HD4. Installation and service instructions. Instructiuni de instalare si service kv A ka

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1 HD Instructiuni de instalare si service Installation and service instructions kv A ka


3 Pentru siguranta Dumneavoastra! For your safety! A se verifica ca, camera in care se vor instala intrerupatoarele este potrivita pentru instalarea echipamentelor electrice. A se verifica ca toate operatiunile de instalare, punere in fuctiune si mentenanta vor fi realizate de catre personal cu inalta calificare in domeniul electric. Make sure that the installation room (spaces, divisions and ambient) are suitable for the electrical apparatus. Check that all the installation, putting into service and maintenance operations are carried out by qualified personnel with in-depth knowledge of the apparatus. A se verifica ca prescriptiile standard si cele legale sunt aplicate in timpul instalarii, punerii in functiune si mentenantei. Make sure that the standard and legal prescriptions are complied with during installation, putting into service and maintenance, so that installations according to the rules of good working practice and safety in the work place are constructed. A se urmarii cu strictete informatiile date in acest manual. A se verifica ca parametrii nominali ai aparatelor nu vor fi depasiti in timpul fuctionarii. A se acorda atentie speciala informatiilor marcate cu simbolul: Strictly follow the information given in this instruction manual. Check that the rated performance of the apparatus is not exceeded during service. Pay special attention to the danger notes indicated in the manual by the following symbol:!! A se verifica ca personalul care va asigura exploataaparatelor va avea acest manual cu instructiuni si si-a insusit informatiile necesare unei interventii corecte. Check that the personnel operating the apparatus have this instruction manual to hand as well as the necessary information for correct intervention. Un comportament responsabil va asigura siguranta Dvs. si a colegilor Dvs.! Pentru orice clarificari suplimentare va rugam sa contactati personalul ABB. Responsible behaviour safeguards your own and others safety! For any requests, place contact the ABB Assistance Service /002 M /05/2 ro-en - 1/0

4 Introducere Acest catalog contine informatii referitoare la instalarea si punerea in functiune a intrerupatoarelor de medie tensiune tip HD. Pentru o utilizare cat mai corecta a acestui tip de intrerupator va rugam sa cititi cu atentie acest manual. Pentru montarea accesoriilor si/sau pieselor de rezerva va rugam sa cititi paragraful referitor la aceasta parte. Ca orice aparat fabricat de ABB, intrerupatorul tip HD a fost proiectat pentru functionarea in diferite configuratii. Aceste aparate pot acoperii diferite variante tehnico-constructive (la cerearea clientului) pentru a asigura cerintele speciale de instalare. Din acest motiv, informatiile prezentate in cele ce urmeaza nu vor acoperii intotdeauna configuratiile speciale. Separat fata de acest manual, este necesar a se tine cont intotdeauna de ultimile documente tehnice disponibile (diagrame circuite secundare, desene de asamblare si instalare, etc.), in special cand se face referire la variante diferite de configuratiilor standard. Introduction This publication contains the information necessary for installation and putting into service of HD medium voltage circuitbreakers. For correct usage of the product, please read this manual carefully. For correct mounting of accessories and/or spare parts please refer to the relevant instructions. Like all the apparatus manufactured by us, the HD circuitbreakers are designed for different installation configurations. They do, however, allow further technical-constructional variations (at the customer s request) to suit special installation requirements. For this reason, the information given below does not always cover special configurations. Apart from this booklet, it is therefore always necessary to refer to the latest technical documentation available (circuit diagram, wiring diagrams, assembly and installation drawings, any studies of protection co-ordination, etc.), especially with regard to any variations from standardized configurations requested.!! Toate operatiile de instalare, punere in fuctiune, operare si mentenanta trebuie realizate de catre personal cu calificare in domeniul instalatiilor electrice. All the operations regarding installation, putting into service, operation and maintenance must be carried out by suitably qualified personnel with indepth knowledge of the apparatus. Pentru asigurarea mentenantei intrerupatoarelor se vor folosi intotdeauna numai piese de rezerva originale. Pentru informatii suplimentare, va rugam sa consultati catalogul intrerupatoarelor si al pieselor de schimb. Only use original spare parts for maintenance operations. For further information, also see the technical catalogue of the circuit-breaker and the spare parts catalogue. Programul de protectie a mediului inconjurator Intrerupatoarele tip HD sunt construite in conformitate cu standardele ISO Sistemul de productie al fabricii de Echipamente de Medie Tensiune asigura protectia mediului inconjurator in toate etapele de fabricare a echipamentelor. Impactul asupra mediului inconjurator in perioada de functionare este impus de procedura LCA-Life Cycle Assessment, care este totodata rezultatul unei atentii acordate la alegerea materialelor, contruirii, etc. Modul de construire a intrerupatoarelor este facut astfel incat la depasirea perioadei de viata a echipamentului sa se poata realiza o separe usoara a toturor subansamblurilor, pentru optimizarea procesului de reciclare. Programme for the environmental protection The HD circuit-breakers comply with ISO 1000 Standards (Guidelines for the Environmental Management). The production system of the Medium Voltage factories complies for the environmental protection in terms of energy consumption, raw materials and waste. The environmental impact of the product life cycle is assessed by the LCA - Life Cycle Assessment procedure, which is also the result of a well-focused project phase in the selection of materials, processes and packaging. Production techniques are carried out in order to achieve an easy dismantling and separation of the components at the end of the circuit-breaker life cycle, while optimizing the recycling process. 2/ /002 M /05/2 ro-en

