UniAir ABB SACE T.M.S. Installation, service and maintenance instructions. Instructiuni de instalare, exploatare si mentenanta

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1 Manual Instruction manual /002 ro-en Instructiuni de instalare, exploatare si mentenanta Installation, service and maintenance instructions UniAir ABB SACE T.M.S.

2 Pentru siguranta dumneavoastra Verificati ca locul de instalare este corespunzator pentru aparate electrice. Verificati ca toate operatiile de montaj, punere in functiune si intretinere sunt executate de personal calificat. Verificati ca sunt respectate standardele si prescriptiile legale in timpul operatiilor de montaj, punere in functiune si intretinere. Respectati cu strictete instructiunile din acest manual. Verificati ca valorile nominale ale aparatajului nu sunt depasite in timpul functionarii. Acordati o atentie speciala notelor de avertizare indicate in acest manual de simbolul: Verificati ca personalul de exploatare are la indemana acest manual de instructiuni ca si cunostiintele necesare pentru a interveni in mod corect. For your safety Make sure that the installation room (spaces, divisions and ambient) are suitable for the electrical apparatus. Check that all the installation, putting into service and maintenance operations are carried out by qualified personnel with in-depth knowledge of the apparatus. Make sure that the standard and legal prescriptions are complied with during installation, putting into service and maintenance, so that installations according to the rules of good working practice and safety in the work place are constructed. Strictly follow the information given in this instruction manual. Check that the rated performance of the apparatus is not exceeded during service. Pay special attention to the danger notes indicated in the manual by the following symbol: Check that the personnel operating the apparatus have this instruction manual to hand as well as the necessary information for correct intervention. Un comportament responsabil salveaza viata dumneavoastra si a celor din jur Pentru orice informatii, luati legatura cu Serviciul de Asistenta ABB SACE T.M.S. Responsible behaviour safeguards your own and others safety For any requests, place contact the ABB SACE T.M.S. Assistance Service. 1

3 Introducere Instructiunile din acest manual se refera la celulele standardizate de MT tip UniAir. Pentru utilizarea corecta a cestui produs cititi acest manual cu atentie. Pentru montajul corect al accesoriilor si/sau al pieselor de rezerva consultati instructiunile din KIT-ul respectiv. Celulele UniAir sunt proiectate pentru o larga varietate de configuratii de instalare. Ele permit totusi si alte modificari tehnico-constructive - la cererea clientului. Din acest motiv, informatiile de mai jos pot uneori sa nu acopere unele aspecte ale configuratiilor cerute de client. Este deci necesar ca in afara acestui manual sa se consulte cea mai recenta documentatie tehnica (scheme, desene de fundatie, studii de coordonare a protectiilor, etc.) mai ales in legatura cu eventualele variante diferite de configuratiile standard. Toate operatiile privind montajul, punerea in functiune exploatarea si intretinerea trebuie executate decat de personal avand calificarea necesara. Pentru operatiile de intretinere utilizati decat piese de rezerva originale. Pentru alte informatii, consultati va rog catalogul tehnic, cod Introduction The instructions given in this manual refer to standardised UniAir type MV switchboards. For correct use of the product, please read this manual carefully. Please refer to the relative Kit sheets for correct assembly of accessories and/or spare parts. Like all the switchboards manufactured by us, the UniAir switchboards are designed for a large number of installation configurations. They do, however, allow further technical-construction variations (at the customer s request) to suit special installation requirements. For this reason, the information given below may sometimes not cover the instructions regarding special configurations requested by the customer. Apart from this manual, it is therefore always necessary to refer to the latest technical documentation (circuit diagram, wiring diagrams, foundation drawing, any protection co-ordination studies, etc.), especially with regard to any variations requested in relation to standardised configurations. All the operations regarding installation, putting into service, service and maintenance must be carried out by suitably qualified personnel with in-depth knowledge of the apparatus. Only use original spare parts for maintenance operations. For further information, please also see the technical catalogue, code

4 Cuprins 1. Ambalaj si transport Pag Controlul la receptie «4. Depozitare «8 4. Manipulare «8 5. Descriere «9 5.1 Generalitati Caracteristici constructive « Celule UniAir « Componente principale «9 5. Standarde de referinta « Interblocaje « Interblocaj intre separator de linie si separator de legare la pamant « Interblocaj intre separator de legare la pamant si usa « Interblocaj intre intreruptor si separator de linie « Blocaje la cerere «1 6. Instructiuni de manevrare a aparatelor si secvente de manevrare « Instructiuni de manevrare a aparatelor « Separatoare de linie AM - AS - A « Separatoare de legare la pamant (fig.4) « Interventii pentru repunerea in functiune a separatorului de sarcina « Intreruptoare debrosabile HAD « Instructiuni pentru secvente de manevrare « Unitati in versiune standard « Unitati in versiune Enel « Unitati in versiune Aem-MI «1 7. Instructiuni pentru demontarea si inlocuirea sigurantelor «7 8. Dispositive de verificare prezenta tensiune «9 9. Instalare « Generalitati « Conditii normale de instalare «40 9. Camera in care se instaleaza « Fundatia si suprafata de fixare « Cuplarea dulapurilor « Panouri de terminare sir celule « Panouri de separare canal de bare « Executia conexiunilor « Circuitul de putere « Bare de legare la pamant « Legarea circuitelor secundare « Verificarea cablelor « Punerea in functiune « Verificari periodice « Generalitati « Programul de verificari «5 1. Operatiuni de intretinere « Generalitati « Structura metalica «55 1. Dispozitive de actionare mecanice « Piese de schimb si accesorii « Piese de schimb « Accesorii si dispozitive «57 Contents 1. Packing and transport Page 4 2. Checking on receipt «4. Storage «8 4. Handling «8 5. Description «9 5.1 General «9 5.2 Construction characteristics « UniAir switchboard « Main components «9 5. Reference Standards « Interlocks « Interlock between line-side isolator and earthing switch « Interlock between earthing switch and door « Interlock between circuit-breaker and line-side isolator « Locks on request «1 6. Instructions for operating the apparatus and operation sequence of the units « Instructions for operating the apparatus « AM AS AR line-side isolators « Earthing switch (fig. 4) « Interventions to restore switchdisconnector service « HAD plug-in and withdrawable circuit-breakers « Instructions for the operation sequence of the units « Standard version units « Enel version units « Aem-MI version units «1 7. Instructions for dismantling and replacing the fuses «7 8. Voltage present checking device «9 9. Installation « General « Normal installation conditions «40 9. Installation room « Foundations and fixing surface « Cubicle coupling « End sheets « Busbar duct segregation sheets « Making the connections « Power circuit « Earthing busbars « Connection of the auxiliary circuits « Cable tests « Putting into service « Periodic checks « General « Checking programme «5 1. Maintenance operations « General « Metal structure «55 1. Mechanical activating devices « Spare parts and accessories « Spare parts « Accessories and tools for operations «57

