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1 Page E1 UTLSATON, ENTRETEN ET REVSON OPERATON, MANTENANCE AND OVERHAUL le fonctlonnement total depuls neuf dun moteur modulalre ou non modulalre est sulvl par Je numero de serle du moteur. Pour programmer ses nterventions, lutlllsateur tlent compte des sulvls speclflques du moteur ou module. cumule le fonctlonnement total pour les rem placements des equlpements. calcule par soustractlon a disponlblllte des sulvls speclflques. mentlonne les anomalies de fonctlonnement, las travaux dentretlen accomplis et les vlsites perlodlques. lensemble de ces operations seffectue sous lentlere responsabllite de lutlllsateur. Apres chaque sejour du moteur complet en uslne, llndustrlel ou lorganlsme dentretlen actuallse le fonctlonnement moteur et signale las travaux de reparation effectues. The overall operating time of a modular or non modular engine from initial delivery is traced by the engine serial number. n order to plan actions, the operator takes into account the specific follow-ups of the engine or module. He accumulates the overafl operating time in the case of equipment replacement. he calculates by substraction the availability of the specific follow-ups. He indicates the discrepancies in operation, the maintenance procedures carried out and the periodic inspections. All these operations are carried out under the operators entire responsibility. Every time the engine leaves the factory, the manufacturer or the maintenance organism up-dates the engine operation and indicates the repairs that have been carried out. ENR 714 D

2 E Moleur Engine ARREL2S1 S/N 2686TEC FONCTONNEMENT MOTEUR ENGNE RUNNNG HOURS Page E2/1 D ta Total en heures depuls nauf Total hours since new Compteur Actlvlte -epaaung counter SlncE NE~ Cyc les : a: Heurea ~ Houn; - Q, GEN TL % N FT :z: Type de vlslle p6rlodlque effactu6a Periodic nspection carried out Heures Potential dlsponlble OE GEN TL PSU.. MU F.T SCP MCP ~ ~ ;s.. ~ g :::... l5... Q, " u ~ l Calculateur E.C. U GEN Tl f T Limite calendalre Calendar limit Mols/Annee Month/Year 18 SEP 214 Total depuis neuf Total since new Potential dlsponlble 5826 s-s-z.g S1t~ l.j(,lo 1. Total depuls neuf + (Heures compteur dactivltlt + H2 HP SARM) Total since new + (hours Operating counter+ H2 HP SARM) Heures potential dlsponlble - (Heures comptaur dactlvltlt + H2 HP SARM) remaining T.B.O (hours Operating counter+ H2 HP SARM) 598 1,48 8,738 3s 1mn nstallation+ 15 years 1 Sl eea vlerge : A.-elgner pat lvtlll.. teur en fanc:jon de le dete de p.,. sur.,..., f box empty 111o1 oe fii/j(n by"" opemlrlr scmnli"jo the dsle olln$ts/lalidn on /he small ENR714 D

3 E Moteur Engine AAREL2S1 2686TEC UTLSATON, ENTRETEN, REVSON OPERATON, MANTENANCE, OVERHAUL Page E3/1 SURTE\ERATURE AU DEl\ARRAGE STARTNG OEREAT T45mul (C) Durfe cumul6e depula RG au dernler etat de dlsponlbh6/ Cumulat" trm& of operatbn j._ ovikhllulet test evalabit~y status. DUREE Sl SBBS n lt.ool Time of oparati:m ppllqu6 f opplied (seconde) 17C<T45<99aC VEMD 1 wmh 4 dloltl (1)mul 1s 991C<H5<19C Total (1) + (21 (2) maxi 5s maxi to s : li Observations Travaux affactues Observations Works carried out Repaired and Tested law Turbomeca Arriel 251 Overhaul Manual X 292 LO 5 2 Rev. 4 Rerer to Engine Log Book Sections A, B and C ror ADs, SBs and TUs applied Engine shipped less HMU All work accomplished under W/ MDH55. Lieu dutlllsatlon Location TMUSA Signature- Tampon Signature - Stamp ~ (~~ ~~- ~~J, ENR714

4 E lloleur / Engine ARREl 2 51 SN Total an heuras dapuis O.te neuf Total hours since new 2616TEC Haurn Houts Comptaur Activit& Operating counter GEH Cyclcts Tl F.T H2HP/ SARM Type de vl lta perlodlque effectu6a Periotf.c nspection caniedoul FONCTONNEMENT MOTEUR ENGNE RUNNNG HOURS Heures Houts Potential dlsponibla Cyc" CyeJN GEH TL PSU F.T SCP OE 1-...! PMU g:. MCP. i! Calculatew E.C.U GEH TL F.T Page E2/U/1 Limite calandaira Calendar limit Mois/Annea Month/Year \1 \11-k \ 5-&d.b _,. - :f\\5 y~o! lz.tpll~ 561 1>,J\n\lt1 s<63l-~ "~ CLN + 2.ot-.r-?~c oohr yyia& Ct.vb \\~\ \5 51SS.( i \\5jl5" s<b51=> ~ NGC..t-.l +- Zohr~AC ooh.- V)\Fl&(JLU{, -;:,..~-<! Total dapuis neuf Total since new Potential dlsponibla Remaining T.B Total dapuis neuf + (Heures compteur dactivite + H2 HP SARM) Total since new + (hours Operating counter+ H2 HP SARM) Heures potential disponlble (Heuras compteur dactivite + H2 HP SARM) remaining T.B.O. (hours Operating counter+ H2 HP SARM) 5 11 UN vlerva : A,.nMigner par t-..tinu.. ur en lonctlon de ~ do.. do pose our-""" bow is omply lls to be filed in by tho cpo<atar occcnling to "" tlalo ollnstllll>lioll ""the...,~ ENR714

5 E - Moleut/ Engine SN _ ARREL 2 St _ T45maxl (Cl 2686Tl!C SURTEMPERATURE AU DEMARRAGE STARTNG OVERHEAT UTUSATON, ENTRETEN REVSON OPERATON, MANTENANCE, OVERHAUL DurH cumul.. depul RG au demler 6tat de dlaponlbuit6 Cumulatfldlimo of operation sflcs overhaul at last avslsbihy status Observations- Travaux effectues DURee r,.. of operation Sl SB BS n" 31.3 Observations - Works carried out (Seconde) TYPE DAERONEF ET N" ARCRAFT TYPE AND S N MMATRCULA TON REGSTRATON nstalled this engine 2686 in position #1 on aircraft 7653 JAW TEC & SK MMs Serviced engine with BP 238 oil. C/W Drive shaft alignment check C/W 9 Hr output shaft coupling lube. C/W TEC MSB nspection of HMU drive link splines, no defects noted. C/W Power assurance: PM: 1.2 TS: 21 HP: -332 OAT: 24 C/W Ground run, leak check,.5 hr flight test. No leaks found, normal operation noted. a..., E~ ". c~" "" + 2.o".. ~A c. DN \\ 4 TS. L D - 2"2."a n-a-r?7 o PKS C 1-> 1 ~f yn~<.. Q\..b& ll"l"jq Nv tyl!tt<\- ~ov c._, Ew~ C.l.C:A"--... C.-+ Z.O r \JAc. prn to.ta ~~- 3 H P. 3Sl -o~ z~"?ass Cu oo)r mp- PL.~,... ~p) )..1 ())~ll h\,)... UTLSATEUR OPERATOR POSTON MOTEUR ENGNE POSTON Lors de chaque changernent dutfllsateur, daeronef ou de position moteur, passer ala page sulvante. f tho engine is transferred to another operator, or used in another aircraft or in a different position, initiate a new page in the log book Lieu dutfllsatlon Location ~Pf>1 lbi Page E3/U/1 Signature Tampon Signature - Stamp 314(;~"8~ ~ ~81 ~~ - ~~~6 J[f ~f(:,) lj-a 1-J"" ,<;~ trfl ~PB 1! - 3.jY f,8t)rrj1!lp6 ~~ 31-C.G~ fj~ 1- ENR714 D

