Traffic Impact Analysis. Yelm East Gateway Planned Action

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1 Traffic Impact Analysis Planned Action Yelm, Washington November 2014

2 Traffic Impact Analysis Project Information Project: Prepared for: Evergreen Pacific Fund, LLC Steve Guidinger 2724 Alki Avenue SW, #302 Seattle, WA Phone: Reviewing Agency Jurisdiction: City of Yelm 10 Yelm Avenue West Yelm, WA 9897 Project Representative Prepared by: SCJ Alliance 2102 Carriage St SW, Suite H Olympia, WA Contact: George Smith, Senior Transportation Planner Project Reference: SCJ # Path: N:\Projects\1470 Evergreen Pacific Fund, LLC\ Yelm Commercial EIS\Phase 01- Preliminary EIS\Traffic\Report\ Yelm East Gateway Traffic Impact Analysis.docx SCJ Alliance November 2014


4 Traffic Impact Analysis TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION Project Overview Study Context Long Range Planning Context PROJECT DESCRIPTION Maximum Build-out as a Coordinated Development (Alternative 1) Moderate Intensity Build-out as a Coordinated Development (Alternative 2) No-Action Alternative (Alternative 3) Site Access System BACKGROUND INFORMATION Area Land Uses Roadway Inventory Public Transportation PROJECT TRAFFIC CHARACTERISTICS Site-Generated Traffic Volumes Site Traffic Distribution Traffic Assignment Scenarios FUTURE TRAFFIC CONDITIONS Roadway Improvements Future Traffic Volumes TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS Level of Service Volume to Capacity Ratio Operations Stop Sign-Controlled s Signalized s Site Driveways LONG-RANGE TRAFFIC OPERATIONS MITIGATION Developer Funded Off-site Infrastructure Improvements Site Access and Circulation Improvements City of Yelm Traffic Facility Charge (TFC) Phasing of On-Site and Off-Site Traffic Mitigation Improvements CONCLUSION SCJ Alliance November 2014 Page i

5 Traffic Impact Analysis LIST OF TABLES Page Table 1. Trip Generation Characteristics PM Peak Hour... 1 Table 2. Project PM Trip Generation Summary Table 3. Level of Service Criteria for Signalized s Table 4. Level of Service Criteria for Unsignalized s Table. Unsignalized s LOS Summary PM Peak Hour Table 6. Signalized s LOS Summary PM Peak Hour Table 7. Site Driveways LOS Summary PM Peak Hour Table 8. LOS Summary 203 PM Peak Hour with Alternative LIST OF FIGURES Page Figure 1. Site Vicinity Map... 6 Figure 2. Parcels and Boundary Area... 8 Figure 3. Uncoordinated Conceptual Access Plan Figure 4. Coordinated Conceptual Access Plan Figure. Existing PM Peak Hour Volumes Figure 6. Site-Generated PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes Alternative Figure 7. Site-Generated PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes Alternative 1 (Site Driveways) Figure Site-Generated PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes Alternative Figure 9. Projected 2020 PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes Alternative Figure 10. Projected 2020 PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes Alternative 1 (Site Driveways) Figure 11. Projected 203 PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes Alternative Figure 12. Proposed 2020 Alternative 1 Channelization Plan Figure 13. Proposed 203 Alternative 1 Channelization Plan LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A Appendix B Appendix C Appendix D Turning Movement Counts Alternative 2 and 3 Volume Figures Traffic Volume Calculations Capacity Analysis Worksheets SCJ Alliance November 2014 Page ii

