Nummer 29/18 11 juli 2018

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1 Nummer 29/18 11 juli 2018

2 Nummer 29/ juli 2018 Inleiding Hoofdblad Het Blad de Industriële Eigendom verschijnt op de derde werkdag van een week. Indien Octrooicentrum Nederland op deze dag is gesloten, wordt de verschijningsdag van het blad verschoven naar de eerstvolgende werkdag, waarop Octrooicentrum Nederland is geopend. Het blad verschijnt alleen in elektronische vorm. Elk nummer van het blad bestaat uit 14 rubrieken. Bijblad Verschijnt vier keer per jaar (januari, april, juli, oktober) in elektronische vorm via octrooien. Het Bijblad bevat officiële mededelingen en andere wetenswaardigheden waarmee Octrooicentrum Nederland en zijn klanten te maken hebben. Abonnementsprijzen per (kalender)jaar: Hoofdblad en Bijblad: verschijnt gratis in elektronische vorm op de website van Octrooicentrum Nederland. Bezoekadres: Octrooicentrum Nederland Prinses Beatrixlaan AL Den Haag Postadres Postbus HJ Den Haag Telefoon: Bankrekeningnummer: Voor taksen en depotrekeningen: ING Iban: NL41INGB BIC: INGBNL2A Introduction Patent Bulletin The Patent Bulletin appears on the 3rd working day of each week. If the Netherlands Patent Office is closed to the public on the above mentioned day, the date of issue of the Bulletin is the first working day thereafter, on which the Office is open. Each issue of the Bulletin consists of 14 headings. Official Journal Appears four times a year (January, April, July, October) in electronic form on the octrooien. The Official Journal contains announcements and other things worth knowing for the benefit of the Netherlands Patent Office and its customers. Subscription rates per calendar year: Patent Bulletin and Official Journal: free of charge in electronic form on the website of the Netherlands Patent Office. Visiting address: Netherlands Patent Office Prinses Beatrixlaan AL Den Haag Postadress Post Office Box: HJ Den Haag Telephone: +31(0) Account: Fees, deposit accounts: ING Iban: NL41INGB BIC: INGBNL2A

3 Nummer 29/ juli 2018 Inhoudsopgave Blz. Content Page Rubriek NP1 Bevat gegevens betreffende octrooiaanvragen die zijn ingeschreven op grond van de Octrooiwet Rubriek NP2 Bevat gegevens betreffende ingeschreven en verleende octrooien op grond van de Octrooiwet Heading NP1 Contains data concerning Netherlands patent applications which have been entered in the patent register under the Patents Act Heading NP2 Contains data concerning Netherlands patents which have been entered in the patent register under the Patents Act Rubriek NP3 11 Heading NP3 Bevat gegevens betreffende Nederlandse Contains data concerning Netherlands octrooien na gedeeltelijke afstand patents after partial renunciation confirm conform artikel 63 van de Octrooiwet Article 63 of the Patents Act Rubriek EP1 Bevat gegevens betreffende vertaalde conclusies van Europese octrooiaanvragen. Rubriek EP2 Bevat gegevens betreffende voor Nederland verleende Europese octrooien. 12 Heading EP1 Contains data concerning translations of the conclusions of European patent applications. 13 Heading EP2 Contains data concerning European patents granted for The Netherlands Rubriek EP3 Bevat gegevens betreffende voor Nederland verleende Europese octrooien waarvoor een vertaling is ingediend conform artikel 52 lid 1 of 6 van de Octrooiwet Heading EP3 Contains data concerning European patents granted for The Netherlands in which a translation was filed confirm Article 52 par. 1 or 6 of the Patents Act Rubriek EP4 Bevat gegevens betreffende voor Nederland verleende gewijzgde Europese octrooien. Rubriek EP5 Bevat gegevens betreffende voor Nederland verleende gewijzigde 281Heading EP4 Contains data concerning European patents granted in amended form for the Netherlands. 282Heading EP5 Contains data concerning European patents granted in amended form for

4 Nummer 29/ juli 2018 Europese octrooien waarvoor een gewijzigde vertaling is ingediend. Rubriek SPC Bevat gegevens betreffende ingeschreven en verleende certificaten The Netherlands in which an amended translation was filed. 283Heading SPC 283 Contains data concerning applications for- or granted Supplementary Protection Certificates. Rubriek VB1 284Heading VB1 Bevat gegevens betreffende rechten Contains data concerning requests and waarvoor een verzoek of bezwaarschrift notices of opposition under the General is ingediend conform de Octrooiwet administrative law. 284 Rubriek VB2 Bevat gegevens betreffende rechten waarin een beslissing is genomen of waarvoor een nieuwheidsrapport is uitgegaan op een verzoek- of bezwaarschrift conform de Octrooiwet Heading VB2 Contains data concerning requests and notices of opposition under the General administrative law in respect of which a decision has been taken or in respect for which a report has been made. 287 Rubriek MED Bevat gegevens betreffende overige mededelingen. Rubriek VRV Bevat gegevens betreffende verval of nietigverklaring. Rubriek VRB Bevat gegevens betreffende verbeteringen op eerdere publicaties. 288Heading MED Contains data concerning other communications. 291Heading VRV Contains data concerning lapse or annulment. 321Heading VRB Contains data concerning corrections on earlier publications Rubriek CO Bevat gegevens betreffende wijzigingen in het octrooiregister. 322Heading CO 322 Contains data concerning changes in the Netherland patent register. Rubriek TVH 323Heading TVH Bevat gegevens betreffende topografieën Contains data concerning depots of van halfgeleiderproducten. original topographies of semi-conductor products. 323

