de Sluis, Jacky Van de Sluis, Conny (72) Van de Sluis, Jacky Van de Sluis, Conny (51) A01D 34/73 A01D 34/82 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Knife bar (73) SABO-Maschinenfabrik GmbH (72) Viebahn, Knut (31) (32) (51) A01D 41/12 A01D 41/127 A01B 79/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) GPS controlled residue spread width (73) CNH Industrial Belgium nv (72) Knapp, Kevin F. (31) (32) (51) A01D 41/127 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Unload rate control for an unloading system in an agricultural harvester (73) Deere & Company (72) Mackin, Ryan Patrick Burke, Daniel J Coers, Bruce A DePoorter, Mark C (31) (32) (51) A01D 89/00 A01F 15/10 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Arrangement to adjust the position of a pick-up drum and a pressing element in an agricultural harvesting machine (73) Deere & Company (72) Humbert, Clément (31) (32) (51) A01F 15/08 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Sequence and timing control for large round baler ejection device (73) Deere & Company (72) Derscheid, Daniel, E. Anstey, Henry, D. (31) (32) (51) A01F 15/08 A01F 15/07 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Rotobaler (73) Deere & Company (72) Biziorek, Stephane Guiet, Lionel Humbert, Clément (31) (32) (51) A01F 15/14

12 Nummer 15/ april 2016 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Binding device (73) Deere & Company (72) Pailett, Frederic (31) (32) (51) A01F 15/18 B30B 9/30 A01F 15/08 A01F 15/07 (11) EP (21) EP (87) IT (22) (54) COMPACTING MACHINE WITH REDUCED FRICTION (73) CAEB International S.r.l. (72) ROTA, Guido (31) MI (32) (33) Italy (51) A01F 21/00 F16P 3/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) IB (22) (54) SAFETY DEVICE FOR AGRICULTURAL MACHINES (73) Kverneland Group Ravenna S.r.l. (72) RAVAGLIA, Paolo (31) BO (32) (33) Italy (51) A01F 25/16 B65D 90/08 E04H 7/22 E04H 7/28 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Trench silo (73) Schmack Biogas GmbH (72) Wolf, Markus Eckel, Rüdiger (31) U (32) (51) A01G 9/00 A01G 1/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Apparatus and method for separating plants (73) Agricultural Robotics LLC (72) Brown, Claude Edward Sakuma, Glenn Mintz, Darrell Timpton, Bob Loftus, Tom Shannon, Joseph Oran (31) P (32) (51) A01G 9/02 A01G 9/10 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) PROPAGATION CONTAINER FOR PLANTS AND PROPAGATION PLATE HAVING SEVERAL SUCH PROPAGATION CONTAINERS (72) Kubern, Juergen (31) (32) (51) A01G 9/12 E04H 1/04 E04H 1/06 (11) EP (21) EP (87) CN (22) (54) THREE-DIMENSIONAL PLANTING CONSTRUCTION (73) Huangshi City Guyue Fengta Woodworking Co., Ltd. (72) HU, Xiangyu (31) (32) (33) China (51) A01G 23/081 (11) EP (21) EP (87) FI (22) (54) ARRANGEMENT IN WOOD HANDLING DEVICE (73) Ponsse Oyj (72) RÖNKKÖ, Väinö RÖNKKÖ, Veijo (31) (32) (33) Finland (51) A01H 5/10 C12N 15/82 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) Herbicide-resistant sunflower plants and methods of use (73) BASF Agrochemical Products, B.V. Advanta Seeds B.V. (72) LEON, Alberto Javier MORATA, Monica Mariel ZAMBELLI, Andres Daniel (31) P (32) (51) A01K 67/027 C07K 16/00 C07K 16/46 C12N 15/85 