6 E Date Moteur Engine ARREL2S SN Total en heures depuls neuf Total hours since new 2686TEC Heures Compteur Actlvite Operating counter GEN n FT H2HP/ SARM Trpe de vlslle pjriodlque effectuie Petiodic nspection carried out FONCTONNEMENT MOTEUR ENGNE RUNNNG HOURS Heures Potentlel disponible Cycle!! GEN TL PSU F.T! SCP! OE PMU MCP!:. c &.. Ji if ~~ l!..... Calculateur E.C.U GEN TL F.T : Page E2/U/2 Limite calendaire Calendar limit Mois/Annie Month/Year llfol is s~ -z_ zrwj 5"61 ""?.\).(=> 6-&Pltl ~ V~f\~ 5~r N:5f> E.-G U\" ;- ZohrPAC 3ohr }l1ae. Pi.oik l"~p! 3\4\15 5~Cf,3.--\ hig. Cl.V + zohrpag 3\L~{)?l?t:.\\~ SD"1.S / sd.,.,.s t:ng. (..1..1\l +- 2.okr Q~~ 3hr 1"1-" "L-~\n~ Total depuis neuf Total since new Potential disponible Total depuis neuf + (Heures compteur dactivite + H2 HP SARM) Total since new + (hours Operating counter + H2 HP SARM) Heures potential dlsponlble (Heures compteur dactlvlte + H2 HP SARM) remaining T 8. (hours Operating counter+ H2 HP SARM) 5 cam 19: A ret~migner par Jllsateur en 1onct1on do a date do - our 16ro~Mf. f be,. is emp/y n s to be filed in by ltle operata acconfing to the clare ollrlstafllfltln"" the tliraall ENR 714 D

7 . E T~5maxl (C Moteur 1 Engne ARREL251 S/N 2686TEC SURTEi\PERAlURE AU DEl\ARRAGE STARTNG OVERHEAT UTLSATON, ENTRETEN REVSON OPERATON, MANTENANCE, OVERHAUL DurH cumul6e depula RG u d nler 6tat de dlaponlbnit6 Cumulat9d lime ol Opflr8/ion sine:& overllaui911bsl evij&buy SB US, DUREE Sill SB BS n 31.3 Observations Works carried out Time o/ operation ppllqu6 appliad (second&) 17C<T45<99tiC (1) maxi to s. (VEMD 61 wth 4 digit) 998C<T45<11C Total (11 + (2) (2)mul5s. maxi to s c;~ Observations - Travaux effectues So hrl $,;)Ap SAmpt...STG~.:J\1 c &...> E,,,t;,,,, ti. c. \.,. e:p\ N \.) ""-r 2 \..._... f f\c. Pfr\ C\.6" T5 2~ ~P ::.~ASS ~f..,.. go h.. mag. PLP- \A~~) "o \1\~AL Lieu dutlllsatlon Location,tldl \tp61 Page E31U/2 Signature -Tampon Signature - Stamp 6/,/ _7/~ pj 15 -~li61~ LfB ~~ _1.11,~~ j c... l:::...j-..bll>t~ Cl-t:A"~-+ 2olv one. prn 11.3,.5~~ f1p : 2q~.::Jf:l"r~7~ \l.p~ 61J- 31i~~5 /3~1 TYPE DAERONEF ET N ARCRAFT TYPE AND SN MMATRCULATON REGSTRATON PP.S~ OJ.- ::1" bl "C C. t.tj~t-..1\..._1(:, i "2. hr {Jf\C. p ty) 1 3 S: 2.;, HP- l"il\ Qr-rT 2G \)ASS C.f- 3 \-.r \Yl"~ PLu~ C.i...J NO (YC:."A... ~uo..-l UTLSATEUR OPERATOR POSTON MOTEUR ENGNE POSTON Lors de c:haque c:hangement dutlllsateur, daeronef ou de position moteur, passer a a page sulvante. f the engine is transferred to another operator, or used in another aircran or in a different position, initiate a new page in the log book. cd- /f KPB\ ji4(,c:,l) ls ~PS bi-3/~c,qll ENR714 D

8 Date t-tl~\p L-1/~JS Moteur Engine ARREL 2 S1 Total en heures depuls neuf Total hours since new Sqii.O S91t.<.J 2616TEC Heures FONCTONNEMENT MOTEUR ENGNE RUNNNG HOURS Compteur Activit& Potentlel dlsponlble Operating counter Type de vlslte Remaining TB.O GEH p6riodlque effeduie Periodic nspection H2HP carried out H11res TL F.T SARM ENG C.L"-J +"f\c. Z.oh~~ 3ohr \l)f\6 (7L.u6 ns( GEN TL F.T PSU SCP OE PMU MCP c.... J.h 5.. off a.!::j ~ ~ i Calc:ulateur E.C.U GEH TL.T Page E2/U/3 Limite calendalre Calendar limit Mols/Annee Month/Year 5/3/15 59 f.ci ~\ 1,\6 5Cl1Jo~ 5/~\\5 ~ S9.<;..~,~ u..._, + zo"rqag mse J.~a7~\ 3:>\\r M\."b ~L.b \1156 i!! Total depuls neuf Total since new Potentlel dlsponlble Total depuls neuf + (Heures compteur dactlvite + H2 HP SARM) Total since new + (hours Operating counter+ H2 HP SARM) Heures potentlel dlsponlble- {Heures compteur dactlvlte + H2 HP SARM) remaining T B. - (hours Operating counter + H2 HP SARM) 51 UM,.,". A "nmlgntr po<ut.ur n fonctlon de a dalo de pom our a6rantl bojr s emp/y t i1 to Oe filed.. by tile cpero/ot -.ng to th<t daf<t ol itulala/jo;j on thtt Ditrra/1 ENR714

9 E T<&Smaal (q Moteur Engine ARREL2S1 S/N 2686TEC SURTEMPERATURE AU DEMARRAGE STARTNG OEREtiT UTLSATON, ENTRETEN REVSON OPERATON, MANTENANCE, OVERHAUL Dlrie cumulh depuls RG au dernler tat de dlap<mbllltjf Cumulatfld r.me of operation since overheulet la.st avijl1jbij/y status. ObservaUons - Travaux effectues DUREE Sl/ i SB BS n 31.3 Observations Works carried out r~m~~ of operaton appllq" applied (second$) B7"C<T45<898 C (1) maxi 1 s. (VEMD il wlh 4 dlgll) 99t.C<T45<19C Tot l (1) + (2) (2)maal5 s. maxi los. c r...j C>JbiMC cv;~~/ll~ +- 2o,,,. }!a. f/l{ fltn 9.6 -rs d.v rl!?: G 9 o~r:23 j//)5) C w 3o hr J11 fj 6 PL lj ~ ;:Jv.5j1 1 lv,; (1JJ:TJ J Ueu duusatlon Location /t/.1.&1 J!./1!/ Page E3/U/3 Signature -Tampon Signature - Stamp / 6// :l/~ / ::)./ 31.L.E?7Q_O TYPE DAERONEF ET N" ARCRAFT TYPE AND SN MMATRCULATON REGSTRATON R 1-Ac.~O oq., ~~ + G-A5\LE"iS or. (2EAQ.?;, Ef\12. ~ f>a.";) +~"-~-l~tt,e. l\re {:,, w~. N~ l~a~ c- e.n~"i. c.\..-::.1=\nir:j ~ 2. "-.. rf\c.. Pft"\ q.l S "2_y \-\P - \"3,~ on~ "2.."&" V SLJF\ :r.~~ (l\oo C.C51N(.!1 ~ ff)cz.r"! 2. CA:sT!.v C.A5 ~ -;._,P~ FO(.JocA.. "-1 Fv!Z.rl~Z f\c:n bf\ (Z~s. o c./...l Oo h< (YH\c;;. ~.,...J_ UTLSATEUR OPERATOR POSTON MOTEUR ENGNE POSTON PLu- \N~pJ 1\. o rn~r-n... lors de chaque changement dutlllsateur, daeronef ou de posiuon moteur, passer a a page sulvante. f the engine is transferred to another operator. or used in another aircraft or in a different position, initiate a new page in the log book. ~) jl.i L.Jt.J5!t - \(PP., 3t~"~ ~ ~31 ~PG a~~~~ A bj. ~bc.s-6 ENR714