5 1. Ambalaj si transport 1. Packing and transport Respectati cu rigurozitate simbolurile si indicatiile de pe ambalaj Strictly follow the symbols and instructions indicated on the packing Fiecare sectiune (sau grup de unitati) este ambalat conform cerintelor de transport si depozitare, exceptand cazurile in care clientul are cerinte specifice. Fiecare grup este protejat cu o folie de plastic pentru a preveni infiltrarile de apa in timpul operatiunilor de incarcare descarcare si pentru indeparta praful in timpul depozitarii. Celulele sunt deobicei inaltate cu suporti de lemn fixati sub cele patru colturi. Celule sunt de obicei livrate cu carucioarele (intrerupatoare, transformatoare de masura) brosate, exceptand situatiile cand clientul nu doreste asta. Camionul care urmeaza sa transporte celulele trebuie sa aiba platforma la maximum 1,5 m inaltime pentru a nu se depasi inaltimea maxima de 4 m. Platforma de transport trebuie sa prezinte un coeficient ridicat de frictiune pentru a preveni alunecarea. Grupurile de celule trebuie plasate pe platforma spate in spate, transversal, cu materiale absorbante de presiune intre ele. Trebuie evitat contactul intre suprafetele diferitelor grupuri. Pe platforma trebuie plasate piese speciale pentru a distanta grupurile intre ele si pentru a preveni deplasarea longitudinala sau transversala. Diferitele grupuri trebuie ancorate de platforma cu franghii, astfel incat sa nu fie cauzate deformari sau rasturnarea la curbe sau franari bruste. Camionul de transport trebuie sa aibe platforma acoperita. Each section of the switchboard (or group of units) is packed according to shipping and storage requirements, except in cases of specific requests from the customer. Each group is protected by a plastic cover to prevent any infiltration of water during the loading and unloading stages in case of rain, and to keep the dust off during storage. The switchboards are normally raised off the ground by wooden supports fixed under the base in the four corners. The switchboards are generally shipped complete with trucks (circuit-breakers, instrument transformers) inserted in the relative compartments, except in the case of different agreements made with the customer. The truck for transporting the units which make up the groups must have its loading platform not more than 1.5 m above ground so as to fall within the maximum outline of 4 m. The loading platform must be slip-proof with a high friction coefficient. The layout of the groups on the loading platform must be made by placing them back to back transversely, placing materials to absorb compression and prevent any direct contact between the surfaces of the various groups between them. Special side members must be placed on the loading platform so that each group is spaced out and to prevent both longitudinal and transverse movement. The various groups must be anchored to the structure of the vehicle by ropes, so that no deformation is caused and tilting on bends or during violent stops is prevented. The transport truck must have a tarpaulin cover. 2. Controlul la receptie 2. Checking on receipt Nu solicitati partile izolante ale aparatelor in timpul manipularii celulelor. Inainte de executarea oricarei operatii verificati ca resoartele de actionare sunt descarcate si ca aparatele sunt in pozitie deschisa. Take care not to stress the insulating parts of the apparatus during handling of the cubicles. Before carrying out any operation, always check that the operating mechanism springs are discharged and that the apparatus is in the open position. Grupurile de celule trebuie descarcate din camion cu grija maxima conform descrierii de la capitolul 4. La receptie, verificati imediat integritatea ambalarii, starea aparatelor si corespondenta datelor nominale ale acestora (vezi fig. 1) cu cele specificate in confirmarea de comanda trimisa de ABB SACE T.M.S. si in nota de livrare insotitoare. Deschideti ambalajul, avand grija sa nu afectati materialele si verificand ca acestea nu au suferit in timpul tarnsportului. Daca se descopera vatamari sau lipsa de corespondenta cu documentatia de livrare in timpul acestor verificari, anuntati imediat ABB SACE T.M.S. (direct sau prin agentul de vanzari) si deasemenea transportatorul. Aparatele sunt furnizate numai cu accesoriile specificate la momentul comenzii si confirmate in confirmarea de primire trimisa de ABB SACE T.M.S. The sections of switchboard must be unloaded from the truck with maximum care as described under chapter 4. On receipt, immediately check that the packing is intact, the state of the apparatus and correspondence of the nameplate data (see fig. 1) with what is specified in the order acknowledgement sent by ABB SACE T.M.S. and in the accompanying delivery note. Open the packing, taking care not to damage the material and check that it has not been damaged during transport. If any damage or non-compliance with the documents accompanying the supply is discovered during the check, notify ABB SACE T.M.S. immediately (directly or through the agent or supplier), as well as the shipper who delivered the goods. The apparatus is only supplied with the accessories specified at the time of order and confirmed in the order acknowledgement sent by ABB SACE T.M.S. 4

6 Documentele care insotesc produsele aflate in pachetele de transport sunt: etichete adezive pe pachete indicand adresa si tipul produsului. prezentul manual buletine de verificare scheme electrice documente de trasport The documents inside the shipping packing which accompany the product are as follows: adhesive labels on the pack indicating the addressee and the type of product this instruction manual test certificate wiring diagram transport documents Placuta cu date nominale Nameplate data TIPUL CELULELOR SWITCHBOARD TYPE CONFIRMARE / AN CONFIRMATION / YEAR TENSIUNE NOMINALA RATED VOLTAGE CURENT NOMINAL BARE RATED BUSBAR CURRENT CURENT DE SCURTCIRCUIT SHORT-TIME CURRENT VERSIUNE VERSION STANDARDE RELEVANTE RELEVANT STANDARD ABB SACE T.M.S. Hz s UniAir CEI EN IEC 298 kv A ka Placuta cu date nominale a celulelor 1 Marca producatorului 2 Tipul celulelor Numarul confirmarii comenzii /anul de fabricatie 4 Date electrice 5 Versiunea celulelor 6 Norme de referinta Switchboard characteristics nameplate 1 Trade mark 2 Type of switchboard Order confirmation number / year of construction 4 Electrical data 5 Switchboard version 6 Reference Standards 6 Placuta cu date nominale a separatorului de sarcina tip AM AM type switch-disconnector nameplate ABB SACE T.M.S. 1 ABB SACE T.M.S. 1 2 SEPARATOR DE SARCINA ROTATIV DE UTILIZARE GENERALA - CATEGORIA B - DE INTERIOR Tip Nr. An 4 2 ROTARY LOAD BREAK SWITCH GENERAL USE - CATEGORY B - FOR INDOORS Type No. Year 4 Tensione nominala kv Frecventa nominala Hz Rated voltage kv Rated frequency Hz 5 Curent nominal Curent de scurtcircuit de scurta durata Putere de rupere sarcina activa A ka A Putere de inchidere la scurtcircuit Durata Putere de rupere retea buclata ka varf sec A 5 Rated normal current Rated short-time current Rated breaking capacity for mainly active load A ka A Rated short-circuit making capacity Time Rated breaking capacity of ring circuit ka Peak sec A Putere de rupere trasformator in gol Putere de rupere linii in gol A A Putere de rupere baterie condensatori Putere de rupere cabluri in gol NORMA CEI 17-9 fascicol 57 IEC 265 A A Rated breaking capacity of no-load transformer Rated breaking capacity of no-load lines A A Rated breaking capacity of single capacitor bank Rated breaking capacity of no-load cables CEI 17-9 file 57 IEC 265 STANDARDS A A Legenda 1 Marca producatorului 2 Tipul aparatului Norme de referinta 4 Serie 5 Date nominale Caption 1 Trade mark 2 Type of apparatus Reference Standards 4 Serial number 5 Rated data Fig. 1a 5

