Kiirtoidu seadmete hinnakiri

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1 Kiirtoidu seadmete hinnakiri FKI Fast Food Teknik a/s Turustaja Eestis 2018

2 Teekond õnnelike klientideni kiirtoiduäris FKI on spetsialiseerunud kiirtoiduseadmete arendamisele ja tootmisele. Tootja eesmärk on vähendada stressirohke töö olukordi efektiivsete ja lihtsate seadmetega, mis on töökindlad ja selge ülesehitusega. Klienti huvitab eelkõige kiire teenindus ja ideaalselt valmistatud söök - seda nii bensiinijaamades, teenindusjaamades kui ka kioskites. FKI tehasel on professionaalsete köökide varustamisel 50-aastane kogemus. Arendustöö tulemusel on saavutuseks turuliidri positsioon Skandinaavia turul. Pakume ka "käsitöö"-lahendusi Meie tugeva postisiooni taga on lähendane kliendisuhe. Tunneme hästi restoranide ja kiirtoidu söögikohtade töötingimusi, mistõttu loome seadmeid, mis töötavad lihtsalt, turvaliselt ja kiirelt. Ka kogemusteta uued töötajad saavad seadmete tööga lihtsalt hakkama. Kui vajatakse erilahendusi ja uusi kontseptsioone, sekkume aktiivselt seadmete arendustöösse. Oleme seda pidevalt teinud nii edasimüüjate kui lõppkasutajatega. Meie loodud on automaatsed elektri väljalülitamise lahendused vahvlimasinatele ja rösteritele. Meie tootmine toimub Taanis ning standardtoodetele on olemas pidev laovaru koheseks tarneks. Pakume head garantiiteenindust kõikdes riikides kus me opereerime läbi kvalifitseeritud ja sertifitseeritud tehnilise personali. FKI'l on tugev oskusteave ja pikk kogemus, et sind aidata. The road to happy customers in the fast-food industry At FKI we focus on developing and supplying equipment that provides efficiency, calm and clarity in fastfood restaurants even in stressful working situations. Our equipment is designed to allow employees to give the restaurant guests quick service and deliver a perfectly prepared meal, every time. This is always our aim, whether we re supplying complete solutions to petrol stations or equipment to independent takeaways. FKI has more than 50 years experience of developing and manufacturing equipment for the professional preparation of fast food. We have been deve- loping our business for many years, and as a result we are a leader in the industry today. We also offer custom solutions We have achieved our strong position by staying in close touch with our customers. We understand working conditions in restaurants and we develop products that make the work easy, safe and fast, so the guests get the best experience even when the equipment is operated by new, inexperienced employees. If special solutions or concepts are required, we get actively involved in developing equipment appropriate for the task. Often we develop these in close cooperation with our dealers and users. For example, we have developed waffle irons, radiant batch toasters and an energy-saving function for toasters with automatic power-off. At FKI, you will meet experienced industry professionals and get fast responses to your enquiries. We have our own production facilities in Denmark and standard products in stock available for immediate delivery. We offer a warranty on all our products, and ensure efficient operation through a nationwide network of service engineers with specialised training and certification from FKI. FKI are always ready to help with solid experience and a high level of expertise. FKI loodi 1958-ndal aastal Flemming K. Ibsen.'i poolt 1991-sel aastal vahetus firma nimi FKI Fast Food Teknik'uks ning uueks omanikuks sai Ingvard Poulsen koos 3 finantsinvestoriga ndatel aastatel suurenes roosteavabast terasest valmistatud hot-dog moodulite, bistroode, restoranide, hotellide ja teenindusjaamade arv pidevalt nii Taanis kui ka väljaspool nda aasta oktoobris liikus FKI peamaja suurematesse ruumidesse Verninge'sse ning enamuse osakapitalist omandas Ingvard Poulsen. Pärast 2004-nda aasta laienemist toimetab ettevõte 2500 ruutmeetrisel pinnal ndal aastal võttis perekonna noorem põlvkond eesotsas Søren Poulsen'iga tegevjuhtimise üle. Ettevõte on jätkuvatl domineeriv tegija frittimis ja kõpsetusseadmete turul Põhja-Euroopas. FKI on esindatud mitmes Euroopa riigis läbi oskuslike edasimüüjate. Eestis on FKI seadmete hooldusega tegelenud Jungent pea 15 aastat ning alates 2015-ndast aastast saanud ametlikuks edasimüüjaks FKI was founded in 1958 by Flemming K. Ibsen. In 1991 the company changed the name to FKI Fast Food Teknik, when Ingvard Poulsen together with three other investors choose to take over the bankrupted FKI Stålinventar. The same year the company was moved from Rødovre to Funen. In the 1990 s the export market of stainless inventory for hot dog stands, bistros, restaurants and hotels not to mention service stations grew increasingly and the market shares for FKI outside Denmark grew as well. In October 1997 FKI moved headquarter to bigger premises at Byghøjvej 5 in Verninge, where it is placed today. Ingvard Poulsen took over the majority of the share capital. The company increased and in 2004 another factory was built and today the company covers an area of almost 2500 square meters. In 2007 second generation Søren Poulsen was appointed as Managing Director along with the daily responsibility. Today the company is dominant at the Northern European market for frying and cooking equipment along with accessories for the fast food industry. Furthermore FKI is represented in several European countries and co-operates with many well-qualified and committed distributors all over the world.

3 SISUKORD CONTENT GL (Grilling Line) PRAADIMINE FRYING Kontaktgrill... Contact grill Konveiergrill... Conveyor grill... 5 Plaatgrill... Grill plate GL (Grilling Line) GRILLIMINE GRILLING CL (Cooking Line) Vorstigrill.... Sausagegrill Rullgrill... Rollergrill TOIDU VALMISTAMINE COOKING Seadmed... Cooking equipment TL (Toasting Line) SAIA RÖSTIMINE BREAD TOASTING Konveier-röster... Conveyor toaster Kontaktgrill... Kontaktgrill Kiirgrill... Radiant batch toaster Rotogrill... Rototoaster Kvartsahi... Quartsoven FKE / FKA FRITTIMINE DEEP FRYING Friomat fritüür... Friomat deep fryer Kartulifritüür... Chips heater Fritüür analoog-termostaadiga... Deep fryer with analogue thermostat SOOJENDAMINE HEATING Soojendusseadmed... Heating equipment SL (Serving Line) SERVEERIMINE SERVING Serveerimisseadmed... Serving equipment EL (Equipment Line) LISATARVIKUD... ACCESSORIES

