Nummer 11/18 07 maart 2018

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1 Nummer 11/18 07 maart 2018

2 Nummer 11/ maart 2018 Inleiding Hoofdblad Het Blad de Industriële Eigendom verschijnt op de derde werkdag van een week. Indien Octrooicentrum Nederland op deze dag is gesloten, wordt de verschijningsdag van het blad verschoven naar de eerstvolgende werkdag, waarop Octrooicentrum Nederland is geopend. Het blad verschijnt alleen in elektronische vorm. Elk nummer van het blad bestaat uit 14 rubrieken. Bijblad Verschijnt vier keer per jaar (januari, april, juli, oktober) in elektronische vorm via octrooien. Het Bijblad bevat officiële mededelingen en andere wetenswaardigheden waarmee Octrooicentrum Nederland en zijn klanten te maken hebben. Abonnementsprijzen per (kalender)jaar: Hoofdblad en Bijblad: verschijnt gratis in elektronische vorm op de website van Octrooicentrum Nederland. Bezoekadres: Octrooicentrum Nederland Prinses Beatrixlaan AL Den Haag Postadres Postbus HJ Den Haag Telefoon: Bankrekeningnummer: Voor taksen en depotrekeningen: ING Iban: NL41INGB BIC: INGBNL2A Introduction Patent Bulletin The Patent Bulletin appears on the 3rd working day of each week. If the Netherlands Patent Office is closed to the public on the above mentioned day, the date of issue of the Bulletin is the first working day thereafter, on which the Office is open. Each issue of the Bulletin consists of 14 headings. Official Journal Appears four times a year (January, April, July, October) in electronic form on the octrooien. The Official Journal contains announcements and other things worth knowing for the benefit of the Netherlands Patent Office and its customers. Subscription rates per calendar year: Patent Bulletin and Official Journal: free of charge in electronic form on the website of the Netherlands Patent Office. Visiting address: Netherlands Patent Office Prinses Beatrixlaan AL Den Haag Postadress Post Office Box: HJ Den Haag Telephone: +31(0) Account: Fees, deposit accounts: ING Iban: NL41INGB BIC: INGBNL2A

3 Nummer 11/ maart 2018 Inhoudsopgave Blz. Content Page Rubriek NP1 Bevat gegevens betreffende octrooiaanvragen die zijn ingeschreven op grond van de Octrooiwet Rubriek NP2 Bevat gegevens betreffende ingeschreven en verleende octrooien op grond van de Octrooiwet Heading NP1 Contains data concerning Netherlands patent applications which have been entered in the patent register under the Patents Act Heading NP2 Contains data concerning Netherlands patents which have been entered in the patent register under the Patents Act Rubriek NP3 13 Heading NP3 Bevat gegevens betreffende Nederlandse Contains data concerning Netherlands octrooien na gedeeltelijke afstand patents after partial renunciation confirm conform artikel 63 van de Octrooiwet Article 63 of the Patents Act Rubriek EP1 Bevat gegevens betreffende vertaalde conclusies van Europese octrooiaanvragen. Rubriek EP2 Bevat gegevens betreffende voor Nederland verleende Europese octrooien. 14 Heading EP1 Contains data concerning translations of the conclusions of European patent applications. 15 Heading EP2 Contains data concerning European patents granted for The Netherlands Rubriek EP3 Bevat gegevens betreffende voor Nederland verleende Europese octrooien waarvoor een vertaling is ingediend conform artikel 52 lid 1 of 6 van de Octrooiwet Heading EP3 Contains data concerning European patents granted for The Netherlands in which a translation was filed confirm Article 52 par. 1 or 6 of the Patents Act Rubriek EP4 Bevat gegevens betreffende voor Nederland verleende gewijzgde Europese octrooien. Rubriek EP5 Bevat gegevens betreffende voor Nederland verleende gewijzigde 65 Heading EP4 Contains data concerning European patents granted in amended form for the Netherlands. 66 Heading EP5 Contains data concerning European patents granted in amended form for 65 66

4 Nummer 11/ maart 2018 Europese octrooien waarvoor een gewijzigde vertaling is ingediend. Rubriek SPC Bevat gegevens betreffende ingeschreven en verleende certificaten The Netherlands in which an amended translation was filed. 67 Heading SPC 67 Contains data concerning applications for- or granted Supplementary Protection Certificates. Rubriek VB1 68 Heading VB1 Bevat gegevens betreffende rechten Contains data concerning requests and waarvoor een verzoek of bezwaarschrift notices of opposition under the General is ingediend conform de Octrooiwet administrative law. 68 Rubriek VB2 Bevat gegevens betreffende rechten waarin een beslissing is genomen of waarvoor een nieuwheidsrapport is uitgegaan op een verzoek- of bezwaarschrift conform de Octrooiwet Heading VB2 Contains data concerning requests and notices of opposition under the General administrative law in respect of which a decision has been taken or in respect for which a report has been made. 69 Rubriek MED Bevat gegevens betreffende overige mededelingen. Rubriek VRV Bevat gegevens betreffende verval of nietigverklaring. Rubriek VRB Bevat gegevens betreffende verbeteringen op eerdere publicaties. 70 Heading MED Contains data concerning other communications. 71 Heading VRV Contains data concerning lapse or annulment. 117Heading VRB Contains data concerning corrections on earlier publications Rubriek CO Bevat gegevens betreffende wijzigingen in het octrooiregister. 118Heading CO 118 Contains data concerning changes in the Netherland patent register. Rubriek TVH 122Heading TVH Bevat gegevens betreffende topografieën Contains data concerning depots of van halfgeleiderproducten. original topographies of semi-conductor products. 122

5 Nummer 11/ maart 2018 Overzicht van Inid codes INID CODES Inid codes worden gebruikt op de voorpagina van octrooigeschriften en in octrooibulletins. Ze dienen om de verschillende bibliografische gegevens te kunnen begrijpen zonder kennis te hebben van de taal. INID is een acronym van Internationally agreed Numbers for Identification of Data. De definities van INID codes wordt gegeven in de WIPO standaard ST. 9. INID CODES INID Codes are used on the front pages of patent documents and in official gazettes to identify various bibliographic data items without knowledge of the language used and the industrial property laws applied. INID is an acronym for Internationally agreed Numbers for the Identification of Data. The INID Codes are usually given in parenthesis adjacent to the appropriate bibliographic data item. The definitions of the INID Codes are given in WIPO Standard ST. 9 (as of November 1998) and are listed below: (11) (13) (15) (21) (22) (23) (25) (26) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (40) (41) (42) (43) Octrooinummer Soort document volgens WIPO standaard 16 Correctie informatie Octrooiaanvraagnummer Datum van indiening Datum tentoonstelling Taal van indiening Taal waarin de aanvraag is gepubliceerd Voorrangsgegevens Nummer voorrang Datum voorrang Land van herkomst voorrang Oorspronkelijk land van indiening Datum van inschrijving Datum van inschrijving van een octrooiaanvraag Datum van inschrijving van een onderzochte aanvraag (openbaarmaking) (11) (13) (15) (21) (22) (23) (25) (26) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (40) (41) (42) Datum waarop de aanvraag ter inzage is gelegd (43) Patent number Kind of document code according to WIPO standard ST.16 Patent correction information Application number Date(s) of filing application(s) Date of exhibition Language in which the published application was originally filed Language in which the application is published Priority Data Number(s) assigned to priority application(s) Date(s) of filling of priority application(s) WIPO Standard ST.3 Code indetifying the national patent office alloting the priority application number or the organization alloting the regional priority application number: for international applications filed under the PCT, the code "WO" is used. For priority fillings under the regional or international arrangements, the WIPO Standard ST.3 Code indentifying at least one country party to the Paris Union for which the regional or international application was made. Date(s) of making available to the public Date of making available to the public by viewing, or copying on request an unexamined patent document, on which no grant has taken place on or before the said date. Date of making available to the public by viewing, or copying on request an examined patent document, on which no grant has taken place on or before the said date. Date of publication by printing or similar process of anexamined document on which no grant has taken place on or before said date