7 Placuta cu date nominale separatoare rotative tip AS Characteristics nameplate for AS type rotary isolators ABB SACE T.M.S. IEC 129 SEPARATOR TIP CEI 17-4 ABB SACE T.M.S. IEC 129 SWITCH-DISCONNECTOR TYPE CEI 17-4 NR. ML NR. ML TENSIUNE NOMINALA kv TENSIUNE DE TINERE LA IMPULS kv CURENT NOMINAL A CURENT DE SCURTCIRCUIT DE SCURTA DURATA A CATEGORIA DE UZ INTERIOR B RATED VOLTAGE IMPULSE WITHSTAND VOLTAGE RATED NORMAL CURRENT RATED SHORT-TIME CURRENT CATEGORY FOR INTERNAL USE kv kv A A B Proiectat si fabricat de ABB SACE T.M.S. Designed and manufactured by ABB SACE T.M.S. Placuta cu date nominale separator de legare la pamant tip MAT Characteristics nameplate for MAT type rotary isolators ABB SACE T.M.S. SPARATOR DE LEGARE LA PAMANT Tip Nr. An EARTHING SWITCH ABB SACE T.M.S. Type No. Year Tensiune nominala kv Curent de scurta ka durata Rated voltage kv Short-time ka current Durata sec Time sec CEI EN CEI EN Proiectat si fabricat de ABB SACE T.M.S. Designed and manufactured by ABB SACE T.M.S. Fig. 1b 6

8 Placuta cu date nominale intreruptor HAD HAD circuit-breaker nameplate A 4 INTRERUPTOR IEC 56 HAD... CEI EN NR MASA... kg TENSIUNE NOMINALA... kv TENSIUNE DE TINERE LA IMPULS... kv FRECVENTA NOMINALA 50/60 Hz CURENT NOMINAL... A CURENT DE SCURTA DURATA ( s)... ka DURATA DE INCHIDERE/ DESCHIDERE... ms PRESIUNE ABSOLUTA SF6 20 Ο C... kpa PUTERE DE INTRERUPERE... ka PUTERE DE INCHIDERE... ka LA TENSIUNEA DE... kv SECVENTA DE OPERARE 0-MIN-CO-MIN-CO A 4 CIRCUIT-BREAKER IEC 56 HAD... CEI EN No MASS 10 kg RATED VOLTAGE 17,50 kv IMPULSE WITHSTAND VOLTAGE 95 kv RATED FREQUENCY 50/60 Hz RATED NORMAL CURRENT 1250 A SHORT-TIME CURRENT (1 s) 25 ka CLOSING/OPENING TIME 50/70 ms ABSOLUTE SF6 PRESSURE AT 20 C 500 kpa BREAKING CAPACITY 25 ka MAKING CAPACITY 6 ka AT VOLTAGE OF 17,5 kv OPERATION SEQUENCE 0-MIN-CO-MIN-CO B MECANISMUL DE ACTIONARE IEC 56 ES... CEI 17-1 B OPERATING MECHANISM IEC 56 ES... CEI NR YC... V YU... V YO1... V 5 No YC 125 V YU 125 V YO1 125 V H... V H 125 V M... V M 125 V Proiectat si fabricat de ABB SACE T.M.S. Designed and manufactured by ABB SACE T.M.S. Legenda A Placa date nominale intreruptor B Placa date nominale a mecanismului de actionare 1 Tip aparat 2 Simboluri de corespondenta cu Standardele Serie 4 Caracteristici intreruptor 5 Caracteristici ale accesoriilor mecanismului de actionare Caption A Circuit-breaker nameplate B Operating mechanism nameplate 1 Type of apparatus 2 Symbols of compliance with Standards Serial number 4 Circuit-breaker characteristics 5 Characteristics of the operating mechanism accessories Fig. 1c 7

9 . Depozitare Cand este prevazuta o perioada de depozitare inainte de asamblare, la cerere se poate furniza o ambalare specifica conditiilor respective. La receptie, celulele trebuie sa fie despachetate si verificate cu atentie conform capitolului 2, si reimpachetate, utilizand materialele originale. Celulele UniAir trebuie sa fie depozitate in conditii de mediu uscate, fara praf, necorozive, la o temperatura cuprinsa intre 5 C si +45 si fara variatii mari. In pachete sunt prevazute pungi higroscopice care trebuie inlocuite la fiecare 6 luni. Pentru cerinte speciale, va rugam sa ne contactati.. Storage When a period of storage is foreseen before assembly, on request packing suitable for the specified storage conditions can be provided. On receipt, the switchboard must be carefully unpacked and checked as described in Checking on receipt (chapter 2), and then the packing replaced, using the original material provided. The UniAir switchboards must be stored in ambients which are dry, free of dust, non-corrosive, without great heat changes and at a temperature between -5 C and +45 C. There are bags containing hygroscopic material in the packing and these must be replaced every six months. For any special requirements, please contact us. 4. Manipulare 4. Handling In timpul manipularii nu solicitati partile izolante ale aparatelor. Inainte de executarea oricarei operatii, verificati ca resoartele mecanismelor de actionare sunt descarcate iar aparatele in pozitie deschisa. In timpul manipularii cu motostivuitoare, mentineti celulele in pozitie verticala. During handling of the cubicles, do not stress the insulating parts of the apparatus. Before carrying out any operation, always check that the operating mechanism springs are discharged and that the apparatus is in the open position. During handling with fork lift trucks, keep the cubicles in the vertical position. CeluleIe UniAir sunt fixate in mod normal pe un palet de lemn sau pe suporti de lemn fixati la cele patru colturi. Pot fi manipulate cu o macara, ridicate cu franghii prevazute cu carabiniere respectand normele de protectia muncii prinse in ochiurile de prindere de pe acoperisul celulelor (fig. 2). Este posibila manipularea utilizand motostivuitoare. In acest caz, furca trebuie introdusa pe partea corecta pentru a asigura o stabilitate mai buna in timpul manipularii. The UniAir switchboards are normally fixed onto a wooden pallet or wooden supports fixed under the base in the four corners. They can be handled with a crane, lifting them with ropes fitted with spring catches in compliance with safety standards and inserted in the lifting eyebolts on the roof (fig. 2). It is also possible to handle the cubicles using fork lift trucks. In this case, the forks must only be inserted on the coupling sides of the cubicle for greater stability during handling. Latura de introducere a furcii motostivuitorului Side for inserting the forks of the fork lift truck Ridicarea dulapurilor Lifting cubicles Fig. 2 8