5 Indice Index 1. Impachetarea si transportul 2. Receptia echipamentelor 3. Depozitarea 5. Manipularea echipamentelor 6 5. Descriere Caracteristici generale Standarde Intrerupatorul varianta fixa Intrerupatorul varianta debrosabila Caseta tip CBE 9 6. Instructiuni pentru operarea intrerupatorului Indicati de protectia muncii Dispozitivele de actionare si semnalizare Manevrele de inchidere si deschidere a intrerupatorului Instalarea Generalitati Conditii normale de instalare Operatii preliminare Instalarea intrerupatorului in varianta fixa Instalarea intrerupatorului in var. debrosabila Realizarea conexiunilor de putere pentru intrerupatorul in varianta fixa Punerea la pamant Conectarea circuitelor auxiliare Dimensiuni de gabarit Punerea in functiune Proceduri generale Verificarile periodice Generalitati Programul de verificare Operatii de mentenanta Indicatii pentru manipularea aparatelor cu SF Piese de rezerva si accesorii Lista pieselor de schimb Packing and transport 2. Checking on receipt 3. Storage 5. Handling 6 5. Description General features Reference Standards Fixed circuit-breaker Withdrawable circuit-breaker CBE enclosures and CBF fixed parts 9 6. Instructions for circuit-breaker operation Safety indications Operating and signalling parts Circuit-breaker closing and opening operations Installation General Normal installation conditions Preliminary operations Installation of fixed circuit-breaker Installation of withdrawable circuit-breaker Fixed circuit-breaker power circuit connections Earthing Auxiliary circuit connection Overall dimensions Putting into service General procedures Periodical checking General Checking programme Maintenance operations Indications for handling apparatus with SF Spare parts and accessories List of spare parts /002 M /05/2 ro-en - 3/0

6 1. Impachetarea si transportul Intrerupatoarele sunt impachetate pentru transport intr-un ambalaj special, acestea fiind in pozitia deschis cu arcul nearmat si cu presiunea de SF6 in pol la valoare de functionare. Fiecare intrerupator este protejat intr-o folie de plastic pentru a prevenii infiltrarea apei si a prafului. 1. Packing and transport The circuit-breaker is shipped in special packing in the open position with the springs discharged and with absolute pole pressure corresponding with the service value. Each piece of apparatus is protected by a plastic film to prevent any infiltration of water during the loading and unloading stages and to keep the dust off during storage. 2. Receptia echipamentelor 2. Checking on receipt Prima etapa la receptia unui intrerupator este verificarea pozitiei deschis a intrerupatorului si starea nearmat a arcului mecanismului.!! Before carrying out any operation, always make sure that the operating mechanism dprings are discharged and that the apparatus is in the open position. La receptie, se verifica integritatea aparatelor, ca ambalajul de transport nu a fost deteriorat si ca datele inscrise pe placuta cu parametrii intrerupatorului (vezi fig. 1), corespund cu parametrii intrerupatoarelor contractate. Deasemenea se verifica ca toate materialele inscrise in documentele de transport a fost livrate. Daca la receptie se constata orice deteriorari se contacteaza de urgenta reprezentantii ABB. La livrarea intrerupatoarelor acestea vor fi insotite doar de accesoriile specificate in documentele contractuale. La livrare, intrerupatoarele sunt insotite de urmatoarele documente: - Manual cu instructiuni; Certificat de teste; Scheme circuite secundare; On receipt, check the state of the apparatus, that the packing is undamaged and that the nameplate data corresponds (see fig. 1) with that specified in the order acknowledgement and in the delivery note. Also make sure that all the materials described in the shipping note are included in the supply. If any damage or irregularity is discovered on unpacking, notify ABB (directly or through the agent or supplier) as soon as possible and in any case within five days of receipt. The apparatus is only supplied with the accessories specified at the time of order and confirmed in the order acknowledgement sent by ABB. The following accompanying documents are inserted in the shipping packing: Instruction manual (this document) Test certificate Identification tag Fiscal copy of shipping note Electrical diagram These other documents are sent prior to shipment: Order acknowledgement Original copy of shipping note Any drawings or documents regarding special configurations/ conditions. / /002 M /05/2 ro-en

7 A 3 INTRERUPATOR IEC 56 HD... CEI 17-1 NR.... MASA... kg TENSIUNEA NOMINALA... kv TENSIUNEA DE TINERE LA IMPULS... kv FRECVENTA NOMINALA 50/60 Hz CURENTUL NOMINAL... A CURENTUL DE SCURTCIRCUIT (1 s)... ka TIMPUL DE INCHIDERE/DESCHIDERE... ms PRESIUNEA ABSOLUTA SF6 20 C... kpa CAPACITATEA DE RUPERE... ka CAPACITATEA DE INCHIDERE... ka LA TENSIUNEA DE... kv SECVENTA DE OPERARE 0-3MIN-CO-3MIN-CO A 3 CIRCUIT-BREAKER IEC 56 HD... CEI 17-1 No.... MASS... kg RATED VOLTAGE... kv IMPULSE WITHSTAND VOLTAGE... kv RATED FREQUENCY 50/60 Hz RATED NORMAL CURRENT... A SHORT-TIME CURRENT (1 s)... ka CLOSING/OPENING TIME... ms ABSOLUTE SF6 PRESSURE AT 20 C... kpa BREAKING CAPACITY... ka MAKING CAPACITY... ka AT VOLTAGE OF... kv OPERATION SEQUENCE 0-3MIN-CO-3MIN-CO B MECANISMUL DE ACTIOANRE IEC CEI 17-1 B OPERATING MECHANISM IEC CEI NR.... YC... V YU... V YO1... V 5 No.... YC... V YU... V YO1... V H... V H... V M... V M... V Designed and manufactured by ABB T & D S.p.A. Div. Sace T.M.S. Designed and manufactured by ABB T & D S.p.A. Div. Sace T.M.S. Placuta de identificare Nameplate Fig. 1 Legenda A Placuta de identificare intrerupator B Placuta identificare mecanism de actionare 1 ul intrerupatorului 2 Standarde 3 Numar de serie Caracteristicile intrerupatorului 5 Caracteristicile dispozitivelor auxiliare Caption A Circuit-breaker nameplate B Operating mechanism nameplate 1 Type of apparatus 2 Symbols and compliance with Standards 3 Serial number Circuit-breaker characteristics 5 Characteristics of the operating auxiliaries 3. Depozitarea Daca se doreste o depozitare a echipamentelor pentru o perioada mai lunga ambalarea intrerupatoarelor se poate face (la cerere) intr-un ambalaj rezistent la conditiile de depozitare. La receptie echipamentele trebuie despachetate cu atentie iar receptia trebuie realizata in conformitate cu instructiunile de la capitolul 2. Daca instalarea echipamentelor nu se face imediat dupa receptionarea trebuie refacut ambalajul folosindu-se cel existent. La refacerea ambalajului trebuie introduse substante hygroscopice, cel putin un pachet la colet. In cazul in care ambalazul original nu se mai poate folosii, iar instalarea echipamentelor nu se face imediat, se va asigura spatiu de depozitare astfel, un loc acoperit, bine ventilat, uscat, fara praf, fara agenti corozivi, departe de orice material inflamabil si cu temperatura cuprinsa intre 5 C si +5 C. In orice caz, trebuie evitat impactul accidental al intrerupatoarelor. 3. Storage When a period of storage is foreseen, (on request) our workshops can provide suitable packing for the specified storage conditions. On receipt the apparatus must be carefully unpacked and checked as described in Checking on receipt (chap. 2). If immediate installation is not possible, the packing must be replaced, using the original material supplied. La refacerea ambalajului trebuie introduse substante hygroscopice, cel putin un pachet la colet Should the original packing not be available and immediate installation is not possible, store in covered, well-ventilated, dry, dust-free, non-corrosive ambients, away from any flammable materials and at a temperature between 5 C and +5 C. In any case, avoid any accidental impacts or positioning which stresses the structure of the apparatus /002 M /05/2 ro-en - 5/0