4 PRAADIMINE FRYING Automaatsed kontaktgrillid Turbomatic kontaktgrilliga on lihtne ja turvaline praadida burgereid õieti. Praadimine on kiire sest toimub kuumutamine alt ja ülevalt korraga. Igale grilltsoonile saab programmeerida erineva küpsetusaja ning ülemistele-alumistele plaatidele saab määrata erineva küpsetustemperatuuri. Alarm annab märku kui praadimine on lõppenud 4 mudelit sama kõrge kvaliteet Turbomatic kontaktgrill on valmistatud roostevabast terasest ning seda on lihtne kasutada ja puhastada. Robustne konstruktsioon tagab minimaalse hooldusvajaduse. Saadaval erinevad suurused ja praadimispinnad. GL 9002 GL 9001 Automatic contact grill The Turbomatic contact grill makes it simple and safe to fry burgers correctly. The frying is fast and efficient because the grill fries on both the top and bottom skillets. On the display you can programme different cooking times for each of the grill s zones, and the temperature can be set for both the top and bottom skillets. An alarm notifies you when the frying is completed. Four models same high quality The Turbomatic contact grill is made of stainless steel and is simple to use and easy to clean. The robust construction ensures minimal maintenance. Available in four models with different sizes and combinations of frying surfaces. Praadimispind (L x S) Frying surface (W x D) Küpsetusvõimsus** Capacity** GL x 630 x 480/680* mm 385 x 430 mm 400V / 9kW ,- GL x 630 x 480/680* mm 385 x 430 mm 3x230V / 9kW ,- GL x 630 x 480/680* mm 590 x 430 mm 400V / 14kW ,- GL x 630 x 480/680* mm 590 x 430 mm 3x230V / 14kW ,- GL x 630 x 480/680* mm 385 x 430 mm 400V / 10kW ,- GL x 630 x 480/680* mm 385 x 430 mm 3x230V / 10kW ,- GL x 730 x 480/680* mm 460 x 460 mm 400V / 11kW ,- GL 9003 Euro *Ülemine kontaktgrill on avatud When the top pan is up **200-grammiste burgerite arv tunnis I No. of 200 gram burgers per hour 4 Lisatarvikuid vaata lehelt 24 I Accessories for contact grill - see page 24

5 PRAADIMINE - FRYING Kontaktgrill Kui soovid küpsetamist kontrollida käsitsi, sobib kõige paremini kontaktgrill. Kõpsetamine toimub kiiresti, sest ülemine ja alumine grillpind on mõlemad kuumad. Grilli võimsus ja kvaliteet on esmaklassilised - see on tehtud roostevabast terasest ning suurepäraselt viimistletud. Manual contact grill If you wish to control the frying manually, an FKI manual turbo fryer is the solution for you. The frying is fast and efficient because the grill fries on both the top and bottom skillets. The quality and strength are first-class the grill is made of stainless steel with a fantastic finish. GL 2002 Praadimispind (L x S) Frying surface (W x D) Küpsetusvõimsus** Capacity** GL x 570 x 210/700* mm 450 x 390 mm 400V / 6,6kW ,- GL x 570 x 210/700* mm 450 x 390 mm 3x230V*** / 6,6kW ,- Euro *Ülemine kontaktgrill on avatud When the top pan is up **200-grammiste burgerite arv tunnis I No. of 200 gram burgers per hour ***230V Norra jaoks I 230V for Norway GLBT-UKV Konveiergrill Mõeldud ainult sügavkülmtoodete jaoks. Konveiergrill küpsetab 200 grammist lahtilõigatud burgeri 1 minutiga ja teeb seda konveiermmetodil. Konveierilindi kiirust on võimalik varieerida vastavalt tootele. Temperatuurivahemik on C-ni. Väljatõmbeventilatsiooni vajadus puudub Konveiergrilli saab kasutada koheselt ilma ventilatsioonisüsteemi välja ehitamata. Seadmesse on sisse ehitatud patenteeritud õhupuhastussüsteem. See eemaldab küpsetuslõhnad läbi filtrisüsteemi nii, et tööruumi ei eraldu halba lõhna. Seetõttu sobib seade suurepäraselt benssinijaama, teenindusjaama ja mujale, kuhu on raske ventilatsioonisüsteemi paigaldada. Conveyor grill Only for frozen products. The conveyor grill fries a set of 200 gram hamburgers to perfection every minute. The machine has variable belt speeds, providing perfect frying results regardless of which products you are frying. The temperature can also be adjusted from C. No need for external extraction The conveyor grill is ready to use without external extraction. The machine has a patented, inbuilt air-filtration system. The system removes frying smells via filters, so no unpleasant odours are left in the room. This makes the conveyor grill perfect for petrol stations, convenience stores and other places where it is difficult or impossible to set up extraction fans. Kapacitet* Capacity* GLBT-UKV V 450 x 750 x 700 mm 400V / 5,7kW ,- GLBT-UKV V 450 x 750 x 700 mm 3x230V*** / 5,7kW ,- *Sõltub hamburgerite suurusest I Depends of the hamburger size ***230V Norra jaoks I 230V for Norway Lisatarvikuid vaata lehelt 26 I Accessories for conveyor grill - see page 26 5

6 PRAADIMINE - FRYING Plaatgrillid Lihtne kasutada, kerge puhastada ja tugeva konstruktsiooniga. Konstruktsioon on valmistatud roostevabast terasest ning viimistletud ümarate servadega. Termostaadi reguleerimisvahemik C Maxi plaatgrill Suure tootlikkusega plaatgrilli tööpind on 890 x 485 mm. Plaatgrilli temperatuuri on võimalik reguleerida 2 või 3 tsooni kaupa. Nii säästad energiat ja tagad ideaalse küpsetustulemuse. Lihtne puhastada Plaatgrilli ümbrust on lihtsam puhtana hoida kuna konstruktsiooni on integreeritud vaheseinad ning sujuvad nurgapinnad. GL 6060 MAXI GL 9060 MAXI Maxi grill plates High capacity, with frying surfaces of up to 890 x 485 mm. The frying surfaces of Maxi grill plates are divided into two or three zones. This saves energy and ensures perfect cooking. Easy to clean It is easier to keep the area around a Maxi grill plate clean than with other types of grill plates. Maxi grill plates have integrated splash guards that protect the surroundings. The unit is sturdy and incredibly easy to clean, since it is made of stainless steel with smooth surfaces. Maxi plaatgrill Praadimispind (L x S) Frying surface (W x D) Kapacitet* Capacity* GL 6060 MAXI x 600 x 420 mm 590 x 485 mm 400V / 6,0kW ,- GL 6060 MAXI x 600 x 420 mm 590 x 485 mm 3x230V / 6,0kW ,- GL 9060 MAXI x 600 x 420 mm 890 x 485 mm 400V / 9,0kW ,- GL 9060 MAXI x 600 x 420 mm 890 x 485 mm 3x230V / 9,0kW ,- *200-grammiste burgerite arv tunnis I No. of 200 gram burgers per hour 6 Lisatarvikuid vaata lehelt 25 I Accessories for grill plates - see page 25