5 Nummer 29/ juli 2018 Overzicht van Inid codes INID CODES Inid codes worden gebruikt op de voorpagina van octrooigeschriften en in octrooibulletins. Ze dienen om de verschillende bibliografische gegevens te kunnen begrijpen zonder kennis te hebben van de taal. INID is een acronym van Internationally agreed Numbers for Identification of Data. De definities van INID codes wordt gegeven in de WIPO standaard ST. 9. INID CODES INID Codes are used on the front pages of patent documents and in official gazettes to identify various bibliographic data items without knowledge of the language used and the industrial property laws applied. INID is an acronym for Internationally agreed Numbers for the Identification of Data. The INID Codes are usually given in parenthesis adjacent to the appropriate bibliographic data item. The definitions of the INID Codes are given in WIPO Standard ST. 9 (as of November 1998) and are listed below: (11) (13) (15) (21) (22) (23) (25) (26) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (40) (41) (42) (43) Octrooinummer Soort document volgens WIPO standaard 16 Correctie informatie Octrooiaanvraagnummer Datum van indiening Datum tentoonstelling Taal van indiening Taal waarin de aanvraag is gepubliceerd Voorrangsgegevens Nummer voorrang Datum voorrang Land van herkomst voorrang Oorspronkelijk land van indiening Datum van inschrijving Datum van inschrijving van een octrooiaanvraag Datum van inschrijving van een onderzochte aanvraag (openbaarmaking) (11) (13) (15) (21) (22) (23) (25) (26) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (40) (41) (42) Datum waarop de aanvraag ter inzage is gelegd (43) Patent number Kind of document code according to WIPO standard ST.16 Patent correction information Application number Date(s) of filing application(s) Date of exhibition Language in which the published application was originally filed Language in which the application is published Priority Data Number(s) assigned to priority application(s) Date(s) of filling of priority application(s) WIPO Standard ST.3 Code indetifying the national patent office alloting the priority application number or the organization alloting the regional priority application number: for international applications filed under the PCT, the code "WO" is used. For priority fillings under the regional or international arrangements, the WIPO Standard ST.3 Code indentifying at least one country party to the Paris Union for which the regional or international application was made. Date(s) of making available to the public Date of making available to the public by viewing, or copying on request an unexamined patent document, on which no grant has taken place on or before the said date. Date of making available to the public by viewing, or copying on request an examined patent document, on which no grant has taken place on or before the said date. Date of publication by printing or similar process of anexamined document on which no grant has taken place on or before said date

6 Nummer 29/ juli 2018 (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (51) (54) (62) (68) (71) (72) (73) (74) (75) (81) (83) (84) (86) (87) (92) (93) (94) (95) Datum van openbaarmaking Datum van kracht worden van een Europees octrooi in Nederland Inschrijvingsdatum conclusies Verleningsdatum octrooi Datum waarop een verbetering van een octrooi is uitgegeven Internationale Octrooiclassificatie Korte aanduiding Nummer moeder aanvraag Nummer basis octrooi Naam aanvrager(s) Naam uitvinder(s) Naam octrooihouder(s) Naam gemachtigde Naam van uitvinders die tevens aanvrager zijn Aangewezen landen volgens de PCT Informatie over micro organismen Aangewezen landen bij regionale octrooien Nummer van omgezette aanvraag Datum en nummer van een PCT aanvraag Certificaten: nummer en datum van de eerste nationale vergunning voor een geneesmiddel Datum en nummer van de eerste EU vergunning voor een geneesmiddel Expiratiedatum voor een topografie Certificaten: naam van het product (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (51) (54) (62) (68) (71) (72) (73) (74) (75) (81) (83) (84) (86) (87) (92) (93) (94) (95) Date of publication by printing or similar process of an examined document on which no grant has taken place on or before said date Date of publication by printing or similar process of a document on which no grant has taken place on or before said date Date of publication by printing or similar process of the claim(s) only of a document Date from which the patent takes effect Date of issuance of a corrected patent document International Patent Classification Title of the invention Number and, if possible, filling date of the earlier application from which the present document has been divided out Number of the basic patent Name(s) of the applicant(s) Name(s) of the inventor(s) if know to be such Name(s) of grantee(s) Name(s) of the attorney(s) or agent(s) Name(s) of inventor(s) who is (are) also application(s) Designated States(s) according to the PCT Information concerning the deposit of microorganisms Designated Contracting States under regional patent conventions Apllication number of a PCT-application or number of European patent which is converted into a national application Publication date and number of a PCT application For an SPC, number and date of the first national authorization to place the product on the market as a medicinal product For an SPC, number and date and where applicable, country of origin, of the first authorzation to place the product on the market as a medicinal product within a regional economic community Calculated date of expiry of the topography Name of the product protected by the basic patent and in respect of which the SPC has been apllied for or granted

7 Nummer 29/ juli 2018 Rubrieken/Headings NP1 Nederlandse octrooiaanvragen die zijn ingeschreven op grond van de Octrooiwet Contains data concerning Netherlands patent applications which have been entered in the patent register under the Patents Act (71) Mentech Innovation B.V. (51) A01G 9/10 (72) dr Erwin Rinaldo Meinders (21) Mariska Johanna Reitsma (22) (51) B01D 46/12 (54) Kit of parts and assembly for domestic F24C 15/20 keeping of plants, in particular edible plants (21) such as herb plants (22) (71) De Grootscholten Beheer B.V. (54) Filter system for filtering a flow, extractor (74) ir. P.J. Hylarides c.s. hood comprising such filter, and method for (72) Johannes Petrus Wilhelmus Maria filtering air Grootscholten (71) PlasmaMade B.V. (41) (74) ir. P.J. Hylarides c.s. (51) A01M 23/02 (72) Martin Johan van der Sluis A01M 23/24 (31) (21) (32) (22) (33) Netherlands (54) RATTENVANGSYSTEEM MET (51) B32B 1/06 GEÏNTEGREERDE AFVALBAK EN B32B 39/00 WERKWIJZE VOOR HET VANGEN VAN (21) RATTEN (22) (71) MVO Producten B.V. (54) Inrichting en werkwijze voor het (74) ir. P.J. Hylarides c.s. vervaardigen van een samenstel (72) Ruerd Yde Veldhuis (71) Bernardus Gerardus Hermannus Driessen Rutger Jaep van der Meer (74) drs. A.A. Jilderda (41) (72) Bernardus Gerardus Hermannus Driessen (51) A23K 20/142 (41) A23K 20/20 (51) B63B 7/08 (21) E04H 15/20 (22) A63G 31/12 (54) COMPOSITION FOR AUGMENTING THE (21) SELENIUM DEPOSITION IN ANIMAL (22) TISSUE (54) Halffabricaat en opblaasbaar product (71) Orffa Additives B.V. omvattende ten minste één dergelijk (74) ir. J.P.E. Brants halffabricaat (72) Ludo Segers (71) AG Industries B.V. Eddy Ketels (74) ir. P.J. Hylarides c.s. (41) (72) Edwin Hendrik Theodoor Maria Peters (51) A45C 11/18 (41) (21) (51) E01D 22/00 (22) B23K 9/28 (54) Credit card ejector having break coupling. (21) (62) (22) (71) R.J. van Geer Beheer B.V. (54) Mobiel bewerkingsstation en (74) ir. J.H.W. Assendelft reparatiemethodiek (72) René Johan van Geer (62) (31) (71) VolkerRail Nederland B.V. (32) (74) ir. J.H.W. Assendelft (33) Netherlands (72) Henrie van Buuren (51) A61B 5/00 (31) A61B 5/16 (32) (21) (33) Netherlands (22) (51) E04B 2/74 (54) An emotion content control system for F21V 33/00 combining emotion content signals for F21S 4/28 feedback interaction and a method for F21V 7/00 enhancing the interaction with the human or (21) animal subject thereof (22) (54) Scheidingswand (71) Maars Holding B.V. (74) mr. drs. A.J.W. Hooiveld c.s. (72) Pieter Marcel de Graaf Willem Anne Theodoor Menzo (41) (51) E04H 15/20 (21) (22) (54) Tent (71) Tele Merchandising International B.V. (74) ir. P.J. Hylarides c.s. (72) Jan Willem Johannes Luinstra (41) (51) F04B 49/08 F04D 15/00 E03F 5/10 (21) (22) (54) Werkwijze voor het controleren van een stroom afvalwater en inrichting voor het uitvoeren van de werkwijze. (71) FVC Holding B.V. (74) ir. J.M.G. Dohmen c.s. (72) Adrianus Jacobus van Rijsbergen (41) (51) G01S 7/495 G01S 7/481 B60R 13/10 G01S 17/02 G01S 17/93 (21) (22) (54) Vehicle, license plate holder and method for mounting a transponder to a vehicle (71) Phyco Trading B.V. (74) ir. C.M. Jansen c.s. (72) Johan Rijks (41) (51) G07D 1/00 (21) (22) (54) Coin dispenser (71) Suzo International (Nederland) B.V. (74) ir. H.V. Mertens c.s. (72) Dennis Verhaar Edwin André Roodenburg (41) (51) H01R 13/642 H01R 27/00 H01R 13/506 (21) (22) (54) Plug assembly for use with refrigerated shipping containers (71) AB Trading & Consultancy B.V. (74) ir. M.F.J.M. Ketelaars c.s.