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Animal models and therapeutic molecules (73) Kymab Limited (72) Bradley, Allan Lee, E-Chiang Liang, Qi Wang, Wei (31) P P (32) (33) United Kingdom United Kingdom (51) A01M 1/14 A01M 1/10 (11) EP (21) EP (87) GB (22) (54) INSECT CATCHING DEVICE (73) Killgerm Group Limited (72) GREENING, John Llewellyn McGOWAN, Neil (31) (32) (33) United Kingdom United Kingdom (51) A01M 1/14 A01M 1/18 A01M 23/00 A01G 13/10 C08K 3/34 C08L 7/02 C08L 9/10 C08L 9/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) FR (22) (54) COMPOSITION FOR PROTECTING PLANTS AGAINST INSECTS AND OTHER PESTS (73) INSTITUT NATIONAL DE LA RECHERCHE AGRONOMIQUE (INRA)

13 Nummer 15/ april 2016 Centre international d'études supérieures en sciences agronomiques Montpellier Supagro (72) PELTIER, Jean Benoît TAUZIN, Marc (31) (32) (51) A01N 1/02 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) METHODS FOR COLLECTING PLACENTA CORD BLOOD STEM CELLS (73) Anthrogenesis Corporation (72) Takebe, Naoko (31) P (32) (51) A01N 1/02 (11) EP (21) EP (87) FR (22) (54) HYPOTHERMIC PERFUSION METHOD FOR A HEART ORGAN AND APPARATUS TO CARRY IT OUT (73) Université Claude Bernard Lyon I INSERM (Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale) (72) FERRERA, René (31) (32) (51) A01N 25/00 A01N 43/90 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) SEED TREATMENT COMPOSITION (73) DSM IP Assets B.V. (72) SCHREURS, Frederik, Jan, Hendrik STARK, Jacobus DE RIJK, Angelique (31) (32) (51) A01N 25/02 A01N 25/04 A01P 3/00 A01P 7/04 A01P 13/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Oil-based agrochemical compositions with increased viscosity (73) Cognis IP Management GmbH (72) Merlet, Stéphanie Lamarca, William Schieferstein, Ludwig Scherer, Markus Bene, Peter (51) A01N 25/34 A01N 25/10 A01N 53/00 A01N 47/34 A01N 43/653 A01N 43/30 A01P 7/00 D01F 1/10 D06M 23/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) DK (22) (54) INSECTICIDAL THREAD (73) Vestergaard Frandsen SA (72) VESTERGAARD FRANDSEN, Mikkel (51) A01N 43/08 A01N 43/16 A61K 31/7012 A61P 35/00 A61P 9/14 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) ANTI-TUMOR COMPOUNDS WITH ANGELOYL GROUPS (73) Mak, May Sung (72) CHAN, Pui-Kwong MAK, May, Sung WANG, Yun (31) P P P PCT/US2004/ PCT/US2004/ P P (32) World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) (51) A01N 43/38 A01N 47/06 A01N 25/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) USE OF TETRAMIC ACID DERIVATIVES FOR THE CONTROL OF INSECTS OF THE PLANT LOUSE SPECIES (STERNORRHYNCHA) (73) Bayer Intellectual Property GmbH (72) FISCHER, Reiner HUNGENBERG, Heike BRÜCK, Ernst NAUEN, Ralf THIELERT, Wolfgang VAN WAETERMEULEN, Xavier, Alain, Marie (31) (32) (51) A01N 43/56 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) BIOCIDE COMPOSITIONS (73) Cognis IP Management GmbH (72) BARKER, Phyllis HAILU, Alefesh (31) P (32) (51) A01N 43/66 A61K 31/53 A61P 29/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) PROSTAGLANDIN TRANSPORTER INHIBITORS (73) Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Inc. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY (72) SCHUSTER, Victor, L. CHI, Yuling CHANG, Young-tae MIN, Jaeki (31) P (32) (51) A01N 43/90 C07D 473/34 A01P 21/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) CZ (22)