10 E Date Moleur Engi,.. ARREL 2S1 SN Total en heures c:lepuls neuf Total hours since new C\\~\\S 5t1-.S C)J-~l15 -SlJ~~.-o 2616TEC Heures FONCTONNEMENT MOTEUR ENGNE RUNNNG HOURS Compteur Ac:tlvlt6 Potentlel dlsponlble Operating counter Type do visa p6riodlque ettec~ue. Cyclft Periodic: lnspac;tion OE carried out H2 HP/ Heures SARM GEN Tt. GEN n. PSU PMU FT F.T SCP MCP lib (J...J + 2ohr P6lr 3ohl" J)1A6 P...o- \():>f! &. lr" =E 5 "..! :>... i~ i 11 "... Calc:ulateur E.C.U GEN TL F.T Page E21U/4 Limite calendalre Calendar limit Mols/Annlte Month/Year G}/ S O 5Jhr! /2.3/t ~ 5GS7."5 1)\1~6 ~1\,5 pl.~..,bcln T2Q--.r Pf\G vy\s~ ~."il7jj~ a-k.ct..r~ -t 2hr ~A( i l Total c:lepuls neuf Total since new Potentlel dlsponlble Total depuls neuf + (Heures c:ompteur dac:tivltlt + H2 HP SARM) Total since new + {hours Operating counter+ H2 HP SARM) Heures potentlel dlsponlble - (Heures compteur dactlvltlt + H2 HP SARM) remaining T.B.O - (hours Operating counter+ H2 HP SARM) Slc:.ow ltf91 : A Nnwlgnor pat lllllllutaur on fonclloa c1o 11 dole clo pose sur Hronet. H. s olfylly is to be ftlledln by the operator J<XOfl1ing to the dale of itlstalation "" the...,..~ ENR714 D

11 E T4Smaal ( C) Mot ur Engine ARREL2 $1 SN 2618TEC SURTEMPt:RATUR : AU OEMARRAGE STARTNG O R AT UTLSATON, ENTRETEN REVSON OPERATON, MANTENANCE, OVERHAUL Dum cumuim!mpula RG au dernler 61at de dlaponlbllll6/ Cumu/4/ed lime of O(Xfolion sin<:e 11erheulllllos1 evelsblily starus. Observ~~tlons Travaux effectues DUREE 51/1 SB BS n 31.3 Observations - Works carried out Time of O(XfOtbn appllqu6/ applied (seconde) 87C<T45<99B c (1)mad1 s.. (VEMD i/ with 4 dlgll) 998 C<T45<19D c Total (1) + (2) (2)maxl5s. maxl1s. C/w 1\16".:: CL,;t:JV/JV t:.-t 2o/,, 11ltfC. {Jm 1.3 T5":;1..T t1p - ~S OFT ;;2") 1//15<; C!(... 3v Jr (11/.lG flt.,g JNSj), N~ J11r::./~l C/u S;Jhr Sv/P 5/1/n,/7~ Lieu duthisatlon Location <P& J(~l K~/ Page E3/U/4 Signature Tampon Signaturtt - Stamp / 6;( _31~~ ~J( / fjf 3lf,,~(S / dll..l..l -...; 3 ~~ C/w E:>-~ c,,~c. ~~-~""" "" b -t- "2.:)\...~ (.JA C. Pm 1;.o T5 3o" H o _l3t Cw \"1\55 ~c;l1j.~cqqj.l.aw i>a~a"z.3 QA...,. ~~., pass Tv~L<: Con~Ol:r. on VAL-4Jt!S. 1-\~i"/Col..(). No i)e=ecos N<>>E.o. NG...,.- uu~ bl.f$7.<:;, CJ_, 6..-.G. ~ E. c... ~A"""" + 7..o h~ PAC. pm G 1 TS!l" \P. \1<; ll(1o 2.,. oy Vell!Fdl "\"?ASS }(og).<p8 ~C?> 6-i _1! LJt1?fi 11 (11-1 al3.!"~~ 6~ "3 j :..c,j;j TYPE OAERONEF ET N ARCRAFT TYPE AND SN MMATRCULATON REGSTRATON UTLSATEUR OPERATOR POSTON MOTEUR ENGNE POSTON Lors de chaque changement dullllsateur, da6ronef ou de position moteur, passer a a page sulvante. f the engine is transferred to another operator. or used in another aircraft or in a different position, initiate a new page in the log book_ 1-1 ENR714 D

12 E Date Moleur Engine ARREL 251 SN Total en heures depuls neuf Total hours since new ~\~15 5i11.5 1(11!15 5%4. "b 2616TEC FONCTONNEMENT MOTEUR ENGNE RUNNNG HOURS Comptaur Actlviti Potential disponible Operating counter Type de vlslle p4rlodlque effect!me CyciH P11tiocf1C nspection Cycl" Heurea Cydos H2HP carried out Heu" OE PSU PMU FT F.T SCP MCP GEN TL SARM Hout3 GEN TL i 3ohcrhb {JLu~ ::r-~s-f t:..c. CLN L.J~-.;Jlf\c g :e " 5 of g:;,,_... c a. H Calculateur ECU GEN TL F.T Page E2/U/5 Limite calendalre calendar limit Mols1Ann6e Month/Year ~~~~Js ~q.l-j GDi So"" J:NsP 11516" s~cfi ~ fj\fl>\\~ c;j:f :\ \~*s (:,~ &, ~"~C.L.t\1 -\- 2ohr (Jf\L 3ohr fr"ab PLu& ~-1"1 + 2olv PflL.! i! Total depuls neuf Total since new Potential disponlble Total depuls neuf + (Heures compteur dactlvltil + H2 HP SARM) Total since new + (hours Operating counter+ H2 HP SARM) Heures potentlel dlsponlble ~ (Heures comptaur dactlvltil + H2 HP SARM) remaining T.B.O-(hours Operating counter + HZ HP SARM) 51 c... vlergo : A renmignor pu lullllsateur n loncllon do d t. d pooe aur Mronef. bo ~empty lls ro be flih ir1 11y lfle opentot a<ufling lo lhe di>le ollr1stalallon on /lie alrr:tall ENR714 D