6 Traffic Impact Analysis 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Project Overview The East Gateway commercial area is comprised of approximately 46 acres of undeveloped property located in the eastern portion of the City of Yelm s commercially-zoned district. The project area includes seven distinct parcels of land owned by several independent property and business owners. The potential build-out of the properties will be dependent upon market and economic factors, but it is likely that these properties could realize their full development potential within the next 10-1 years. This report analyzes three build-out alternatives for potential impacts for a near-term (2020) and longrange (203) planning horizon. This analysis is reviewing three potential development scenarios as described below: Maximum Build-out as a Coordinated Development (Alternative 1) This alternative is for development of the commercial area as a coordinated development and assumes a 40% build-out on the site and up to approximately 800,000 square feet of shopping center uses. This development scenario exceeds the coverage of the neighboring Walmart by approximately 10%. This scenario has a PM peak hour traffic volume potential of up to 2,000 new-to-network trip ends Moderate Intensity Build-out as a Coordinated Development (Alternative 2) The moderate intensity alternative assumes a coordinated build-out of the site with approximately 2% build out on the site and up to approximately 00,000 square feet of shopping center uses. This development scenario reflects the upper range of development coverage typically seen in the City and provides a moderate build-out of the properties. This scenario has a PM peak hour traffic volume potential of up to 1,40 new-to-network trip ends No Action Alternative (Alternative 3) The no-action alternative assumes that development would occur consistent with existing zoning and would undergo environmental review on a project-by-project basis. Such projects would be subject to site-specific mitigation and potential SEPA-based appeals, without coverage under the non-project, Planned Action EIS process. Commercial properties would develop as single parcel sites. The ultimate build out of the parcels is less predictable. The building area used for the no-action alternative is based on the non-specific growth forecast used by TRPC and the City of Yelm in preparing the 203 Regional Transportation Plan. The employment growth projected for the project site in the current regional forecast equates to approximately 229,000-sf of retail building area. This scenario has a PM peak hour traffic volume potential of up to 80 new-to-network trip ends Types of Uses The project analysis of the alternatives was based on uses typically found in shopping centers and commercial districts. This includes uses such as: Offices Banks (including drive through) SCJ Alliance November 2014 Page 3

7 Traffic Impact Analysis Grocery Retail Shops Health/Fitness Auto Services Fast Food Restaurants (including drive through) Sit Down Restaurants Although the land-use shopping center category was used to estimate site-generated traffic levels, other mixes of specific land-uses could potentially yield higher trip generation. Since there is the potential for both the maximum build-out and the moderate build-out to generate higher trips, in the context of the traffic operational analysis, the highest vehicle trip threshold will be used to assess the traffic characteristics and potential impacts to the adjacent and surrounding transportation system. Using the highest vehicle trip threshold provides flexibility for the mix of uses within the moderate density scenario without the risk of exceeding the approved trip generation potential. Figure 1 illustrates the site vicinity and the transportation network serving the project area. 1.2 Study Context This report evaluates the specific transportation impacts of the East Gateway area development alternatives. This analysis determines the impacts of new development traffic on the existing and future street network, determines and assesses the appropriate layout and design of the proposed public street system, determines if the new development can meet acceptable traffic performance measures and the City s regulatory standards for concurrency under the Growth Management Act, and identifies appropriate traffic solutions and mitigation measures to accommodate the planned traffic growth and development impacts. The study was prepared according to City of Yelm Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) guidelines as part of the required environmental review submittal for the proposed project. The following intersections in the study area were analyzed: Creek Street-Bald Hills Road/Yelm Avenue (SR 07) Bald Hills Road/Morris Road Grove Road/ Yelm Avenue (SR 07) Walmart Boulevard/ Yelm Avenue (SR 07) Walmart Driveway Access/Yelm Avenue (SR 07) Creek Street/103 rd Avenue Grove Road/103 rd Avenue Walmart Boulevard/103 rd Avenue Burnett Road/SR 10 Killion Road/SR 10 Cullens Road/SR 10 Longmire Street/SR 10 Mosman Street/SR 07 First Street/SR 10 Clark Road/SR rd Avenue/SR 07 First Street/Rhoton Road/Railway Road SCJ Alliance November 2014 Page 4

8 Traffic Impact Analysis 103 rd Street/West Road First Street/Stevens Street 1.3 Long Range Planning Context This analysis evaluates traffic conditions for two distinct planning horizons; 2020 and 203. The 2020 analysis provides an evaluation of all of the study intersections to determine if the study intersections will maintain acceptable operation per the City of Yelm s mobility standards. The 203 horizon has also been included to evaluate the ultimate needs of the site frontage and driveway accesses in the context of the City of Yelm s general long-term vision for the corridor. An important consideration is the planned completion of the SR 10 Alternate (Yelm Loop). While the final Stage 2 completion horizon for the SR 10 Alternate (Yelm Loop) is uncertain, regional and local planning anticipates its completion well before the 203 horizon. The initial Stage 1 of the SR 10 Alternate (Yelm Loop) was competed several years ago (SR 10 to Cullens Road) and is already providing an important link in the City s long-range transportation system. The final Stage 2 will finish the loop highway by extending the facility from Cullens Road to the SR 07 (Walmart Blvd) intersection. Upon final completion, SR 10 Alternate (Yelm Loop) will serve as an important part of the arterial system in and around Yelm and will reduce congestion on Yelm Avenue through the City. Additionally, the City s vision for Yelm Avenue (SR 07) is that it will remain a two-lane corridor (a single through capacity lane in each direction this does not preclude turn lanes as appropriate at intersections). The 203 analysis in this report provides a framework for the required lane configurations on Yelm Avenue (SR 07), Grove Road and Walmart Boulevard to serve local access and regional travel with the SR 10 Alternate (Yelm Loop) completed. Per direction from the City of Yelm, the roadway frontage and access requirements for the Yelm Gateway East properties were determined by the 203 analysis. The ultimate lane configurations and recommended access plan for the 203 horizon were then used as the basis of analysis for the 2020 scenario. SCJ Alliance November 2014 Page