14 Nummer 15/ april 2016 (54) USE OF 6-SUBSTITUTED 9- HALOGENALKYL PURINES FOR REGULATION OF GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF WHOLE PLANTS, PLANT CELLS AND PLANT ORGANS; NOVEL 6-SUBSTITUTED 9- HALOGENALKYL PURINES (73) Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci (72) MIK, Vaclav SZUCOVA, Lucie DOLEZAL, Karel SPICHAL, Lukas GALUSZKA, Petr STRNAD, Miroslav GRUZ, Jiri (31) (32) (33) Czech Republic (51) A01N 57/20 A01N 25/24 A01N 25/22 A01N 25/30 (11) EP (21) EP (87) NZ (22) (54) HERBICIDAL FORMULATIONS FOR TRIETHANOLAMINE SALTS OF GLYPHOSATE (73) Monsanto Technology LLC (72) YERITSYAN, Karen (31) (32) (33) Australia New Zealand (51) A22C 7/00 A22C 25/18 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) METHOD FOR PRODUCING INDIVIDUAL PORTIONS (73) Nienstedt GmbH (72) GRONEBERG-NIENSTEDT, Petra (31) (32) (51) A23C 11/00 A23L 23/10 (11) EP (21) EP (87) NL (22) (54) ACID-STABLE CREAMER OR WHITENER COMPOSITION (73) FrieslandCampina Nederland B.V. (72) Kloek, William Valkanotska, Olena (31) (32) (33) Netherlands (51) A23C 11/10 A23J 3/16 A23L 11/30 A23L 33/17 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) FERMENTED SOY-BASED BEVERAGE (73) Unilever N.V. (72) BATENBURG, Amir, M BECKMANN, Christoph, H KLOOSTER, Jan, R MELLEMA, Michel SANDERS, Jan, W (31) (32) (51) A23C 19/16 A23C 19/10 B65D 81/28 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) PROCESS FOR FOIL RIPENING OF CHEESE (73) DSM IP Assets B.V. (72) HOOFT, Corstiaan Johannes RIJN, VAN, Ferdinand Theodorus Jozef STARK, Jacobus VIS, Albert-Jon KRIJGSMAN, Josien (31) (32) (51) A23D 7/015 A23D 9/013 A23L 33/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) IMPROVED TEXTURIZING COMPOSITIONS FOR USE IN FAT BLENDS IN FOOD (73) Raisio Nutrition Ltd (72) Wester, Ingmar (31) (32) (51) A23G 3/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) DK (22) (54) TOFFEE GUM COMPRISING CHOCOLATE (73) Gumlink A/S (72) TOPSØE, Martin LUND, Kirsten (31) PCT/DK2004/ (32) (33) World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) (51) A23G 4/06 A23G 4/08 (11) EP (21) EP (87) DK (22) (54) CHEWING GUM COMPRISING AT LEAST TWO DIFFERENT BIODEGRADABLE POLYMERS (73) Gumlink A/S (72) ANDERSEN, Lone WITTORFF, Helle (51) A23G 9/22 A23G 9/28 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) PROCESS AND APPARATUS FOR MOULDING A FROZEN AERATED PRODUCT (73) Unilever N.V. (72) CHENEY, Paul Edward DYKS, Stephen John (31) (32) (51) A23J 1/10 A23J 3/34 A23L 29/281 A23L 33/28 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) PREPARATION OF HIGH PURITY COLLAGEN (73) National Cheng Kung University (72) HUANG, Lynn, L.H. (51) A23K 10/14 A23K 10/16 A23P 20/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) POLYSILOXANE (SILICONE) TREATMENT COMPOSITION FOR SUPPRESSION OF MOLD AND SPOILAGE ON ANIMAL FEED AND FORAGE, AND METHODS OF USING SAME (73) Folkman, Mark L. (72) Folkman, Mark L. (31) P P