8 . Manipularea echipamentelor Inainte de manipularea intrerupatoarelor se verifica pozitia deschis a acestuia si starea nearmat a arcului mecanismului de actionare. Intrerupatoare cu tensiunea nominala de pana la 2 kv Pentru ridicarea si manuirea intrerupatorului, se folosesc carligele (1) (fig. 2a). Agatarea carligelor (2) se face in gaurile cu care este prevazut intrerupatorul. Al termine dell operazione (ed in ogni caso prima della messa in servizio) sganciare l attrezzo di sollevamento (1) (fig. 2b) e smontare la traversa (2) svitando le viti (3). Intrerupatoare cu tensiunea nominala de pana la 36 kv Se foloseste dispozitivul (1) pentru ridicarea si manuirea intrerupatorului (fig. 2c). Se agata carligele (2) ca in fig. 2d si se ridica; La terminarea operatiei se inlatura dispozitivul (1). Intotdeauna trebuie acordata o atentie deosebita pentru a nu fi afectate partile izolante ale intrerupatorului.. Handling Before carrying out any operation, always check that the operating mechanism springs are discharged and that the apparatus is in the open position. Circuit-breakers up to 2 kv To lift and handle the circuit-breaker, use the tool (1) (fig. 2a). Put the hooks (2) in the holes prepared in the circuit-breaker frame and lift. On completion of the operation (and in any case before putting into service) unhook the lifting tool (1) (fig. 2b) and dismantle the crosspiece (2) by unscrewing the screws (3). 36 kv circuit-breakers attach the tools (1) to lift and handle the circuit-breaker (fig. 2c); attach the hooks (2) as illustrated in fig. 2d and lift; on completion of the operation, remove the tools (1). Always take great care during handling not to stress the insulating parts and the circuit-breaker terminals.! La manuirea aparatului nu se vor folosii unelte cu care ridicarea se face altfel decat ceea ce s-a prezentat mai sus.! The apparatus must not be handled by inserting lifting devices directly under the apparatus itself. Should it be necessary to use this method, place the circuit-breaker on a sturdy supporting surface (see fig. 3) Fig. 2a Fig. 2b 6/ /002 M /05/2 ro-en

9 1 Fig. 2c 2 Fig. 2d Fig Descriere 5.1. Caracteristici generale Seria HD sunt intrerupatoare cu hexaflorurade sulf pentru functionare in interior. Pentru determinarea parametrilor electrici ai interupatoarelor folositi catalogul Pentru conditii speciale de instalare contactati ABB. Sunt disponibile urmatoarele variante de intrerupatoare: varianta fixa vaeianta debrosabila pentru caseta CBE varianta debrosabila pentru celule ZS1 varianta debrosabila pentru celule UniSafe. 5. Description 5.1. General features The HD series are sulphur hexafluoride circuit-breakers for indoor installation. For the electrical performance, please refer to the corresponding technical catalogue code For special installation conditions please ask ABB. The following versions are available: fixed withdrawable for CBE enclosures, CBF fixed parts and UniVer C switchboards withdrawable for ZS1switchboards withdrawable for UniSafe switchboards Standarde Intrerupatoarele HDsunt in conformitate cu standardele: IEC pubbl IEC pubbl CEI 17-1 (fasc. 1375) CEI EN 6069 (fasc. 032) CENELEC HD 38 S Reference Standards The HD series circuit-breakers comply with the following Standards: IEC pubbl IEC pubbl CEI 17-1 (file 1375) CEI EN 6069 (file 032) CENELEC HD 38 S /002 M /05/2 ro-en - 7/0