8 Nummer 29/ juli 2018 (72) Pieter Maclean Johan Pijpers Rob van Dijk (41) (51) H02S 20/24 F24J 2/04 F24J 2/52 (21) (22) (54) Modulair montage systeem voor het plaatsen van zonnepanelen op een plat dakvlak vrij van vaste bevestiging punten, doormiddel van het integreren van het zonnepaneel als deel van de constructie hiermee beperkte hoeveelheid ballast benodigd ten opzichte van reeds bestaande systemen. (71) KWWS B.V. (72) Jacques Joseph Smeer Laél Jurg (41)

9 Nummer 29/ juli 2018 NP2 Ingeschreven en verleende octrooien op grond van de Octrooiwet Contains data concerning Netherlands patents which have been entered in the patent register under the Patents Act (51) A01G 9/ (11) (47) (32) (22) (54) Kit of parts and assembly for domestic keeping of plants, in particular edible plants such as herb plants (73) De Grootscholten Beheer B.V (72) Johannes Petrus Wilhelmus Maria Grootscholten (74) ir. P.J. Hylarides c.s (51) A01M 23/ A01M 23/24 (33) Netherlands (11) Netherlands (47) Netherlands (22) Netherlands (54) RATTENVANGSYSTEEM MET Netherlands GEÏNTEGREERDE AFVALBAK EN Netherlands WERKWIJZE VOOR HET VANGEN VAN Netherlands RATTEN Netherlands (73) MVO Producten B.V. Netherlands (72) Ruerd Yde Veldhuis Netherlands Rutger Jaep van der Meer (51) B32B 1/06 (74) ir. P.J. Hylarides c.s. B32B 39/00 (51) A23K 20/142 (11) A23K 20/20 (47) (11) (22) (47) (54) Inrichting en werkwijze voor het (22) vervaardigen van een samenstel (54) COMPOSITION FOR AUGMENTING THE (73) Bernardus Gerardus Hermannus Driessen SELENIUM DEPOSITION IN ANIMAL (72) Bernardus Gerardus Hermannus Driessen TISSUE (74) drs. A.A. Jilderda (73) Orffa Additives B.V. (51) B63B 7/08 (72) Ludo Segers E04H 15/20 Eddy Ketels A63G 31/12 (74) ir. J.P.E. Brants (11) (51) A47J 31/36 (47) A47J 31/06 (22) B65D 85/804 (54) Halffabricaat en opblaasbaar product (11) omvattende ten minste één dergelijk (47) halffabricaat (22) (73) AG Industries B.V. (54) Capsule, system and use of the system for (72) Edwin Hendrik Theodoor Maria Peters preparing double beverages like a double (74) ir. P.J. Hylarides c.s. espresso, a double lungo and a double (51) E04B 2/74 ristretto F21V 33/00 (73) Koninklijke Douwe Egberts B.V. F21S 4/28 (72) John Richard Melrose F21V 7/00 Gerbrand Kristiaan de Graaff (11) Richard John Andrews (47) Paul James Harpley (22) (74) ir. C.M. Jansen c.s. (54) Scheidingswand (31) (73) Maars Holding B.V (72) Pieter Marcel de Graaf Willem Anne Theodoor Menzo (74) mr. drs. A.J.W. Hooiveld c.s (51) E04H 15/ (11) (47) (22) (54) Tent (73) Tele Merchandising International B.V. (72) Jan Willem Johannes Luinstra (74) ir. P.J. Hylarides c.s. (51) F04B 49/08 F04D 15/00 E03F 5/10 (11) (47) (22) (54) Werkwijze voor het controleren van een stroom afvalwater en inrichting voor het uitvoeren van de werkwijze. (73) FVC Holding B.V. (72) Adrianus Jacobus van Rijsbergen (74) ir. J.M.G. Dohmen c.s. (51) G01S 7/495 G01S 7/481 B60R 13/10 G01S 17/02 G01S 17/93 (11) (47) (22) (54) Vehicle, license plate holder and method for mounting a transponder to a vehicle (73) Phyco Trading B.V. (72) Johan Rijks (74) ir. C.M. Jansen c.s. (51) G06F 9/451 G06F 3/048 G06F 3/023 G06F 3/0485 G06Q 10/10 G06F 17/30 G06F 3/0483 G06F 3/16 H04L 12/58 G06F 3/0488 G06F 3/01 G06F 3/041 (11) (47) (22) (54) User interface for receiving user input (62) (73) Apple Inc. (72) Nicholas Zambetti Jonathan R. Dascola Anton M. Davydov Imran Chaudhri Stephen O. Lemay Wan Si Wan Lawrence Y. Yang Jonathan P. Ive Kevin Lynch Bas Ording (74) ir. A.R. Aalbers (31) 62/044923