15 Nummer 15/ april 2016 (32) (51) A23K 50/10 A23K 20/158 A23K 20/163 A23C 9/14 A23C 9/20 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) FEED FOR MILK-PRODUCING ANIMALS, METHOD FOR THE PRODUCTION THEREOF, USE THEREOF AND MILK PRODUCED (73) Dumoulin Dumoulin NV (72) VANVOLSEM, Thibaut (31) (32) (33) Belgium (51) A23K 50/40 A23K 20/10 A23K 20/121 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) PET FOOD COMPOSITIONS FOR INDUCING A SATIETY RESPONSE (73) Hill's Pet Nutrition, Inc. (72) AL-MURRANI, Samer (31) P (32) (51) A23L 2/00 A23G 3/44 A61K 31/198 A23L 33/175 A23L 5/20 A23L 9/10 (11) EP (21) EP (87) JP (22) (54) GLYCINE-CONTAINING FOOD AND USE THEREOF (73) Ajinomoto Co., Inc. (72) KOUDA, Tohru; c/o Ajinomoto Co., Inc. MORISHIMA, Chika; c/o Ajinomoto Co., Inc. INAGAWA, Kentaro; c/o Ajinomoto Co., Inc. SEKI, Shinobu; c/o Ajinomoto Co., Inc. (31) (32) Japan (51) A23L 2/02 A23L 2/52 A23L 7/10 A23L 29/30 A23L 33/10 A23L 33/16 (11) EP (21) EP (87) NL (22) (54) PROCESS FOR THE FORTIFICATION OF A FRUIT BASED FOOD PRODUCT WITH CALCIUM (73) Purac Biochem B.V. (72) BOUWMAN, Simone, Johanna BONTENBAL, Elize, Willem (31) (32) (51) A23L 5/43 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Compound containing anthocyanin (73) RUDOLF WILD GmbH & CO. KG (72) Christiansen, Christian Graf, Anika (51) A23L 5/43 A23L 2/58 A61K 47/12 A61K 47/46 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) A DISPERSION PRODUCT COMPRISING NORBIXIN AS AN ORANGE/RED PIGMENT (73) Chr. Hansen Natural Colors A/S (72) KOEHLER, Klaus NIELSEN, Lene Munch (31) (32) (51) A23L 17/60 A23L 2/52 A23L 2/38 A23L 11/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Method for obtaining a soy and algae-based liquid food product and liquid food product obtained (73) Liquats Vegetals SA (72) Erra Serrabasa, Josep Maria (31) (32) (51) A23L 27/20 C07C 235/08 C07C 235/16 (11) EP (21) EP (87) NL (22) (54) FLAVOUR MODULATING SUBSTANCES (73) Givaudan S.A. (72) WINKEL, Chris RENES, Harry (31) PCT/NL2005/ (32) World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) (51) A23L 29/256 A23L 29/269 A23L 23/00 A23L 27/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) GEL COMPOSITION (73) Nestec S.A. (72) WANG, Yu LIAN HWEE PENG, Rebecca (31) PCT/CN2011/ (32) (33) World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) (51) A23L 33/105 A61K 8/97 B01D 11/00 A61K 36/45 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) LINGONBERRY EXTRACT, THE PREPARING METHOD AND USE THEREOF (73) Beijing Gingko Group Biological Technology Co., Ltd. (72) Li, Yanmei Dou, Xiarui Cheng, Qiaojie (31) (32) (33) China (51) A23L 33/105 A61K 36/28 A61P 27/02 (11) EP (21) EP (87) IB (22) (54) A XANTHOPHYL COMPOSITION CONTAINING MACULAR PIGMENTS AND A PROCESS FOR ITS PREPARATION

16 Nummer 15/ april 2016 (73) OmniActive Health Technologies Ltd. (72) KUMAR T., K., Sunil P. ABDULKADIR, Sherena (31) P MU (32) India (51) A23L 33/125 A23L 33/00 A23L 21/12 A23L 19/00 A23L 29/30 (11) EP (21) EP (87) IB (22) (54) PUREE COMPOSITIONS HAVING SPECIFIC CARBOHYDRATE RATIOS AND METHODS FOR USING SAME (73) Premier Nutrition Corporation (72) SAVANT, Vivek Dilip HAILE, Tesfalidet JIMENEZ, Frank Craig BOICE, Cynthia Marie WELSH, Karlyn Ross ZALTAS, Eric Scott GUAN, Junjie REAVLIN, Lisa Diane (31) P P P P P (32) (51) A23L 33/175 A61K 31/198 A23K 20/142 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) MIXED AQUEOUS SOLUTION OF L- LYSINE AND L-THREONINE (73) Ajinomoto