13 E T45ma..l (C) Moteur Engine ARREL251 SN 21186TEC SUR.rEMPERATURE AU DEMARRAGE STARTNG OEREAT Dum cumuim depuls RG au dernler de dlaponlbiih6 Cumu/atoo time of operation si-lc9 overllllulat last ava~abidy status. UTLSATON, ENTRETEN REVSON OPERATON, MANTENANCE, OVERHAUL Observations Travaux effectues DUREE 511 SB SS n 31.3 Observations Works carried out Time of operation appllqu6 applifid (seconde) 87o c <T 45<998C (VEMD.tlw-h 4 dlalll (11 ma l 1 s. 991"C<T45c19"C Total (1) + {21 (2)ma.l5s. ma i1s C/o...J 3~11, YY\AG p._u6-::nsp 1 N~ OcA:."--5 ~ idv6,,v.: Cu/4"-1"<.7 + :;J..o /u {JfJG. f/ S:3<; /iis.s cur;3~~~/js5 Page E3/U/5 Lieu dutlllsatlon Signature Tampon Location Signature - Stamp ~~~31 L~8J loy~,f-,j/ ~1..-T~ c.;.-!va.-~.,~ SOfly S"J7fii/.~S-r/J4.i.tv ~/~-r TYPE DAERONEF ET N" ARCRAFT TYPE AND SN MMATRCULATON REGSTRATON C v llc,. C\..QF" () + /.;::> V\r (f\ C PrYl ~ Oj.~ TS 3 HP-r31.f Of!"\ l-is" C{v- ~a hr Vl\f\~ <t-vc;;}~~ t"j m~-.~... <=".,..j._ Cj...t ~ivg -~A-".:J + 2..~ \..r- ~1\C. p (h l o. 5 ;).7 HP-;<~~ UTLSATEUR OPERATOR POSTON MOTEUR ENGNE POSTON or-~-::)..-;"" PAS5 Lors de cheque changement dutlllsateur, da6ronef ou de position moteur, passer 6 a page sulvante. f the engine is transferred to another operator. or used in another aircran or in a different position, initiate a new page in the tog book. \J..~G J:l ~ 3tU~ \~{)6\ hi -,,.-c.a ~J..:.j -l_ u-.! {}(31 6i- 1314(.. )~ - ENR714

14 E Date ~~s \J{l1\l~ Motelll Engine ARREL2 51 SN Total en heures depuls neuf Total hours since new ~. c,.ry-fj.c, 2686TEC Heures FONCTONNEMENT MOTEUR ENGNE RUNNNG HOURS Compteur Ac:tlvlte Potential dlsponlble Operating counter Type de Ylslle Remaining T.B i p6do<llque effectu6e Periodic inspection Cycle$ H2HP carried out Heures Cycle$ SARM GEN TL : GEN TL PSU FT.T SCP 3:;>hr ft\~ 17t.t.G.. + r.j6(l.n Zonr PllG OE PMU MCP i.. i!.. &.! -~... lti Cak:ulateur ECU GEN Tl.T Page E2/U/6 Limite calendalre Calendar limit Mols/Annee Month/Year \~).3~ c;o-t~ " ~hr (l1(.) PJ..~-6 \\~b v;fo1 " \\?fj\1{, ~c.t 1 ).\n,\\b -o1\ o & fn9 Ut- -t 2.-ohf~~G ~1\f" l\ f\c:. Quh ~t>l ( -t-1 4" ~"~"(. Total clepuls neuf Total since new Potential disponible Total depuls neuf + (Heures c:ompteur dactlvite + H2 HP SARM) Total since new + (hours Operating counter+ H2 HP SARM) Heures potential dlsponlble-(heures c:ompteur dactlvlte + H2 HP SARM) remaining T.B.O - (hours Operating counter+ H2 HP SARM) 5 CM...,1111 : A renm,... par ruiiont.ur en lonctlan de a dow de pose sur oeronel f box is e,.,y U sla be filed in by /he opera/or Calrl1ing 1o the date of.,.,ala/ion 11/ho si«:ra/1 ENR714 D

15 a E T45mul (Cl Moteur Engirlo ARREL2S1 SN 26HTEC UTLSATON, ENTRETEN REVSON OPERATON, MANTENANCE, OVERHAUL SURlEMPERATURE AU DE\ARRAGE STARTNG 1/:REAT Dum cumulft depul RG au dernler Nt de dtsponftlllt6 CUtiXJisled lime ol operetion silco ovllfheul 81/est avblbblly SBU$. Observations Travaux effectues DUREE Sill 58/BS n" 31.3 Observations Works carried out appllqu41 epp/1d rm& ol oporerion (seconde) 17C<T45<991C (1)maxl 1s (VEMD A wlh 4 dlaltl 991C<T45<19C Total (1) (2) (2)mall 5 s maxi 1s. c( _ 3,JAr (711)6 ~.!-cfi.~ NV n,:-; J fr.j..,/.. c(..; ~N6/ e CV t"m"j -f 2a hr P/lC Pfl1 /-3 7S. 3 /-P -.S/ o.crr ;l~" P/aS5 Cl-J ~, /?Ja p~.c,t:- ~/ V~.:J 17Jif"rP(.. ro C.~ tl\l~ll\1 CL.E~N~C, -\- 2: hr -(:f(-\c: pyl" n. \ -rs ~ 2-~ \-9- l~i OAT \C:.W C/(..J lvh~ Feu~ V\Ss ~AE. 11-t..: N~j l\.1 {l}ji~l c.(v ~ NE. C\..t:~""~ + l,ohr- Pfl- p t11 \\.t,-s:._,5 HD --1 upt J.; p~«$5 Lieu dutlllsatlon Location /4:?11; Page E3/U/6 Signature Tampon Signature Stamp / tj 3Nt:~trCJP ; /CRd/ 16L- J/~~fo - to?~/ \LO(l)l \l.pf3 61{. - tp1 $/~ 9~ tj 31li~"~H 3 ~!JtJ \l."(~l b~-.3jllf-rf{6_ 11# TYPE OAERONEF ET N" ARCRAFT TYPE AND S N UTLSATEUR OPERATOR MMATRCULATON REGSTRATON POSTON MOTEUR ENGNE POSTON Lors de chaque changement dutlllsateur, daeronef ou de position moteur, passer ll a page sulvante. f the engine is transferred to another operator, or used in another aircraft or in a different position, initiate a new page in the Jog book. ENR714 D

16 E Date J.\"t>\\C:, Moteur Engine ARREL 2 S\ SN Total en heikes depuis neuf Total hours since new b-o"l\ ~ ~}11/16 eppo J-\ u\ tb?\t\\b r;o7s Q (;jft/o ~ 2616TEC Heures Hout1 Compteur Ac:tivfte Operating counter GEH Cyc/e.s Tl F T H2t«<l SARM Type de vlalte p6tlodlque effectu6e PeriOdic inspecl/on t:anledou/ 11:)~ a\?. 7a7-"5" VE(l...\5 ll\>!> ~":l.7clc7.sat.} vta.c. 1- ~OEj P.D \b-3 ~ \Q CoC"\ ::>1- NbC.L.._. -t- Zohr i \-- FONCTJONNEMENT MOTEUR ENGNE RUNNNG HOURS Heurea Hout.s Potential dlsponible Cycle.s G!N TL PSU F.T SCP OE &. ~ e :l! s e <>H PU g:::. MCP. 15 Calc:ullteur t=c.u GEN TL u! Page E2/Uf7 Limite c:alendaire Calendar limit MolsiAnnee Month/Year?\1\\b e,o~ 5 ~\a-to\16 ~\Q;N 1 oohr h\f\1; ()1.~ \(\~ N- CJ-n..} 2-ohr Q\L, i / Total depuis neuf Total since new Potential disponlble Remaining T.B. Total depuls neuf + (Heures c:ompteur dac:tlviti + H2 HP SARM) Total since new +(hours Operating counter+ H2 HP SARM) Heures potential disponlble (Heures compteur dac:tlviti + H2 HP SARM) remaining T.B.O-(hours Operating counter+ H2 HP SARM) SlcoM lorgo : AronMig-pltrutlllutaurM lonc1lon do cllta do POM lut HfOMf. H boxls Gmp(y n is ro "" fiiigd n t>y " opera/a so:otrjing lo G daig ol ill$18fdiioll on G Ditarlllt ENR 714 D