10 Nummer 29/ juli / / (32) (51) G07D 1/00 (11) (47) (22) (54) Coin dispenser (73) Suzo International (Nederland) B.V. (72) Dennis Verhaar Edwin André Roodenburg (74) ir. H.V. Mertens c.s. (51) H01R 13/642 H01R 27/00 H01R 13/506 (11) (47) (22) (54) Plug assembly for use with refrigerated shipping containers (73) AB Trading & Consultancy B.V. (72) Pieter Maclean Johan Pijpers Rob van Dijk (74) ir. M.F.J.M. Ketelaars c.s. (51) H02S 20/24 F24J 2/04 F24J 2/52 (11) (47) (22) (54) Modulair montage systeem voor het plaatsen van zonnepanelen op een plat dakvlak vrij van vaste bevestiging punten, doormiddel van het integreren van het zonnepaneel als deel van de constructie hiermee beperkte hoeveelheid ballast benodigd ten opzichte van reeds bestaande systemen. (73) KWWS B.V. (72) Jacques Joseph Smeer Laél Jurg

11 Nummer 29/ juli 2018 NP3 Nederlandse octrooien na gedeeltelijke afstand conform artikel 63 van de Octrooiwet Contains data concerning Netherlands patents which have been entered in the patent register (after limitation procedure) under the Patents Act 1995.

12 Nummer 29/ juli 2018 EP1 Vertaalde conclusies van Europese octrooiaanvragen. Contains data concerning translations of the claims of European patent applications. (43) (11) ep (51) B44C 1/17 B44F 1/10 B42D 15/00 (71) Leonhard Kurz Stiftung & Co. KG

13 Nummer 29/ juli 2018 EP2 Voor Nederland verleende Europese octrooien. Contains data concerning European patents granted for The Netherlands. (51) A01B 67/00 A01B 63/32 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) SYSTEM FOR MOUNTING AN AGRICULTURAL SOIL ANALYZER TO AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT (73) CNH Industrial Belgium N.V. (72) ZEMENCHIK, Robert A. HUENEMANN, Matthew (31) P (32) (51) A01B 69/00 A01B 63/112 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Agricultural working system (73) CLAAS Selbstfahrende Erntemaschinen GmbH (72) Ellermann, Klaus Seelke, Carsten (31) (32) (51) A01B 69/00 B62D 1/22 B62D 6/00 B62D 5/12 B62D 5/04 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) A STEERABLE VEHICLE (73) CNH Industrial Italia S.p.A. (72) MORSELLI, Riccardo CANUTO, Francesco TURCO, Patrizio RAFFONE, Enrico (31) TO (32) (33) Italy (51) A01C 7/08 A01C 15/04 A01C 7/10 (11) EP (21) EP (87) SE (22) (54) METHOD FOR CONTROLLING AN Guðmundsson, Hagalín Ásgrímur AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT, AND (31) AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT (32) (73) Väderstad Holding AB (72) ANDERSSON, Leif (51) A01D 43/00 (31) (11) EP (32) (21) EP (33) Sweden (51) A01C 7/10 (87) US A01C 7/ A01C 7/04 (22) (11) EP (54) SECTIONALIZED BELT GUIDE FOR (21) EP DRAPER BELT IN AN AGRICULTURAL HARVESTING MACHINE (87) IB (73) Deere & Company (72) COERS, Bruce, Alan (22) JENSEN, Roderick, James (54) AN IMPROVED SEED DISPENSER FOR (31) A PRECISION AUTOMATIC SOWING (32) MACHINE (73) Matermacc S.p.A. (51) A01D 45/02 (72) DONOLO, Pietro Luigi (11) EP TRACANELLI, Gastone (21) EP (31) PN (32) (22) (33) Italy (54) HARVESTER HEADER (51) A01D 34/30 (73) CNH Industrial Belgium nv A01D 41/14 (72) Vandergucht, Yvan C.C. (11) EP Vandergucht, Siegfried (21) EP (31) (32) (22) (33) Belgium (54) Cutting assembly for an agricultural harvester (51) A01D 57/02 (73) CLAAS Selbstfahrende Erntemaschinen (11) EP GmbH (21) EP (72) Flöthmann, Sebastian (31) (22) (32) (54) Cutting device (73) CLAAS Selbstfahrende Erntemaschinen (51) A01D 34/416 GmbH (11) EP (72) Drewes, Rainer (21) EP (31) (32) (22) (54) Vegetation cutting device (51) A01D 61/00 (73) Black & Decker Inc. B65G 23/44 (72) Bone, Graham (11) EP (51) A01D 41/127 (21) EP A01D 43/08 (11) EP (22) (21) EP (54) Combine crop conveying and feeding system (73) CNH Industrial Belgium nv (22) (72) Boyd, Robert S. (54) FORAGE HARVESTER AND METHOD Lauwers, Andrew V. FOR OPERATING THE SAME Farley, Herbert M. (73) CLAAS Selbstfahrende Erntemaschinen (31) GmbH (32) (72) Fischer, Frédéric Bönig Dr., Ingo (51) A01D 75/28 Kriebel, Bastian A01D 41/16 Kildeby, Allan (11) EP