Eurolysine S.a.s. (72) CROMBEZ, Mathilde LEFEBVRE, François CHIKAMORI, Takehiko LE TUTOUR, Loïc TORIDE, Yasuhiko FUKE, Ichiro (31) PCT/IB2008/ (32) (33) World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) (51) A23L 33/21 A23L 29/00 A23L 2/52 A23L 29/269 A23L 29/256 A23L 29/244 A23D 7/005 A61K 47/36 A61P 3/04 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Dietary fiber composition comprising glucomannan, xanthan gum, alginate and lipid (73) Inovobiologic, Inc. (72) Gahler, Roland J. Lyon, Michael Lee, Nicole (31) (32) (51) A23P 10/30 A23L 29/212 A23L 29/30 C08L 3/02 (11) EP (21) EP (87) FR (22) (54) USE OF PEA MALTODEXTRIN AND/ OR OF PEA GLUCOSE SYRUP FOR ENCAPSULATING HYDROPHOBIC COMPOUNDS (73) Roquette Frères (72) BOURSIER, Bernard (31) (32) (51) A24B 13/00 A24B 15/30 A23G 4/06 A23G 3/48 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) MELTABLE SMOKELESS TOBACCO COMPOSITION (73) R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company (72) CANTRELL, Daniel, Verdin CHEN, Gong (31) (32) (51) A24C 5/00 A24C 5/18 A24C 5/34 (11) EP (21) EP (87) JP (22) (54) COATED PERFUME INSPECTION DEVICE AND A CIGARETTE MAKING MACHINE PROVIDED WITH THIS (73) Japan Tobacco Inc. (72) IZUMIYA, Takafumi, c/o JAPAN TOBACCO INC. KIDA, Shinzo, c/o JAPAN TOBACCO INC. (31) (32) (51) A24D 1/02 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) SMOKING ARTICLE (73) British American Tobacco (Investments) Ltd (72) FIEBELKORN, Richard (31) (32) (33) United Kingdom (51) A24D 3/04 A61Q 13/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) SMOKING ARTICLE COMPRISING MENTHOL (73) Philip Morris Products S.A. (72) TRITZ, Dorothy KUERSTEINER, Charles JORDIL, Yves CHECCHETTO, Andrea (31) (32) (51) A24F 23/02 B31C 1/08 B31C 99/00 B31D 1/00 B65D 75/58 B65D 75/66 B65D 75/68 B65D 85/10 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) PACKAGING WITH TEAR STRIPS (73) British American Tobacco (Investments) Ltd (72) GIBSON, Paul WHIFFEN, Robert (31) (32) (33) United Kingdom (51) A24F 47/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22)

17 Nummer 15/ april 2016 (54) Atomizing device and electronic cigarette having same (73) Shenzhen First Union Technology Co., Ltd. (72) Li, Yonghai Xu, Zhongli Hong, Hepeng Feng, Ye He, Youlin (31) (32) (33) China (51) A24F 47/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) SMOKING ARTICLE INCLUDING DUAL HEAT-CONDUCTING ELEMENTS (73) Philip Morris Products S.A. (72) ROUDIER, Stephane SAMULEWICZ, Aleksandra LAVANCHY, Frederic (31) (32) (51) A41D 1/20 A41D 13/08 (11) EP (21) EP (87) IB (22) (54) WEARABLE ARTICLE FOR SUPPORT OF A BABY (73) DOC & DOC Ltd. (72) Mazzanti, Chiara Maria (31) PI U (32) (33) Italy (51) A41D 13/00 A41D 13/018 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Protective clothing (73) Müller-Adam, Wolfgang (72) Müller-Adam, Wolfgang (31) (32) (51) A41D 13/05 A42B 3/04 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) HEAD AND NECK SUPPORT DEVICE (73) Simpson Performance Products, Inc. (72) STILES, Mark, A. (31) P (32) (51) A41H 37/00 A41H 37/04 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Tool for applying rivet elements to a surface element and fastening system for the same (73) William Prym GmbH & Co. KG (72) Papenfuss, Andreas (31) (32) (51) A43B 1/00 A43B 5/04 A43C 11/00 A43B 7/20 A43B 7/14 A43B 23/02 A43C 1/04 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Article of footwear for snowboarding (73) NIKE Innovate C.V. (72) Carboy, Shawn G. Pelletier, Stephen D. Jr. (31) (32) (51) A43B 5/02 A43C 15/16 A43B 13/02 A43B 13/12 A43B 13/14 A43C 15/02 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) ARTICLE OF FOOTWEAR WITH FLEXIBLE REINFORCING PLATE (73) NIKE Innovate C.V. (72) AUGER, Perry, W. CAVALIERE, Sergio (31) (32) (51) A43B 13/18 A43B 13/22 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) MOULDED SHOE BOTTOM WITH HIGH ANTI-SHOCK PROPERTIES (73) Gommus Societa' Cooperativa Per Azioni (72) BADIALI, Girolamo (31) MC (32) (33) Italy (51) A43B 17/06 A43B 7/14 A61F 5/14 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) SPRING ORTHOTIC DEVICE (73) King Family Kingetics, LLC (72) KING, Steven HEWITT, Paul (31) P (32) (51) A44B 11/25 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Buckle-Tongue Arrangement for Seat Belt System (73) Ford Global Technologies, LLC (72) ROUHANA, Stephen BEDEWI, Paul MACKENZIE, Frank KANKANALA, Sundeep (31) (32) (51) A44B 11/25 A44B 11/26 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Belt buckle for the releasable connection of a belt (73) ABA Hörtnagl GmbH (72) Hörtnagl, Andreas (31) (32) (33) Austria (51) A44B 11/26 A44B 11/25 A44B 11/10 (11) EP (21) EP (87) AT (22) (54) BELT BUCKLE (73) ABA Hörtnagl GmbH (72) HÖRTNAGL, Andreas (31) (32) (33) Austria (51) A44B 18/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Fastening system, in particular as button or closing replacement (73) Gottlieb Binder GmbH & Co. KG (72) Tuma, Jan

18 Nummer 15/ april 2016 (31) (32) (51) A44C 5/00 A44C 9/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Piece of jewellery having two pivoting parts which join together to change its appearance (73) Jörg Heinz GmbH & Co. KG (72) Heinz, Jörg (31) U (32) Germany (51) A44C 5/24 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Fastener for a bracelet (73) Synergies Horlogères SA (72) Bader, Jörg (51) A45B 11/00 A45B 25/22 A45B 25/02 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Canopy device (73) Senz Technologies B.V. Hoogendoorn, Gerrit (72) Hoogendoorn, Gerrit (31) (32) (33) Netherlands (51) A45B 25/16 A45B 11/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) SE (22) (54) UMBRELLA OR PARASOL SYSTEM (73) Witkowski, Andrej (72) Witkowski, Andrej (31) (32) (33) Sweden Sweden (51) A45C 5/03 A45C 13/10 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) PIECE OF LUGGAGE (73) RIMOWA GmbH (72) MORSZECK, Dieter (31) U (32) (51) A45D 1/06 A45D 1/14 A45D 2/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) IB (22) (54) HAIR STYLING DEVICE (73) Koninklijke Philips N.V. (72) YU, Wai Kong (31) (32) (51) A45D 1/18 A45D 2/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) Hair styling device and method for treating a hair strand (73) WIK Far East Ltd. (72) KOCK, Marwin (31) U (32) (51) A45D 24/04 A46B 9/02 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) HAIRBRUSH (73) Kampalook Ltd. (72) MERCIER, Michel (31) P P P P P P (32) (51) A45D 33/00 A45D 33/24 B65D 