6 Nummer 11/ maart 2018 (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (51) (54) (62) (68) (71) (72) (73) (74) (75) (81) (83) (84) (86) (87) (92) (93) (94) (95) Datum van openbaarmaking Datum van kracht worden van een Europees octrooi in Nederland Inschrijvingsdatum conclusies Verleningsdatum octrooi Datum waarop een verbetering van een octrooi is uitgegeven Internationale Octrooiclassificatie Korte aanduiding Nummer moeder aanvraag Nummer basis octrooi Naam aanvrager(s) Naam uitvinder(s) Naam octrooihouder(s) Naam gemachtigde Naam van uitvinders die tevens aanvrager zijn Aangewezen landen volgens de PCT Informatie over micro organismen Aangewezen landen bij regionale octrooien Nummer van omgezette aanvraag Datum en nummer van een PCT aanvraag Certificaten: nummer en datum van de eerste nationale vergunning voor een geneesmiddel Datum en nummer van de eerste EU vergunning voor een geneesmiddel Expiratiedatum voor een topografie Certificaten: naam van het product (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (51) (54) (62) (68) (71) (72) (73) (74) (75) (81) (83) (84) (86) (87) (92) (93) (94) (95) Date of publication by printing or similar process of an examined document on which no grant has taken place on or before said date Date of publication by printing or similar process of a document on which no grant has taken place on or before said date Date of publication by printing or similar process of the claim(s) only of a document Date from which the patent takes effect Date of issuance of a corrected patent document International Patent Classification Title of the invention Number and, if possible, filling date of the earlier application from which the present document has been divided out Number of the basic patent Name(s) of the applicant(s) Name(s) of the inventor(s) if know to be such Name(s) of grantee(s) Name(s) of the attorney(s) or agent(s) Name(s) of inventor(s) who is (are) also application(s) Designated States(s) according to the PCT Information concerning the deposit of microorganisms Designated Contracting States under regional patent conventions Apllication number of a PCT-application or number of European patent which is converted into a national application Publication date and number of a PCT application For an SPC, number and date of the first national authorization to place the product on the market as a medicinal product For an SPC, number and date and where applicable, country of origin, of the first authorzation to place the product on the market as a medicinal product within a regional economic community Calculated date of expiry of the topography Name of the product protected by the basic patent and in respect of which the SPC has been apllied for or granted

7 Nummer 11/ maart 2018 Rubrieken/Headings NP1 Nederlandse octrooiaanvragen die zijn ingeschreven op grond van de Octrooiwet Contains data concerning Netherlands patent applications which have been entered in the patent register under the Patents Act (51) A01K 1/10 A01K 5/02 (21) (22) (54) System for handling feed at a farm (71) Lely Patent N.V. (74) ir. M.J.F.M. Corten (72) Renatus Ignatius Josephus Fransen Karel van den Berg Jan Lambertus Pastoor Korstiaan Blokland Arie Huyzer (41) (51) A01K 5/02 (21) (22) (54) Automated feed ration preparing system (71) Lely Patent N.V. (74) ir. M.J.F.M. Corten (72) Korstiaan Blokland Tomas Robert Wigman Karel van den Berg (41) (51) A01K 5/02 (21) (22) (54) An automated feed ration preparation system for preparing a feed ration for animals with at least one roughage feed type (71) Lely Patent N.V. (74) ir. M.J.F.M. Corten (72) Jan Martinus van Kuilenburg Karel van den Berg (41) (51) A01K 29/00 A61B 5/11 A61B 5/103 A61B 5/107 (21) (22) (54) Method and device to detect lameness of a cow (71) Lely Patent N.V. (74) ir. M.J.F.M. Corten (72) Xiangyu Song (41) (51) A23L 33/00 A23P 20/20 (21) (22) (54) Layered food product (71) De Keuken van Limburg B.V. (74) dr. T. Wittop Koning PhD (72) Cornelis Johannes Gerardus Maria Hoefs Raymond Eduard Elisabeth Johannes Senden (41) (51) A23P 30/10 A22C 7/00 (21) (22) (54) Rotary cylindrical mould member and a method for manufacturing a rotary cylindrical mould member for moulding food products suitable for consumption. (71) Marel Townsend Further Processing B.V. (74) ir. H.V. Mertens c.s. (72) Dirk Meskendahl Johannes Martinus Meulendijks Charles Johannes Maria Geurts Matheus Martinus Maria van der Horst Martinus Johannes Willebrordus van Zoelen (41) (51) A46B 9/02 A46B 9/08 A46B 13/02 A46B 17/06 A46D 1/00 (21) (22) (54) Inrichting voor het automatisch behandelen van haar (71) DP Nederland B.V. (74) ir. P.J. Hylarides c.s. (72) Johannes Wilhelmus Maria de Koning Antonia Maria Johanna Trum (41) (51) A61L 2/22 (21) (22) (54) Patent Bacteria Detection and Elimination according to SID (71) Bacsassin B.V. (72) Eric Albert Leonard Fentross Joris Krijger (41) (51) A62B 1/14 (21) (22) (54) A fall arrest traveller (71) SCHUURMAN BEHEER B.V. (72) Jacobus Jan Schuurman Adrianus Franciscus Gerardus Schuurman (41) (51) A62B 1/14 (21) (22) (54) A fall arrest traveller (71) SCHUURMAN BEHEER B.V. (72) Jacobus Jan Schuurman Adrianus Franciscus Gerardus Schuurman (41) (51) A63B 24/00 (21) (22) (54) Persoonlijke, draagbare bewegingssensor voor het monitoren van de positie en/of de beweging van een sporter (71) DashTag Holding B.V. (74) ir. G.J.M. Verhees (72) Patrick Harmannus Schuur Cliff de Roode (31) (32) (33) Netherlands (51) A63B 55/40 A63B 55/57 A63B 55/50 A63B 55/53 A63B 55/00 (21) (22) (54) Golftas (71) Bordeso B.V. (74) ir. C.M. Jansen c.s. (72) Petrus Leonardus Jozef Bom (41) (51) B01F 1/00 (21) (22) (54) Werkwijze en inrichting om veilig en duurzaam automatisch procesmatig een mengsel van vloeistof met een bepaald volumepercentage aan opgeloste vaste stof aan te maken om dat mengsel gedoseerd aan een vloeistofleidingnet toe te voegen. (71) Robertus Martinus van Opdorp Willem ten Kate (72) Willem ten Kate (41) (51) B25J 15/08 (21) (22) (54) ROBOT HAND DEVICE (71) DENSO CORPORATION (74) ir. C.M. Jansen c.s. (72) Hiromu Arihara (31) (32) (33) Japan (51) B60T 7/22 B60R 19/48 G01B 11/16 (21) (22) (54) Transportwagen, in het bijzonder een automatisch zelfrijdende transportwagen, voorzien van een veiligheidsschakelaar (71) Reinier de Waal