7 PRAADIMINE - FRYING Grill plates We have developed a wide range of grill plates through a close cooperation with users. All our grill plates are easy to clean, user-friendly and robust. They are made of fully welded stainless steel with rounded edges, and are equipped with a thermostat that can be adjusted from C. Plaatgrillid FKI pakub ka väiksema mõõduga plaatgrille, mille kvaliteet on samaväärne Maxiga. Termoregulaatoriga küpsetuspind algab 390st kuni 590 mm laiuseni sügavusega 450 mm. Plaatgrilli hõlpsama puhastamise nimel pakume lisatarvikuna rasvapritsme kaitseääri. For at lette rengøringen omkring stegepladerne kan vi som tilbehør levere veltilpassede stænkskærme. Erilahendused Eritingimustele vastavaid või uusi lahendusi küsi meie arendusmeeskonnalt. GL 9640 Standard grill plates If you prefer a smaller machine, FKI also supplies Standard grill plates with the same high quality as the Maxi. Standard grill plates are available with frying surfaces of up to 590 x 450 mm, with thermostatic control. To make it easier to clean around the grill plates, we can supply wellfitting splash guards as accessories. Ask for custom solutions If you have special requirements, we at FKI are always ready to develop custom solutions. Ask us about solutions for new products or products for working in special conditions. GL 9660 Praadimispind (L x S) Frying surface (W x D) Kapacitet* Capacity* GL 9640v x 525 x 150 mm 390 x 450 mm 400V / 4,0kW ,- GL x 525 x 150 mm 390 x 450 mm 3x230V / 4,0kW ,- GL 9660v x 525 x 150 mm 590 x 450 mm 400V / 6,0kW ,- GL x 525 x 150 mm 590 x 450 mm 3x230V / 6,0kW ,- *200-grammiste burgerite arv tunnis I No. of 200 gram burgers per hour Lisatarvikuid vaata lehelt 25 I Accessories for grill plates - see page 25 7

8 Kiirtoidu professionaalse valmistamise seadmeid oleme alati valmis pakkuma. FKI tunneb asja ning omab pikaajalist kogemust parima tehnoloogia välja töötamiseks. We are always ready when it comes to supplying equipment for the professional preparation of fast food. At FKI we have extensive knowledge of the industry and we are committed to finding the best solution for each task. Küsi meie ekspertnõu ja pakkumist Jungentist. Contact us to find out what we recommend and to obtain a quote. 8

9 GRILLIMINE GRILLING GL 6046 Vorstigrill FKI vorstigrill mahub mistahes pinnale. Pakume standardmõõtudega grille kui ka erilahendusi. Vorstigrilli standardvarustusse kuulub termostaat. Vorstigrill on lihtne, kerge puhastada ning täielikult õmarate keevisühendustega roostevabast terasest seade Topeltpind Vorstigrille on võimalik seadistada tööle ka üksteise peale spetsiaalse silluse abil. Lauapealsed mudelid - Countertop model Sausage grill GL 9560 FKI sausage grills can always be fitted into whatever space you have available. We provide both standard-sized and custom solutions. Users can always achieve optimal food preparation. The sausage grill is equipped with a thermostat as a standard feature. It is robust, easy to clean, made of stainless steel and fully welded with rounded edges. The grill plate is made of an extra robust material, ensuring even cooking. Double capacity The capacity can be doubled in the same space. Using a bridge, two sausage grills can be placed one above the other and be used at the same time. Praadimispind (L x S) Frying surface (W x D) Kapacitet* Capacity* GL 9520 V GL 9530 V GL V GL GL GL Vertikaalmudel - With vertical front GL GL GL GL 6060 GL 4060 GL V x 365 x 125 mm 450 x 290 mm 230V / 2,0kW ,- 460 x 465 x 125 mm 450 x 390 mm 230V / 2,0kW ,- 460 x 600 x 150 mm 450 x 525 mm 230V / 2,0kW ,- 405 x 525 x 150 mm 390 x 450 mm 230V / 2,0kW ,- 605 x 525 x 150 mm 590 x 450 mm 230V / 2,0kW ,- 805 x 525 x 150 mm 790 x 450 mm 230V / 2,7kW ,- 600 x 360 x 140 mm 590 x 350 mm 230V / 2,0kW ,- 600 x 460 x 140 mm 590 x 450 mm 230V / 2,0kW ,- 600 x 600 x 140 mm 400 x 600 x 140 mm 800 x 600 x 140 mm 590 x 590 mm 390 x 590 mm 790 x 590 mm * V = horisontaalmudel I V = Horizontal Vorstide arv (18-21 cm) grillil I No. of saugages (18-21 cm) per grill plate 230V / 2,0kW 230V / 2,0kW 230V / 2,0kW Ergonoomiline disain Kõige ergonoomilisema tulemusema saame siis kui integreerime mooduli töötasapinna sisse, sest siis on vorstigrilli kasutamise kõrgus optimaalne. Tulemus on esteetilisem vaadata ja veelgi lihtsam puhastada x 460 x 140 mm 790 x 450 mm 230V / 2,7kW , , , ,- GL 5945 Ergonomic design The most ergonomic design is achieved when the sausage grill is built into the countertop, so the working height is correct. These built-in models also provide an impressive total solution and easier cleaning. Integreeriritav mudel - Built-in Praadimispind (L x S) Frying surface (W x D) Väljalõikepind (L x S) Cut out Dim. (W x D) Kapacitet* Capacity* GL x 505 x 100 mm 590 x 450 mm 600 x 460 mm 230V / 2,0kW ,- GL x 505 x 100 mm 790 x 450 mm 800 x 460 mm 230V / 2,7kW ,- *Vorstide arv (18-21 cm) grillili No. of saugages (18-21 cm) per grill plate Lisatarvikuid vaata lehelt 25 I Accessories for sausage grill - see page 25 9