43/16 B65D 53/02 A45C 13/00 A45D 40/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) KR (22) (54) SEALING RING STRUCTURE OF A COSMETIC CONTAINER (73) Lee, Yong Jun Kim, Jeen Gee (72) Lee, Yong Jun Kim, Jeen Gee (31) (32) (33) Korea (Republic) Korea (Republic) (51) A45D 33/00 A45D 40/24 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) COMPACT PACKAGE COMPRISING EXCHANGEABLE TRAY (73) The Procter & Gamble Company (72) KOBAYASHI, Tsutomu, Yoshino Kogyosho Co. Ltd. KAMIMURA, Chiaki, Yoshino Kogyosho Co. Ltd. (31) (32) (51) A45D 40/20 A45D 34/04 B43K 7/03 B43K 8/02 (11) EP (21) EP (87) JP (22) (54) KNOCK TYPE ADVANCING CONTAINER (73) Mitsubishi Pencil Company, Limited (72) FUKUMOTO, Takeo (31) (32) Japan Japan Japan (51) A45D 40/26 (11) EP (21) EP

19 Nummer 15/ april 2016 (22) (87) EP (54) Applicator for applying a product to the eyelashes and/or eyebrows (22) (73) L'Oréal (54) PIECE OF FURNITURE, AND (72) Gueret, Jean-Louis MECHANISM FOR EJECTING A (31) FURNITURE PART MOVABLY (32) RECEIVED ON A STATIONARY FURNITURE PART (51) A46B 3/20 (73) Grass GmbH A46B 7/06 (72) GEHRER, Harry (11) EP (31) U (21) EP (32) (87) EP (51) A47B 88/ (11) EP (22) (21) EP (54) TOOTHBRUSH (73) GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare (22) GmbH & Co.KG. (54) Elastic force adjustment device for slide (72) GEIBERGER, Christoph assembly (31) (73) King Slide Works Co., Ltd. (32) (72) Liang, Hsiu-Chiang (33) United Kingdom Chen, Ken-Ching (51) A46B 9/02 Wang, Chun-Chiang A46B 9/04 (51) A47B 88/04 A46B 15/00 E05F 5/00 A46B 3/00 E05F 1/16 (11) EP (11) EP (21) EP (21) EP (22) (22) (54) Toothbrush and method for its manufacture (54) Retraction device (73) Braun GmbH (73) Karl Simon GmbH & Co. Kg (72) Stief, Christian (72) Bantle, Ulrich Haas, Martin Eschle, Juergen Störkel, Jens Keller, Hans-Joachim Stich, Florian (31) Pfeifer, Ulrich (32) (51) A46B 9/04 (11) EP (51) A47B 96/20 (21) EP A47B 81/06 (11) EP (87) US (21) EP (22) (22) (54) TOOTHBRUSH (54) Furniture system with furniture element (73) Colgate-Palmolive Company (73) MAJA-WERK Manfred Jarosch GmbH & (72) HOHLBEIN, Douglas, J. Co. KG (31) P (31) (32) (32) (51) A47B 49/00 (51) A47C 1/023 (11) EP A47C 17/04 (21) EP A47C 7/40 (11) EP (22) (21) EP (54) Fitting for a corner cupboard and corner cupboard (22) (73) Hetal-Werke Franz Hettich GmbH & Co. KG (54) Backrest translation mechanism (72) Ziegler, Thomas (73) Dongguan Weihong Hardware and Plastic (31) U Products Co., Ltd. (32) (72) Lu, Wei (31) (51) A47B 88/04 (32) (11) EP (33) China (21) EP (51) A47C 19/02 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Bed frame (73) SAMINA Produktions- und Handels GmbH (72) Amann-Jennson, Günther W. (31) U (32) (51) A47C 20/04 A47C 23/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Bed base comprising a frame and a frame lying surface (73) Créations André Renault (72) Hansson, Thomas (31) (32) (51) A47C 27/10 A61G 1/013 A61G 7/05 A61G 7/10 A47C 27/08 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) PARTIALLY DEFLATABLE TRANSFER MATTRESS AND METHOD FOR TRANSPORTING A PATIENT IN COMFORT (73) Woodlark Circle, Inc. (72) DAVIS, David, T. (31) (32) (51) A47C 29/00 A47C 21/08 A61G 7/05 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) COLLAPSIBLE RESTRAINING ENCLOSURE FOR A BED (73) Vivax Medical Corporation (72) ELLEN, Thomas D. GILDEA, John J. (31) P (32) (51) A47F 10/00 A47F 10/02 B65G 47/51 B66F 9/07 B65G 1/04 B65G 1/06 G06Q 10/08 G07G 1/00 (11) EP