10 5. Descriere 5.1. Generalitati Celulele UniAir sunt de tip cu izolatie in aer, in dulapuri metalice, in variante normala sau cu protectie la arc intern, potrivite pentru scheme de distributie. Pot avea diferite configuratii conform cerintelor clientului. Va rugam sa consultati manualele respective si catalogul tehnic pentru instructiuni privind aparatajul si protectia electronica Caracteristici constructive Celule UniAir Structura metalica, care este similara pentru diferite tipuri de celule consta in doua compartimente a caror separare este obtinuta prin intermediul separatoarelor rotative montate intr-un sertar debrosabil. Barele sunt montate in compartimentul superior. In compartimentul inferior, functie de tipul celulei se monteaza: terminale, sigurante de MT, separator de legare la pamant, intreruptor si transformatoare de masura. Versiunea cu protectie la arc intern a fost testata conform cerintelor IEC App. AA cu clasa de acces limitata la personal autorizat (Clasa A) in conformitate cu toate criteriile (de la 1 la 6) prevazute in standard. 5. Description 5.1. General The UniAir switchboards are of the metal-enclosed type, either in the normal or internally arc proof version, suitable for secondary distribution requirements. They can have different configurations according to customer requirements. Please see the relative manuals and technical catalogue for instructions regarding the apparatus and the electronic release Construction characteristics UniAir switchboard The metal structure, which is similar for the different cubicles, generally consists of 2 compartments whose segregation is obtained by means of rotary isolators mounted on a withdrawable drawer. The main busbars are mounted in the upper compartment. On the other hand, according to the type of cubicle, the following are installed in the lower compartment: terminals, MV fuses, earthing switch, circuit-breaker and instrument transformers. The internally arc proof version cubicles have been tested according to the prescriptions of the IEC App. AA Standards with class of access limited to authorised personnel only (Class A) in compliance with all the criteria (from 1 to 6) foreseen by the Standard. Celule UniAir in versiune cu protectie la arc intern sunt garantate numai cu panourile montate si usile inchise cu suruburile stranse. The internally arc proof version UniAir switchboards are only guaranteed with the panels mounted and the doors closed with screws and/or tight knurls. Grad de protectie Celulele UniAir in versiune standard sunt protejate cu urmatoarele grade de protectie: Degrees of protection The standard version of the UniAir switchboard is designed with the following degrees of protection: Grad de protectie in celule (cu capac de fund) IP2X Grad de protectie al suprafetei exterioare IPX Grad de protectie al suprafetei exterioare (la cerere) IP4X Degree of protection inside the switchboard (with bottom closure) Degree of protection on the external housing Degree of protection on the external housing (on request) IP2X IPX IP4X Componente principale Separatoare de linie Separatoarele de linie care pot fi montate in celulele UniAir sunt de tip rotativ in cutie separata. Ele garanteaza un grad de separare intre compartimentul de bare si cel al intreruptorului de IP2X. Cutia poate fi debrosata si permite inlocuirea separatoarelor cu celulele asamblate. Separatoarele sunt disponibile in doua versiuni: Separatoare de sarcina rotative tip AM cu comanda manuala si operare independenta de operator (fig. 2a). Pot fi prevazute cu mecanisme de actionare cu energie acumulata AM/Y sau cu depasirea punctului mort AM/X. Separatoare rotative AS cu manevrare dependenta de operator fig. 2b. Pot fi utilizate in combinatie cu sigurante pentru protectia transformatoarelor de masura sau cu intreruptor HAD pentru protectia transformatoarelor Main components Line-side isolators The line-side isolators which can be mounted in the UniAir switchboards are of the rotary type with a box frame. They guarantee IP2X degree of segregation between the busbar compartment and the circuit-breaker compartment. The box frame can slide out and allow replacement of the line-side isolators with the switchboard assembled. The line-side isolators are available in two versions: AM rotary switch-disconnectors with manual operating mechanism and operation independent of the operator (fig. 2a). They can either be with a stored energy AM/Y or exceeding dead centre AM/X operating mechanism. AS rotary isolators with operation dependent on the operator (fig. 2b). They can be used in combination with the fuses for protection of instrument transformers and with HAD circuitbreaker for protection of the transformers. 9

11 Separator de legare la pamant Separatorul de legare la pamant (fig. 2c) poate fi livrat montat direct pe cadrul metalic al cutiei separatorului de linie sau pe traverse cu posibilitatea montarii sigurantelor de MT. Intreruptor HAD Intreruptorul HAD (fig. 2d) poate fi fix sau debrosabil. Poate fi prevazut cu un releu de protectie tip PR521 si transformatoarele de curent respective. Separator de sarcina AM Earthing switch Th earthing switches (fig. 2c) can be supplied mounted directly on the frame or on spaced crosspieces with the possibility of mounting medium voltage fuses. HAD circuit-breaker The HAD circuit-breaker (fig. 2d) can be either the plug-in or withdrawable version. It can be fitted with a PR 521 self-supplied protection release and relative current sensors. AM switch-disconnector Pozitie inchis Closed position 1 Pozitie deschis Open position Sectiune printr-un pol Cross-section of a pole Detaliu cu partea inferioara a unui pol Detail of the lower part of a pole Legenda 1 Terminal superior 2 Contact principal fix superior Monobloc izolator tripolar 4 Cadru 5 Izolator cu suflaj 6 Terminal inferior 7 Cutit de punere la pamant 8 Separare 9 Suport izolator 10 Contact mobil de rupere arc 12 Contact principal fix inferior 1 Cutite ale contactului principal mobil 14 Piston Caption 1 Upper terminal 2 Upper fixed main contact Three-pole insulating monoblock 4 Frame 5 Blast insulator 6 Lower terminal 7 Earthing pliers 8 Segregation 9 Post insulator 10 Moving arcing contact 12 Lower main fixed contact 1 Main moving contact pliers 14 Piston Fig. 2a 10

12 Separatoare rotative AS AS rotary isolators Fig. 2b Separatoare de legare la pamant MAT MAT earthing switch Standard Versiune Enel Enel version Versiune AEM (MI) AEM (MI) version Fig. 2c 11

13 Intreruptor HAD HAD circuit-breaker Legenda 1 Releu de protectie PR521 (la cerere) 2 Placa cu date nominale Contacte izolante 4 Pol intreruptor 5 Senzori de curent pentru releul PR521 la cerere 6 Roti 7 Dispozitiv de semnalare presiune SF6 (la cerere - numai pentru intreruptoare cu presostat) 8 Buton de deschidere 9 Protectie motor de antrenare (la cerere) 10 Dispozitiv semnalizare stare resoarte de inchidere (galben-armat) 11 Semnalizare intreruptor inchis/deschis 12 Buton de inchidere 1 Mecanism de actionare ES 14 Sir de cleme pentru circuitele de comanda intreruptor 15 Fanta pentru armarea manuala a intreruptorului 16 Grup contacte auxiliare 17 Blocaj cu cheie (la cerere) 18 Contor actionari (la cerere) 19 Parghie de deblocare 20 Carucior (la cerere) Caption 1 PR521 overcurrent release (on request) 2 Nameplate Isolating contacts 4 Circuit-breaker pole 5 Current sensors for PR521 overcurrent release (on request) 6 Wheels 7 SF6 gas pressure control device (on request - for circuitbreakers with pressure switch only) 8 Opening knob 9 Geared motor protection (on request) 10 Closing springs charged (yellow) and discharged (white) signalling device 11 Circuit-breaker open/closed signalling device 12 Closing knob 1 ES operating mechanism 14 Back-up terminal board for circuit-breaker control circuit 15 Shaft for manual operating mechanism spring charging 16 Set of auxiliary contacts 17 Key lock (on request) 18 Operation counter (on request) 19 Release lever 20 Truck (on request) Fig. 2d 5.. Norme de referinte CEI EN60298 CEI 17-1 CEI EN CEI 17-4 CEI 70.1 CEI 17-9/1-2 CEI EN60694 Celule prefabricate in anvelopa metalica pentru tensiuni intre 1 si 52 kv Intreruptoare Interfete om-masina. Principii de actionare Separatoare si separatoare de legare la pamant pentru tensiuni peste 1 kv Grade de protectie a carcaselor. Clasificare. Separatoare de sarcina Specificatii comune pentru aparatele de comutatie si de comanda. 5.. Reference Standards IEC 298 IEC 56 CEI EN IEC 129 IEC 529 IEC IEC 694 Prefabricated switchboards with metal housing for voltages from 1 to 52 kv Circuit-breakers Man-machine interface. Operating principles Isolators and earthing switches for voltages over 1 kv Degrees of protection of the housings. Classification Switch-disconnectors. Common specifications for high-voltage switchgear and controlgear. 12