10 5.3. Intrerupatorul varianta fixa Varianta fixa de intrerupator (vezi fig. ) este prevazuta cu o carcasa de protectie pentru elementele de actionare si un cadru de fixare. Gaurile de fixare sunt realizate in partea inferioara a cadrului. Terminalul circuitelor secundare se afla in partea superioara a carcasei de protectie si este reprezentat printr-un sir de cleme. Surubul de punere la pamant este pe partea laterala a intrerupatorului Fixed circuit-breaker The fixed circuit-breaker (see fig. ) corresponds to the basic version complete with a front protection shield and frame. The anchoring holes are drilled in the lower part of the frame. The terminal box, fixed on the upper protection, is available for connection of the circuit-breaker auxiliary circuits. The earthing screw is located on the circuit-breaker side. For further details, refer to the caption of fig.. Intrerupatorul varianta fixa (36 kv) Legenda 1 Dispozitiv de semnalizare presiune SF6 (la cerere) 2 Buton de deschidere 3 Buton de inchidere Contor actionari 5 Dispozitiv de semnalizare pozitie intrerupator 6 Orificiu pentru armare arc de inchidere 7 Dispozitiv de semnalizare stare arc armat/dezarmat 8 Placuta de identificare cu caracteristici 9 Terminale 10 Comutator presiune (la cerere) 11 Valva pentru verificare presiune SF6 12 Buton de resetare pentru protectia motorasului de armare a intrerupatorului (la cerere) Caption 1 Signalling device for state of SF6 pressure (on request) 2 Opening push button 3 Closing push button Operator counter 5 Signalling device for circuit-breaker open/closed 6 Shaft for manual closing spring charging 7 Signalling device for closing springs charged/discharged 8 Characteristics nameplate 9 Terminals 10 Pressure switch (on request) 11 Valve for checking the SF6 gas pressure 12 Resetting button for protection circuit-breaker of geared motor (on request) Fig. 5.. Intrerupatorul varianta debrosabila Intrerupatoarele in varianta debrosabila (vezi fig. 5) sunt disponibile pentru carcasa CBE, celule UniVer C celule ZS1 celule UniSafe. Acestea sunt formate dintr-un carucior pe care este fixata structura suport a intrerupatorului. Tubul cu conductoarele pentru conectarea accesoriilor electrice ale mecanismului de actionare sub scoase afara prin partea superioara a capacului de protectie. Bolturile pentru activarea contactelor (brosat/debrosat), amplasate in partea superioara a casetei CBE sau in celula, sunt fixate in partea superioara a intrerupatorului. 5.. Withdrawable circuit-breaker The withdrawable circuit-breakers (see fig. 5) are available for CBE enclosures, CBF fixed parts, UniVer C switchboards, ZS1 switchboards and UniSafe switchboards. They consist of a truck on which the supporting structure of the circuit-breaker itself is fixed. The cord with the connector (plug) for connection of the operating mechanism electrical accessories comes out of the front protection of the circuit-breaker. The strikers for activating the contacts (connected/isolated), located in the CBE enclosure or in the switchboard, are fixed in the top part of the circuit-breaker. The slides for activating the segregation shutters of the medium voltage contacts of the enclosure or switchboard are fixed on the sides of the circuitbreaker. The crosspiece for hooking the circuit-breaker for the connection/isolation operation by means of the special operating lever is mounted on the front part of the circuit-breaker truck. 8/ /002 M /05/2 ro-en

11 Intrerupatorul este prevazut cu contacte tulipa izolate. Intrerupatorul debrosabil sunt prevazute cu blocaje speciale, pe traversa frontala, care permit agatarea in articulatiilor corespunzatoare in caseta. Blocajele pot fi activate doar cu manileva cu caruciorul asezat complet pe traversa. Manivela de brosare/debrosare trebuie introdusa complet. Un blojat previne avansarea caruciorului in caseta (de exemplu cand separatorul de punere la pamant este inchis). Daca caruciorul este in pozitie intermediara blocajul previne inchiderea intrerupatorului (mecanic sau electric). La cerere, poate fi prevazut un magnet de blocare care, cand este nealimentat, impiedica actionarea caruciorului. The circuit-breaker is completed with the tulip isolating contacts. The withdrawable circuit-breaker is fitted with special locks, on the front crosspiece, which allow hooking into the corresponding joints in the enclosure or fixed part. The locks can only be activated by the handles with the truck resting completely on the crosspiece. The activating lever (connection/isolation) must be fully inserted. A lock prevents the truck from advancing into the enclosure or fixed part (for example when the earthing switch is closed). With the truck in the middle position between isolated and connected, the lock prevents closure of the circuitbreaker (both mechanical and electrical). On request, a locking magnet can be mounted on the truck which, when de-energised, prevents truck operation (36 kv) Legenda 1 Dispozitiv de semnalizare presiune SF6 (la cerere) 2 Buton de deschidere 3 Buton de inchidere Contor numar actionari 5 Dispozitiv de semnalizare pozitie intrerupator deschis/inchis 6 Orificiu pentru armare manuala a arcului 7 Dispozitiv de semnalizare stare arc de inchidere armat/nearmat 8 Placuta cu parametrii intrerupatorului 9 Contacte izolate 10 Supapa presiune (la cerere) 11 Valva pentru verificare presiune SF6 12 Dispozitiv de actionare a obloanelor casetei 13 Carucior 1 Blocaje pentru fixare in pozitie brosat 15 Blocaj pentru activare maneta 16 Bolturi pentru activarea contactelor localizate in caseta 17 Conector (cu pini) 18 Buton de resetare pentru intrerupatorul de protectie al motorasului de armare (la cerere) Caption 1 Signalling device for state of SF6 pressure (on request) 2 Opening push button 3 Closing push button Operator counter 5 Signalling device for circuit-breaker open/closed 6 Shaft for manual closing spring charging 7 Signalling device for closing springs charged/discharged 8 Characteristics nameplate 9 Isolating contacts 10 Pressure switch (on request) 11 Valve for checking the SF6 gas pressure 12 Slide for activating the enclosure shutters 13 Truck 1 Locks for hooking into the fixed part 15 Lock activating handles (17) 16 Strikers for activating the contacts located in the enclosure 17 Connector (plug) 18 Resetting button for protection circuit-breaker of geared motor (on request) Intrerupator debrosabil Figura prezinta versiunea pentru celula tip UniVer. Fig. 5 Withdrawable circuit-breaker. The figure shows the version for UniVer C switchboard Caseta tip CBE Pentru informatii referitoare la caseta CBE va rugam sa consultati documentatia referitoare la aceasta CBE enclosures and CBF fixed parts For information about the CBE enclosures and CBF fixed parts, please consult the relative documentation /002 M /05/2 it-en - 9/0