10 GRILLIMINE - GRILLING Rullgrill FKI rullgrillil saab valmistada vorste, wrappe ja pizzarulle. Selle tööprotsess on lihtne ja küpsetustulemus ideaalne. Rullgrille on võimalik toota erinevates mõõtmetes ning erineva kattematerjaliga (teflon või roostevaba teras). Rullgrillil on samuti erinevad tempreatuuritsoonid, mida reguleeritakse elektriregulaatoriga. FKI rulle ja tööpindu on lihtne puhastada ning selleks sobib hästi rullgrilli puhastusvahend. GL 6RT 45 GL 6R 65 Rullgrilli laius Width of roller Temp. tsoonide arv No. of zones Tootlikkus* Capacity* GL mm x 265 x 170 mm 230V / 0,95kW ,- GL mm x 265 x 170 mm 230V / 0,95kW ,- *Vorstide arv (18-21 cm) rullgrillil I No. of saugages (18-21 cm) per grill plate GL 8RT 45 / 2 Roller grill The FKI roller grill can meet all requirements for the preparation of sausages, wraps and pizza rolls. The unit is equipped to make the operation simple and the cooking perfect. FKI s roller grill comes in several sizes and with rolls in different materials and constructions, according to the types of products you want to cook. The grill can be divided into different heating zones controlled by a thermostat or an energy regulator. It is easy to operate and clean, and it provides easy access to the food. GL = Grill Line 6R = Rullide arv näit.6 rulli - No. of rolls e.g. 6 rolls T = Teflonrullid - Teflon-coated rollers 45 = Rullgrilli laius. 45 cm - Width of roll, e.g. 45 cm 2 = Temperatuuritsoonide arv näit.2 tsooni - No. of zones, e.g. 2 zones GL 8R 45 / 2 Rullgrilli laius Width of roller Temp. tsoonide arv No. of zones Tootlikkus* Capacity* GL mm x 350 x 170 mm 230V / 1,25kW ,- GL mm x 350 x 170 mm 230V / 1,25kW ,- GL mm x 350 x 170 mm 230V / 1,25kW ,- GL mm x 350 x 170 mm 230V / 1,25kW ,- *Vorstide arv (18-21 cm) rullgrillil I No. of saugages (18-21 cm) per grill plate 10 Lisatarvikuid vaata järgmiselt lehelt I Accessories for roller grill - see next page

11 GRILLIMINE - GRILLING Rullgrilli laius Width of roller Temp. tsoonide arv No. of zones Tootlikkus* Capacity* GL mm x 430 x 170 mm 230V / 1,55kW ,- GL mm x 430 x 170 mm 230V / 1,55kW ,- GL mm x 430 x 170 mm 230V / 1,55kW ,- GL mm x 430 x 170 mm 230V / 1,55kW ,- GL mm x 430 x 170 mm 230V / 2,10kW ,- *Vorstide arv (18-21 cm) rullgrillil I No. of saugages (18-21 cm) per grill plate GL 10R 22 GL 10RT 45 /2 Rullgrilli laius Width of roller Temp. tsoonide arv No. of zones Tootlikkus* Capacity* GL mm x 595 x 170 mm 230V / 2,15kW ,- GL mm x 595 x 170 mm 230V / 2,15kW ,- GL mm x 595 x 170 mm 230V / 2,8kW ,- *Vorstide arv (18-21 cm) rullgrillil I No. of saugages (18-21 cm) per grill plate GL 14RT 45 / 2 GL 6R T 45 / 2 GL 16RT 65 / 2 Rullgrilli laius Width of roller Temp. tsoonide arv No. of zones Tootlikkus* Capacity* GL mm x 680 x 170 mm 230V / 2,4kW ,- GL mm x 680 x 170 mm 230V / 2,4kW ,- *Vorstide arv (18-21 cm) rullgrillil I No. of saugages (18-21 cm) per grill plate Lisatarvikuid vaata järgmiselt lehelt I Accessories for roller grill - see next page 11

12 GRILLIMINE - GRILLING Lisatarvikud rullgrillile Ovaalsed rullid FKI on teinud võimatu võimalikuks. Ovaalse kujuga rullid võimaldavad valmistada wrappe, veiseliha vorste ja kõvera kujuga vorste nii, et kõpsetustulemus on stabiilsem ja parem. FKI on ainus tootja kes toodab erinevast materjalist valmistatud ovaalse kujuga rulle. Alumiinium-rullid Tefloniga Kuna alumiinium jaotab kuumust rullgrillil ühtlasemalt, siis saavutatakse parim tulemus just sellise rullgrilliga. Neid on võimalik saada ka ovaalse kujuga. Accessories for the roller grill Oval rollers FKI has made the impossible possible. With oval rollers, tricky products such as wraps, beef sausages and curved sausages can be stabilised and turned on the grill in a way that ensures even heating and betterquality cooking. FKI is the only company on the market that supplies oval rollers. The rollers are available in all materials. Aluminium rollers with Teflon The best heating of products is obtained with aluminium rollers, because aluminium distributes the heat optimally over the whole roller. Aluminium rollers with Teflon are also available as oval rolls. Ovaalsed rullid I Oval rollers Rullgrilli laius Width of roller Lisakulu 1 rulli eest Eurodes GL 220 mm ,- GL 450 mm ,- GL 650 mm ,- GL 1020 mm ,- Patent Patent Alumiiniumrullid Tefloniga I Aluminium rollers with Teflon Rullgrilli laius Width of roller Lisakulu 1 rulli eest Eurodes GL 220 mm ,- GL 450 mm ,- GL 650 mm ,- GL 1020 mm ,- 12

13 TOIDUKONTSEPTSIOONID CONCEPT SOLUTIONS Oleme roostevabast terasest kaasaegsete seadmete tootmisele spetsialiseerunud tootja - seadmete tippkvaliteet tagab suurepärase toidu kvaliteedi We specialise in producing modern equipment in stainless steel a strong basis for high-quality products with a great finish. 13

14 TOIDU VALMISTAMINE COOKING CL 3050 Auruti Steamer Toidu valmistamise seadmed FKI'l on hulk seadmeid millega saab soojendada vorstiooteid aga ka hoida soojas kastmeid, suppe ja kotlette. Toiduvalmistusseadmeid toodetakse integreeritavatena kui ka lauapealsete mudelitena. Roostevabast tersest valmistaud seadmete töötemperatuur on reguleeritav vahemikus C. Soojendussahtlistesse on sisse ehitatud väljalaskeventiil. Sisemist osa on võimalik eraldi pesta nõudepesumasinas. Lauapealne mudel - Countertop model / CL 3016 B x 460 x 310 mm 230V / 1,0kW 760,- CL x 240 x 310 mm 230V / 0,75kW 725,- CL x 425 x 300 mm 230V / 1,0kW 780,- CL B* x 425 x 175 mm 230V / 1,0kW 665,- CL B* x 425 x 225 mm 230V / 1,0kW 665,- CL B* x 265 x 175 mm 230V / 0,75kW 665,- * Burgei soojendaja Burger heater CL 3016 R CL A1N CL B Cooking equipment GL 3016 B FKI has a wide range of appliances for heating sausages and keeping products such as sauces, soups and meat patties in gravy warm. Our cooking equipment is available as a built-in model or a counter model. All our products are made of stainless steel and equipped with a thermostat that can be adjusted from C. The built-in models are simple to integrate into the countertop, making cleaning easy. It is easy to empty the outer vat using the drain tap on the front. The inner vat can easily be removed and cleaned, for example in the dishwasher. Integreeritav mudel - Built-in model / CL 3016 R x 465 x 265 mm 270 x 385 (x265) mm 230V / 1,0kW 730,- CL x 435 x 285 mm 270 x 370 (x285) mm 230V / 1,2kW 705,- CL A1D x 365 x 300 mm 270 x 300 (x300) mm 230V / 1,0kW 605,- CL A1N* x 365 x 300 mm 270 x 300 (x300) mm 230V / 1,5kW 605,- CL A2N x 365 x 215 mm * Jalgade ja ventiiliosaga I With tip cover and legs Väljalõikepind (L x S x K) Cut out dim. (W x D x H) 270 x 300 (x215) mm 230V / 1,0kW 580,- 14