8 Nummer 11/ maart 2018 (74) ir. G.J.M. Verhees (72) Reinier de Waal (41) (31) (32) (33) Netherlands (51) B62B 9/02 B62B 9/10 (21) (22) (54) A carrycot and a stroller provided with at least a frame and such a carrycot (71) Maxi Miliaan B.V. (74) ir. C.G.C. Veldman-Dijkers (72) Wilhelmus Petrus Adriana Michael Pijnenburg Antonius Theodorus van Hout Gerjan Storm (41) (51) B63B 1/08 B63H 19/00 B63B 1/24 B63B 1/04 B63B 1/32 B63B 1/40 B63B 39/06 B63B 1/28 (21) (22) (54) Vessel for operating on a body of water, comprising an aft foil for generating a thrust force and adjustment means for adjusting an angle of incidence of the aft foil. (71) Van Oossanen & Associates B.V. (74) ir. J.M.G. Dohmen c.s. (72) Pieter van Oossanen (41) (51) B63B 59/02 (21) (22) (54) Stootkussen voor een vaartuig (71) Webbink Recreatie Holding B.V. (74) ir. B.J. 't Jong (72) Johannes Hendrik Webbink (41) (51) B65D 85/20 (21) (22) (54) WIJZE VAN VERPAKKEN IN EEN BUNDEL (71) Alcomij Beheer B.V. (72) Willem Nowé (41) (51) B67D 7/02 (21) (22) (54) System for transporting and storing a liquid and for transporting said liquid from the container to a destination outside of the container (71) SCHOLLE IPN IP B.V. (74) ir. H.V. Mertens c.s. (72) Peter-Jan van der Molen (41) (51) E02B 3/06 E02B 3/10 (21) (22) (72) Thomas Frederick Allen Bibby (54) Golfbreker, barrieresamenstel, Joshua Jon Thornes waterkeringsysteem en werkwijze Rostislav Rokitski (71) van den Noort Innovations B.V. Thomas Patrick Duffey (74) ir. F.E. Hoeben (31) 15/256,196 (72) Michaël Cornelis van den Noort (32) (41) (51) E04C 2/38 (51) G03F 7/20 (21) (21) (22) (22) (54) Skeletbouwelement (54) Lithographic Apparatus (71) W. Haase Holding B.V. (71) ASML Netherlands B.V. (72) Wilhelm Haase (74) ir. A.J. Maas (41) (72) Frits van der Meulen (51) E06C 7/50 Erik Johan Arlemark E06C 1/10 Hendrikus Herman Marie Cox (21) Martinus Agnes Willem Cuijpers (22) Joost de Hoogh (54) Ladder en gripelement voor toepassing daarin Gosse Charles de Vries (71) DIRKS KLIMMATERIALEN B.V. Paul Corné Henri de Wit (74) drs. A.A. Jilderda Sander Catharina Reinier Derks (72) Henricus Martinus Adrianus Simon Dirks Ronald Cornelis Gerardus Gijzen Hendrikus Wilhelmus Johannes Gualbertus Dries Vaast Paul Hemschoote Dirks Christiaan Alexander Hoogendam (41) Adrianus Hendrik Koevoets (51) F04B 13/00 Raymond Wilhelmus Louis Lafarre F04B 53/22 Alain Louis Claude Leroux C02F 1/68 Patrick Willem Paul Limpens E03B 7/07 Jim Vincent Overkamp (21) Christiaan Louis Valentin (22) Koos van Berkel (54) In een bestaand vloeistofleidingnet Stan Henricus van der Meulen invoegbare configuratie van componenten Jacobus Cornelis Gerardus van der Sanden ten behoeve van het gedoseerd toevoegen van Harmen Klaas van der Schoot additieven aan een vloeistofleidingnet. David Ferdinand Vles (71) Robertus Martinus van Opdorp Evert Auke Rinze Westerhuis Willem ten Kate (31) (72) Willem ten Kate (41) (51) F25D 17/02 (32) (21) (22) (54) Werkwijze voor het energie-efficiënte bedrijf (33) European Patent Office (EPO) van een verkoopfiliaal European Patent Office (EPO) (71) Lidl Stiftung & Co. KG European Patent Office (EPO) (51) G03F 7/20 (72) Jürgen Falliano (21) (31) (22) (32) (54) Lithographic Apparatus (33) Germany (71) ASML Netherlands B.V. (51) G01F 11/24 (74) ir. A.J. Maas (21) (72) Hendrikus Herman Marie Cox (22) Paul Corné Henri de Wit (54) Dosing unit for dosing singulated particles Arie Jeffrey den Boef or granules to a blending recipe and method Adrianus Hendrik Koevoets therefor Jim Vincent Overkamp (71) Movacolor B.V. Frits van der Meulen (74) ir. P.J. Hylarides c.s. Jacobus Cornelis Gerardus van der Sanden (72) Jelte Jetse Aukes (31) (41) (32) (51) G02F 1/01 (33) European Patent Office (EPO) (21) (51) G03F 7/20 (22) (21) (54) ADJUSTING AN AMOUNT OF (22) COHERENCE OF A LIGHT BEAM (54) POSITION SENSOR, LITHOGRAPHIC (71) CYMER, LLC APPARATUS AND METHOD FOR (74) ir. A.J. Maas MANUFACTURING DEVICES (71) ASML Netherlands B.V.