12 6. Instructiuni pentru operarea intrerupatorului 6.1. Indicatii pentru protectia muncii! Intrerupatorul HD asigura un grad minim de protectie de IP2X daca este instalat in urmatoarele conditii: versiunea fixa, cu sistem de protectie versiunea debrosabila, instalat in celula. In aceste conditii, operatorul este complet protejat impotriva contactului accidental cu partile in miscare. Daca trebuie realizata o operatie cu intrerupatorul scos din celula sau cu sistemul de protectie nerealizat, trebuie asigurata o atentie marita la orice parte aflata in miscare. Daca anumite operatii nu pot fi realizate trebuie verificat ce secventa acestora este corecta si nu se forteaza interblocajele mecanice. Operatiile de brosare si de debrosare trebuie realizate gradual pentru a se prevenii orice impact care poate deforma interblocajele mecanice. 6. Instructions for circuit-breaker operation 6.1. Safety indications! HD circuit-breakers ensure a minimum degree of protection IP2X if installed under the following conditions: fixed version, with protection netting withdrawable version, installed in a switchboard. Under these conditions, the operator is fully guaranteed against accidental contact with moving parts. Should any mechanical operations be carried out on the circuit-breaker outside the switchboard or with the protection netting removed, be very careful of any moving parts. If the operations are prevented, do not force the mechanical interlocks and check that the operation sequence is correct. The racking-in and racking-out operations of the circuit-breaker must be carried out gradually to prevent any impacts which might deform the mechanical interlocks Dispozitivele de actioanare si semnalizare 6.2. Operating and signalling parts Legenda 1 Dispozitiv de semnalizare presiune SF6 (la cerere) 2 Buton de deschidere 3 Buton de inchidere Contor numar actionari 5 Buton de resetare pentru intrerupatorul de protectie al motorasului de armare 6 Orificiu pentru armarea manuala 1 a arcului 7 Dispozitiv de semnalizare pentru 2 starea arcului de inchidere 3 8 Dispozitiv de semnalizare pentru pozitie intrerupator deschis/inchis 7 Caption 1 Signalling device for state of SF6 pressure (on request) 2 Opening push button 3 Closing push button Operator counter 5 Resetting button for protection circuit-breaker of geared motor (on request) 6 Shaft for manual closing spring charging 7 Signalling device for closing springs charged/discharged 8 Signalling device for circuitbreaker open/closed Dispozitive de actionare si semnalizare. Operating and signalling parts. Fig. 6 10/ /002 M /05/2 ro-en

13 6.3. Manevrele de inchidere si deschidere ale intrerupatorului (fig. 6) Actionarea intrerupatorului poate fi facuta manual sau electric. a) Armarea manuala a arcului Pentru armarea manuala a arcului de inchidere, este necesara introducerea completa a manivelei in orificiul (6) si invartirea in sensul acelor de ceasornic pana apare indicatia (7). Forta ce trebuie in mod normal aplicata este de 130N si nu trebuie sa depaseasca 170N Circuit-breaker closing and opening operations (fig. 6) Circuit-breaker operation can be manual or electrical. a) Manual operation for spring charging To manually charge the closing springs, it is necessary fully insert the charging lever into the seat (6) and turn it clockwise until the yellow indicator (7) appears. The force which can normally be applied to the charging lever fitted is 130 N. In any case, the maximum force which can be applied must not exceed 170 N. b) Armarea electrica a arcului La cerere intrerupatoarele pot fi prevazute cu urmatoarele accesorii pentru actionare electrica: motoras de actionare pentru armarea automata a arcului de inchidere bobina de anclansare bobina de declansare Motorasul de actionare armeaza arcul automat dupe fiecare operatie de inchidere. Daca tensiunea de alimentare dispare motorasul de actionare porneste automat la reaparitia tensiunii auxiliare. Este deasemenea posibil a se termina armarea manuala a arcului. b) Electrical operation for spring charging On request the circuit-breaker can be fitted with the following accessories for electrical operation: geared motor for automatic charging of the closing springs shunt closing release shunt opening release. The geared motor automatically recharges the springs after each closing operation until the yellow indicator (7) appears. Should there be no voltage during charging, the geared motor stops and then starts recharging the springs automatically when the voltage is on again. It is, however, always possible to complete the charging operation manually. c) Inchiderea intrerupatorului Aceasta operatie poate fi realizata doar daca arcul de inchidere este complet armat. Pentru inchiderea manuala se apasa butonul (3). Daca intrerupatorul este prevazut cu o bobina de anclansare inchiderea se poate realiza de la distanta printr-un circuit de control. Indicatorul () confirma inchiderea intreruptorului. In cazul in care caruciorul a fost pus la pamant, se activeaza cheia de blocare (in pozitia inchis) si se scoate. Aceasta va prevenii deschiderea accidentala in timpul operatiilor de mentenanta. d) Deschiderea intrerupatorului Pentru deschiderea manuala se apasa butonul (2). Daca intrerupatorul este prevazut cu o bobina de declasare aceasta manevra poate fi realizata si de la distanta. Indicatorul () confirma deschiderea intrerupatorului. c) Circuit-breaker closing This operation can only be carried out with the closing springs completely charged. For manual closing, push the push button (3). When there is a shunt closing release, the operation can also be carried out with remote control by means of a control circuit. The indicator () shows that closing has been accomplished. In case of earthing truck with making capacity, activate the key lock (in the closed position) and remove the key. This is to prevent accidental opening operations during any maintenance work on the installation. d) Circuit-breaker opening For manual opening, push the push button (2). When there is a shunt opening release, the operation can also be carried out with remote control by means of a control circuit. The indicator () shows that opening has been accomplished /002 M /05/2 ro-en - 11/0