14 Nummer 29/ juli 2018 (21) EP (22) (54) HEADER MOUNTING FRAME (73) CNH Industrial Belgium nv (72) De Coninck, Willem Duquesne, Frank R. G. (31) (32) (33) Belgium (51) A01F 12/46 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) GRAIN-MOVING ARRANGEMENT FOR AN AGRICULTURAL COMBINE (73) Deere & Company (72) Randall, Lee, W. Temple, Douglas, G. (31) (32) (51) A01F 15/14 B65B 27/12 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) STRAPPING SYSTEM FOR AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT (73) CNH Industrial Belgium nv (72) RIZZON, Dominick Brian LOUNDER, Joshua Lee CRANDALL, Robert D. O'DONNELL, Shaun Ahrens (31) P (32) (51) A01F 29/22 A01D 90/04 A01F 15/10 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) SYSTEM AND METHOD FOR DETERMINING KNIFE USAGE (73) CNH Industrial Belgium nv (72) POSSELIUS, John H. TALLIR, Frederik VERHAEGHE, Didier (31) (32) (33) Belgium (51) A01G 9/029 (11) EP (21) EP (87) AU (22) (54) PLANTLET HANDLING SYSTEM (73) Nuplant Pty Ltd (72) TEASDALE, Robert Dixon (72) ENOKI Hiroyuki (31) NISHIMURA Satoru SUITO Momoe (32) NUNOME Tsukasa NOGUCHI Yuji (33) Australia (31) Australia (51) A01G 9/12 (32) A01G 7/ (11) EP (21) EP Japan (51) A01H 5/10 (22) A01H 1/04 (54) A plant manipulator A01C 1/00 (73) Akana, Stephen Jay G01N 33/00 (72) Akana, Stephen Jay (11) EP (31) P (21) EP (32) (87) EP (22) (54) NON-DISRUPTIVE DNA ISOLATION (51) A01G 27/06 FROM CORN SEEDS E03F 1/00 (73) Syngenta Participations AG E03F 5/10 (72) HANNAPPEL, Ulrich Stephan (11) EP (31) P (21) EP (32) (87) US (51) A01J 5/ A01J 5/007 (22) A01J 9/00 (54) SUBSURFACE BARRIER RETENTION (11) EP SYSTEM AND METHOD RELATED (21) EP THERETO (73) Board Of Trustees Of Michigan State (87) NL University (72) SMUCKER, Alvin J. M. (22) (31) P (54) DAIRY FARM SYSTEM (32) (73) Lely Patent N.V. (72) ÖZMEN, Dogman (51) A01G 29/00 VAN WATERSCHOOT, Paul (11) EP MOSTERT, Gerard (21) EP (31) (87) EP (32) (22) (33) Netherlands (54) ADMINISTERING SUBSTANCES TO Netherlands PLANTS BY INJECTION INTO THE (51) A01J 9/04 SUBSTRATE F28F 27/02 (73) Precision Drip B.V. F28D 15/00 (72) VAN ADRICHEM, John (11) EP (31) (21) EP (32) (33) Netherlands (87) SE (51) A01H 5/ C12Q 1/6895 (22) (11) EP (54) COOLING SYSTEM FOR COOLING (21) EP A FLOW OF MILK, MILK STORAGE FACILITY, MILKING SYSTEM, AND (87) JP METHOD FOR RECONFIGURING A COOLING SYSTEM (22) (73) DeLaval Holding AB (54) MARKER ASSOCIATED WITH (72) STOPA, Jerzy ANTHRACNOSE RESISTANCE IN (31) PLANTS OF THE GENUS FRAGARIA (32) AND USE THEREOF (33) Sweden (73) TOYOTA JIDOSHA KABUSHIKI KAISHA (51) A01K 1/00

15 Nummer 29/ juli 2018 F24F 7/007 F24F 7/02 F24F 7/06 F24F 13/04 F24F 13/06 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Chimney for livestock barns (73) Big Dutchman International GmbH (72) Bohnes, Jörg (31) U (32) (51) A01K 1/01 A01K 1/02 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) CLOSED LITTER BOX FOR PETS (73) BAMA SPA (72) BAIOCCHI, Renzo (31) UB (32) (33) Italy (51) A01K 29/00 A61D 1/16 A61B 5/00 G01S 5/02 A61B 17/52 A61D 7/00 A61B 5/07 A01K 11/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) ANIMAL MONITORING SYSTEM (73) ST Reproductive Technologies, LLC (72) RETTEDAL, Nicholas, P. WEILNAU, Stephen, M. COCKROFT, Scott, R. YEAGER, Billy, J. HORNICK, Jerry, A. (31) P (32) (51) A01K 45/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) DEVICE FOR CONDITIONAL IN OVO INJECTION (73) Merial, Inc. (72) LESLIE, Christopher Davis NGUYEN, Chien Dinh BEVENSEE, Erich (31) P (32) (51) A01K 67/027 C12N 5/10 C12N 15/85 C12N 15/877 (11) EP (21) EP (87) DK (22) (54) TRANSGENIC PIGS AND METHODS FOR PRODUCTION THEREOF (73) Aarhus Universitet (72) MIKKELSEN, Jacob Giehm MOLDT, Brian NIELSEN, Anders Lade BOLUND, Lars Axel KRAGH, Peter, Michael JAKOBSEN, Jannik Ejnar JØRGENSEN, Arne, Lund (31) (32) (33) Denmark Denmark Denmark (51) A01N 1/02 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) CRYOPROTECTIVE COMPOSITIONS AND USES THEREOF (73) DuPont Nutrition Biosciences ApS (72) HOLLARD, Christophe FETT, David WEXØE PETERSEN, Lars (31) P (32) European Patent Office (EPO) (51) A01N 1/02 (11) EP (21) EP (87) GB (22) (54) ORGAN PERFUSION SYSTEMS (73) Organox Limited (72) KAY, Stuart Brian William ROBINSON, David George CANNER, Philip David SALKUS, Peter Alan RUSSELL, Leslie James FRIEND, Peter John COUSSIOS, Constantin-C. (31) (32) (33) United Kingdom United Kingdom (51) A01N 25/28 B01J 13/14 C09D 7/12 A62D 1/00 C11D 3/50 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Novel transparent coatings with self-healing properties (73) Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der angewandten Forschung e.v. Adler-Werk Lackfabrik Johann Berghofer GmbH & Co KG (72) Scharf, Sabine Eiben, Kerstin Nieradzik, Jill Rössler, Albert Jochum, Wilfrid (31) (32) (51) A01N 31/02 A61L 2/18 A61L 29/08 A61L 29/16 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) TRANSDERMAL VENOUS ACCESS LOCKING SOLUTIONS (73) Organic Medical Ventures, L.L.C. (72) MILLS, Stanley L. MILLS, Jacqueline L. MAURER, Robert D. RAYBURN, Gary L. CUCHENS, Marvin A. (51) A01N 33/04 A01N 37/40 A01N 43/80 A01N 31/14 A01P 1/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) NOVEL COMPOSITIONS COMPRISING P-HYDROXYBENZYLAMINE (73) DSM IP Assets B.V. (72) MENDROK-EDINGER, Christine VOEGELI, Rainer WIKSTROEM, Peter (31) (32) (51) A01N 33/24 A61K 31/4425 C07D 213/53 A61P 39/00 (11) EP (21) EP