9 Nummer 11/ maart 2018 (74) ir. A.J. Maas (72) Simon Reinald Huisman Simon Gijsbert Josephus Mathijssen Sebastianus Adrianus Goorden Duygu Akbulut Alessandro Polo (31) (32) (33) European Patent Office (EPO) (51) G06Q 10/08 G06Q 50/28 G06Q 10/04 G01C 21/34 (21) (22) (54) A method for providing a match between trips and orders for at least two logistics service providers, as well as a related trip optimizer system. (71) Synplex Group B.V. (74) ir. J.M.G. Dohmen c.s. (72) Roderick Roberts Pieter Rodenburg Machiel Resink (41) (51) H01L 29/06 H01L 29/68 H02M 1/32 (21) (22) (54) MOSFET and power conversion circuit (71) Shindengen Electric Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (74) mr. drs. A.J.W. Hooiveld c.s. (72) Daisuke Arai Shigeru Hisada Mizue Kitada Takeshi Asada (31) PCT/JP2016/ (32) (33) Japan (51) H01L 31/078 H01L 27/30 H01L 31/18 (21) (22) (54) Hybrid tandem solar cell (71) Stichting Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland (72) Lambert Johan Geerligs Yu Wu Dong Zhang Johannes Adrianus Maria van Roosmalen Stefan Libertus Luxembourg Siegfried Christiaan Veenstra (41) (31) (32) (33) Netherlands (51) H02K 21/24 H02K 29/08 H02K 1/27 H02K 1/27 H02K 11/33 (21) (22) (54) METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR OPERATING A BRUSHLESS MOTOR (71) V2techs B.V. (72) Vladimir Corneliu Vlad (41) (51) H02S 20/10 H02S 20/20 (21) (22) (54) Inrichting met boven elkaar geplaatste series zonnepanelen verbonden met een draagconstructie (71) Tom Vierstra (72) Tom Vierstra (41) (51) H03F 1/00 (21) (22) (54) Packaged RF power amplifier having a high power density (71) Ampleon Netherlands B.V. (74) ir. P.J. Hylarides c.s. (72) Johannes Adrianus Maria de Boet Yi Zhu Yuri Volokhine Vittorio Cuoco Albertus Gerardus Wilhelmus Philipus van Zuijlen Iordan Konstantinov Svechtarov Josephus Henricus Bartholomeus van der Zanden (41) (51) H04K 3/00 (21) (22) (54) A safety unit, a method and a computer program product (71) Freire Jacira Andrade (74) ir. C.M. Jansen c.s. (72) Freire Jacira Andrade Brito Anilton Semedo (41) (51) H04L 9/32 G06Q 20/38 (21) (22) (54) A method of performing a two factor authentication process, as well as a related system and a computer program product. (71) PayCheckout Holding B.V. (74) ir. J.M.G. Dohmen c.s. (72) Martinus Petrus Johannes Maria Poels (41) (51) H05B 37/02 F21S 4/28 (21) (22) (54) Lamp with sensor and method of operation of a lamp with sensor (71) Matthijs Geert Jansen BSc Carolus Leonardus Wilhelmus de Bont MSc (72) Matthijs Geert Jansen BSc Carolus Leonardus Wilhelmus de Bont MSc (31) (32) (33) Netherlands

10 Nummer 11/ maart 2018 NP2 Ingeschreven en verleende octrooien op grond van de Octrooiwet Contains data concerning Netherlands patents which have been entered in the patent register under the Patents Act (51) A01K 1/10 A01K 5/02 (11) (47) (22) (54) System for handling feed at a farm (73) Lely Patent N.V. (72) Renatus Ignatius Josephus Fransen Karel van den Berg Jan Lambertus Pastoor Korstiaan Blokland Arie Huyzer (74) ir. M.J.F.M. Corten (51) A01K 5/02 (11) (47) (22) (54) An automated feed ration preparation system for preparing a feed ration for animals with at least one roughage feed type (73) Lely Patent N.V. (72) Jan Martinus van Kuilenburg Karel van den Berg (74) ir. M.J.F.M. Corten (51) A01K 5/02 (11) (47) (22) (54) Automated feed ration preparing system (73) Lely Patent N.V. (72) Korstiaan Blokland Tomas Robert Wigman Karel van den Berg (74) ir. M.J.F.M. Corten (51) A01K 29/00 A61B 5/11 A61B 5/103 A61B 5/107 (11) (47) (22) (54) Method and device to detect lameness of a cow (73) Lely Patent N.V. (72) Xiangyu Song (74) ir. M.J.F.M. Corten (51) A23L 33/00 A23P 20/20 (11) (47) (22) (54) Layered food product (73) De Keuken van Limburg B.V. (72) Cornelis Johannes Gerardus Maria Hoefs Raymond Eduard Elisabeth Johannes Senden (74) dr. T. Wittop Koning PhD (51) A23P 30/10 A22C 7/00 (11) (47) (22) (54) Rotary cylindrical mould member and a method for manufacturing a rotary cylindrical mould member for moulding food products suitable for consumption. (73) Marel Townsend Further Processing B.V. (72) Dirk Meskendahl Johannes Martinus Meulendijks Charles Johannes Maria Geurts Matheus Martinus Maria van der Horst Martinus Johannes Willebrordus van Zoelen (74) ir. H.V. Mertens c.s. (51) A23P 30/20 A23L 29/212 (11) (47) (22) (54) WERKWIJZE EN INRICHTING VOOR HET EXTRUDEREN VAN VOEDINGSMIDDELEN (73) Marinus Jacobus Vervoort (72) Marinus Jacobus Vervoort (51) A46B 9/02 A46B 9/08 A46B 13/02 A46B 17/06 A46D 1/00 (11) (47) (22) (54) Inrichting voor het automatisch behandelen van haar (73) DP Nederland B.V. (72) Johannes Wilhelmus Maria de Koning Antonia Maria Johanna Trum (74) ir. P.J. Hylarides c.s. (51) A47B 85/02 (11) (47) (22) (54) Multifunctionele tafel (73) Cornelis Iemand Visser (72) Cornelis Iemand Visser (74) dr. A.V. Huygens (51) A61L 2/22 (11) (47) (22) (54) Patent Bacteria Detection and Elimination according to SID (73) Bacsassin B.V. (72) Eric Albert Leonard Fentross Joris Krijger (51) A61L 9/12 A01M 1/20 B65D 43/02 (11) (47) (22) (54) "Capsule for perfuming material provided with an improved closure arrangement" (73) GEA HOLDING S.p.A. (72) Luigi Zanotti (74) ir. F.A. Geurts c.s. (31) TO2014U (32) (33) Italy (51) A62B 1/08 (11) (47) (22) (54) Systeem voor lichamelijke verplaatsingsactiviteit van een persoon (73) Newmart Europe B.V. (72) Ernst-Jan Rudolf Swarte (74) ir. A. Ferguson (31) (32) (33) Netherlands Netherlands (51) A62B 1/14 (11) (47) (22) (54) A fall arrest traveller (73) SCHUURMAN BEHEER B.V. (72) Jacobus Jan Schuurman Adrianus Franciscus Gerardus Schuurman (51) A62B 1/14 (11) (47) (22) (54) A fall arrest traveller (73) SCHUURMAN BEHEER B.V. (72) Jacobus Jan Schuurman Adrianus Franciscus Gerardus Schuurman (51) A63B 55/40 A63B 55/57 A63B 55/50 A63B 55/53 A63B 55/00 (11) (47) (22) (54) Golftas (73) Bordeso B.V. (72) Petrus Leonardus Jozef Bom (74) ir. C.M. Jansen c.s. (51) B01F 1/00 (11) (47) (22) (54) Werkwijze en inrichting om veilig en duurzaam automatisch procesmatig een mengsel van vloeistof met een bepaald