17 T45maxl (C) Moleur Engine ARREL TEC SURn:MPF.RATURE AU DEMARRAGE STARTNG OEREAT DUREE Time of opflfalion (seccnde) Darie cumlh depul RG au ~ tat de dkpoftlbllltl/ Cumu/Bleci!Noo of operslijn sine& ovorhau/111 BSt evdilllblity $//US. 511 SB BS n 31.DOJ apptlq~ applied 87C <T45<1191C (1)maxl1 s. (VEMO 1 wlh 4 dlgll) 991C<T45COtOC Total (1) + (21 (2)m&d5s. maxi los UTLSATON, ENTRETEN REVSON OPERATON, MANTENANCE, OVERHAUL ObservaUons- Travaux effectues ObseNations Wor#cs carried out 41 EF: (1155 ~9~"7~aSG F~Ofi" aeau~ ~~~"~ Nfo i3-; v.~~l N-:ij).:"Cf O"/CAST,~-:~~:;tl~ J:>~.Sttl\W 1 NO fc..l!.rj-1~/z At:.11on /2~o.o ms& 8.l:;l7.:u ~" 3,., -r:jtfia;s. "(/. l3 > V,.~..,,.. ~v:>p ~ /M~ + ~ LJ5T. N.j /lltuqou: ~ 1:N~l ~ f~li? sec-11) ;;,. 3. No fuz.rlj,.~ J4cr1on Rc:o.o. flo /6-3-~ ~Qv (!.on. ldo>c.?cv oy CO(r){J.FNC!:. ~ Tf/ -/} ~7a:;.fi6 V6(. ~1211~ 3. :2.~-...J@.J 5. $""17. NC>< r:;k-- 6/~7.~ AJ6 rr- C{l.- tfh;.\nc: CL~ANto. (,-T Z.O ~,. Pm \o?.. 1<5. Z.i 1-4 "-Jit ~27 c V-.1 1 h" r(l P<:. P\..o 1 /""SfJ t=o., C,..J e"&ci- 1=\N"j "t 2,olv C>Pt <... rtp tc.3 ORT 2"ii ~m q "3 1-s 2c; (AL. P~S5 t--. o {))e.al.. Lieu duusatlon Location Page E3/Uf7 Signature -Tampon Signature - Stamp ~ KfJiJ / ~*1~., K~ 6../ - "~/~~ fjfo K~ 6~ 3/._/LL..?f~{H/1 lc!oe b{l31 t~t$\5 frt<l KPBl b i. "31Y1~8 (-\~ \LOt} b~ 3 1.Jit9fmth~ TYPE DAERONEF ET N ARCRAFT TYPE AND SN MMATRCULATON REGSTRATON UTLSATEUR OPERATOR POSTON MOTEUR ENGNE POSTON Lors de chaque changement dutlllsateur, daeronef ou de position moteur, passer ll a page sulvante. f the engine is transferred to another operator, or used in another aircraft or in a different position, initiate a new page in the log book. WCTA -1 ENR714

18 Date 3/J.~(- ~l4(1b Moteur Enginct ARREL2S1 Total en heures depuls neuf Total hours since new c;,d~ j c,.oto 2686TEC FONCTONNEMENT MOTEUR ENGNE RUNNNG HOURS Compteur Actlvlte Potentlel dlsponlble Operating counter Type de vl lte periodlque effeclu6e Periodil: /rlspectioll OE ca"ied out Cyc/cts Heures H2HP/ Heure SARM GEN Tl GEN Tl PSU PMU FT F.T SCP MCP 3o\..r mag VL.vG lf\:.)~ ~ \b ol.\-ll- c &. i i ~ ~ i! ~... Calculateur E.C.U GEN Tl F.T Page E2/U/8 Limite calendalre Calendar limit Moist Annie Month/Year Total depuls neuf Total since new Potentlel dlsponlble Remaining T.B Total depuls neuf + (Heures compteur cfactlvite + H2 HP SARM) Total since new + (hours Operating counter+ H2 HP SARM) Heures potential dlsponlble (Heures compteur dactlvlte + H2 HP SARM) remaining T.B. (hours Operating counter + H2 HP SARM) SlcaM vlerga : A ronsolg,... p..- ruii!mt.ur on lonctlon de a date de pose sur...,. boxls empty lls k>"" filled n by Ht oper;lta OCCOffting to file dato ollnstolat"" "" the aitl:ra/1 ENR714 D

19 E T45maal (C) Uoleur Engine ARREL251 S/N 2686TEC SURTE\PERATURE AU DEMARRAGE STARTNG OVERHEAT Dulie c:umul6e depula RG au dernler 6bt de dllponlbmm6/ Cumulsted time of oporstion since ovlltltaul st 18st BV8i18blily st8tus. UTLSATON, ENTRETEN REVSON OPERA T/ON, MANTENANCE, OVERHAUL Observations - Travaux effectues DUREE Sill SB BS n 31.3 rrme of opor8tion appllqu6 applied Observations - Worl<s carried out (seconde) 87DC<T4sctte c (VEMD., w ll 4 digll) (1)maxl1 s 998CCT45<19C Total (1) + (2) (2)maxl 5s. maxl1s Ct...J 3D lu tnpy /L.t:.-~ /JS~ /JDm~rnL ~Oo/"LJ. flo Jb.-l/-1~ rico/ f~oa7~cv 1Z.. N;f-J C/ls-re:.o T)/Jt CovEll. Z/..JS,:JLt-c.-o/ No Ft.-ll.iA.,r J4C-r; o11 t2e.;~.../:j Page E3/U8 Lieu dutlllsatlon Signature -Tampon Location Signature Stamp K.<?d/ ~ T/4/,t;Y.~i J(.PCJ / (:;L 31~/~!J; ~ TYPE DAERONEF ET N ARCRAFT TYPE AND SN MMATRCULATON REGSTRATON UTLSATEUR OPERATOR POSTON MOTEUR ENGNE POSTON Lors de chaque changement dutlllsateur, daeronef ou de position moteur, passer ll a page sulvante. f the engine is transferred to another operator, or used in another aircraft or in a different position, initiate a new page in the log book - ENR714 D

20 E Date Motour Engine ARREL2St SN Total en heures depuls neuf Total hours since new 2686T1!C FONCTONNEMENT MOTEUR ENGNE RUNNNG HOURS 1 Compteur Actlvltit Potential dlsponlble Operating counter Type do vl lte pirlodlque ehac1u6e Ptlriodic inspection Cyc:les Heures H2HP caniedout Haures OE SARM GEN Tl GEN Tl PSU PMU FT F.T SCP MCP i! lc Calculateur E.C.U GEN n. Page E2/U/9 Limite calendalre Calendar limit Mols1Ann6e Month/Year!!! Total depuls neuf Total since new Potential dlsponlble Remaining T B. Total depuls neuf + {Heures compteur dactlvlti + H2 HP SARM) Total since new + (hours Operating counter+ H2 HP SARM) Heures potential dlsponlble {Heures compteur dactlvlte + H2 HP SARM) remaining T.B.O- (hours Operating counter+ H2 HP SARM) Sl eue vterge : A renm11ner p.,.lutiu.ataur en lonctlon lie a date de pam aur dranel. U box s emply U is lo be lilltkj by!he cperofo or;rctdinp 1 lhe ante olll!s/alalioo on lhe uin:r.jit f NR714 D