15 SAIA RÖSTIMINE BREAD TOASTING UT 400 V Konveier-röster Töökindla konveier-rösteriga on lihtne opereerida ja puhastada. Sellega saab valmistada hot-dog saiakesi, baguette, burgersaia jne. Konveieri töökiirust on võimalik seadistada vastavalt vajadusele. FKI konveier-rösterit on saada kahes suuruses. Ligipääs töötsoonile on eestpoolt ning seda on lihtne seadistada köögi tasapinnale. Samuti saab tellida kinnise saiasahtliga mudelit, mis hoiab saia soojana pärast valmimist. Energiasäästlik kuid siiski kasutatav pidevalt. Energiat säästev nupp on konveier-rösterite standardvarustuses. Vajuta I ning röster vähendab energiatarbimist poole võrra ja konveier peatub. Täisvõimsuse taastamiseks vajuta nuppu II. Säästa energiat automaatse start/stopp nupuga Enamik kiirtoidurestorane saaksid sääste kuni 70% energiat ostes endale kaasaegsed seadmed. Uus seade võib ennast ära tasuda juba aastaga ainuüksi energiasäästu arvelt. Meie kaasaegseim mudel omab automaatset power-off funktsiooni, mis lülitab seadme täielikult välja kui seda ei kasutata. Konveier alustab liikumist niipea kui saiatoode sellele asetatakse. UT 280 / 400: Fikseeritud röstimisaeg 90 sekundit - Fixed toasting time: 90 seconds Conveyor toaster A reliable and compact toaster that is easy to operate and clean. The FKI conveyor toaster toasts hotdog buns, baguettes, burger buns, etc., perfectly. The toaster comes with variable belt speed, so the toasting time can be adjusted to the type of product. The conveyor toaster is available in two sizes. It is operated from the front and is simple to fit into the kitchen layout. The conveyor toaster is available with a closed bread drawer, which keeps the bread warm longer. Saves energy and is still ready to use anytime An energy-saving button is standard on FKI bread toasters. Press I and the toaster uses only half the power and the belt stops. To run it at maximum heat again, press II. Save energy with automatic stop/start Most fast-food restaurants can save up to 70% in energy by buying new toasters. A new model can pay for itself in less than a year through energy savings alone. Our latest model has an automatic power-off function that completely shuts off the machine when it is not in use. The toasting/belt starts as soon as the bread is on. UT 280 UT 280V / 400V: Muudetav konveieri kiirus - Variable band speed UT 280E / 400E: Energiat säästev mudel koos väljalülitus (power-off) nupuga Eco energy-saving model with auto power off UT 280EV / 400EV: Energiat säästev mudel koos väljalülitus (power-off) nupuga ja muudetava konveieri kiirusega Eco energy-saving model with auto power off and variable band speed UT 280 Eco UT x 510 x V / 2,2kW 1.190,- UT280V x 510 x V / 2,2kW 1.580,- UT280E x 510 x V / 2,2kW 2.105,- UT280EV x 510 x V / 2,2kW 2.410,- UT x 510 x V / 2,2kW 1.360,- UT400V x 510 x V / 2,2kW 1.790,- UT400E x 510 x V / 2,2kW 2.270,- UT400EV x 510 x V / 2,2kW 2.540,- Lisatarvikuid vaata lehelt 27 I Accessories for conveyor toaster - see page 27 15

16 SAIA RÖSTIMINE BREAD TOASTING Saiaröster FKI saiarösteri mudeleid on erinevate toodete ja suuruste jaoks. Saiarösteri ehk konatkgrilli küpsetusplaadid võivad olla fikseeritud plaatide vahega (näiteks auguga saia valmistamiseks) või muudetava vahega (näiteks panini valmistamiseks). Termostaat on reguleeritav vahemikus C. TL 5211 / 5212 TL 5270 Toaster FKI toasters are available in many models, adapted to different products, in different sizes, and with fixed or variable distances between the pans. The design is simple and compact and the operation is easy, with a thermostat that can be adjusted from C. TL 5209 Keraamilise pinnaga küpsetusplaat Ceramic frying surfaces TM 05 Saiarösterid TL 5602 Distance TL x 375 x 170 mm 230V / 2,0kW Muudetav Variabel 0-75 mm 735,- TL x 260 x 190 mm 230V / 1,6kW Fikseeritud Fast - Fixed 15/25 710,- TL x 330 x 170 mm 230V / 2,0kW Fikseeritud Fast - Fixed ,- TL x 330 x 170 mm 230V / 2,0kW Fikseeritud Fast - Fixed ,- TM x 450 x 205 mm 230V / 1,6kW Fikseeritud Fast - Fixed ,- TL x 400 x 160 mm 230V / 2,0kW Muudetav Variabel 0-75 mm 805,- Vahemik 16 Lisatarvikuid vaata lehelt 27 I Accessories for toaster - see page 27