11 Nummer 11/ maart 2018 volumepercentage aan opgeloste vaste stof aan te maken om dat mengsel gedoseerd aan een vloeistofleidingnet toe te voegen. (73) Robertus Martinus van Opdorp Willem ten Kate (72) Willem ten Kate (51) B60T 7/22 B60R 19/48 G01B 11/16 (11) (47) (22) (54) Transportwagen, in het bijzonder een automatisch zelfrijdende transportwagen, voorzien van een veiligheidsschakelaar (73) Reinier de Waal (72) Reinier de Waal (74) ir. G.J.M. Verhees (31) (32) (33) Netherlands (51) B62B 9/02 B62B 9/10 (11) (47) (22) (54) A carrycot and a stroller provided with at least a frame and such a carrycot (73) Maxi Miliaan B.V. (72) Wilhelmus Petrus Adriana Michael Pijnenburg Antonius Theodorus van Hout Gerjan Storm (74) ir. C.G.C. Veldman-Dijkers (51) B63B 1/08 B63H 19/00 B63B 1/24 B63B 1/04 B63B 1/32 B63B 1/40 B63B 39/06 B63B 1/28 (11) (47) (22) (54) Vessel for operating on a body of water, comprising an aft foil for generating a thrust force and adjustment means for adjusting an angle of incidence of the aft foil. (73) Van Oossanen & Associates B.V. (72) Pieter van Oossanen (74) ir. J.M.G. Dohmen c.s. (51) B63B 27/30 B63B 27/16 B63B 27/10 B63B 17/00 (11) (47) (22) (54) System to transfer people and/or cargo during offshore operations (73) Eagle-Access B.V. (72) Willem Frederik Prins (74) ir. H.V. Mertens c.s. (51) B63B 59/02 (11) (47) (22) (54) Stootkussen voor een vaartuig (73) Webbink Recreatie Holding B.V. (72) Johannes Hendrik Webbink (74) ir. B.J. 't Jong (51) B65D 85/20 (11) (47) (22) (54) WIJZE VAN VERPAKKEN IN EEN BUNDEL (73) Alcomij Beheer B.V. (72) Willem Nowé (51) B67D 7/02 (11) (47) (22) (54) System for transporting and storing a liquid and for transporting said liquid from the container to a destination outside of the container (73) SCHOLLE IPN IP B.V. (72) Peter-Jan van der Molen (74) ir. H.V. Mertens c.s. (51) E02B 3/06 E02B 3/10 (11) (47) (22) (54) Golfbreker, barrieresamenstel, waterkeringsysteem en werkwijze (73) van den Noort Innovations B.V. (72) Michaël Cornelis van den Noort (74) ir. F.E. Hoeben (51) E04C 2/38 (11) (47) (22) (54) Skeletbouwelement (73) W. Haase Holding B.V. (72) Wilhelm Haase (51) E06C 7/50 E06C 1/10 (11) (47) (22) (54) Ladder en gripelement voor toepassing daarin (73) DIRKS KLIMMATERIALEN B.V. (72) Henricus Martinus Adrianus Simon Dirks Hendrikus Wilhelmus Johannes Gualbertus Dirks (74) drs. A.A. Jilderda (51) F04B 13/00 F04B 53/22 C02F 1/68 E03B 7/07 (11) (47) (22) (54) In een bestaand vloeistofleidingnet invoegbare configuratie van componenten ten behoeve van het gedoseerd toevoegen van additieven aan een vloeistofleidingnet. (73) Robertus Martinus van Opdorp Willem ten Kate (72) Willem ten Kate (51) G01F 11/24 (11) (47) (22) (54) Dosing unit for dosing singulated particles or granules to a blending recipe and method therefor (73) Movacolor B.V. (72) Jelte Jetse Aukes (74) ir. P.J. Hylarides c.s. (51) G01V 1/22 G01S 15/89 H04B 1/66 (11) (47) (22) (54) A method, a system and a computer program product for transmitting survey and/or seismic data (73) Fugro N.V. (72) Paul Kennedy Stephen John Fewings (74) ir. C.M. Jansen c.s. (51) G06Q 10/08 G06Q 50/28 G06Q 10/04 G01C 21/34 (11) (47) (22) (54) A method for providing a match between trips and orders for at least two logistics service providers, as well as a related trip optimizer system. (73) Synplex Group B.V. (72) Roderick Roberts Pieter Rodenburg Machiel Resink (74) ir. J.M.G. Dohmen c.s. (51) G07C 9/00 E05B 47/06 (11) (47) (22) (54) Rotational Motion Pattern Input for Mechatronic Lock System (73) Antonius Dingemans (72) Antonius Dingemans Thomas van Beek Jodi Kooijman (51) H01L 31/078 H01L 27/30 H01L 31/18 (11) (47) (22) (54) Hybrid tandem solar cell (73) Stichting Energieonderzoek Centrum Nederland (72) Lambert Johan Geerligs Yu Wu Dong Zhang Johannes Adrianus Maria van Roosmalen Stefan Libertus Luxembourg Siegfried Christiaan Veenstra (31) (32) (33) Netherlands

12 Nummer 11/ maart 2018 (51) H02K 21/24 H02K 29/08 H02K 1/27 H02K 1/27 H02K 11/33 (11) (47) (22) (54) METHOD AND APPARATUS FOR OPERATING A BRUSHLESS MOTOR (73) V2techs B.V. (72) Vladimir Corneliu Vlad (51) H02S 20/10 H02S 20/20 (11) (47) (22) (54) Inrichting met boven elkaar geplaatste series zonnepanelen verbonden met een draagconstructie (73) Tom Vierstra (72) Tom Vierstra (51) H03F 1/00 (11) (47) (22) (54) Packaged RF power amplifier having a high power density (73) Ampleon Netherlands B.V. (72) Johannes Adrianus Maria de Boet Yi Zhu Yuri Volokhine Vittorio Cuoco Albertus Gerardus Wilhelmus Philipus van Zuijlen Iordan Konstantinov Svechtarov Josephus Henricus Bartholomeus van der Zanden (74) ir. P.J. Hylarides c.s. (51) H04K 3/00 (11) (47) (22) (54) A safety unit, a method and a computer program product (73) Freire Jacira Andrade (72) Freire Jacira Andrade Brito Anilton Semedo (74) ir. C.M. Jansen c.s. (51) H04L 9/32 G06Q 20/38 (11) (47) (22) (54) A method of performing a two factor authentication process, as well as a related system and a computer program product. (73) PayCheckout Holding B.V. (72) Martinus Petrus Johannes Maria Poels (74) ir. J.M.G. Dohmen c.s.