21 ( (

22 Moteur Engone E. ARREL 251. SN 2644TEC T41 meal (C) -- SURTE\PERATURE AU DE\ARRAGE,\7Ail11NCi OV:1lll/:"A1" DUREE TUM ol OP!ttal!on (lltconde) Dunle c:umul.. clepul RG eu dtmltr ttat de 1 dl ponlblllt6 Cumulated l1m1t of OPittatlOn since overllllul SvB11abi/11V slalus. Sl/ ;r sa /BS n l1.l eppllqu J appllltd 87C<T45<111C lo/emd t/w! 4 diqit) (11 mijlli 1 HC<T45<1toC TO (11 + (21 [21m l5 mad 11. / / / / UTLSATON, ENTRETEN REVSON OPERATON, MANTENANCE, OVERHAUL Observations Travaux effectu6s Observat1ons Works carried out OL (;N~tN PR. ~t,j{;j) ~NV ~ e.?ltnifh D ~17H tto~ L 4 T!)..~~. en1~e PLltt& tlln:> S~l 1t:Rdj ~ OAJ ~ AttWtfP ~t 1f11\S Yll~ lrnlltr"\ 4n ~ Setr ZD " Ehf1~,e. ven,ov-ed fyon\. S~+ Tevrl_\.- Stovu~e... cl- Refu.vn-ec - SeV\1\ ca,._, (orl~e--t":>n /i",-17-7, 3/ Jw /7 21 S" b y~/."..()11~ At>1frl~.,, J""//1rJ..=,,-it!- rtay.t qfr~.,.. ~~~i~,...,..,;/h(},.; rlnt;)v /.-,.,~. ~tr t~-1-l!u-4,.1 J:. w;fj.h,.n f f.}, {n.., Jit!ct;/j Jb Lieu dullllsatlon Location 1/Ef,f-Out C ~#fij~ ftet.l-~t. ~ft.() A- t! - PHc #nft>/"r Cll~ Page E31U/5 Signature Tampon Signature Stamp ~~~ fcj. ~ 2. W mtrt1.ol A,(lf;J JP g-z-oo :7 ] C}j)-JJJ./lf- -~#\.fj?/ 1-?a-- ~?._.. ~ z:::;:::::... ~ TYPE DAERONEF ET N" ARCRAFT TYPE AND SN MMATRCULATON REGSTRATON UTJLSATEUR OPERATOR POSTON MOTEUR ENGNE POSTON Lons de chaqua changamant dutlllsataur, da6ronef ou de position motaur, passer a a page sulvante. f the engine is transferred to another operator, or used in another aircratr or in a different position, initiate a new page in the log book. ENR714

23 Date Total en heures depuls nauf Total hours since new ----r----- Heurea Houls Campteur Actlvlt6 Operating counter GEN Cyclu r----- r----- TL FT - ~ HZ HP SARM Type de vlalle p611odlque olfeclu6e Periodic iflspechon camedaut r-- r----- FONCTONNEMENT MOTEUR ENGNE RUNNNG HOURS Heurel Potential dlsponlble Remaining T.B OE GEN TL PSU PMU F.T SCP MCP,.. JlA"j 2.JS 29~6 /()1) h,... r Calculateur E.C.U c: a!i GEH Tl. il ~~..._ ~ H... T {!... Page E2/U/6 Limite calendalre Calendar limit MalsJAnn6e Month/Year 3Soo 217/.f /(),3s. z tnill r ,.r Jf, f; D h ~ S years "js-"1 1,_;.?.GSC. o ~p,s- 3.tl a ;sex:> J-111 ~ 35 1). (ll fl! Total depuls neuf Total since new Potentfel dlspanlble Remaining T.B. Total depuls neuf + (Heures compteur dactlvlte + H2 HP SARM) Total since new +(hours Operating counter+ H2 HP SARM) Haures potential dlsponlble (Heures compteur dacuvlt6 + H2 HP SARM) remaining T.B. (hours Operating counter+ H2 HP SARM) 51 c.. e vlorge : A renulgner per luuteur en foncuan de e de pou aut 16ronof. tjo is emply is lo be filled in by the opemtor eccotrllng to th11 date at inslsllatlan an tha alrcralr. ENR714

24 Moteur/E~ E ARREL 2S1 SN 2644TEC T45maal (C) SURTEMPERATURt: AU OEMARRAGE. ;TAUT/N(i OV:HHA7 DUREE rome otop&ration (aeconda) Durte cumulte depula RG u demim ttat de dlaponlbllltt/ Cumulated lime of opera/jon sin(e ove11111ul llllls VailllbillfV StatuS Sl /1/ SB BS,. 31.J 8Ppllqut ap~ied 17"CcTCScltiC 1----JVL.:.;E:::M::.D.:.;A:..:;:...t.::::h...;:C..:::dlz::O:~...-~ (11 maxi 11. H CcT4.SctOOC (2) """51. To111(1) + (2) maxi 1s. UTLSATON, ENTRETEN REVSON OPERATON, MANTENANCE, OVERHAUL Observations - Travaux effectues Observations Worl!s earned out Lieu dutlllsatlon Location Page E3/U16 Slgnatun~ Tampon Signature- Stamp ~ Overhauled, Tested and Accepted. Complied with Overhaul and Calendar Reset up to and ~ r--..._ including 1 hour nspection on Engine Equipment and Accessories. Complied with Overhaul 1 ~ of Module 1, Module 2, Module 3, Module 4 and Module 5. All work performed in ~~..._ ----J~ accordance with revision #41 (Dated: October 3, 214) ofturbomeca Arriei2S1 Overhaul Manual X 292 LO 5 2. All work perfonned under Heli-One American Support, LLC CM667, CM6671, CM61589, CM58985, CM58986, and CM Refer to Engine Log Book and r--... ~..., Module Log Cards for compliance of TUs, SBs and ADs. This engine is in compliance of with ~ current Federal Aviation Regulations and manufacturers specification with respect to the work l ~ performed and is approved for return to service. Engine Shipped Less: D.E.C.U. and H.M.U. 1 ~ (Engine TSN: CSN : CSN PT: 3276.) ~@ Heli-One American Support, LLC (CRS LH3D657L) ~t.l.o~ TYPE DAERONEF f ARCRAFT TYPE AN MMATRCULAT( REGSTRA nofl / 12 NE Frontage Road Fort Collins, CO 8524 ( t ~~ ~ U.s:E~- ~ "2.) )~ t ~ ~... ~ nstalled this engine, 2644 in position #2 on aircraft 7653 Ref: TEC & SK MMs Serviced engine with BP 238 oil. C/W Drive shaft alignment check C/W 9 Hr output shaft coupling lube. C/W TEC MSB nspection of HMU drive link splines, no defects noted. Replaced AdJusted valve assy weth repaired umt. p/n , s/n 1683M. Replaced low oil pressure switch with serviceable unit. p/n , s/n C/W Power assurance: PM : 5.5 TS: 46 HP: 61- OAT: 33 C/W Ground run, leak check,.5 hr flight test. No leaks found, normal operation noted. Lors de chaque chang...,, u uu....,.. u,, u UCr-t \H Willi.,..,..."" tuuurut,.,. a.. t"v."... f /he engine is transferred to another operator, or used in another atrcraff or m a different P<l$ittOn, initiate a new page in the log book. ENR D714