17 SAIA RÖSTIMINE BREAD TOASTING Radiant batch toaster TL 5509 For heating and caramelising split burger buns. This toaster has a large capacity, with only seconds of toasting time per tray. FKI radiant batch toasters come with two large batch trays of 28 x 40 cm as standard. The temperature and time are encoded and stored in the control unit, with up to six different programmes. The unit is designed to be easy to clean and is made of stainless steel. Kiirgrill Kasutatakse lahtilõigatud burgersaiade soojendamiseks ja karamelliseerimiseks. See röster on võimeline kandikutäit röstima sekundiga. Standardvarustuses on kaks suurt 28*40 cm mõõtudega küpsetuskandikut. Temperatuur ja aeg on eelprogrammeeritud ning võimaldab salevstada 6 eriprogrammi Kiirgrille saab paigutada köögis ka üksteise peale. The available space can be fully exploited by placing units on top of each other. Temperatur og tid indkodes og lagres i styringen med op til 6 forskellige programmer. Apparatet er designet rengøringsvenligt og fremstillet i rustfrit stål. TL x 600 x 220 mm 230V / 3,1kW 3.290,- Rotogrill - Ahi karamelliseerimiseks FKI rotogrill teeb burgeritele krõbeda, karamelliseeritud kooriku. Seda saab seadistada vastavalt burgeri paksusele. Töö rotogrilliga on lihtne ja temperatuuri saab seadistada vahemikus C. Rototoaster - Caramelisation oven FKI rototoasters give burger buns a crisp, caramelised surface. The toaster can be adjusted according to the thickness of the buns. The operation is simple and the thermostat can be adjusted from C. TL 5410 TL x 380 x 530 mm 230V / 1,1kW Kvartsahi FKI kvartsahi on ideaalne baguette'ide, saia-leiva ja pizza soojendamiseks. Roostevabast terasest valmistatud ahi on varustatud taimeriga. Quartsoven FKI quartsovens are ideal for warming up baguettes, bread and pizza. The ovens are made of stainless steel and are equipped with a timer. TL 6T TL 6T x 250 x 240 mm 230V / 2,0kW 460,- Lisatarvikuid Rotogrillile vaata lehelt 27 I Accessories for rototoaster - see page 27 17

18 FRITTIMINE DEEP FRYING Friomat fritüür Fritüüri disainimisel lähtusime vajadusest kiireks küpsetamiseks, kasutusmugavusest ja puhtast tööpinnast fritüüri ümber. Frittimistemperatuuri kontrollitakse elektrooniliselt ja temperatuuri kuvab näidik. Sellel on 6 programmeeritavat frittimisaega. Võimsad kütteelemendid ja elektrooniline temperatuurisensor tagavad kiire fritüürõli soojenemise. FKE 2515 G Palju mudeleid Fritüür on valmistatud roostevabast terasest, see on lihtsa konstruktsiooniga ja kergesti puhastatav. Friomat on saadaval laua- ja põrandapealse moodulina. Põrandapealsel mudelil on saadaval kuluefektiivne õlipuhastussüsteem. besparende olierensningssystem. Friomat fritüür on lihtsalt hooldatavad ja puhastatavad. Näiteks kütteelemendi vahetus võtab aega mõnie minuti. Friomat deep fryer In designing this fryer, we considered all the requirements for rapid heating, practical use and a clean environment around the fryer. The heating is controlled electronically and the temperature is shown on a display. It has six different programmable frying times. Powerful heating elements and an electronic temperature sensor ensure fast heating of the frying oil. Many models The fryer is made of stainless steel, in a simple, easy-to-clean design. Friomat is available as a countertop or floor model. An automatic lift system is available for both models. A money-saving oil-cleaning system is also available for the floor model. Friomat fryers are cleaning and maintenance-friendly. For example, the heating element can be replaced in a few minutes. The heating element can be lifted up to drain over the vat, making it easier to clean the vat. FKE 2010 G FKE 169 EG FKE 1615 DG - Tarnitakse koos tilkumisaluse ja kaanega - Supplied with a draining bucket and lid. 18 Põrandamudel - Floor Liter Litre Standardkorvid Standard baskets FKE 169 EG x 650 x 880 mm V / 9kW 2 x 1/ ,- FKE 1615 EG x 650 x 880 mm V / 15kW 2 x 1/ ,- FKE 1621 EG x 650 x 880 mm V / 21kW 2 x 1/ ,- FKE 2515 G x 650 x 880 mm V / 15kW 3 x 1/ ,- FKE 2521 G x 650 x 880 mm V / 21kW 3 x 1/ ,- FKE 2010* G x 650 x 880 mm 2x10 400V / 2x5kW 2 x 1/ ,- FKE 2014* G x 650 x 880 mm 2x10 400V / 2x7kW 2 x 1/ ,- FKE 169 DG x 650 x 880 mm 2x16 400V / 2x9kW 1 x 1/1-2 x 1/ ,- FKE 1615 DG x 650 x 880 mm 2x16 400V / 2x15kW 1 x 1/1-2 x 1/ ,- FKE 1621 DG x 650 x 880 mm 2x16 400V / 2x21kW 1 x 1/1-2 x 1/ ,- FKE 3619 TG x 650 x 880 mm 2X10-1x16 400V /2x7-1x9kW 1 x 1/1-2 x 1/ ,- FKE 3629 TG x 650 x 880 mm 2X10-1x16 400V /2x7-1x15kW 1 x 1/1-2 x 1/ ,- *2 x eraldi vanni I 2 x seperate vats Lisatarvikuid vaata lehelt 28 I Accessories for friomat friture - see page 28

19 FRITTIMINE - DEEP FRYING FKE 2515 B FKE 2010 B FKE 169 EB FKE 1615 DB FKE Lauapealne mudel - Countertop model Liter Litre Standardkorvid Standard baskets FKE 169 EB x 650 x 335 mm V / 9kW 2 x 1/ ,- FKE 1615 EB x 650 x 335 mm V / 15kW 2 x 1/ ,- FKE 2515 B x 650 x 335 mm V / 15kW 3 x 1/ ,- FKE 2521 B x 650 x 335 mm V / 21kW 3 x 1/ ,- FKE 2010* B x 650 x 335 mm 2x10 400V / 2x5kW 2 x 1/ ,- FKE 2014* B x 650 x 335 mm 2x10 400V / 2x7kW 2 x 1/ ,- FKE 169 DB x 650 x 335 mm 2x16 400V / 2x9kW 1 x 1/1-2 x 1/ ,- FKE 1615 DB x 650 x 335 mm 2x16 400V / 2x15kW 1 x 1/1-2 x 1/ ,- *2 x eraldi vanni I - 2 x seperate vats Friikartulite/ Chipside soojendaja FKI friikate/chipside ülesanne on hoida frititud tooted krõbedate ja kuumana enne serveerimist. Võimaldab optimeerida fritüüride tootlikkust. French fries/ Chips heater The FKI French fries/chips heater is used for, briefly, to keep the fried products hot and crispy before serving. Provides an optimal use of the deep fryers capacity. FKE-PVB FKE-PVG põrandamudel Floor FKE-PVB x 650 x 335 mm 230V / 1kW 1.545,- FKE-PVG x 650 x 700 mm 230V / 1kW 1.955,- Lisatarvikuid vaata lehelt 28 I Accessories for friomat friture - see page 28 19