13 Nummer 11/ maart 2018 NP3 Nederlandse octrooien na gedeeltelijke afstand conform artikel 63 van de Octrooiwet Contains data concerning Netherlands patents which have been entered in the patent register (after limitation procedure) under the Patents Act 1995.

14 Nummer 11/ maart 2018 EP1 Vertaalde conclusies van Europese octrooiaanvragen. Contains data concerning translations of the claims of European patent applications.

15 Nummer 11/ maart 2018 EP2 Voor Nederland verleende Europese octrooien. Contains data concerning European patents granted for The Netherlands.

16 Nummer 11/ maart 2018 EP3 Voor Nederland verleende Europese octrooien waarvoor een vertaling is ingediend conform artikel 52 (1, 6) van de Octrooiwet Contains data concerning European patents granted for The Netherlands in which a translation was filed confirm Article 52 par. 1 or 6 of the Patents Act (51) A01C 7/10 A01C 23/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) APPARATUS FOR DISTRIBUTING A MIXED FLUID (73) Hugo Vogelsang Maschinenbau GmbH Prometheus GmbH & Co. KG (72) BLOCK, Karl-Heinz KRAMPE, Paul HERTWIG, Martin (31) U (32) (33) Germany (51) A01F 15/07 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) CONTINUOUS ROUND BALER WITH VARIABLE CONVEYOR (73) CNH Industrial Belgium nv (72) Roberge, Martin (31) (32) (51) A01G 13/02 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) BIODEGRADABLE MULCH FOR AGRICULTURAL APPLICATIONS (73) Sphere Group Spain, S.L. (72) BIEL BORRAZ, Alfonso ZARAGOZA LARIOS, Carlos CIRUJEDA RANZENBERGER, Alicia AIBAR LETE, Joaquin MARÍ LEÓN, Ana Isabel LAHOZ GARCÍA, Inmaculada MACUA GONZALEZ, Juan Ignacio SUSO MARTÍNEZ DE BUJO, Maria Luisa VÁZQUEZ GARCÍA, Nuria MORENO VALENCIA, Marta María MORENO VALENCIA, Carmen MECO MURILLO, Ramón MARTÍN CLOSAS, Lluis PELACHO AJA, Ana María COSTA TURA, Joan (74) dr. A. Krebs (31) P (32) (33) Spain (47) (51) A01G 25/02 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Drip irrigation tube with metering elements inserted therein (73) THE Machines Yvonand SA (72) Loebinger, Ahai (74) mr. ir. J. van Breda c.s. (51) A01J 5/013 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) MILKING SYSTEM SHUT-OFF AND SENSORS (73) Technologies Holdings Corp. (72) HOFMAN, Henk VAN DER SLUIS, Peter Willem GROENSMA, Ype (74) ir. F.A. Geurts c.s. (31) (32) (51) A01K 1/12 A01J 7/04 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) SYSTEM FOR CONTROLLING THE POSITION OF A ROBOT CARRIAGE (73) Technologies Holdings Corp. (72) HOFMAN, Henk DE RUIJTER, Cor KOEKOEK, Menno VAN DER SLUIS, Peter, Willem (74) ir. F.A. Geurts c.s. (31) (32) (51) A01K 39/012 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Pan feeder for breeders (73) CTB, INC. (72) Cole, Theodore Kreger, Lionel Bird, Charles (31) P (32) (51) A01K 67/027 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) A method of producing an antibody comprising a human variable region and a rodent constant region. (73) REGENERON PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. (72) Murphy, Andrew J. Yancopoulos, George, D. Economides, Aris Karow, Margaret MacDonald, Lynn Stevens, Sean Valenzuela, David (74) ir. F.A. Geurts c.s. (31) (32) (47) (51) A01K 67/027 C12N 15/85 C12N 15/90 C12N 5/10 A61D 19/00 C12N 5/16 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) ES CELL-DERIVED MICE FROM DIPLOID HOST EMBRYO INJECTION (73) Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (72) POUEYMIROU, William DECHIARA, Thomas, M. AUERBACH, Wojtek ECONOMIDES, Aris, N. GALE, Nicholas, W. FRENDEWEY, David VALENZUELA,David, M. (31) P

17 Nummer 11/ maart 2018 (32) (47) (51) A01N 1/02 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) TWO-DIMENSIONAL BAR CODES IN ASSISTED REPRODUCTIVE TECHNOLOGIES (73) Inguran, LLC (72) GILLIGAN, Thomas, B. HOGUE, Sam MORENO, Juan SHARPE, Johnathan, Charles (31) P P P (32) (51) A01N 37/18 A01N 57/00 A61K 31/66 A61K 31/74 A61K 38/00 C08F 293/00 C08F 275/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) ACRYLOYLOXYETHYLPHOSPHORYLCHOLINE CONTAINING POLYMER CONJUGATES AND THEIR PREPARATION (73) Kodiak Sciences Inc. (72) CHARLES, Stephen A. (31) P (32) (51) A01N 43/50 A01N 47/24 A01N 43/653 A01N 43/56 A61K 8/40 A61K 8/72 A61K 31/417 A61Q 17/00 A61K 8/81 A61K 45/06 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) COMPOSITIONS CONTAINING POLYMERIC, IONIC COMPOUNDS COMPRISING IMIDAZOLIUM GROUPS (73) BASF SE (72) KONRADI, Rupert SIEMER, Michael SOBOTKA, Bettina KOLTZENBURG, Sebastian HABERECHT, Monika LINDNER, Jean-Pierre Berkan ROSENBAUM, Claudia MÜLLER, Bernd RIGGS, Richard LAUTERWASSER, Erica May Wilson MONTAG, Jurith (31) (32) (33) European Patent Office (EPO) (51) A01N 43/62 C07D 487/04 C07D 519/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) PYRROLOBENZODIAZEPINES AND TARGETED CONJUGATES (73) Seattle Genetics, Inc. MedImmune Limited (72) JEFFREY, Scott BURKE, Patrick HOWARD, Philip, Wilson (31) P (32) (51) A21B 1/10 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Baking oven comprising stone slabs directly placed on radiator unit (73) Kaak Groep B.V. (72) Meyer, Gerd, Dr.-Ing. (74) ir. C.M. Jansen c.s. (31) U (32) (33) Germany (51) A23C 9/12 A23J 3/10 C12N 9/24 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Use of sialidase in dairy technology (73) DSM IP Assets B.V. (72) DEKKER, Petrus, Jacobus, Theodorus METSELAAR, Ronald SEIN, Arjen (31) (32) (33) European Patent Office (EPO) (51) A23C 19/06 A23C 19/068 A23C 19/082 A23C 19/09 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Semi-hard cheese with Mozzarella-like textural properties, and its preparation (73) FrieslandCampina Nederland B.V. (72) Penders, Johannes Antonius van Haren, Anna Maria Catharina (47) (51) A23C 21/00 A23J 3/08 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) METHOD FOR MANUFACTURING DENATURED WHEY PROTEIN (73) Morinaga Milk Industry Co., Ltd. (72) ARASE Hiroshi SUZUKI Manabu (74) ir. J.M.G. Dohmen c.s. (31) (32) (33) Japan (47) (51) A23F 3/14 C08L 1/02 A23L 33/22 A23L 33/24 A23L 29/262 A23F 3/16 A23L 33/21 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) READY-TO-DRINK TEA-BASED BEVERAGE COMPRISING CELLULOSE MICROFIBRILS DERIVED FROM PLANT PARENCHYMAL TISSUE (73) Unilever N.V. (72) KOPPERT, Remco Johannes VELIKOV, Krassimir Petkov (74) dr. C.W.R. Mulder c.s. (31) (32) (33) European Patent Office (EPO) (47) (51) A23K 20/158 A23K 50/80 A23L 17/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) PROCESS FOR FEEDING FISH, FISH MEAT AND FOOD PRODUCT (73) Nemzeti Agrárkutatási És Innovációs Központ (Naik) (72) CSENGERI, István RÓNYAI, András NAGYNÉ BÍRÓ, Janka FELEDI, Tibor ADORJÁN, Ágnes MOLNÁR, Judit PERCZE, Vanda (74) J.M.H. Duyver lic. (31) P (32) (33) Hungary (51) A23L 2/52 A61K 9/14 C12N 1/04 C07K 17/02 A23K 10/18