14 7. Instalarea 7. Installation 7.1. Generalitati Instalarea corecta este foarte importanta. Si din acest motiv instructiunile date de catre furnizor trebuie urmarite si aplicate cu strictete. In timpul instalarii se recomanda a folosii manusi pentru manevrarea diferitelor parti componente.!! 7.1. General Correct installation is of prime importance. The instructions given by the manufacturer must be carefully studied and followed. It is good practice to use gloves to handle the pieces during installation Conditii normale de instalare Temperatura maxima admisibila + 0 C Temperatura minima admisibila 5 C Umiditatea relativa % < 95 Altitudine < 1000 m 7.2. Normal installation conditions Maximum ambient air temperature + 0 C Minimum ambient air temperature 5 C Relative humidity % < 95 Altitude < 1000 m Poate fi necesara ventilarea camerei in care se face instalarea. Pentru alte conditii de instalare, va rugam sa urmati indicatiile din Standerdele (IEC 6069). Pentru cerinte de instalare speciale va rugam sa ne contactati. Zonele in care apar treceri cu conductoare electrice trebuie protejate impotriva accesului animalelor care ar putea cauza stricaciuni sau functionarea anormala a instalatiilor. It must be possible to ventilate the installation room. For other installation conditions, please follow what is indicated in the product Standards (IEC 6069). For special installation requirements please contact us. The areas affected by the passage of power conductors or auxiliary circuit conductors must be protected against the possible access of animals which could cause damage or anomalous service Operatii preliminare A se curata partile izolante cu o carpa uscata si curata. A se verifica ca terminalul superior si cel inferior sunt curate si nu prezinta deformari cauzate de lovituri in timpul transportului sau depozitarii Preliminary operations Clean the insulating parts with clean dry rags. Check that the upper and lower terminals are clean and free of any deformation caused by shocks received during transport or storage. 7.. Instalarea intrerupatorului in varianta fixa Intrerupatorul se poate monta direct pe suportul pus la dispozitie de catre client. Intrerupatorul, completat cu caruciorul suport, trebuie fixat podeaua compartimentului cu tije speciale. Partile suprafetei pe care circula rotile caruciorului trebuie sa fie perfect nivelate. Zonele pe care rotile cadrului suport sau ale caruciorului circula trebuie sa fie in acelas plan orizontal pentru a preintampina orice risc de disporsionare in suportul intrerupatorului. Trebuie asigurat un grad minim de protectie (IP2X) de la partea frontala la partile sub tensiune. 7.. Installation of fixed circuit-breaker The circuit-breaker can be mounted directly on the supporting frames provided by the customer. The circuit-breaker, complete with supporting truck, must be fixed to the floor of its compartment with special brackets. The parts of the floor surface on which the truck wheels rest must be perfectly level. The areas on which the supporting frames or truck wheels rest (if a truck is provided) must be on the same horizontal plane to avoid any risk of distortion in the breaker frame. Fit the isolating partitions if provided. A minimum degree of protection (IP2X) must be guaranteed from the front towards live parts Instalarea intrerupatorului in var. debrosabila Intrerupatoarele debrosabile sunt pregatite pentru instalare casetele CBE sau diferite tipuri de celule. Introducerea sau tragerea intrerupatorului trebuie facuta gradual pentru a prevenii orice soc care ar putea deforma interblocajele mecanice. Daca nu este posibila actionarea intrerupatorului, acesta nu trebuie fortat si trebuie verificat daca secventa de actionare este corecta. Forta necesara pentru tragerea/introducerea intrerupatorului este de 260N. In cazuri extreme, forta ce trebuie aplicata nu trebuie sa depaseasca 00N Installation of withdrawable c.-breaker The withdrawable circuit-breakers are preset for insertion in CBE enclosures, in CBE fixed parts or in the corresponding switchboards. Insertion and racking-out of the circuit-breakers must be gradual to avoid any shocks which could deform the mechanical interlocks. If the operations are prevented, do not force the interlocks and check that the operating sequence is correct. The force normally applicable to the insertion/racking-out lever is 260 N. In any case, the maximum applicable force must never exceed 00 N. 12/ /002 M /05/2 ro-en