20 Nummer 15/ april 2016 (21) EP (22) (54) Display rack (73) Winkler, Walter (72) Winkler, Walter (31) P (32) (51) A47G 25/90 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) IMPROVED APPARATUS FOR SLIPPING A TUBULAR COMPRESSION ORTHESIS OVER A LIMB. (73) Belovia (72) GOGUE-MEUNIER, Guillaume CHEVALIER, Joël (31) (32) (51) A47H 23/01 A01K 75/06 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) DRAPERY STRIP FOR A TEXTILE SHEET MATERIAL SUCH AS DRAPES, AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING SAME (73) B & M Textil GmbH & Co. KG (72) HILLER, Dieter (31) (32) (51) A47J 27/08 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Lid of pressure cooking apparatus of simplified construction and pressure cooking apparatus with such lid. (73) SEB S.A. (72) Chameroy, Eric Blanc, Hervé, Eugène, René Chaillard, Hubert, Roger, Bernard Anota, Daniel, Jean, Marie (31) (32) (51) A47J 27/18 (11) EP (21) EP (87) IB (22) (54) METHOD AND APPARATUS WITH LIGHTING SYSTEM FOR BREWING INGREDIENTS IN A SOLVENT (73) Koninklijke Philips N.V. (72) KELLY, Declan, Patrick WANG, Guangwei (31) PCT/CN2010/ (32) (33) World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) (51) A47J 31/06 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Improved espresso coffee machine with discharge path (73) Tenacta Group S.p.A. (72) Morgandi, Arturo (31) MI (32) (33) Italy (51) A47J 31/06 A47J 31/22 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Device and system for preparing a beverage using brewing centrifugal force (73) Nestec S.A. (72) Yoakim, Alfred Denisart, Jean-Paul Ryser, Antoine (51) A47J 31/22 B65D 85/804 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) CAPSULE FOR THE PREPARATION OF A BEVERAGE BY CENTRIFUGATION (73) Nestec S.A. (72) PERENTES, Alexandre YOAKIM, Alfred (31) (32) (51) A47J 36/02 F24C 15/00 C09D 7/12 C09D 1/00 C08K 3/14 C08K 3/22 C08K 3/28 C08K 7/24 (11) EP (21) EP (87) DE (22) (54) CATALYTIC COATING FOR THE SELF- CLEANING OF OVENS AND RANGES (73) BSH Hausgeräte GmbH (72) JÖRDENS, Frank SALOMON, Jürgen SCHMIDMAYER, Gerhard WALTER, Bernhard (31) (32) (51) A47J 37/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) GRILL DEVICE HAVING SUPPLY-AIR CONTROL (73) Metallwarenfabrik Marktoberdorf GmbH & Co. KG (72) SCHNEIDER, Paul (31) (32) (51) A47J 43/07 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Food processor bowl clamp (73) Conair Corporation (72) Krasznai, Charles Leung, Anthony (31) P (32) (51) A47J 43/20 A22C 7/00 A23P 10/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) FOOD PORTIONING SYSTEM (73) Azzar, James D. Steketee, Stevens C. (72) Azzar, James D. Steketee, Stevens C. (31) P (32) (51) A47K 10/28 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Towel dispenser and cassette for a towel dispenser. (73) Vendor B.V. (72) de Jong, Theodor Robbert Marie Toetenel, Oscar (31) (32) (33) Netherlands (51) A47K 10/42 B65D 83/08 B65D 6/00 B65D 6/24 A47K 10/32

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