14 5.4. Interblocaje 5.4. Interlocks Manevrele trebuie executate folosind o forta normala (< 200 Nm ). Daca nu sunt permise, nu trebuie fortate interblocajele ci trebuie verificata corectitudinea secventei de manevre. Blocajele sunt dimensionate sa reziste la o forta de 750 Nm fara deformari permanente sau fara a s e rupe. Operations must be carried out using normal activating force (< 200 Nm). Should they be prevented, do not force the mechanical interlocks and check that the operation sequence is correct. The locks are sized to resist a maximum activation force of 750 Nm without any permanent deformation or breakage. Aparatele prevazute a fi folosite in celule folosesc dispozitive de interblocare mecanica. Acestea sunt definite astfel: blocaje de forta blocaje preventive blocaje de siguranta (lacate si chei) Interblocaj separator de linie - CLP Este vorba de un blocaj mecanic care nu permite insertia manivelei de actionare decat daca sunt indeplinite conditiile corecte. Separatorul de legare la pamant poate fi inchis daca separatorul de linie este deschis. Se poate inchide separatorul de linie daca separatorul de legare la pamant este deschis Interblocaj intre CLP si usa. Este vorba de un blocaj mecanic de forta care previne deschiderea usii daca separatorul de legare la pamant este deschis. Pe de alta parte, nu este permisa deschiderea separatorului de legare la pamant daca usa este inchisa Interblocaj intre intreruptor si separatorul de linie E vorba de un blocaj de siguranta cu chei. Este impiedicata deschiderea separatorului de bara daca intreruptorul nu a fost deschis. Invers, intai trebuie inchis separatorul de linie si apoi intreruptorul Blocaje la cerere La cerere, pot fi montate urmatoarele blocaje pe separatoare: blocaje cu cheie blocaje electromecanice. The standardised apparatus foreseen on the switchboard widely uses mechanical interlocking devices. These are defined as: force locks prevention locks safety locks (padlocks/keys) Interlock line-side isolator - earthing switch This is a mechanical prevention lock which does not allow the operating lever to be inserted unless the conditions are correct. The earthing switch can only be closed if the line-side isolator is open. The line-side isolator can only be closed if the earthing switch is open Interlock earthing switch - door This is a mechanical force lock which prevents the door being opened if the earthing switch is open. On the other hand, it is not possible to open the earthing switch unless the door is closed Interlock circuit-breaker - line-side isolator This is a safety interlock with key. It prevents the busbar isolator from being opened unless the circuit-breaker has previously been opened. In reverse order, the busbar isolator must first be closed and then the circuitbreaker Locks on request On request, the following can be mounted on the operating seats of the isolators: key locks electromechanical locks. 1

15 6. Instructiuni pentru manevrarea aparatelor si secventa de operare a unitatilor 6. Instructions for operating the apparatus and operation sequence of the units In timpul manevrelor de inchidere deschidere ale aparatelor cu protectii lipsa, mentineti o distanta de siguranta pentru a evita contactul cu piesele in miscare Toate manevrele, odata incepute, trebuie terminate si manivela indepartata din fanta de introducere. Manevrele trebuie efectuate utilizand o forta de actionare normala (< 200 Nm.). Daca nu sunt permise, nu fortati interblocajele, ci verificati corectitudinea secventei de manevrare. Blocajele sunt dimensionate sa reziste la o forta de actionare de 750 Nm fara a suferi deformari permanente sau ruperi. During the opening and closing operations of the apparatus with the protections missing, keep a safe distance away to avoid contact with moving parts. Once started, all the operations must be completed and the lever removed from the operating seat. The operations must be carried out using a normal activation force ( 200 Nm). If they are prevented, do not force the mechanical interlocks and check that the operation sequence is correct. The locks are sized to resist a maximum activation force of 750 Nm without any permanent deformation or breakage Istructiuni de manevrare a aparatelor 6.1. Instructions for operating the apparatus Separatoare de linie AM - AS - AR Manevre de inchidere (fig. 4) Verificati ca separatorul de legare la pamant este deschis si usa este inchisa si deschisa. Inserati pana la capat manivela (6) in cuplajul (1), potrivind protuberanta (7) cu slotul (1L) Rotiti in sens orar manivela (6) pana cand este terminata manevra Extrageti manivela (6) cu protuberanta potrivita fata de slotul (2L). Controlati ca indicatorul () confirma inchiderea indicand litera C pe un fond rosu. Verificati deasemenea pozitia corecta a pieselor in miscare prin fereastra de inspectie. Nota: in cazul mecanismului de actionare de tip 2, daca separatorul de sarcina s-a deschis datorita actionarii bobinei de declansare sau a interventiei sigurantelor, secventa de manevre pentru accesul in celula trebui executata conform indicatiilor de pe placuta cu date nominale AM AS AR line-side isolators Closing operation (fig. 4) Check that the earthing switch is open and the cubicle door closed and locked Fully insert the lever (6) in the coupling (1), making the projecting part (7) coincide with the slot (1L) Turn the lever (6) clockwise until the operation is completed Withdraw the lever (6) with the projecting part in correspondence with the slot (2L) Check that the indicator () confirms that closing has taken place by showing the letter C in black on a red background. Also checking correct positioning of the moving parts (fig. 2) through the inspection window. Note: in the case of type 2 operating mechanism, should the switchdisconnector have opened due to the shunt opening release or fuse intervention, the operation sequence for access to the cubicle must be carried out in compliance with the indications given on the nameplate. Manevre de deschidere (fig. 4) Introduceti complet manivela (6) in cuplajul (1), facand sa coincida protuberanta (7) cu slotul (2L) Rotiti in sens antiorar manivela (6) pana in pozitia de complet deschis Extrageti manivela (6) utilizand slotul (1L) Verificati ca indicatorul () indica pozitia deschis, aratand litera A pe fond verde. Verificati de asemenea pozitia corecta a pieselor in miscare (fig. 2a) prin fereastra de inspectie. Opening operation (fig. 4) Fully insert the lever (6) in the coupling (1), making the projecting part (7) coincide with the slot (2L) Turn the lever (6) anti-clockwise as far as the position of fully open Withdraw the lever (6) using the slot (1L) Check that the indicator () indicates the open position by showing the letter A in black on a green background. Also checking correct positioning of the moving parts (fig. 2a) through the inspection window Separator de legare la pamant (fig. 4) Manevre de inchidere Controlati ca separatorul de sarcina este deschis Introduceti complet manivela (6) in cuplajul (2) facand sa coincida protuberanta (7) cu slotul (1T) Rotiti in sens antiorar manivela (6) pana in pozitia de inchidere completa Earthing switch (fig. 4) Closing operation Check that the switch-disconnector is open Fully insert the lever (6) in the coupling (2), making the projecting part (7) coincide with the slot (1T) Turn the lever (6) anti-clockwise as far as the fully closed position 14