9 Project Area Figure 1 Site Vicinity Map Yelm, WA Traffic Impact Analysis

10 Traffic Impact Analysis 2. PROJECT DESCRIPTION The East Gateway commercial area consists of approximately 46 acres of undeveloped property in the eastern portion of the City of Yelm s commercial district. The project area includes seven parcels of land owned by several independent owners. The properties are situated mostly along the Yelm Avenue (SR 07) corridor, east of Yelm Creek and include areas just east of the Walmart Boulevard intersection. Figure 2 shows the subject properties, boundary area and surrounding development and parcels. The properties are located within a commercially-designated land-use area and could develop with a variety of uses, such as general retail, restaurants, professional office, big-box facilities, and others that are allowed by the City of Yelm code. The potential build-out of the properties will be dependent upon market and economic factors but it is likely that these properties could realize their full development potential within the next 10-1 years. 2.1 Maximum Build-out as a Coordinated Development (Alternative 1) This alternative is for development of the commercial area as a coordinated development and assumes a 40% build-out on the site and up to approximately 800,000 square feet of shopping center uses. This development scenario exceeds the coverage of the neighboring Walmart by approximately 10%. While this option may not be economically feasible, it demonstrates a future trend to provide high density urban centers. 2.2 Moderate Intensity Build-out as a Coordinated Development (Alternative 2) The moderate intensity alternative assumes a coordinated build-out of the site with approximately 2% build out on the site and up to approximately 00,000 square feet of shopping center uses. This development scenario reflects the upper range of development coverage typically seen in the City and provides a moderate build-out of the properties. 2.3 No-Action Alternative (Alternative 3) The no-action alternative assumes that development would occur consistent with existing zoning and would undergo environmental review on a project-by-project basis. Such projects would be subject to site-specific mitigation and potential SEPA-based appeals, without coverage under the non-project, Planned Action EIS process. Commercial properties would develop as single parcel sites. This option would achieve the lowest potential of build-out and would be restricted by a non-coordinated design of the commercial properties. This would be considered a strip retail type scenario with parcel-by-parcel development Types of Uses The project analysis of the alternatives was based on uses typically found in shopping centers and commercial districts. This includes uses such as: Offices Banks (including drive through) Grocery SCJ Alliance November 2014 Page 7

11 Figure 2 Project Boundary and Parcels Yelm, WA Traffic Impact Analysis

12 Traffic Impact Analysis Retail Shops Health/Fitness Auto Services Fast Food Restaurants (including drive through) Sit Down Restaurants 2.4 Site Access System Uncoordinated Access Plan The project area is composed of multiple parcels with many different owners. If the properties were to develop independently with no coordination (as described in the No-Action alternative) each parcel would require access to the public road system. Piecemeal development under the No-Action scenario would require more individual driveways onto Yelm Avenue (SR 07). Denser driveway spacing could require variance from City of Yelm and WSDOT intersection spacing criteria. Providing adequate circulation to the parcels would require left-turn access onto and off of Yelm Avenue (SR 07) at each driveway however, many driveways may only be allowed right-turn movements. Additionally customer interaction between parcels would require drivers to use the public street to drive between separate businesses. Specifically under the No-Action scenario it is anticipated that five full-access driveways onto Yelm Avenue (SR 07) (in addition to Grove Road and Walmart Boulevard) would be required to serve the subject properties. The Uncoordinated Conceptual Access Plan is shown on Figure Coordinated Access Plan The Maximum Build-Out and Medium Build-Out scenarios each include coordination between parcels. This will allow a comprehensive access plan to be designed and constructed with internal connections between adjacent parcels. This will reduce the number of access points onto Yelm Avenue (SR 07) and will allow for limited access (right-turn-only) at some driveways where internal connections would provide drivers access to a controlled intersection with left-turn movements. Under the coordinated development scenarios there are no full-access driveways proposed on Yelm Avenue (SR 07) except via the northbound approach of the Grove Road intersection. The Coordinated Conceptual Access Plan that applies to both the Maximum Build-out and Moderate Intensity Build-out alternatives is shown on Figure Consistency with WSDOT and Yelm Policy The WSDOT Olympic region access control manual designates Yelm Avenue (SR 07) to be under access control Class 4 up to the eastern limits of the City. The project study limits fall within these limits. This allows for driveway spacing of 20 feet. However, based on City and WSDOT input the driveways would most likely not be allowed to provide left-turn movements into and out of the properties at this close spacing. SCJ Alliance November 2014 Page 9