20 FRITTIMINE - DEEP FRYING Fritüür analoogtermostaadiga FKI fritüür on valmistatud roostevabast terasest. Kuumust reguleeritakse analoogtermostaadiga. Seadet saab tellida nii põranda kui lauapealse mudelina. Tilkumisalus ja kaas on võimalik osta lisatarvikuna. FKA 159 DB FKA 159 EB Deep fryer with analogue thermostat FKI s deep fryer is made of stainless steel. The heat is controlled by an analogue thermostat. The fryer is available in both a floor and a countertop model. A draining bucket and lid can be bought as accessories. Lauapealne mudel - Countertop model Liter Litre Standardkorvid Standard baskets FKA EB x 585 x 525 mm V / 9kW 2 x 1/ ,- FKA DB x 585 x 525 mm 2x15 400V / 2x9kW 1 x 1/1-2 x 1/ ,- Gulvmodel - Floor Liter Litre Standardkorvid Standard baskets FKA EG x 580 x 1130 mm V / 9kW 2 x 1/ ,- FKA DG x 580 x 1130 mm 2x15 400V / 2x9kW 1 x 1/1-2 x 1/ ,- FKA 159 EG FKA 159 DG 20 Lisatarvikuid vaata lehelt - se side 28 I Accessories for friture with analog styring - see page 28

21 SOOJENDAMINE HEATING Kate - Screen Soojendusplaat - Heating plate TL 3550 Kate ile/ For model TL 3550 Soojendusplaat Kate - Screen x 150 x 265 mm 265,- TL x 250 x 50 mm 230V / 0,4kW 290,- TL x 350 x 55 mm 230V / 0,4kW 325,- Soojenduslamp - Heating lamp Soojendussahtel - Heating drawer VSK 10R GL 2120 Soojenduslamp GL x 360 x 560 mm 230V / 0,25kW 655,- GL x 360 x 560 mm 230V / 0,5kW 815,- Soojendussahtel VSK 10R x 520 x 300 mm 230V / 0,35kW 765,- 21

22 SERVEERIMINE SERVING Salati ja garneeringuanum - Salad box SL 7010 SL 7005 Salatikastid SL 7050 Anumad Canteens SL x(1/9x100) 340 x 220 x 210 mm 355,- SL 7005 (GN5) x(1/9x100) + 2x(1/6x100) 450 x 220 x 210 mm 400,- SL 7010 (GN10) x(1/6x100) + 1x(1/3x150) 560 x 375 x 260 mm 595,- SL x(1/6x100) + 1x(1/3x150) 825 x 220 x 210 mm 565,- SL x(1/6x100) + 1x(1/3x150) 990 x 220 x 210 mm 575,- SL x(1/6x100) + 2x(1/3x150) 1320 x 220 x 210 mm 630,- Hoidjad - Racks EL EL EL Hot-dogi hoidjad EL x 90 x 60 mm 52,- EL x 110 x 145 mm 42,- EL x 110 x 110 mm 58,- 22

23 Jahutuselement - Cooling element SERVEERIMINE - SERVING SL SL SL x 280 x 35 mm 52,- SL x 120 x 50 mm 16,- EL Sibula etteandur - Onion dispenser EL x 200 x 325 mm 285,- Näpitsad - Tong EL EL Vorstitangid - Sausage tong Juustutangid - Cheese tong Længde Length cm 12, cm 12,- Juustutangid - Cheese tong Näpitsahoidik - Tong box Selgitus Description EL Näpitsahoidik ärakeeratud äärega - Tong box with fold-over 68,- EL EL EL Näpitsahoidik kinnituskronsteiniga - Tong box with bracket 68,- Pudelihoidja - Dispenser for Bottles EL EL Selgitus Description EL EL pudeli hoidja - Dispenser for 3 bottles 4 pudeli hoidja - Dispenser for 4 bottles 300 x 125 x 150 mm 125,- 400 x 125 x 150 mm 160,- 23

24 LISATARVIKUD ACCESSORIES Lisatarvikud Accessories general Köögilabidas - Palette Knife ,- Terasest pesukäsn Puhastab tööpinda kraapimata Kraabits - Scraper Köögilabidas Palette Knife Steel sponge Cleans without scratching the grill plate. Pesukäsn terasest - Steel Sponge ,- Kraabits Scraper Lisatarvikud kontaktgrillile Accessories for contact grill Teflon foolium Turbo grillile Teflon foil for Turbo grill Ülemine plaat - Top Pan GL ,20 Alumine plaat - Bottom Pan GL ,75 Teflon foolium Turbomatic grillile Teflon foil for Turbomatic GL 9001 / GL 9002 Suure kaanega- Large lid GL 9002 / GL 9003 Väikse kaanega - Small lid Ülemine plaat - Top Pan , ,- GL ,50 Alumine plaat - Bottom Pan GL 9001 / GL ,- GL ,- GL ,50 24

25 LISATARVIKUD - ACCESSORIES Lisatarvikud vorstigrillile ja grillplaadile Accessories for sausage grill and grill plate ile For model Kõrgus Height GL mm 225,- GL mm 235,- Pritsmekaitse Hoiab tööpinna puhtamana Splash guard Helps keep the surroundings clean. GL 6036 GL 6046 GL 9540 GL 9640 GL 9560 GL 9660 GL 5945 GL 6060 GL 9580 GL mm 230, mm 235, mm 240, mm 250,- ile For model Teflon foolium Lihtsustab plaatgrilli puhastamist Teflonfoil Makes it easier to clean the pan. GL ,- GL 9530 GL ,- GL 9640 GL 9560 GL 9660 GL ,- GL 9580 GL 7945 Sild Võimaldab 2 plaatgrilli paigutada üksteise peale. Bridge The capacity will increase by mounting two grill plates one above the other. ile (alumine) For model GL 4660 GL 6046 GL 6060 GL 9540 GL 9640 GL 9520 GL 9530 ile (ülemine) For model GL 9520 GL 9530 Kõrgus Height mm GL mm GL 9540 GL 9640 Märkus Note 2-osaline - Two-part 2-osaline - Two-part ,- 290,- 235, mm 275,- GL mm 295,- GL 9660 GL 9560 GL 5945 GL 9580 GL 7945 GL 9640 GL 4660 GL 6036 GL 9560 GL 9560 GL 9540 GL mm 295, mm 310,- 25