16 Extrageti manivela (6) utilizand slotul (2T) Verificati ca indicatorul (4) arata pozitia inchis, prezentand litera C in negru pe fond galben. De asemenea verificati pozitia corecta a pieselor in miscare prin fereastra de inspectie. Manevre de deschidere (fig. 4) Verificati ca usa celulei este inchisa Trageti manual de manerul (8) a dispozitivului de blocare a introducerii manivelei pana in pozitia "deblocat", in acelasi timp introducand complet manivela (6) in cuplajul (2), facand sa coincida protuberanta (7) cu slotul inferior (2T). Rotiti in sens orar manivela (6) pana in pozitia deschis Extrageti manivela din cuplaj utilizand slotul (1T) Verificati ca indicatorul (4) arata pozitia deschis prezentand litera A in negru pe fond gri. De asemenea verificati pozitia corecta a pieselor in miscare prin fereastra de inspectie. Nota: in aceste conditii trebuie sa nu fie posibila deschiderea usii. Withdraw the lever (6) using the slot (2T) Check that the indicator (4) indicates the closed position by showing the letter C in black on a yellow background. Also checking correct positioning of the moving parts through the inspection window. Opening operation (fig. 4) Check that the cubicle door is closed Manually take and hold the knob (8) of the handle insertion locking device positioned on the operating mechanism in the released position, at the same time fully inserting the operating lever (6) in the coupling (2), making the projecting part (7) of the lever coincide with the lower slot (2T) Turn the lever (6) clockwise as far as the fully open position Withdraw the operating lever from the coupling using the slot (1T) Check that the indicator (4) indicates the open position by showing the letter A in black on a grey background. Also checking correct positioning of the moving parts through the inspection window. Note: in this condition, door opening must be prevented. 1L 5 1T 1 Linea 2 Terra Earth 2T 2L Dispozitive de manevra si control Operation and control devices Fig. 4 Legenda 1 Locas de manevra pentru separatorul de sarcina 2 Locas de manevra pentru separatorul de legare la pamant Indicatoare pozitie separator de sarcina 4 Indicatoare pozitie separatoare de legare la pamant 5 Indicator mecanic de deschidere separator de sarcina datorita actionarii sigurantelor fuzibile (numai pentru AM/YFB - AM/YU) 6 Manivela de actionare 7 Protuberanta x Blocaj al introducerii manivelei Caption 1 Operating seat for switch-disconnector operation 2 Operating seat for earthing switch operation Open-closed indicator for switch-disconnectors 4 Open-closed indicator for earthing switches 5 Mechanical indicator for switch-disconnector opening due to fuse intervention (only for AM/YFB - AM/YU) 6 Operating lever 7 Projecting part x Lock for handle insertion 15

17 6.1. Interventii pentru repunerea in functiune a separatorului de sarcina Operatii care trebuie executate in cazul: Actionare sigurante (AM/YFB - AM/YU) Actionare bobina declansare (AM/YB - AM/YFB - AM/YU). In cazul in care separatorul de sarcina se deschide automat datorita actionarii dispozitivelor de mai sus, repuneti in functiune dupa cum urmeaza: Verficati pozitia deschisa a separatorului prin fereastra de inspectie Introduceti manivela de actionare in locas si resetati mecanismul de deschidere urmand directia indicata pe placuta de pa fata celulei, si executai secventa de manevre indicata in paragraful Nota: in cazul actionarii sigurantelor fuzibile, procedati conform indicatiilor din paragraful Interventions to restore switch-disconnector service Operations to be carried out in the case of: Fuse intervention (AM/YFB AM/YU) Shunt opening release trip (AM/YB AM/YFB AM/YU). Should the switch-disconnector open automatically due to intervention of the above-mentioned devices, proceed to restore service as follows: Check correct open position of the moving parts of the switchdisconnector through the special inspection window on the cubicle. Insert the operating lever in the seat of the line shaft and reset opening of the operating mechanism following the direction indicated on the operating nameplate placed on the cover, and carry out the operation sequence as indicated in paragraph Note: in the case of fuse intervention, replace the fuses as indicated in paragraph Intreruptor debrosabil tip HAD Intreruptoarele debrosabile de tip plug-in (vezi fig. 5), disponibile pentru celulele UniAir, sunt derivate dintr-un intreruptor fix caruia ii sunt adaugate roti, contacte de izolare si parghie de deblocare. In celulele tip UniAir P1/E, sunt folosite intreruptoare de tip plug-in, in timp ce in celulele de tip P1E/2R sunt utilizate intreruptoare debrosabile cu trei pozitii. Extragerea intreruptorului poate avea loc numai in conditii de siguranta, adica atunci cand separatoarele de bara sunt deschise, iar cele de legare al pamant inchise. Atat versiunea plug-in cat si versiunea debrosabile sunt prevazute cu parghie de deblocare care previne debrosarea cu intreruptorul inchis. Pentru a facilita debrosarea intreruptoarelor, este disponibil un carucior special. Intreruptorul debrosabil HAD de tip plug-in poate avea urmatoarele pozitii: Introdus: Circuite de forta si auxiliare intregite Debrosat: Circuite de forta si circuite auxiliare deconectate Intreruptor complet debrosat. Intreruptorul HAD UniAir/2R debrosabil poate avea urmatoarele pozitii: Introdus: Circuite primare si secundare intregite Izolat: Circuite primare deconectate - circuite secundare intregite (Pozitie de proba) Circuite primare deconectate - circuite secundare deconectate (Total izolat) Debrosat Circuite primare si secundare deconectate. Intreruptor complet retras din celula. Intreruptorul poate fi actionat manual sau electric Armarea manuala a resoartelor de inchidere a mecanismelor de actionare. Introduceti complet manivela de armare in fanta de armare () si rotiti-o in sens orar pana cand nu mai intampinati rezistenta si pana cand semnalul Resort armat (galben) apare in fereastra (9). Forta normal aplicata manivelei furnizate este de 160 N. In orice caz forta maxima aplicabila este 00 N HAD plug-in and withdrawable circuit-breakers The plug-in circuit-breakers (see fig. 5) available for UniAir switchboards, are basically derived from a fixed circuit-breaker to which the wheels, isolating contacts and release lever are applied. In the UniAir P1/E type cubicles, HAD-UniAir plug-in version circuit-breakers are used, whereas in the P1E/2R type cubicles an HAD-UniAir/2R withdrawable circuit-breaker is used. Withdrawal of the circuit-breakers can only take place under safe conditions, i.e. with the busbar isolators open and the earthing switches closed. Both the plug-in and withdrawable circuit-breaker are fitted with release lever which prevents withdrawal with the circuit-breaker closed. To facilitate withdrawal of the circuit-breakers, a special circuitbreaker withdrawal truck is available. The HAD-UniAir plug-in version circuit-breaker can take up the following positions: Connected: Main circuits and auxiliary circuits connected Withdrawn: Main circuits and auxiliary circuits disconnected. Circuit-breaker completely withdrawn from the compartment. The HAD-UniAir/2R withdrawable version circuit-breaker can take up the following positions: Connected: Main circuits and auxiliary circuits connected Isolated: Main circuits disconnected auxiliary circuits connected (Test position) Main circuits disconnected auxiliary circuits disconnected (Completely isolated) Withdrawn: Main circuits and auxiliary circuits disconnected. Circuit-breaker completely withdrawn from the compartment. Circuit-breaker operation can be either manual or electric Closing spring charging in the operating mechanisms with manual charging. Make the coupling position of the lever (supplied) coincide with the charging shaft (). Fully insert it onto the shaft and turn it clockwise until it idles and then the springs charged signal (yellow) appears in the window (9). The force normally applied to the charging lever supplied is 160 N. In any case, the 16