13 Figure 3 Uncoordinated Conceptual Access Plan Yelm, WA Traffic Impact Analysis

14 Figure 4 Coordinated Conceptual Access Plan Yelm, WA Traffic Impact Analysis

15 Traffic Impact Analysis 3. BACKGROUND INFORMATION 3.1 Area Land Uses The project site has two family homes and outbuildings. Most of the property immediately surrounding the site is undeveloped, with a few single family homes. A Walmart has been constructed adjacent to the northeast portion of the site and Country Storage is located immediately to the west of Walmart. 3.2 Roadway Inventory A comprehensive roadway survey was conducted to identify pre-existing conditions of the primary traffic facilities serving the subject properties Yelm Avenue (SR 07) The City of Yelm classifies Yelm Avenue (SR 07) as an Urban Arterial. SR 07 is a Highway of Regional Significance (Non-HSS) and its state functional classification is R2, Rural-Minor Arterial. Mile Post (MP) through MP of SR 07 is located within the incorporated limits of the City. Yelm Avenue (SR 07) consists of a single lane in each direction, with a two-way left-turn lane between Third Street and Creek Street/SR 07/Bald Hills Road. Curb, gutter, sidewalks and bike lanes are provided along portions of the road. The road has a posted speed limit of 3 mph west of Bald Hills Road and 4 mph east of Bald Hills Road Yelm Avenue (SR 10) SR 10 has a state functional classification of R2, Rural-Minor Arterial. It is a Highway of Regional Significance (Non Highway of State Significance). The City classifies the roadway as an Urban Arterial. The road runs from the east City limits to First Street. One lane in each direction is provided, with a twoway left turn lane west of Longmire Street and between Edwards Street and First Street Grove Road SE Grove Road is classified as an Urban Arterial. In the project vicinity, the roadway has a single lane in each direction and narrow shoulders. Neither sidewalks nor bike lanes are provided Walmart Boulevard Walmart Boulevard runs in a north-south direction between 103 rd Avenue SE and SR 07. A single travel lane in each direction is provided, with sidewalks and planter strips along the Walmart frontage. This roadway alignment is part of the partially constructed SR 10 Alternate (Yelm Loop) roadway that will provide a direct arterial connection from SR 10 (Yelm Highway) at Mud Run Road SE to Yelm Avenue (SR 07) at the current Walmart Boulevard intersection Bald Hills Road SE Bald Hills Road is a two-lane Urban Arterial with paved shoulders. Sidewalks and bike lanes are not provided. In the study area the roadway has a posted speed limit of 40 mph. SCJ Alliance November 2014 Page 12

16 Traffic Impact Analysis rd Avenue NE In the project vicinity, 103 rd Avenue provides a single lane in each direction with narrow paved shoulders and a posted speed limit of 2 mph. 103 rd Avenue NE is classified as a Commercial Collector from Yelm Avenue (SR 07) to NE Creek Street and as a Local Access Residential Street from NE Creek Street to Canal Road SE Traffic Volume Data The City of Yelm and Traffic Count Consultants provided evening peak period turning movement counts. The counts were conducted on January 9, 2014 between 3:00 PM and 6:00 PM for the following locations: Creek Street-Bald Hills Road/Yelm Avenue (SR 07) Bald Hills Road/Morris Road Grove Road/ Yelm Avenue (SR 07) Walmart Boulevard/ Yelm Avenue (SR 07) Walmart Driveway Access/Yelm Avenue (SR 07) Creek Street/103 rd Avenue Grove Road/103 rd Avenue Walmart Boulevard/103 rd Avenue Additionally, counts for the following locations were conducted between 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. on April 16, 2014: Burnett Road/SR 10 Killion Road/SR 10 Cullens Road/SR 10 Longmire Street/SR 10 Mosman Street/SR 07 First Street/SR 10 First Street/Stevens Street First Street/Rhoton Road/Railway Street Clark Road/SR rd Avenue/SR rd Avenue/West Road These traffic volumes were used for the base year operations analysis and as the basis for future year traffic volume projections. Figure shows the existing 2014 traffic volumes for the study intersections. The turning movement count diagrams are provided in Appendix A. 3.3 Public Transportation Intercity Transit (IT) Route 94 travels between downtown Olympia and the Yelm Walmart. Buses run east on SR 07 through the site to the Yelm Walmart, north on Walmart Boulevard, west on 103 rd Avenue, south on Creek Street and west on SR 07. Hourly service is provided on weekdays between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. On weekends, hourly service is between 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. SCJ Alliance November 2014 Page 13