16 Nummer 29/ juli 2018 (87) US (22) (54) PHENOXYALKYL PYRIDINIUM OXIME THERAPEUTICS FOR TREATMENT OF ORGANOPHOSPHATE POISONING (73) Mississippi State University (72) CHAMBERS, Janice, E. CHAMBERS, Howard, W. MEEK, Edward, C. (31) P (32) (51) A01N 43/40 A01N 25/32 A01P 13/02 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) SAFENING OF 4-AMINO-3- CHLORO-6-(4-CHLORO-2-FLUORO-3- METHOXYPHENYL)PYRIDINE-2- CARBOXYLIC ACID AND DERVIATIVES THEREOF ON CEREAL CROPS (73) Dow AgroSciences LLC (72) DEGENHARDT, Rory SATCHIVI, Norbert M. MCGREGOR, Bill WEIMER, Monte R. (31) P (32) (51) A01N 43/56 A01N 43/36 A01P 3/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) JP (22) (54) PLANT DISEASE CONTROL COMPOSITION AND ITS USE (73) Sumitomo Chemical Company Limited (72) MATSUZAKI, Yuichi (31) (32) (51) A01N 43/90 A01N 57/16 A01N 43/08 A01P 21/00 C05B 21/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) MITIGATION OF ALTERNATE BEARING WITH 9-BETA-D-ADENOSINE (73) The Regents of the University of California (72) LOVATT, Carol, J. (31) P (32) (51) A01N 47/14 A01N 47/46 A01P 3/00 A61L 2/18 C02F 1/50 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) METHOD FOR THE ENHANCEMENT OF THE BIOCIDAL EFFICACY OF MONOALKYLDITHIOCARBAMATE SALTS (73) Buckman Laboratories International, Inc. (72) MCNEEL, Thomas, E. CLARK, Richard, A. GANUS, William, C. LUSK, JR., Richard, D. VUNK, Graciela, H. ZUGNO, Luis, A. (31) P (32) (51) A01N 63/00 A01N 65/00 A61K 48/00 A01K 67/00 A01K 67/033 A01K 67/027 G01N 33/00 C12N 5/073 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) NON-HUMAN ANIMALS WITH HUMAN- GLIAL CHIMERIC BRAINS (73) University of Rochester (72) GOLDMAN, Steven, A. WINDREM, Martha (31) P (32) (51) A01P 21/00 A01N 25/28 A01N 27/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) YIELD ENHANCEMENT FOR STRESS- SUSCEPTIBLE PLANTS (73) AgroFresh Inc. (72) GREEN, Alan (31) P (32) (51) A21B 3/04 A47J 27/04 F22B 1/28 H05B 6/64 F24C 15/32 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Cooking apparatus comprising a steam generator (73) Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd (72) Jeon, In Ki Kim, Sun Ki Jung, Hae Sang Jo, Ga Young (31) (32) (33) Korea (Republic) (51) A21B 3/18 A21B 5/02 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) BAKING DEVICE AND REMOVAL DEVICE (73) Haas Food Equipment GmbH (72) HAAS, Johannes HAAS, Josef JIRASCHEK, Stefan ADAM, Reinhart (31) PCT/EP2014/ (32) (33) World Intellectual Property Office (WIPO) Austria (51) A21C 9/04 B05B 7/14 A21C 9/08 B05C 5/02 G05D 7/06 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) DOUGH LINE FOR PROCESSING DOUGH (73) Radie B.V. (72) VAN BLOKLAND, Johannes Josephus Antonius (51) A21D 2/00 A21D 2/18 A21D 8/04 A21D 13/00 A21D 8/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) MULTICOLORED DONUT (73) CSM Bakery Solutions Europe Holding B.V. (72) Moret, Pieter O'Neill, Stephen John Heuberger, Kai Alexander (51) A21D 13/04 A21D 15/08

17 Nummer 29/ juli 2018 A23L 33/135 A21D 13/40 A21D 13/32 A21D 13/24 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) New probiotic strains (73) Celac Sweden AB (72) Lönner, Clas (31) (32) (33) Sweden (51) A22C 7/00 B30B 11/16 B08B 3/02 B08B 9/00 B29C 33/72 B30B 11/12 F16C 41/00 F16C 13/00 B66F 9/065 A23P 30/10 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) MOULD DRUM AND CORRESPONDING CLEANING PROCESS (73) CFS Bakel B.V. (72) VAN GERWEN, Hendrikus Petrus Gerardus (31) (32) (51) A22C 15/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Handling system and method for sausageshaped products (73) Poly-clip System GmbH & Co. KG (72) Hofschulte, Jens (51) A22C 17/00 B26D 7/01 B26D 7/06 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) GRIPPER COMPRISING AN ULTRASONIC SENSOR (73) GEA Food Solutions Germany GmbH (72) FISCHL, Bernd (31) (32) (51) A22C 25/16 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) DEVICE FOR CUTTING FREE THE FLANK BONES OF DECAPITATED, SLAUGHTERED FISH HAVING OPENED ABDOMINAL CAVITIES, AS WELL AS FILLETING MACHINE HAVING A DEVICE OF THIS TYPE (73) Nordischer Maschinenbau Rud. Baader GmbH + Co. KG (72) JÜRS, Michael (31) (32) (51) A23B 4/16 A23B 7/144 A23L 3/3409 A23B 7/157 F25D 11/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) NL (22) (54) STORAGE DEVICE FOR FRESH PRODUCTS AND METHOD THEREFOR (73) Top B.V. A.S. Oosterhuis Beheer B.V. Triple H B.V. (72) OOSTERHUIS, Antoon, Siefko WOLTERS, Hans, Hendrik DE HEIJ, Wouter Bernardus Cornelis (31) (32) (33) Netherlands (51) A23B 4/24 A23B 4/20 A23L 3/3463 A23L 17/30 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Composition for the preservation of caviar (73) Desietra GmbH (72) Kopylenko, Liliya Koryazova, Irina (31) (32) (33) Russian Federation (51) A23B 7/005 A23B 7/148 A23B 9/02 A23L 3/00 A23L 3/16 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) METHOD OF AND SYSTEM FOR SURFACE PASTEURIZATION OR STERILIZATION OF LOW-MOISTURE PARTICULATE FOODS (73) Royal Duyvis Wiener B.V. (72) DE KOOMEN, Joost Jan (31) (32) European Patent Office (EPO) (51) A23B 7/155 A23L 5/20 A23L 7/143 A23L 7/13 A23L 19/12 A23L 19/18 A21D 8/04 (11) EP (21) EP (87) IB (22) (54) METHOD FOR REDUCING ASPARAGINE IN A FOOD MATERIAL (73) Kellogg Europe Trading Limited (72) CORRIGAN, Patrick Joseph (31) P (32) (51) A23D 7/005 A23D 7/04 A61K 8/31 A61Q 19/00 A23K 40/20 A23K 20/158 A23K 20/163 A23K 20/10 A23P 30/20 A23L 29/212 A23L 27/00 A23L 5/44 A23L 33/15 A23K 20/147 A23K 20/174 A23K 20/179 A23K 40/25 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) EXTRUSION PROCESS (73) DSM IP Assets B.V. (72) ELEMANS, Petrus Henricus Maria MEESEN, Adrian Willem TELEKI, Alexandra LEUENBERGER, Bruno (31) (32) (51) A23F 3/18 A23F 5/26 B01D 61/42 C02F 1/20 C02F 1/44 C02F 1/467 C02F 1/68 C02F 1/42 C02F 1/461 C02F 1/28 C02F 1/00