26 LISATARVIKUD - ACCESSORIES Lisatarvikud konveiergrillile Accessories for conveyor grill Filter Jämedakoeline ja peenkoeline Filter Coarse and fine. Silikoon puhastustarvikutele Paberi või riidest materjali kinnitamiseks mõeldud käepide Silicone for cleaning tools Holder for paper or cloth for cleaning the band. The cleaning tool is mounted on a handle with the holder. Peenkoeline - Fine / White Jämedakoeline - Coarse / Blue x 200 x 20 mm 5, x 200 x 20 mm 5,- Teflonlint - Teflon band Kummimaterjal - Rubber * Ilma hoidjata I Not incl. tools ,-* Ülemine - Upper Alumine - Lower , ,- Silikoonrull - Silicone-covered drive shafts Söefilter - Coal filter Drivrulle - Drive Shaft ,- Söefilter - Coal filter ,- 26

27 LISATARVIKUD - ACCESSORIES Lisatarvikud saiarösterile Accessories for toaster Kuumatõke Orgaanklaasmaterjalist kuumatõke kaitseb kasutajat põletuse eest. Kaitsvat materjali saab eemaldada ja seda on lihtne puhastada. Tegu on tellitava lisatarvikuga ja saadaval kõikide mudelite jaoks. Heat barrier The plexiglas heat barrier protects the user from burns. The barrier is removable, so it is easy to clean. The heat barrier is an optional extra for FKI toasters. It is available for all our models. Teflonkraabits FKI kõpsetuspinnad on tavaliselt Tefloniga kaetud. Kraabitsa kuju järgib tööpinna oma ning võimaldab seda puhastada Teflon-pinda rikkumata. Teflon scraper The heating plates on FKI toasters are Teflon-coated as standard. The scraper is designed to scrape the heating plate s grooves and is made of a material that protects the Teflon coating. ile For model TL 5211 / TL ,- TL ,- TL ,- ile For model TL 5602 / TL 5211 / TL 5212 / TL 5270 / TM ,- Lisatarvikud Konveier-rösterile Accessories for conveyor toaster Kaas saiasahtlile - Lid for bread drawer ile For model UT ,50 UT ,50 Lisatarvikud Rotogrillile Accessories for rototoaster Teflon foolium - Teflon foil ile For model TL ,- 27

28 LISATARVIKUD - ACCESSORIES Lisatarvikud Friomat fritüürile Accessories for Friomat deep fryer Tõstemehhanism Lifting system Standardkorvid Standard baskets FKE x 1/ ,- FKE - 16 FKE x 1/ ,- FKE x 1/1+ 1 x 1/ ,- Fritüür krõpsude jaoks - Deep fryer for chips Elektrisüsteem - Electric system Selgitus Description Beskrivelse Description FKE x400V 3x400V per vat FKE x230V pr. kar 3x230V per vat 565,- 155,- 3x400V faasiga ilma maanduseta I 3x400V phaser without 0 - Norra jaoks ainult I - For Norway only Fritüürikorv - Deep-frying basket FKE 1/ x 280 x 155 mm 185,- FKE 1/ x 280 x 155 mm 144,- Õlipuhastussüsteem - Oil-cleaning system FKE - EG ,- FKE - DG ,- - Ainult põrandamudelile For floor model only Lisatarvikud analoogtermostaadiga fritüürile Accessories for deep fryer with analogue thermostat Fritüürikorv - Deep-frying basket FKA 1/ x 280 x 155 mm 185,- FKA 1/ x 280 x 155 mm 144,- Tilkumisalus - Draining bucket ile For model FKA ,- 28

29 Kõik hinnad on ilma käibemaksuta ning transpordihind sõltub laoseisust ja ostukogusest. See terms and conditions on our website All prices are excl. VAT and shipping. 30

30 Tarnija kellele võid loota FKI töötab kaasaegsetes tingimustest Verninge's Taanis, kus toimub tootmine, ladustamine, ladustamine, müük ja kontoritöö. Kogu töö alates arendusesttestimisest kuni tootmise ja komplekteerimiseni toimub enda majas, mis tagab kontrollitult kõrge kvaliteedi kiirtoidusektori klientide jaoks. FKI arendusinsenerid kasutavad uute seadmete kujundamisel ja visualiseerimisel 3D jooniseid. Our development engineer designs and visualises new products using modern 3D technology. FKI on spetsialiseerunud kaasaegsete roostevabast terasest seadmete valmistamisele. We specialise in producing modern equipment in stainless steel a strong basis for high-quality products with a great finish. A supplier you can count on FKI has modern facilities for development, production, warehousing, sales and administration in Verninge, Denmark. We have full control over the entire product process, from development and testing, to production and assembly, and delivery and service. This ensures quality products that meet our customers expectations for stable operation under demanding conditions in fast-food restaurants. Koosteosakonnas vastutab üks inimene seadme komplekteerimisest algusest lõpuni - kaasa arvatud elektroonika paigaldamine ja testimine In our assembly department, the work is organised so that one employee is responsible for assembling and testing the equipment from the construction of the unit to installing the electronics and ensuring the final finish. FKI'l on standardtoodetele laosesi pidevalt saadaval, mistõttu on võimalik kaup teele saata järgmisel päeval tellimuse laekumisest. Distribuutorilt nõutakse asendusseadmete laoseisus hoidmist, mistõttu toimub rikke korral asendusseadme saatmine 24 h jooksul. At FKI we have stock of standard products, ensuring that for the most part we can deliver with a day s notice. In case of breakdown, the restaurant s old equipment can be replaced quickly. Hooldusmeeskond on saanud koolituse FKI tehases, mistõttu saame hakkama mistahes remondi ja hoolduse ülesannetega kiiresti. Our nationwide network of service technicians are specially trained at FKI and have certificates to prove it. Our organisation ensures fast, competent service, thus avoiding long downtimes.

31 Oleme huvitatud pikaajalisest koostööst Meil töötavad kiirtoidu valdkonna spetsialistid Suudame välja töötada erilahendusi Meie seadmed on väga kvaliteetsed ja hästi viimistletud Kõikidele toodetele pakume garantiid Suudame teha seadmete hooldust üle Eesti Jungentil on pikaajaline ettevõtluskogemus aastast 1991 We enter into long-term partnerships We have skilled, experienced staff We develop custom solutions in close cooperation with our customers We provide high quality and great finish We offer a warranty on all our products We have a nationwide network of specially trained service technicians All this is based on a solid company structure Foodservice müügidivisjoni kontaktid Jungent Estonia OÜ Foodservice osakond/ Vertigo töötuba Paldiski mnt. 9, Tallinn Eesti tel Koduleht: E-tellimiskeskus: E-post: FKI Fast Food Teknik a/s Byghøjvej 5 Verninge DK-5690 Tommerup Tel Jungent Estonia OÜ Paldiski mnt. 11 Tallinn Eesti Tel



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