18 Nummer 11/ maart 2018 A61K 35/74 A61K 35/741 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) MICROPARTICLES COMPRISING A PROBIOTIC, CROSS-LINKABLE REAGENT, A DENATURED PROTEIN, POLYOL PLASTICISER AND TREHALOSE (73) Progel Pty Ltd (72) TRAN, Lai CHING, Su Hung TURNER, Cameron BHANDARI, Bhesh (74) drs. ir. M. Smit (31) (32) (33) Australia (47) (51) A23L 2/66 A23J 3/22 A23J 3/08 A23L 29/25 A23L 33/185 A23L 33/19 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) DISPERSION COMPRISING PROTEIN PARTICLES, FOOD PRODUCT COMPRISING SUCH DISPERSION AND USE OF SUCH DISPERSION (73) FrieslandCampina Nederland B.V. (72) SAGLAM, Dilek VENEMA, Paul DE VRIES, Rindert Jakob VAN DER LINDEN, Erik (31) (32) (33) European Patent Office (EPO) (51) A23L 3/28 A23L 3/3454 A23K 40/10 A23K 30/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Method for producing food and/or feed products (73) Deutsche Tiernahrung Cremer GmbH & Co. KG (72) Arning, Ulrich Hötger, Siegfried (74) ir. C.M. Jansen c.s. (51) A23L 7/126 A23L 7/13 A23L 19/10 A23L 19/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) NUTRITIOUS FABRICATED SNACK PRODUCTS (73) Kellogg Europe Trading Limited (72) BUNKE, Paul, Ralph (73) Dräger Safety AG & Co. KGaA EKANAYAKE, Athula (72) Timo, Tralau HAMMOND, Priscilla, G (74) ir. C.H. Riem PROSISE, Robert, Lawrence (31) LIN, Peter, Yen-Chih (32) SCHNUR, Sharon, Lee (33) Germany (74) J.M.H. Duyver lic. (31) P (51) A44C 7/ A44C 15/00 (32) (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) DEVICE FOR FASTENING A PIECE OF JEWELLERY, IN PARTICULAR AN (51) A24C 5/34 EARRING G01N 21/31 (73) Assi Meca SA (11) EP (72) BARIER, Sébastien (21) EP ABOU ASSI, Daniel (22) (54) APPARATUS FOR DETECTING A (31) SUBSTANCE IN A ROD SHAPED (32) ARTICLE OF THE TOBACCO INDUSTRY (33) France (73) British American Tobacco (Investments) Limited (51) A46B 15/00 (72) WHITE, Julian A61B 5/06 HORROD, Martin (11) EP BRAY, Andrew Jonathan (21) EP FALLON, Gary (22) (54) FASTENABLE DEVICE FOR ORAL (31) CAVITY POSITION DETECTION (32) (73) Braun GmbH (33) United Kingdom (72) Vetter, Ingo Kreßmann, Frank (51) A24F 23/02 Halbach, Alexandre B65D 30/08 (31) B65D 30/22 (32) (11) EP (33) European Patent Office (EPO) (21) EP (47) (22) (51) A47B 47/04 (54) POUCH WITH SLIDE-IN POCKET F16B 12/24 (73) Reemtsma Cigarettenfabriken GmbH F16B 12/26 (72) Bühr, Carmen F16B 12/46 Urban, Björn (11) EP (74) J.M.H. Duyver lic. (21) EP (22) (51) A41D 13/005 (54) DEVICE FOR ANGULARLY A62B 17/00 CONNECTING AND LOCKING TWO B64D 10/00 PANELS, IN PARTICULAR FURNITURE (11) EP PANELS (21) EP (73) SWISS KRONO Tec AG (22) (72) Fischer, Max (54) CONDITIONING GARMENTS Hasch, Joachim (73) Survitec Group Limited (72) OLIVER, Alan, Paul (51) A47C 3/02 (31) (11) EP (32) (21) EP (33) United Kingdom (22) (54) SYNCHRONOUS SEAT ADJUSTMENT (51) A42B 3/28 (73) Vitra Patente AG A62B 18/08 (72) SCHNEIDER, Thomas (11) EP (21) EP (22) (51) A47J 31/00 (54) CLAMPING DEVICE FOR THE A47J 31/20 RELEASABLE HOLDING OF A MASK (11) EP ON A SAFETY HELMET AND SAFETY (21) EP HELMET WITH A CLAMPING DEVICE