17 ) Burnett Rd at Yelm Ave Burnett Rd 1 Killion Rd ) Creek St at 103rd Ave ) Grove Rd at 103rd Ave ) Walmart Blvd at 103rd Ave ) Bald Hills Rd/Creek St at Yelm Ave ) Killion Rd at Yelm Ave Longmire St 4 Cullens St Mosman Ave 1st St Stevens St 6 7 Yelm Ave Rhoton Rd ) Bald Hills Rd at Morris Rd ) Grove Rd at Yelm Ave ) Walmart Blvd at Yelm Ave ) Yelm Ave at Walmart Driveway Access 3) Cullens St at Yelm Ave 4) Longmire St at Yelm Ave ) 1st St at Mosman Ave rd Ave 14 XX LEGEND PM PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES Clark Rd Creek St Grove Rd Wal-Mart Blvd 6) 1st St at Yelm Ave 7) 1st St at Stevens Hwy 8) 1st St/Rhoton Rd at Railway Rd Project Area Morris Rd Bald Hills Rd Vail Rd 9) Clark Rd at Yelm Ave 10) 103rd Ave at Yelm Ave 11) West Rd at 103rd Ave Figure Existing 2014 PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes Yelm, WA Traffic Impact Analysis

18 Traffic Impact Analysis 4. PROJECT TRAFFIC CHARACTERISTICS The two project-related characteristics having the most effect on area traffic conditions are peak hour trip generation and the directional distribution of traffic volumes on the surrounding roadway network. 4.1 Site-Generated Traffic Volumes Project trip generation for each of the three alternatives was calculated using the trip generation rates contained in the current edition of the Trip Generation report by the Institute of Transportation Engineers. The Shopping Center land use (land use code 820) was determined to be applicable. The trip generation rates used for this analysis are shown in Table 1. A project such as a commercial center tends to attract a large amount of traffic from people already driving on the area roadways. These trips are not new trips added to the local roadways (primary trips) but represent pass-by trips according to the following definition: Pass-by Trips are trips made as an intermediate stop from an origin to a primary destination (i.e., stopping to shop on the way home from work) by vehicles passing directly by the project driveway. The new-to-network trip rate reflects an estimated 34% occurrence of pass-by vehicles for the shopping center. Land Use (LU) Table 1. Trip Generation Characteristics PM Peak Hour Fitted Curve PM Peak Hour Trip Rates Unit Rate Pass-By % Enter % Exit Shopping Center (LU 820) 1,000 sf Varies 34% 48% 2% The total trip generation expected from the development is calculated by applying the square footage of the shopping center uses in each of the alternatives to the appropriate trip generation rate. The total project trip generation and new-to-network trip generation for each scenario are shown in Table 2. The fitted curve equation for a shopping center (ITE land use code 820) was used to calculate the trip generation of each alternative. Trip generation was reviewed and approved by the City of Yelm during the traffic scoping process. SCJ Alliance November 2014 Page 1

19 Traffic Impact Analysis Site Plan Description North Side South Side Land Use Table 2. Project PM Trip Generation Summary Units (sf) Fitted Curve Rate No Action Alternative Total Trips Pass- New-To-Network Trips In Out Total By In Out Total Shopping Center 10, Shopping Center 123, Total North Side South Side Moderate Intensity Alternative Shopping Center 190, Shopping Center 307, Total North Side South Side Highest Intensity Alternative Shopping Center 304, Shopping Center 492, Total Site Traffic Distribution The vehicle directional trip distribution to and from the site will be based primarily on: The area street system characteristics; Current travel patterns on the area roadways; The proposed access system for the project; and Locations of residential areas and shopping/commercial centers. The Thurston Regional Planning Council (TRPC) model currently maintains a travel demand model that incorporates all of Thurston County. TRPC created the area-wide transportation model with cooperation from the local jurisdictions within the County. The model, developed using the Emme/3 software package, has been calibrated to accurately represent the existing vehicle travel patterns throughout the entire county. The model provides significant detail in the City of Yelm area and has been used extensively as a traffic forecasting tool for transportation studies in the City of Yelm. In the transportation model, the county-wide transportation network is divided into Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZ s). A Select Zone Analysis (SZA) was conducted for TAZ 34 to estimate the directional distribution characteristics of project traffic. This feature of the Emme/3 software package allows all of SCJ Alliance November 2014 Page 16