25 E Moleur Engine SN ARREL 2S1 2644TEC FONCTONNEMENT MOTEUR ENGNE RUNNNG HOURS Page E2/Un Oate Total en heures depuls neuf Total hours since new Heure Houts Compteur Actlvlte Operating counter GEN C~s TL F.T H2.HP/ i SARM Type de vl&lle prlodlque errectu6e Peliodic inspection canledout Heure Houts Potential dlsponlble OEJ GEN TL PSU PMU F.T SCP MCP t!f ~ Calculateur E.C.U Limite calendalre Calendar limit if GEN TL f,t Mols/Ann6e ;!! ~! Month/Year 1Dh5~?.18-1 (D~\tS p " (.r; ~ 3o:t.),O?.<1,7. <t>,. dctt; \\~J:J~~ ~ E -.f- C.\..~~ T Z~r OflL. 3ol-r fuab Pl..u~ f.-~- C.L.f -r ZOht" Pit 3::>hr ((\~ Pt...tfo ll-\\1\ v \~~(; -;.,,;.\ ;o-\5? E.t\1~./"\ y Z.::,f-.1" PA( O:J \..C" hl~flik Total depuls neuf Total since new Potential dlsponlble Remainmg T.B.O Total depuls net.if + {Heures compteur dactlvlta + H2 HlP SARM) Total since new + (hours Operating counter+ H2 HP SARM) Heures potential dlsponlble (Heures compteur dactlvlte + H2 HP SARM) remaining T.B. (hours Operating counter + H2 HP SARM) Sl c.. e vlerge : A ren elgner pit rullll ateur en fot1ctlon de 11 dlle de po sur 16totlef. f box <! ~mpty t is to be filled in by the operator BCCOifling to the date of instauation on the BltCtall ENR714

26 E MoleutiEngiiHJ SN 2644TEC ~RlEL2S1 T461111xl (C) SURTEJ\PERATURE AU DE\ARRAGE S1i!ll1/NG OV:"/llfHA1 DuNe c.,_lte depula RG U Clemier 6111 de dlsponlbllt l Cumu/Mild lime at operation llinal ovemiu lastavli/atli/ily SUS. DUREE Si if SS SS n 31.3 r~m~t of operation lptlllqu l lpplie</ {llcondel 17C<T41<HC {1)m8l<i 11 VEMD 61 Wllh 4 diq "C<T~<1tOC Tot.l (1) + {2) (2)mexl5 1 maxj 1s. UTLSATON, ENTRETEN REVSON OPERATON, MANTENANCE, OVERHAUL Olnervatlons Travaux effectu6s Observations - Worl<s c~rried out C/J E 1 11Giflo! CL.E~N,,.,~, -t" 2 hr fi/c PJYJ s. 3 7$ 4a, HJ) -""s- -=lt ~s. {)fl~ ~:3.::>/,,- fyja G /)la~ ~ N-oJ?J~mJ F~ LL-1 Nf.llvC. C~""" /?J +.:2hr P ;t:jc f?/77 ~ s-rs o/6 f../~- "S/ 3 C{..v 3o \v )1\ ~c:. ~ LJ:, \ 1\:>Q J 1\.lV ~ E.~ L. ~...J_ Cl--&h~.u E. C"- A"~ -\-Z.o "r VfC. Ql7..l7.J1.55 ~rn ~ 1.,.s~4i7 ~9-57 or:r. 2c;?k-:6 cw OJ\r 1"1\1\~ Pt..~ ln51 J ~\) rnra.. fotn.l Lieu dutlllsatlon Location Page E31Uf7 Signature Tampon Slgn/Jture - Stamp /ji~~(hf Ki/lil./ )(~/$/ 61-,?1 ~ 5 r:jff./ <P/31 16/C -g/1./~ t:jytf KPB K9Bl \lpb ~~~ ttu ~fhcj b~~fhf TYPE DAERONEF ET N" ARCRAFT TYPE AND SN MMATRCULATON REGSTRATON UTLSATEUR OPERATOR POSTON MOTEUR ENGNE POSTON Lors de c:haque c:hangement cfutlllsateur, daeronef ou de position moteur, passer i a page sulvante. f the engine is transferred to another operator, or used in another aireraft or in a different position, initiate a new page in the tog book. ENR714

27 Moteut/ EQine E ARREL 251 S/N Date Total en heures depuls neuf Total hours since new,\,,\\f 3?-<is. ~ i \1-\\~ o;l. 1?J 2644TEC Compteur Actlvlt6 Operating counter Cyclee Heur111 Hou~ GEN TL F.T FONCTONNEMENT MOTEUR ENGNE RUNNNG HOURS Potential dlsponlble Type de vlslte Remaining T. B. p6rlocllque elfectu6e PeriOdic in$peciion Cyclee OE csnledout H2 HlP/ He urn SARM Hou~ GEN TL PSU PMU F.T SCP MCP e"nc.. c.\..n -t 2\-u 3oh" fh&g ()ufo h ~f {! " Calculateur E.C.U h i~ GEN Tl.. i... F,T Page E21U/8 Limite calendalre Calendar limit Mols/Ann6e ~~ Month/Year ).\"J\ ~ -,or~o.o ~... ~ C,J ZDrvQ~C... ~\cd \b ~\\\\b :,oail-\.1 3J1~ " J.\\1\\&,~1Aa..\ :1 yn 5. a~a7(k~ibl {t!( _g mse ~1a.1J.J.<j l.{3 P1 SL.ltW V-Lf c. AD lb 3 ~ 1".too ~j Total depuls neuf Total since new Potentlel dlsponlble Total depuls neuf + (Heures compteur dactlvlt6 + H2 HP SARM) Total since new + (hours Operating counter + H2 HP SARM) Heures potential dlsponlble - (Heures compteur dactlvlt6 + H2 HP SARM) remaining T.B. - (hours Operating counter+ H2 HP SARM) Sl c. vlerge : A 111nMigner l!llr r utlll ateur en fonctlon de a date de poae aur a6ronef, boll is empty 1/rs to be filled lit by lhrt operator sccottling to the date of installation on thfl ~n ENR714 D