19 Nummer 11/ maart 2018 (22) (54) DEVICE FOR PREPARING A HOT OR COLD DRINK BY BREWING A PRODUCT IN WATER (73) Stamm, Francis Mo, Cui Wei (72) ENGEL, Thierry (74) J.M.H. Duyver lic. (31) (32) (33) France France (47) (51) A47J 36/28 A45D 34/04 B65D 81/00 A61F 7/03 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) TRANSPORTABLE APPARATUS FOR HEATING FOOD AND TRANSPORTABLE HEATING-ELEMENT (73) Arnold, Uwe (72) Arnold, Uwe (74) J.M.H. Duyver lic. (31) (32) (33) European Patent Office (EPO) (51) A47J 39/02 A47J 39/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) HOLDING CABINETS, METHODS FOR CONTROLLING ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS IN HOLDING CABINETS, AND COMPUTER-READABLE MEDIA STORING INSTRUCTIONS FOR IMPLEMENTING SUCH METHODS (73) Henny Penny Corporation (72) BURKETT, Douglas A. SHIRALI, Manouchehr (74) ir. H.J.G. Lips c.s. (31) P (32) (47) (51) A61B 1/012 A61B 1/005 A61F 2/95 A61F 2/958 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) DEVICE FOR SURGICAL TREATMENT OF INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTIONS IN NARROW AND LARGE INTESTINE (73) The Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of The Higher Professional Education "National University of Science and Technology" Globetek 2000 Pty Ltd (72) RYKLINA, Elena Prokopievna SUTURIN, Victor Mikhailovich PROKOSHKIN, Sergey Dmitrievich SOUTORINE, Mikhail Vladimirovich KHMELEVSKAYA, Irina Yurievna CHERNOV-KHARAEV, Artem Nikolaevich KOROTITSKIY, Andrey Viktorovich (74) ir. H.Th. van den Heuvel c.s. (31) (32) (33) Russian Federation (51) A61B 5/00 A61B 5/07 A61B 5/0215 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) IMPLANTABLE SENSOR ENCLOSURE WITH THIN SIDEWALLS (73) Endotronix, Inc. (72) ROWLAND, Harry NAGY, Michael (31) P (32) (47) (51) A61B 5/00 A61B 6/02 A61B 8/13 G01N 21/17 A61B 5/05 G01N 21/47 G01S 15/89 A61B 8/08 G01N 22/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) INVESTIGATION OF PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF AN OBJECT (73) Oxford University Innovation Limited (72) EDWARDS, David, John STEVENS, Christopher, John (31) (32) (33) United Kingdom (51) A61B 5/04 A61B 5/08 A61M 16/10 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) APPARATUS FOR MAINTAINING AND MONITORING SLEEP QUALITY DURING THERAPEUTIC TREATMENTS (73) Compumedics Medical Innovation Pty Ltd (72) BURTON, David ZILBERG, Eugene (74) drs. ir. M. Smit (31) P (32) Australia (51) A61B 5/042 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Catheter having mapping assembly (73) Biosense Webster, Inc. (72) Fuimaono, Kristine B. Haissaguerre, Michel (31) P (32) (47) (51) A61B 8/00 A61B 8/08 A61B 8/14 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) ULTRASOUND PROBE AND METHOD OF CONTROLLING THE SAME (73) Samsung Medison Co., Ltd. (72) Song, In Seong (74) mr. ir. J. van Breda c.s. (31) (32) (33) Korea (Republic) (51) A61B 17/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) A DEVICE FOR OCCLUDING AN OPENING IN A BODY AND ASSOCIATED METHODS (73) Occlutech Holding AG (72) AKPINAR, Mehmet Hakan (74) mr. ir. J. van Breda c.s. (31) P P (32) (51) A61B 17/04 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) SUTURE ANCHOR SYSTEM (73) Synthes GmbH (72) BOUDUBAN, Nicolas LECHMANN, Beat GEDET, Philippe BURKI, Patrick (31) P P (32) (47) (51) A61B 17/34 A61B 17/72

20 Nummer 11/ maart 2018 A61B 17/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) MEDICAL INSTRUMENT FOR IMPLANTING PINS (73) Persat, Caroline (72) Persat, Caroline (74) ir. P.J. Hylarides c.s. (31) (32) (33) France (51) A61B 18/14 A61B 18/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) Irrigated electrodes with enhanced heat conduction (73) Biosense Webster (Israel) Ltd. (72) Govari, Assaf Beeckler, Christopher Thomas Papaioannou, Athanassios Garcia, Ariel (31) (32) (51) A61C 7/14 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) VESTIBULAR ORTHODONTIC APPLIANCE (73) Benaddi, Amar (72) BENADDI, Amar DUCHATEAU, Robert (74) J.M.H. Duyver lic. (31) (32) (33) France (51) A61C 13/00 A61C 13/275 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) METHODS AND DEVICES FOR PRODUCING DENTURES (73) Institut Straumann AG (72) WEBER, Gerhard HOLZNER, Stephan (31) U U (32) (33) Germany Germany (47) (51) A61C 17/36 A61C 17/06 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) ELECTRIC TOOTHBRUSH WITH CONTROLLED SUCTION AND IRRIGATION (73) Dignity Health (72) PRENDERGAST, Virginia KLEIMAN, Cynthia (74) ir. P.J. Hylarides c.s. (31) P (32) (51) A61F 2/00 A61L 27/58 A61L 31/14 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) BIODEGRADABLE MEDICAL DEVICES AND METHOD TO CONTROL DEGRADATION OF THE BIODEGRADABLE MEDICAL DEVICES (73) Envision Scientific Private Limited (72) GANDHI, Pankaj CHOKSI, Ronak SOJITRA, Prakash DOSHI, Manish (74) ir. A.R. Aalbers (31) 2815MU2010 (32) (33) India (51) A61F 2/07 A61F 2/06 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) STENT GRAFT (73) Hiroshima University Goodman Co., Ltd. (72) SUEDA, Taijiro TAKAHASHI, Shinya (31) (32) (33) Japan (51) A61F 2/16 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) MULTIFOCAL LENS AND METHOD OF MANUFACTURING THE SAME (73) Rayner Intraocular Lenses Limited (72) LUX, Kirsten PLANK, Nicole BREZNA, Wolfgang DRAGOSTINOFF, Nikolaus (51) A61F 2/38 A61B 17/15 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) SYSTEM FOR USE IN KNEE SURGERY (73) DePuy Ireland Unlimited Company (72) WOLFSON, David ROCK, Michael WRIGHT, Abraham RUMPLE, Danny (31) (32) (33) United Kingdom (51) A61F 2/64 A61F 2/50 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) PROSTHETIC KNEE JOINT (73) Otto Bock HealthCare GmbH (72) BOITEN, Herman (31) (32) (33) Germany (51) A61F 2/82 A61F 2/24 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) FRAME BASED UNIDIRECTIONAL FLOW PROSTHETIC IMPLANT (73) Cordis Corporation (72) HOJEIBANE, Hikmat MAJERCAK, David, Christopher (74) ir. C.M. Jansen c.s. (31) P (32) (47) (51) A61F 5/00 A61B 17/00 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) METHODS AND DEVICES FOR REDUCING STOMACH VOLUME (73) Ethicon Endo-Surgery, Inc. (72) DEMARAIS, Denise, Marie (31) P P P (32) (47) (51) A61F 9/008 (11) EP (21) EP (22) (54) VARYING A NUMERICAL APERTURE OF A LASER DURING LENS FRAGMENTATION IN CATARACT SURGERY (73) AMO Development, LLC (72) DENNISON, Anthony

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