18 Nummer 29/ juli 2018 (11) EP (21) EP (87) JP (22) (54) PRODUCTION METHOD FOR NATURAL-EXTRACT BEVERAGE (73) Tech Corporation Co., Ltd. (72) PARK, Choonok (31) (32) (51) A23G 4/20 A23G 4/06 A61K 9/68 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) CENTER-FILLED CHEWING GUM COMPOSITION (73) Intercontinental Great Brands LLC (72) JANI, Bharat KABSE, Kishor KRAMER, Colleen (31) P P (32) (51) A23G 9/30 A23G 9/14 A23G 9/16 A23G 9/22 A23G 9/28 (11) EP (21) EP (87) IB (22) (54) MACHINE AND METHOD FOR MAKING AND DISPENSING LIQUID, SEMI- LIQUID AND/OR SEMI-SOLID FOOD PRODUCTS (73) ALI S.p.A. - Carpigiani Group (72) COCCHI, Andrea LAZZARINI, Roberto (31) BO BO (32) (33) Italy Italy (51) A23L 2/00 B01F 1/00 B01F 3/04 (11) EP (21) EP (87) JP (22) (54) METHOD FOR PRODUCING CARBONATED BEVERAGES (73) Suntory Holdings Limited (72) SETA, Harumichi MATSUBARA, Hitoshi KATAYAMA, Yuki (31) (32) (51) A23L 29/212 A23L 7/126 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) CRUNCHY GRANOLA CLUSTERS AND PRODUCTS PREPARED THEREFROM (73) The Quaker Oats Company (72) COLEMAN, Christopher, M. (31) P P (32) (51) A23L 33/10 A23L 33/16 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) NUTRITIONAL PRODUCTS COMPRISING BETA-HYDROXY-BETA- METHYLBUTYRATE (73) ABBOTT LABORATORIES (72) JOHNS, Paul W. PEREIRA, Suzette L. KENSLER, Ann M. (31) P (32) (51) A23L 33/105 A23L 33/15 A23L 33/16 A23L 33/10 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Nutritional composition for pregnant women (73) Laboratoires France Bebe Nutrition (72) Tek, Konthirith Courtin, Solenn Guillemet, Morgane Giordano, Thierry (31) (32) (33) France (51) A24F 47/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) LIQUID RESERVOIR WITH TWO STORAGE VOLUMES AND ATOMIZER/ LIQUID RESERVOIR PORTION AS WELL AS ELECTRONIC SMOKING DEVICE WITH LIQUID RESERVOIR (73) Fontem Holdings 1 B.V. (72) Biel, Stefan Borkovec, Vaclav Daryani, Neha (51) A41D 1/00 A41D 1/20 A41F 9/00 A41D 1/22 A41D 1/06 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) CROSSOVER MATERNITY PANEL (73) Ingrid & Isabel LLC (72) CARNEY, Ingrid (31) (32) (51) A42B 3/12 A41D 13/015 A42C 2/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) REBOUNDING CUSHIONING HELMET LINER (73) Oakwood Energy Management, Inc. (72) CORMIER, Joel M. SMITH, Donald S. AUDI, Richard F. (31) (32) (51) A42B 3/12 A42C 2/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) MULTI-MATERIAL PROTECTIVE HELMET (73) Zedel (72) Gaudillere, Antonin (31) (32) (33) France (51) A43B 5/02 A43B 5/00 A43B 5/10 A43B 7/20 A43B 19/00 A43B 1/00

19 Nummer 29/ juli 2018 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Footwear (73) Salomon S.A.S. (72) Normand, Joseph (31) (32) (33) France (51) A43B 5/14 A43B 7/20 A43B 7/32 A43B 13/16 A43B 3/00 A43B 13/18 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) PROTECTIVE MOTORCYCLE BOOT (73) NIKE Innovate C.V. (72) FOXEN, Thomas HURD, John JONES, Mike HOPE, Anthony (31) (32) (51) A43B 7/14 A43B 7/16 A43B 17/02 A43B 17/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) GB (22) (54) IMPROVEMENTS IN OR RELATING TO FOOTWEAR (73) Air & Grace Limited (72) BURROWS, Claire Lilian (31) (32) (33) United Kingdom United Kingdom (51) A43B 13/14 A43B 13/18 B29D 35/12 B29C 44/04 B29C 44/44 A43B 13/42 A43B 13/04 A43B 13/12 A43B 13/16 B29D 35/14 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Method for producing a regionalizedfirmness midsole using pelletized phylon quantities of different densities (73) NIKE Innovate C.V. (72) Dean, Anthony Berend, Thomas Liebeno, Bret (31) P (32) (51) A43B 13/18 A43B 17/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) FOOTWEAR HAVING AUXETIC STRUCTURES WITH CONTROLLED PROPERTIES (73) NIKE Innovate C.V. (72) LANGVIN, Elizabeth (31) (32) (51) A43B 17/18 A43B 3/10 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Open shoe comprising a textile layer and means of fixation (73) Fronhoffs, Alistair Fronhoffs, Jonathan (72) Fronhoffs, Alistair Fronhoffs, Jonathan (31) P (32) (51) A43D 25/06 A43D 25/10 A43D 86/00 A43D 23/04 A43B 9/12 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) STOCK FIT ASSEMBLY FIXTURE FOR SHOE PRODUCTION (73) NIKE Innovate C.V. (72) LIEBENO, Bret (31) P (32) (51) A44C 5/10 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Device and method for pivotably connecting at least two parts, corresponding set of two assembled parts (73) ROLEX SA (72) Catheline, Adrien Christian, Martin Cusin, Mathieu Sirdey, Pierre (51) A44C 17/04 A44C 27/00 B44C 5/00 B29C 65/48 B32B 5/02 B32B 27/08 B32B 27/12 B32B 27/30 B44C 1/18 B29L 31/00 B32B 3/08 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) COMPOSITE BODY MADE OF FIBRE- COMPOSITE MATERIAL AND A DECORATIVE ELEMENT (73) D. Swarovski KG (72) HERMANN, Walter KUNSTL, Robin SANTER, Markus (31) (32) (51) A44C 25/00 A41C 3/12 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) GARMENT AND BRASSIERE ACCESSORY (73) De Sousa, Michelle E. De Sousa, Jose De Jesus (72) De Sousa, Michelle E. De Sousa, Jose De Jesus (31) (32) (51) A45C 1/02 H04B 1/3888 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) METAL PURSE (73) Levinson, Jeffrey (72) Levinson, Jeffrey (31) P (32) (51) A45C 3/06 B29D 22/00 B29C 45/00 (11) EP (21) EP