15 In cazul intrerupatoarelor instalate in caseta sau in celula va rugam sa consultati etapele de instalare prezentate in materialele tehnice corespunzatoare echipamntului. ATENTIE! Brosarea si debrosarea intrerupatorului se face doar daca acesta este in pozitie deschis. Please also refer to the technical documentation of the enclosures and switchboards for the circuit-breaker installation operations. CAUTION! The insertion and racking-out operations must always be carried out with the circuit-breaker open Realizarea conexiunilor de putere pentru intrerupatorul in varianta fixa Informatii generale Toate conectarile la terminalele interupatorului trebuie facute folosindu-se materiale cu bune caracteristici electrice. Sectiunea conductorului se alege tinand cont de curentul nominal si curentul de scurtcircuit al instalatiei. In apropierea terminalelor intrerupatorului varianta fixa sau in caseta, vor fi prevazute izolatoare suport dimensionate in conformitate cu cu solicitarile electrodinamice care pot aparea datorita curentului de scurtcircuit din instalatia electrica Fixed circuit-breaker power circuit connections General directions The connections must be made using only the squaresterminals supplied with the circuit-breaker. Select the conductor cross-section according to the operating and short-circuit current of the installation. Near the terminals of fixed version circuit-breakers or enclosure, provide suitable support insulators dimensioned according to the electrodynamic stresses that may arise from the short-circuit current of the installation. Fit the isolating partitions if provided Realizarea conexiunilor A se verifica ca suprafata de contact a partilor de contact sunt perfect drepte si nu prezinta parti oxidate sau deformari datorate unor eventuale impacturi sau datorate gauriri. In functie de materialul conductiv si de modul de tratare a suprafetelor, se va tine cont de indicatiile prezentate in tabelul de mai jos Mounting the connections Check that the connection contact surfaces are perfectly flat and have no burrs, oxidation traces, or deformations due to drillings or impacts. Depending on the conductive material and surface treatment used, carry out the operations indicated in the table on the contact surface of the conductor. Rame nudo Bara de cupru Pulire con lima fine o con tela smeriglio. Serrare a fondo e ricoprire le superfici di contatto con grasso tipo 5RX Moly. Rame o alluminio argentato Cupru sau aluminiu placat cu argint Pulire con panno ruvido e asciutto. Solo in caso di tracce di ossidazione tenaci, pulire con tela smeriglio a grana finissima avendo cura di non asportare lo strato superficiale. Se necessario ripristinare il trattamento superficiale. Alluminio nudo Bara de aluminiu Pulire con spazzola metallica o tela smeriglio. Ricoprire subito le superfici di contatto con grasso neutro. Inserire tra la connessione in alluminio e il terminale in rame il bimetallo rame-alluminio con superfici ravvivate (lato rame in contatto con il terminale; lato alluminio in contatto con la connessione). Se curata cu un material fin sau cu smirghel. Se unge suprafata cu material uleios de tip vasilina Se curata cu o carpa uscata si dura. Se curata cu o perie sau cu smirghel In cazul in care suprafata de contact este Imediat se aplica un strat de vasilina conductiva pe oxidata, se foloseste un smirghel fin dar cu toata suprafata de contact. atentie pentru a nu se inlatura stratul de argint Se interpune un bi-metal cupru-aluminiu intre conexiunile Daca este necesar se va reface suprafata de argint de aluminiu si cele din cupru Proceduri de montare Se vor realiza conectarile intre partile metalice si terminalale intrerupatorului. Se vor folosii saibe intre suruburile de strangere si partile de conexiune. Se va aplica un moment de strangere de 150Nm pentru suruburile M16 si trebuie avut grija a nu se solicita partile izolante Trebuie avut grija ca conexiunile metalice sa nu introduca forte suplimentare in terminalele intrerupatorului. In cazul folosirii conexiunilor in cablu trebuie urmate cu strictete instructiunile de instalare a capetelor terminale pentru cablu. Mounting procedures Place the connections in contact with the circuit-breaker terminals. Interpose a spring washer and a flat washer between the head of the bolt and the connection. Apply a tightening torque of 150 Nm for M16 pivots and take care not to stress the insulating parts. Make sure that the connections do not exert forces on the terminals. In case of cable connections, carefully follow the manufacturer s instructions for making the cable terminals /002 M /05/2 ro-en - 13/0

16 7.7. Punerea la pamant Pentru varianta fixa a intrerupatoarelor se va realiza conectarea la surubul marcat cu simbolul de punere la pamant. Se va curata si degresa zona de contact cu un diametru de circa 30 mm. Dupa realizarea conexiunii se va acoperii zona respectiva cu vasilina. Pentru alegerea conductorului de punere la pamant se va tine cont de standardele in vigoare Earthing For fixed version circuit-breakers, use the screw marked with the relative symbol to effect the earthing. Clean and degrease the surrounding area for a diameter of about 30 mm. After completion of the assembly, cover the entire joint with vaseline. Use a conductor (busbar or braid) with a cross-section as indicated in the Standards in force Conectarea circuitelor auxiliare Note Valoare minima a sectiunii conductoarelor folosite pentru circuitele secundare nu trebuie sa fie mai mica decat sectiune conductoarlor folosite in interiorul intrerupatorului Aceste conductoare trebuie testata inainte de instalare cu 3kV ca tensiune de test Auxiliary circuit connection Notes The minimum cross-section of the wires used for the auxiliary circuits must not be less than that used for internal wirings. They must also be insulated for 3 kv test voltage. Before carrying out the connection of the auxiliary circuits, it is advisable to check the selected type of automatism provided for operation of the pressure switch (if provided) referring to the latest technical documentation supplied by ABB Intrerupatorul in varianta fixa Conectarea circuitelor auxiliare ale intrerupatorului trebuie facuta prin intermediul unei cutii terminala montata pe intrerupator. In afara intrerupatorului circuitele vor fi trase prin conducte sau prin canal de cabluri Fixed circuit-breaker The connection of the circuit-breaker auxiliary circuits must be made via the terminal box mounted on the circuit-breaker structure. Outside the circuit-breaker the wires must run inside appropriately earthed metal tubes or ducts. Inainte de inlaturarea capacului mecanismului de actionare pentru acces la cutia terminala, se verifica ca intrerupatorul este deschis si arcul este nearmat!! Before removing the operating mechanism cover to access the terminal box, make sure that the circuitbreaker is open and the closing springs discharged Intrerupatorul debrosabil Circuitele secundare ale intrerupatorului debrosabil sunt complet cablate din fabrica. Trebuie tinut cont de schemele de circuite secundare ale casetei sau ale celulelor in care sunt montate intrerupatoarele Withdrawable circuit-breaker The auxiliary circuits of the withdrawable circuit-breaker are fully cabled in the factory as far as the connector. For the external connections, please refer to the electric diagram of the CBE enclosure or of the switchboard. 1/ /002 M /05/2 ro-en

17 7.9. Dimensiuni de gabarit Intrerupatorul in varianta fixa 7.9. Overall dimensions Fixed circuit-breakers Type HD TN 7177 Ur 12 kv Ir 630 A 1250 A 1600 A Isc 16 ka 25 ka 31,5 ka Type HD TN 7178 Ur 12 kv 17,5 kv Ir 630 A 1250 A 1600 A Isc 16 ka 25 ka 31,5 ka 67016/002 M /05/2 ro-en - 15/0