28 T<45mawl ("C) SURTEMPERATURE AU DEMARRAGE,\TAii71NG OV/:RiA7" Dum cumul depul RG au demler 61at de dleponlblllt61 Cumulated lime of operation since ovemaul at last avadabilify status. DUREE Sll if SfH8S n 31.3 Tm~ttofoperalian appllqu6 spptied (second&) 17C<T<45<tiiC (1) maxl1 s. VEMD 61 Willi <4 digit) "C<T45<1oteiC Toll! (1) + (2) [Zimaxl5s ma>u1s UTLSATON, ENTRETEN REVSON OPERATON, MANTENANCE, OVERHAUL Observations - Travaux affectuils ObseNations- Works carried out 2.o hr Pf\< Pm ~. 3,-s 4t l-\fl._j"1o opr,=; flas5 C/CJ ~"C.uJ E <:.r-fcio-.11~ -\- {!_~ :p hr- ~J!l~ f~t.;>c, \M~~) No rnc:tfjl F~v,.,L Lieu dutlllsatlon Location PageE3JU/8 Signature -Tampon Signature - Stamp ~ K/JJ / ~ "31~6~ flff ~ / }{rtf! {:;;;{.. ~/4.1 ~ ~f """l C.t..J E.ll (,""it C.LaAN\N o "r {)fc... lloill ~14Ci_~fii<P TYPE DAERONEF ET N" ARCRAFT TYPE AND SN MMATRCULATON REGSTRATON l"99m7.o k~"i~ -\"-~a oa l.q o.~ ~ \1166 <A"d. 7~~-&b\ rroot f.)emaf\6 \~OV~ tt) ~ V SLtAAoiNSJ. N/f\ ta~t 1 "O..>St""j :tt-t~. N" F"a.t-~ell. lkt, ~~-oo~ <2 ~ o 5r. L.s~ vy\5t:>qq~/j:j.11l.f:> P BLA<J1~s, vi(l... c.. N1 a-, V ~ta\~ J:~~ D~ L?J c~a.o AP!.<.=\61-L Sf," ija.a~~,..,~1 ll~ J;A..., :lft:iiol 1.. 3o N-o ~vttioiot P.c:T,~{\ Q..ea. -a \.- W F\ \f.~ 3- ~ \G. Col\ Go.t ~ COClP-11\t-~c.~ -/Tr.t:.. msq, ~1~~~~~ V.:ttA. PA(1A ,\. <!11.. ~ TQ :» \11\-vs;$ \~orj o:tl- t4j Df!~iEC.~ 1-J~Jal!o 1 1\.f~YT ~i. 36~~. 1 Er~t TT UTLSATEUR OPERATOR POSTON MOTEUR ENGNE POSTON Lors de chaque changement dutlllsateur, daeronef ou de position moteur, passer a a page aulvante. f the engine is transferred to another operator, or used in another aircran or in a different position, initiate a new page in the tog book. \l.c~l ()1 ~14 4~/1# \l;oq KP!3t bt 311.J&,.fi - fiji} ~~lsb - 1Jit) ENR714

29 ! SN ARREL2S1 E Moteur/ ngiflfl Total an heurn depuls D* neuf Total hours since new?~" ~\ s\- ~ ;,}2\ \~ 4J\ ~\. 2Q6.t.4TEC FONCTONNEMENT MOTEUR ENGNE RUNNNG HOURS Compteur AcUvlt6 PotenUel dlsponlbla Operating coonter Type de vlslhl p6rtodlque atrectu6e Periodic: inspection Heures C)/des H2HP/ caniedout Heure Houts GN TL SARM F T t,..b CJ.N 4- zo~c ~L! GEM C)/des TL F.T PSU SCP OE PMU MCP., -r, t &.!- i! Calculateur E.CU Page E2/U19 Limite calendalre Calendar ltmit GEN T1. F.T :f :! Mols/Ann6e {! "... Q Month/Year! -:;\C\~Co,orP 1 ~hr mf4qlc& j\1}6\t~ r ~nc. c.. n + Z.<~ t.r ~{lt-?\11\\b?.,-:;14.-1 Yj~Jib 3o11. 3-:;?\--.r m nc. ()w.>...:j -r~~p AO \b-~-\j.. i i Total depula neuf Total since new Potential dlsponlble Remaining T.B. Total depuls neuf + (Heurea comptaur dacuvlte + H2 HP SARM) Total since new + (hours Operattng counter+ H2 HP SARM) Hauras potential dlsponlble - (Heures compteur dactlvlt6 + H2 HP SARM) remaining T.B.. (hours Operating counter+ H2 HP SARM) Sl cue vlerge : A renmigner p1r rutnluleur en foncuon de a date de poae aur a6ronet. f boa is ~tmpty t is lo be filled in by lh& operaror sccdong lo 111ft dsllt o/ irlstaualioo on 111ft aiictll/1 ENR 714

30 E Moteur/Engine T46111nl (C) SJN 2644TEC ~REL2S1 _. SURTE!\PERATURE,\U DE\ARRAGE.\lilll11NG OV:/Wt:AT Durte c:umulft ck"" RG au demler tbt ck dlsponlblltj Cumulllted,. Of~ Since OWittt.ul t S ViiiiOillllt SUS. DUREE Slltf 511/SS n 31.3 Time Of opefittjon appllqu 1tpp/ifHl (leconde) 17C<T45<111C (1) muj 11. (VEMD 61 wrth 4 digit) ltic<t.ts<totoc Tau (1) + (Z (2)ma l5s maxi 11. UTLSATON, ENTRETEN REVSON OPERATON, MANTENANCE, OVERHAUL Observations Travaux effectu6s Observ.ations - Worlcs carried out Cj-.t.t6 c~~... + Ol.o h,. /JC fpj,_if 75 15~ }1~- /~7 Orrr ;;l ~5_:; \7., 11\J\C.E.D Pi!vS to 1/Pt-.! A~/ _(S~fl~~~) LnTH QfPA CZcO vr..-r-pjn ;l<;j..9~<soio, \g-t"rl _(;(l...,o ~V"."":;) \.6Af.S )-.Jo-:-., SE ~~ f\8~. ~;; ~~ \C.~!>!\\ Cu 3o nr!?"j.<g lt..t-g JP~J /N.J 11~7FJL h-.l c.~ ENbli\.lt=_ CL.;~""!J ~"2,.-oN Qt\C. Lieu dutlllsatlon Location PageE3/U19 Slgnatu,. Tampo11 Signature Stamp /!ltp l;i/~ - ~-_?/.Y6 ~s-6 11~ KPS K/pl (;t ol"f(;os~ r.t-jf ~ 3/Y~f?8"1t-~ \(~J131 lb} 31~,.,~ {1~ om s ~J 14f-11l of\1 Z. &" 91>-SS Cc,..., 3? "~ \~A(:, ~ \fl5f> NO \E:"iA... fo.j\ F\ \b-4-ll f\"-j~?llll).:l ~. 1-YA C~s-;~v c.:,~ ~f\:ti(.l \\EO_ r\o Fvll1-HEQ. p.c:: no" (l.3. \?.C1 b} "3 1 ~~fm YiP - \LoG bt --=- 31&.1,161 TYPE DAERONEF ET N" ARCRAFT TYPE AND SN MMATRCULATON REGSTRATON UTLSATEUR OPERATOR POSTON MOTEUR ENGNE POSTON N" CTA Lors de chaque changement dutlllsateur, dhronef ou de position moteur, passer A a page sulvante. f the engine is tnjnsfeitjd to another openjtor, or used in another aircraft or in a different position, initiate a new page in the log book. ENR714

31 E Uoteur Enginft Date ARREL 251 SN Total an heures depuis neuf Total hours since new 2644TEC Heures Ht;urs Compteur Actlvlte Operating counter GEN Cyclet Tl.T HZ HP/ SARM Type de vlt!t p6rtodlque etrectu6e Penodic inspection camedout FONCTONNEMENT MOTEUR ENGNE RUNNNG HOURS Heures Potential disponibla Cyclee OE GEN Tl PSU PMU F.T SCP MCP h ~~ ~ {! if 1 Calculateur E.C.U GEN Tl F.T Page E2JU/1 Limite calendalre Calendar limit Mols/Annee i! Month/Year 1! Total depufs neuf To/a/ since new Potentlel disponibla Total depufs nauf + (Heures compteur dactlvit6 + H2 HP SARM) Total since new + (hours Operating counter+ H2 HP SARM) Heures potentia dlsponible (Heures compteur dactlvit6 + H2 HP SARM) remaining T.B.O A (hours Operating counter + H2 HP SARM) 51 c.. e vlarge : A rentalgner par lutlllttteur en fl)nctlon de t Cfate de pate aur a6ronef. f box is emply t is to be filled in by the operator K:t:Dif!ing to the date of lnstallaikm on the aiicilltl. ENR 714 D

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