20 Traffic Impact Analysis the traffic into and out of a particular zone to be isolated and shown separately from the rest of the traffic on the network. This graphically shows the percentage of vehicles currently using each of the available routes into and out of the area (Yelm Avenue (SR 07), Bald Hills Road, Grove Road, Walmart Boulevard, etc.). From this information, regional distribution percentages were calculated for future traffic from the proposed East Gateway project. Previous review and analysis of the regional traffic distribution in the vicinity has shown that the model underestimates the commercial traffic draw to/from the northeast (into Pierce County). Accordingly, the regional distribution was adjusted for this study to be consistent with previous analysis for the area. Specifically, the draw to/from west of Yelm (on SR 10, from the Lacey area) was reduced and the draw to/from northeast of Yelm (via SR 07). The distribution was also ground-truthed by comparing to the existing traffic volumes generated by the Walmart based on recent counts at the Walmart driveways. 4.3 Traffic Assignment Scenarios The site-generated traffic was assigned to the area roadway network differently for the two analysis horizon years (2020 and 203). The differences are described below horizon The development traffic was assigned based on existing travel trends and includes only existing roadway connections in the area. Specifically SR 10 Alternate (Yelm Loop) and the Bald Hills Road Connector (Y- 2c) are not yet in place for this scenario. The site traffic distribution and assignment for the highest traffic potential for the 2020 network is shown on Figures 6 and horizon Development traffic was assigned to the network assuming SR 10 Alternate (Yelm Loop) and Y-2c (from Yelm Avenue (SR 07) to Bald Hills Road) to be completed. These improvements are described in section.1. These connections result in more site-generated traffic arriving from the loop roads and not using Yelm Avenue (SR 07) directly to access the site. The site traffic distribution and assignment of the highest traffic potential for the 203 network is shown on Figure 8. The site traffic distribution and assignment figures for the other two development scenarios are provided in Appendix B. The traffic distribution and assignments were reviewed and approved by City of Yelm staff. SCJ Alliance November 2014 Page 17

21 ) Burnett Rd at Yelm Ave % Burnett Rd 1 1% Killion Rd Project Trips Pass-By Trips Inbound Outbound Total New-to-Network Trips Inbound Outbound Total ) Creek St at 103rd Ave ) Grove Rd at 103rd Ave ) Walmart Blvd at 103rd Ave ) Bald Hills Rd/Creek St at Yelm Ave ) Killion Rd at Yelm Ave 81 3) Cullens St at Yelm Ave ) 1st St at Yelm Ave ) Longmire St at Yelm Ave ) 1st St at Stevens Hwy % ) 1st St at Mosman Ave 8) 1st St/Rhoton Rd at Railway Rd Longmire St 4 1% Cullens St Mosman Ave 10% 1st St Stevens St 6 2% 1% 7 1% Yelm Ave Rhoton Rd 8 9 Clark Rd 1% 1% % 8% 3% 8% 2% Creek St 1 Morris Rd ) Bald Hills Rd at Morris Rd % 13 Grove Rd Bald Hills Rd (44) 100 (-73) 173 (29) rd Ave (48) (44) Project Area (119) (17) (48) 160 (-167) 89 (83) 17) Grove Rd at Yelm Ave % Wal-Mart Blvd % (42) (42) 6 (-93) 172 (39) 60 18) Walmart Blvd at Yelm Ave XXX (XXX) (9) 6 64 (1) 78 XX% (-9) 104 (9) 361 Legend Site-Generated Project Trips Site-Generated Pass-By Trips Distribution Percentage Vail Rd ) Yelm Ave at Walmart Driveway Access 2% 10% 9) Clark Rd at Yelm Ave 10) 103rd Ave at Yelm Ave 11) West Rd at 103rd Ave Figure PM Peak Hour Site-Generated Traffic Volumes - Alt 1 Yelm, WA Traffic Impact Analysis