18 Armarea automata a resortului de inchidere Cand este prezenta tensiunea de alimentare mecanismul de actionare incarca automat resoartele de inchidere, semnalizand terminarea operatiei prin aparitia semnalului galben in fereastra (9). Pentru a evita consumul mare de curent in cazul unei instalatii cu multe motoare de armare, se recomanda armarea acestora unul cate unul. Armarea manuala a mecanismelor cu armare automata Cand se introduce manivela, armarea automata este intrerupta: se poate executa armarea ca mai sus. In final, indepartati manivela. Daca in timpul operatiei de armare manuala porneste motorul de armare, continuati totusi operatia pana cand resortul este armat. Cand armarea este terminata motorul se opreste. Nu introduceti sau scoateti manivela cand motorul lucreaza. Daca motorul s-a oprit datorita declansarii intreruptorului propriu de protectie, continuati armarea manual, inainte de a inchide din nou intreruptorul. Manevra de inchidere Controlati ca resortul de inchidere este armat [semnalizare galbena in fereastra (9)]. Rotiti butonul de inchidere (4) in sens orar. Pozitia inchis este evidentiata de aparitia literei "I" in fereastra (6). In prezenta bobinei de anclansare, operatia poate fi realizata de la distanta. Butonul de inchidere nu este disponibil pentru intreruptoare HAD de tip plug-in 1 care nu sunt prevazute cu protectie PR 521. Manevre de deschidere Rotiti maneta de actionare (7) in sens antiorar. Deschiderea este ssemnalizata de litera O pe fond galben in fereastra (6). 4 1 maximum force applicable is 00 N. Automatic closing spring charging When connected to the power supply, the operating mechanism automatically charges the closing springs, signalling completion of the operation with the appearance of the yellow signal in the window (9). To avoid excessive current absorption in the case of an installation with several motor operators, it is advisable to charge one operating mechanism at a time. Manual charging of operating mechanisms with automatic charging When the lever is inserted, the automatic charging movement is released: charging as indicated previously can then be carried out. On completion of charging, remove the lever. Should the motor start during the manual charging operation, continue the operation in any case, completing it manually. When charging is completed the motor stops. Do not withdraw or insert the lever if the motor is working. If the motor has stopped due to tripping of the protection circuit-breaker, complete the charging manually before closing the circuitbreaker again. Closing operation Check that the operating mechanism springs are charged [yellow flag in the window (9)]. Turn the closing knob (4) clockwise. Closing is indicated by the letter I appearing in the red field in the window (6). When there is a shunt closing release, the operation can be The closing knob is not available for plug-in circuit-breakers (HAD- 2 UniAir) without a PR 521 protection release fitted. 8 7 Opening operation Turn the opening knob (7) anti-clockwise. Opening is indicated by the letter O appearing in the green field in the window (6) Legenda 1 Protectie PR521 (la cerere) 2 Dispozitiv semnalizare presiune gaz (la cerere) Fanta pentru armarea resortului de inchidere 4 Maneta de inchidere 5 Buton de resetare al intreruptorului de protectie al motorului de armare (la cerere) 6 Dispozitiv de semnalizare al pozitiei intreruptorului 7 Maneta de deschidere 8 Blocaj cu cheie (la cerere) 9 Dispozitiv semnalizare stare armare resort 10 Contor de actionari (la cerere) Caption 1 PR521 release (on request) 2 Signalling device for state of gas (on request) Shaft for manual closing spring charging 4 Closing knob 5 Resetting button for protection circuit-breaker of geared motor (on request) 6 Signalling device for circuit-breaker open/closed 7 Opening knob 8 Key lock (on request) 9 Signalling device for closing springs charged/discharged 10 Operation counter (on request) Fig. 5 17

19 6.2 Instructiuni pentru secventa de manevrare a celulelor Inainte de deschiderea usii, verificati totdeauna pozitiile aparatelor prin fereastra de inspectie. In cazul cuplarii cu alte celule, care necesita, din motive de instalare, interblocaje care interactioneaza, clientul trebuie sa prinda cheile pe inele sudate, pentru a garanta secventa manevrelor. Procedura pentru a obtine accesul in compartimentul cablelor intra in grija clientului, deoarece depinde de tipul circuitului electric construit. Toate operatiile trebuie duse la capat. 6.2 Instructions for the operation sequence of the units Before opening the door, always check the position of the apparatus through the inspection windows. In the case of coupling with other units, which, because of installation requirements, need interlocks which interact, the customer must join the keys together with a welded ring to guarantee safety of the operation sequence. The procedure for gaining safe access to the cable housing where the power supply is headed must be carried out by the customer since it depends on the type of electrical circuit constructed. The operations must be completed Celule in versiuni standard Celule tip P2, P, ASR, M, M1/A (fig. 6a) Celule tip P2/A, P/A, P/A-M (fig. 6b) Accesul in celula 1) Deschideti separatorul de sarcina rotind manivela in sens antiorar (1) 2) Inchideti separatorul de punere la pamant rotind manivela in sens orar (2). ) Verificati pozitia partilor mobile prin fereastra () 4) Deschideti usa (4). Punerea in functiune 1) Inchideti usa (4). 2) Deschideti separatorul de legare la pamant rotind manivela in sens orar (2) ) Inchideti separatorul de sarcina rotind manivela in sens orar (1) 4) Verificati pozitia partilor mobile prin fereastra () Standard version units P2, P, ASR, M, M1/A type units (fig. 6a) P2/A, P/A, P/A-M type units (fig. 6b) Access to the cubicle 1) Open the switch-disconnector by turning the operating lever anti-clockwise (1) 2) Close the earthing switch by turning the operating lever clockwise (2) ) Check the position of the moving parts through the inspection windows () 4) Open the door (4). Putting into service 1) Close the door (4) 2) Open the earthing switch by turning the operating lever clockwise (2) ) Close the switch-disconnector by turning the operating lever clockwise (1) 4) Check the position of the moving parts through the inspection windows (). Instructiuni pentru demontarea si inlocuirea sigurantelor de MT Pentru instructiuni vezi paragraful 8. Instructions for dismantling and replacing the fuses For the instructions, see para. 8. In cazul deschiderii separatorului de sarcina cauzata de actionarea bobinei de declansare sau a sigurantelor, pentru inchiderea acestuia este necesara resetarea mecanismului de actionare prin rotirea manivelei de actionare in sens antiorar pana la agatarea resortului de inchidere. Inchiderea separatorului se face prin rotirea manivelei in sens orar. Should switch-disconnector opening be caused by intervention of the shunt opening release or the fuses, to close the switch-disconnector it is necessary to reset the operating mechanism by turning the operating lever anti-clockwise until the closing spring is hooked up, and close it by turning clockwise. 18

20 1 2 P2 P ASR 4 Fata celulei Front of the cubicle M M1/A Fig. 6b 4 P2/A P/A P/A-M 1 2 Fata celulei Front of the cubicle Fig. 6b 19

21 Celule tip R (fig.7) Celula de tip R (celula cupla) nu este prevazuta cu dispozitive de actionare. Inainte de deschiderea usii, trebuie puse partile de instalatie la care urmeaza sa se lucreze in conditii de siguranta. Este o practica buna verificarea absentei tensiunii inainte de as intra in contact cu circuitul primar. R type unit (fig. 7) The R bus riser unit does not have operating apparatus. Before opening the closure panels, put the part of the installation to be worked on under safe conditions. It is good practice to check that the power is off before making contact with live parts. 2 R Risalita destra Right bus riser 4 A Fronte dello scomparto Front of the cubicle Fig. 7 R Risalita sinistra Left bus riser Fronte dello scomparto Front of the cubicle Fig. 8 Celula tip A (fig. 8) Pentru a accesa compartimentul de cable, separatorul de legare la pamant (fara capacitate de inchidere) trebuie interblocat pe partea cu alimentare si inchis numai in absenta tensiunii. In apropierea locasului de actionare a CLP, ABB T.M.S. furnizeaza o cheie de blocare (T), unde cheia poate fi scoasa numai cu separatorul deschis (la cerere poate fi furnizata o cheie care poate fi extrasa numai cu separatorul inchis). Aceasta constituie interblocajul cu sursa de tensiune. Accesul in celula Inchideti separatorul de legare la pamant prin rotirea manivelei in sens orar (2) Verificati pozitia partilor mobile prin fereastra de inspectie () Deschideti usa (4). Punerea in functiune Inchideti usa (4) Deschideti separatorul de legare la pamant prin rotirea manivelei in sens orar (2) Verificati pozitia partilor mobile prin fereastra de inspectie (). A type unit (fig. 8) To access the cable compartment, the earthing switch (without making capacity) must be interlocked on the supply side and only closed when the power supply has been turned off. Near the operating seat of the earthing switch of the cable compartment, ABB T.M.S. provides a key lock (T), where the key can only be removed with the isolator open (on request a key which is removed with the earthing switch closed can be supplied). This makes up the interlock with the power supply. Access to the cubicle Close the earthing switch by turning the operating lever clockwise (2) Check the position of the moving parts through the inspection windows () Open the door (4). Putting into service Close the door (4) Open the earthing switch by turning the operating lever clockwise (2) Check the position of the moving parts through the inspection windows () 20