18 Intrerupatorul in varianta fixa Fixed circuit-breakers Type HD TN 7163 Ur 12 kv 17,5 kv Ir 1600 A Isc 0 ka 50 ka HD TN 7163 Ur 12 kv 17,5 kv Ir 2000 A Isc 25 ka 50 ka Type HD TN 7165 Ur 12 kv 17,5 kv Ir 2500 A 3150 A 3600 A 000 A Isc 25 ka 50 ka HD TN 7165 Ur 2 kv Ir 2500 A 3150 A 3600 A 000 A Isc 25 ka 0 ka Setti isolanti a cura del cliente (disponibile apposito Kit a richiesta) La cerere se pot furniza si partile izolante. 16/ /002 M /05/2 ro-en

19 Intrerupatorul in varianta fixa Fixed circuit-breakers Type HD TN 7179 Ur 2 kv Ir 630 A 1250 A 1600 A Isc 16 ka 20 ka 25 ka YU YU Q Type HD TN 722 Ur 2 kv Ir 630 A 1250 A 1600 A Isc 16 ka 20 ka 25 ka A 1600A A 67016/002 M /05/2 ro-en - 17/0

20 YU YU Intrerupatorul in varianta fixa Fixed circuit-breakers Type HD TN 717 Ur 2 kv Ir 1600 A Isc 32 ka 0 ka o HD TN 717 Ur 2 kv Ir 2000 A Isc 25 ka 0 ka Type HD/ESB Con carrello Cu carucior TN 7180 Ur 2 kv Ir 1250 A Isc 20 ka TN * 50 : * / /002 M /05/2 ro-en

21 Intrerupatorul in varianta fixa Fixed circuit-breakers X Type HD Con carrello Cu carucior TN 7268 Ur 36 kv Ir 1250 A 2000 A Isc 20 ka 31,5 ka * *705 *765 *805 * 333 * 2x *13 * *13 *355 *516. *200 * * * * *887 Type HD Con carrello Cu carucior TN 721 Ur 36 kv Ir 630 A 1250 A 1600 A Isc 16 ka 20 ka x *.9 * * 13 *855 *915 *955 * * 13 *0 *355 *516. *200 * /002 M /05/2 ro-en - 19/0

22 YU YU Intrerupatorul in varianta fixa Fixed circuit-breakers Type HD Con carrello Cu carucior TN 7315 Ur 36 kv Ir 2500 A Isc 20 ka 31,5 ka X * 1065 Q * 705 * 765 * 805 * 333 * 2x * 13 *0 * 355 * * 13 * * 17 * 85 20/ /002 M /05/2 ro-en

23 Intrerupatorul in caseta CBE Plug-in circuit-breakers for CBE enclosures and CBF fixed parts Type HD/C TN 718 Per CBE11 CBF11 Ur 12 kv 17,5 kv Ir 630 A 1250 A Isc 16 ka 25 ka 31,5 ka Type HD/C TN 7151 Per CBE21 CBF21 Ur 12 kv 17,5 kv Ir 1250 A Isc 0 ka 50 ka Type HD TN 7151 Per CBE21 CBF21 Ur 12 kv 17,5 kv Ir 1600 A Isc 25 ka 50 ka 67016/002 M /05/2 ro-en - 21/0

24 Q60 Intrerupatorul in caseta CBE Plug-in circuit-breakers for CBE enclosures and CBF fixed parts Type HD/C TN 7153 Per CBE31 Ur 12 kv 17,5 kv Ir 2000 A Isc 25 ka 50 ka Type HD/C TN 7155 Per CBE31 Ur 12 kv 17,5 kv Ir 2500 A Isc 25 ka 50 ka x Solo per 17 kv YU YU / /002 M /05/2 ro-en

25 Intrerupatorul in caseta CBE Plug-in circuit-breakers for CBE enclosures and CBF fixed parts Type HD/C TN 7186 Per CBE1 CBF1 Ur 2 kv Ir 630 A 1250 A Isc 16 ka 20 ka 25 ka Type HD/C TN 7156 Per CBE1 CBF1 Ur 2 kv Ir 1250 A Isc 31,5 ka 0 ka /002 M /05/2 ro-en - 23/0

26 Intrerupatorul in caseta CBE Plug-in circuit-breakers for CBE enclosures and CBF fixed parts Type HD/C TN 7157 Per CBE51 Ur 2 kv Ir 1600 A Isc 25 ka 0 ka Type HD/C TN 7158 Per CBE51 Ur 2 kv Ir 2000 A Isc 25 ka 0 ka / /002 M /05/2 ro-en

27 Intrerupatorul in caseta CBE Plug-in circuit-breakers for CBE enclosures and CBF fixed parts x 80 Type HD/C TN 7159 Per CBE51 Ur 2 kv Ir 2500 A Isc 25 ka 0 ka /002 M /05/2 ro-en - 25/0

28 Intrerupatorul debrosabil pentru celule UniClad Plug-in circuit-breakers for UniClad switchboards Type HD/Z TN 7272 Ur 12 kv 17,5 kv Ir 630 A 1250 A Isc 16 ka 25 ka 31,5 ka MAX Q Type HD/Z TN 7285 Ur 12 kv 17,5 kv Ir 1250 A 1600 A Isc 25 ka 50 ka Q / /002 M /05/2 ro-en

29 Intrerupatorul debrosabil pentru celule UniClad Plug-in circuit-breakers for UniClad switchboards Type HD/Z TN 728 Ur 12 kv 17,5 kv Ir 2000 A Isc 25 ka 50 ka Type HD/Z TN 7283 Ur 12 kv 17,5 kv Ir 2500 A Isc 25 ka 50 ka Q /002 M /05/2 ro-en - 27/0

30 Intrerupatorul debrosabil pentru celule UniSafe Plug-in circuit-breakers for UniSafe switchboards Type HD/W TN 7229 Ur 12 kv 17,5 kv Ir 630 A 1250 A Isc 16 ka 25 ka 31,5 ka Q Type HD/W TN 7182 Ur 12 kv 17,5 kv Ir 630 A 1250 A Isc 16 ka 25 ka 31,5 ka / /002 M /05/2 ro-en

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