20 Nummer 29/ juli 2018 (22) (54) Integrally molded one-piece carrying handbag (73) Rallye Footwear Inc. (72) Vitulli, Pardo (31) (32) (33) Canada (51) A45C 13/10 (11) EP (21) EP (87) IB (22) (54) CONTAINER, SUCH AS A BAG OR A LEATHER ARTICLE, COMPRISING A CLASP (73) Loro Piana S.p.A. (72) BIANCONI, Ludovica (31) TO (32) (33) Italy (51) A45D 8/36 (11) EP (21) EP (87) DK (22) (54) ACCESSORY FOR ARRANGING HAIR IN DIFFERENT HAIR STYLES (73) Jensen, Vivi Aakjaer (72) Jensen, Vivi Aakjaer (31) (32) (33) Denmark (51) A45D 26/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) AT (22) (54) TEMPLATE FOR FORMING A CONTOUR ON AN EYEBROW (73) Lehner, Andrea (72) Lehner, Andrea (31) (32) (33) Austria (51) A45D 34/04 B05B 11/00 A45D 34/00 G01F 1/66 (11) EP (21) EP (87) KR (22) (54) COSMETIC CONTAINER HAVING AN AIRLESS PUMP AND ENABLING THE QUANTITY OF CONTENT REMAINING IN THE CONTAINER TO BE CHECKED (73) Amorepacific Corporation (72) YOO, Chang Gyu (31) U (32) (33) Korea (Republic) (51) A45D 42/10 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Vanity mirror (73) Simplehuman LLC (72) Yang, Frank Sandor, Joseph Bushroe, Frederick N. Wolbert, David Cardenas, Orlando (31) P (32) (51) A45F 3/04 A45C 1/02 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) WOVEN TEXTILE ORGANIZER FOR BAGS (73) NIKE Innovate C.V. (72) ROETHER, Julia BELL, Thomas, G. CROSS, Tory, M. (31) P (32) (51) A45F 3/14 A45F 3/04 A45F 3/12 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) A RUCKSACK (73) Equip Outdoor Technologies Limited (72) Hurn, Martyn (31) (32) (33) United Kingdom (51) A45F 3/14 F41H 1/02 A45F 5/02 A45C 13/30 A44B 18/00 A45F 3/00 F42B 39/02 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) LIGHT WEIGHT MODULAR POUCH ATTACHMENT SYSTEM AND METHOD (73) FirstSpear, LLC (72) COLE, Michael E. CARVER, Scott J. (31) P (32) (51) A46B 3/12 A46B 9/02 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) IMPROVEMENTS IN OR RELATING TO PAINT BRUSHES (73) L G Harris & Co Limited (72) HOBBS, Stuart (31) (32) (33) United Kingdom United Kingdom (51) A46B 11/00 A46B 5/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) AT (22) (54) TOOTHBRUSH (73) HABINGER, René (72) HABINGER, René (31) (32) (33) Austria (51) A46B 11/00 A46B 13/04 A46B 9/04 A61Q 11/00 A61K 8/00 A46B 5/00 A61C 17/22 A61C 17/34 A61K 8/34 A61K 8/22 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) IMPLEMENT HAVING A REACTION AND DELIVERY SYSTEM (73) Colgate-Palmolive Company (72) KEMP, James (51) A46B 11/00 A46B 17/00 A61C 17/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) BR (22) (54) ORAL HYGIENE CASE WITH DENTAL FLOSS LID COMPARTMENT (73) Souza, Nilson Altair de (72) Souza, Nilson Altair de (31) PI (32) (33) Brazil (51) A47B 1/08 (11) EP (21) EP

21 Nummer 29/ juli 2018 (22) (54) A POSITIONING DEVICE OF AUXILIARY BEARING PLANES OR EXTENSIONS (73) Molteni & C. S.p.A. (72) Paolino, Riccardo Fusi, Renato (31) MI (32) (33) Italy (51) A47B 3/087 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Foldable Table (73) Sedus Stoll AG (72) Stenzel, Thomas Dörner, Markus (31) (32) (51) A47B 7/02 A47B 13/08 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) TABLE WITH MOLDED PLASTIC TABLE TOP (73) Lifetime Products, Inc. (72) PEERY, Wendell WATSON, Neil (31) P P P P (32) (51) A47B 88/43 F16B 12/38 F24C 15/16 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) USE OF QUICK-FASTENING ELEMENT (73) Accuride International GmbH (72) HEFFEL, Andreas PETRI, Friedhelm MAINUSCH, Fabian (31) (32) (51) A47B 95/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Suspension fitting for a wall mounted cabinet (73) Hetal-Werke Franz Hettich GmbH & Co. KG (72) Ruderisch, Albert Heberle, Jörg Abele, Horst (31) U (32) (51) A47B 96/02 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) ARRANGEMENT FOR FASTENING A SHELF AND SHELF (73) Knoll Sen., Alexander (72) KNOLL Jun., Alexander (31) (32) (51) A47B 96/20 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) FURNITURE PANEL AND METHOD FOR PRODUCING SAME (73) System 180 GmbH (72) REGETT, Jan Christoph HILLMANN, Gesine NEUMANN, Holger COCCIA, Francesco BRODA, Matthias (31) (32) (51) A47C 21/04 A47C 7/74 H05B 3/20 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) SUPPORT CUSHION (73) Tempur-Pedic Management, LLC (72) MIKKELSEN, Tom CHANDLER, Kelly, Wood (51) A47C 31/10 A47C 27/14 A47C 27/15 (11) EP (21) EP (87) US (22) (54) METHOD FOR MARKING A MATTRESS USING COVER ASSEMBLIES (73) Tempur-Pedic Management, LLC (72) JENSEN, Ida, T. OBERWELZ, Elger OVERTHUN, Thomas, D.C. SCHNITZER, Martin JOHNSON, Kara, W. (31) (32) (51) A47D 13/06 A47D 15/00 A63H 33/00 (11) EP (21) EP (87) GB (22) (54) INFANT ACCOMMODATION APPARATUS (73) James Galt & Co. Limited (72) HALL, Diana (31) (32) (33) United Kingdom (51) A47F 3/04 (11) EP (21) EP (87) EP (22) (54) COOLING DEVICE (73) AHT Cooling Systems GmbH (72) RESCH, Reinhold (31) (32) (51) A47F 3/04 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) CIRCULATING AIR TUB (73) HAGOLA Gastronomie-Technik GmbH + Co. KG (72) RAKERS, Stefan JOSEPH, Peter (31) U (32) (51) A47F 7/24 A47F 5/13 A47G 25/06 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) FREESTANDING CLOTHES RAIL KIT (73) Retail Equipment Limited (72) Newmark, John Finch, Keith (31) (32) (33) United Kingdom

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