22 Celula tip P1/E (HAD) fig. 9 Daca executati operatii cu intreruptorul debrosat, acordati atentie partilor in miscare. Intreruptorul trebuie brosat numai in pozitie deschis. Brosarea sau debrosarea trebuie executate progresiv pentru a preveni loviri ce ar putea deforma mecanismele de interblocare. Inainte de a deschide separatorul de legare la pamant si de a inchide separatorul de bara, asigurati-va ca este introdus conectorul cu circuite auxiliare al intreruptorului. Inainte de a deschide usa celulei verificati pozitiile aparatelor prin fereastra de inspectie. In cazul cuplarii cu alte celule, cu care, din cerinte de instalatie, sunt necesare interblocaje, clientul trebuie sa puna cheile pe inele sudate astfel incat sa garanteze o secventa de manevrare sigura. P1/E (HAD) type unit (fig. 9) Should any operations be carried out with the circuit-breaker withdrawn from the switchboard, pay maximum attention to moving parts. The circuit-breaker must only be connected in the unit in the open position. Connection and withdrawal must be gradual to prevent any impacts which might deform the mechanical interlocks. Before opening the earthing switch and closing the busbar isolator, make sure that the circuitbreaker connector has been connected to the socket of the switchboard auxiliaries. Before opening the door, always check the position of the apparatus through the inspection windows. In the case of coupling with other units, which, because of installation requirements, need interlocks which interact, the customer must join the keys together with a welded ring to guarantee safety of the operation sequence. The procedure for gaining safe access to the cable housing where the power supply is headed must be carried out by the customer since it depends on the type of electrical circuit constructed. Accesul in celula si debrosarea intreruptorului Accesul in celula (fig.9) 1) Deschideti intreruptorul 2) Extrageti cheia (I) din broasca intreruptorului si folositi a doua cheie de pe inel (L) pentru deblocarea separatorului de linie ) Deschideti separatorul de linie (L) 4) Inchideti separatorul de legare la pamant (T) 5) Verificati pozitia partilor in miscare prin fereastra de inspectie () 6) Deschideti usa celulei (4) Debrosarea intreruptorului (fig.10) 7) Desfaceti conectorul () al circuitelor auxiliare din priza (4) 8) Agatati caruciorul (1) la structura (2) a celulei folosind parghia (7) 9) Extrageti cheia (T) din broasca separatorului de legare la pamant si introduceti a doua cheie de pe inel (C) in blocajul de debrosare al intreruptorului pentru a-l debloca. 10) Deblocati intreruptorul utilizand maneta (5) 11) Extrageti intreruptorul, pozitionandu-l pe caruciorul (1) Access to the cubicle and withdrawal of the circuit-breaker Access to the cubicle (fig. 9) 1) Open the circuit-breaker 2) Remove the key (I) from the circuit-breaker lock and use the second ringed key (L) to release the line-side isolator ) Open the line-side isolator (L) 4) Close the earthing switch (T) 5) Check the position of the moving parts throughout the inspection windows () 6) Open the feeder compartment door (4) Circuit-breaker withdrawal (fig. 10) 7) Disconnect the connector () of the auxiliary circuits from the socket (4) 8) Hook up the truck (1) to the structure (2) of the feeder compartment, using the lever (7) 9) Remove the key (T) from the earthing switch lock and insert the second ringed key (C) in the circuit-breaker connection/ withdrawal lock to release it 10)Release the circuit-breaker by using the lever (5) 11)Slide the circuit-breaker out, positioning it on the truck (1) Brosarea si punerea in functiune a intreruptorului Brosarea intreruptorului (fig. 10) Circuit-breaker connection and putting into service Circuit-breaker connection (fig. 10) 1) Deschideti usa celulei 1) Open the feeder compartment door 2) Pozitionati intreruptorul pe caruciorul de debrosare (1) 2) Position the circuit-breaker on the withdrawal truck (1) ) Agatati caruciorul la structura (2) a celulei utilizand manet (7) ) Hook the truck up to the structure (2) of the feeder compartment using the lever (7) 4) Deblocati intreruptorul de pe carucior utilizand maneta (5) 4) Release the circuit-breaker from the truck by using the lever 5) Introduceti progresiv intreruptorul in celula pana la conectare si agatare (5) 5) Gradually insert the circuit-breaker in the compartment to 6) Introduceti conectorul circuitelor auxiliare () in priza (4) obtain complete connection and hooking up 7) Deblocati caruciorul (1) utilizand maneta (7) 6) Connect the auxiliary circuit connector () to the socket (4) 7) Use the lever (7) and release the truck (1) 21

23 8) Extrageti cheia din blocajul de brosare/ debrosare a intreruptorului (C) 9) Inchideti usa celulei. Punerea in functiune (fig. 9) 10) Utilizati cea de a doua cheie de pe inel (T) si utilizati-o pentru deblocarea separatorul de legare la pamant (T) 11) Inchideti separatorul de legare la pamant (T) 12) Inchideti separatorul de linie (L) 1) Extrageti cheia (L) din blocajul separatorului de linie si utilizati a doua cheie de pe inel (I) pentru deblocarea intreruptorului. 14) Inchideti intreruptorul 15) Verificati pozitia pieselor in miscare prin fereastra (). 8) Remove the key from the circuit-breaker connection/ withdrawal lock (C) 9) Close the feeder compartment door. Putting into service (fig. 9) 10)Use the second key (T) ringed with the one for the circuitbreaker connection/withdrawal lock (C) and use it to release the earthing switch (T) 11)Close the earthing switch (T) 12)Close the line-side isolator (L) 1)Remove the key (L) from the line-side isolator lock and use the second ringed key (I) to release the circuit-breaker 14)Close the circuit-breaker 15)Check the position of the moving parts through the inspection windows (). Cheia L L key L Sensori de curent pe carucior intreruptor Current sensors on circuitbreaker truck Cheia T T key T 4 TC in montaj fix Fixed C.T. on switchboard Cheia I I key Fata celulei Front of the cubicle Celula P1/E pentru HAD P1/E unit for HAD Fata intreruptor Circuit-breaker front Fata separator de sarcina tip AM AM switch-disconnector front Fata separator rotativ AR AR rotary isolator front Cheia I I key Fig. 9 22

24 Cheia C C key 4 Instructiuni pentru brosarea/debrosarea intreruptorului. Instructions for the circuit-breaker connection/withdrawal operation. Fig. 10 2

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