22 Grove Rd Project Area % Yelm Ave 3% XXX (XXX) XX% Note % of the distribution was applied internally between the north and south side of the site. An additional % was assigned as internal capture. Legend Site-Generated Project Trips Site-Generated Pass-By Trips Distribution Percentage (-38) 321 (38) 74 Parcel D Driveway (39) (46) 162 (46) (46) 89 Parcel A North Driveway (46) 83 (48) (44) (46) 88 (46) 16 (44) 100 (-73) 173 (29) 70 19% Parcel A South Driveway 2 (48) 160 (-167) 89 (83) (119) (17) 49 (-12) 276 (12) 23 Parcel C North Driveway Parcel C Driveway 78 (81) Parcel C South Driveway (12) 21 Parcel F Driveway 3 (81) 223 (-81) (42) 6 (-93) 172 (39) 60 Parcel G North Driveway 20 (21) (42) Parcel G South Driveway (21) 9 93 (21) 78 (33) 112 (67) 34 (34) (28) (33) 34 (34) (28) 8 Walmart Blvd 38 (42) 144 (42) (-9) 104 (9) (9) 6 64 (1) 78 () (27) 18 (27) Parcel G Driveway 333 Project Trips Pass-By Trips Inbound Outbound Total New-to-Network Trips Inbound Outbound Total Figure 7 PM Peak Hour Site-Generated Project Trips - Alt 1 (Site Driveways) Yelm, WA Traffic Impact Analysis

23 rd Ave ) 103rd Ave at Creek St ) 103rd Ave at Grove Rd 2% Creek St Grove Rd Walmart Blvd ) 103rd Ave at Walmart Blvd 1) Yelm Ave at Bald Hills Rd/Creek St 2 0 (24) 64 9 (22) 64 (24) 113 (-84) 87 (60) 48 (22) 9 (-30) 12 (8) 43 (61) (8) 43 22% Yelm Ave 2% 16) Bald Hills Rd at Morris Rd 17) Yelm Ave at Grove Rd % Morris Rd Bald Hills Rd Legend XXX Site-Generated Project Trips (XXX) Site-Generated Pass-By Trips XX% 16 Distribution Percentage Project Area 18% Project Trips Pass-By Trips Inbound Outbound Total New-to-Network Trips Inbound Outbound Total (12) 3 (-12) 68 (-12) 12 (12) (2) 76 18) Yelm Ave at Walmart Blvd ) Yelm Ave at Walmart Driveway Access Figure PM Peak Hour Site-Generated Traffic Volumes - Alt 1 Yelm, WA Traffic Impact Analysis

24 Traffic Impact Analysis. FUTURE TRAFFIC CONDITIONS.1 Roadway Improvements The City of Yelm s Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) includes a number of projects in the study area: Y-2c Bald Hills to SR 07 This project constructs a new collector street between Bald Hills Road and the traffic signal at the SR 07/SR 10 Alternate (Yelm Loop) intersection. SR 10 Alternate (Yelm Loop) Construction of this north loop provides a primary alternative for traffic traveling through and around the City Center. Bald Hills Road from City limits to Corners This project reconstructs Bald Hills Road to a three-lane facility between the Western Chehalis Railroad and its intersection with Yelm Avenue (SR 07)..2 Future Traffic Volumes The traffic volume forecasts for the study intersections were prepared using the TRPC travel demand model. The TRPC model reflects the planned household and employment growth predicted by the City for over the long-term planning horizon Horizon For the 2020 horizon, the background area-wide traffic growth rate was determined by the growth trends calculated from model output. Specifically, for the 2020 horizon a 2.% annual growth rate was used for SR 07 and SR 10, and 1% annual growth rate for all other roadways in the study area. The growth rates were applied to the existing traffic counts collected for the area. The site-generated traffic volumes for the three development alternatives were added to the background traffic volumes to calculate the three total traffic assignments for the study Horizon By the 203 horizon additional roadway connections planned within the City are anticipated to be completed. These new connections will have a notable effect on traffic flows within the localized study area. The current TRPC 203 model scenario was used as the baseline for calculating the traffic shifts in the area. The 203 model includes all of the planned improvements in the current Regional Transportation Plan. Specific improvements within the study area that will affect 203 travel patterns are listed below: Completion of the entire SR 10 Alternate (Yelm Loop) from Mud Run Road at Yelm Avenue (SR 07) to the Walmart Boulevard intersection at Yelm Avenue (SR 07). Y-1 Loop (Thurston Highlands area) from Killion Street at Yelm Avenue to SR 07 south of Yelm. Y-2c from Yelm Avenue (SR 07) at Walmart Boulevard to Bald Hills Road. The spacing between the Grove Road and WalMart Boulevard intersection is approximately 700-feet and it is doubtful the Washington State Department of Transportation will allow traffic signal control at this intersection due to insufficient spacing for vehicle queuing between intersections. Therefore, it is anticipated intersection control will include a roundabout. Construction of a modern roundabout will improve the intersection operations by decreasing speeds and reducing collisions and traffic delays. SCJ Alliance November 2014 Page 21

25 Traffic Impact Analysis To estimate background traffic volume conditions, the TRPC model was used to predict changes in the traffic patterns associated with the new connections. Specifically the 203 volume scenarios were calculated by growing the study intersections by the global growth trends used for the 2020 horizon and adjusting the traffic flows to account for the localized traffic re-assignment caused by the Y-2c and SR 10 Alternate (Yelm Loop) connections. The 2020 total traffic assignment for the highest traffic scenario is provided on Figures 9 and 10. The total traffic assignment for the 203 horizon is shown on Figure 11. The total traffic assignment for the other scenarios is provided in Appendix B. Traffic volume calculations for the study intersections are shown in Appendix C. SCJ Alliance November 2014 Page 22

26 ) Burnett Rd at Yelm Ave Burnett Rd 1 Killion Rd ) Creek St at 103rd Ave ) Grove Rd at 103rd Ave ) Walmart Blvd at 103rd Ave ) Bald Hills Rd/Creek St at Yelm Ave ) Killion Rd at Yelm Ave Longmire St 4 Cullens St Mosman Ave 1st St Stevens St 6 7 Yelm Ave Rhoton Rd ) Bald Hills Rd at Morris Rd ) Grove Rd at Yelm Ave ) Walmart Blvd at Yelm Ave ) Yelm Ave at Walmart Driveway Access 3) Cullens St at Yelm Ave 4) Longmire St at Yelm Ave ) 1st St at Mosman Ave rd Ave 14 XX LEGEND PM PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES Clark Rd Creek St Grove Rd Wal-Mart Blvd 6) 1st St at Yelm Ave 7) 1st St at Stevens Hwy 8) 1st St/Rhoton Rd at Railway Rd Project Area Morris Rd Bald Hills Rd Vail Rd 9) Clark Rd at Yelm Ave 10) 103rd Ave at Yelm Ave 11) West Rd at 103rd Ave Figure 9 Projected 2020 PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes - Alt 1 Yelm, WA Traffic Impact Analysis

27 Yelm Ave Grove Rd Parcel D Driveway Parcel A North Driveway Project Area Parcel A South Driveway Parcel C North Driveway Parcel C Driveway 160 Parcel C South Driveway 3 Parcel F Driveway Parcel G North Driveway Walmart Blvd Parcel G Driveway 116 XXX Legend PM PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES Parcel G South Driveway Figure 10 Projected 2020 PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes - Alt 1 (Site Driveways) Yelm, WA Traffic Impact Analysis

28 rd Ave ) 103rd Ave at Creek St ) 103rd Ave at Grove Rd Creek St Grove Rd Walmart Blvd ) 103rd Ave at Walmart Blvd 1) Yelm Ave at Bald Hills Rd/Creek St Yelm Ave 16) Bald Hills Rd at Morris Rd 17) Yelm Ave at Grove Rd Morris Rd 16 Bald Hills Rd Project Area ) Yelm Ave at Walmart Blvd 19) Yelm Ave at Walmart Driveway Access LEGEND XX PM PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES Figure 11 Projected 203 PM Peak Hour Traffic Volumes - Alt 1 Yelm, WA Traffic Impact Analysis

29 Traffic Impact Analysis 6. TRAFFIC OPERATIONS ANALYSIS 6.1 Level of Service The acknowledged source for determining overall capacity for arterial segments and independent intersections is the Highway Capacity Manual (HCM). For signalized and stop sign-controlled intersections, the HCM 2010 methodology was used. For analysis of modern roundabout intersections, the Sidra analysis methodology was used. Capacity analyses were completed for the base year and projected 2020 PM peak hour traffic volume scenarios for all intersections. Capacity analyses were completed for 203 horizon for the project frontage area intersections only. Capacity analysis results are described in terms of Level of Service (LOS). LOS is a qualitative term describing operating conditions a driver will experience while traveling on a particular street or highway during a specific time interval. It ranges from A (very little delay) to F (long delays and congestion). The intersections in this study are held to the following LOS standards adopted by the City: In all residential zones, LOS C In all commercial and light industrial zones, LOS D In the urban core, generally between Edwards Street and 4 th Street and Mosman Avenue and West Road, LOS F is recognized as an acceptable level of service where mitigation to create traffic diversions, alternate routes and modes of transportation are being planned, funded and implemented. The LOS standard for the urban core area shall not preclude the City s ability to require necessary safety improvements of intersections impacted by new development Operations Level of Service calculations for intersections determine the amount of control delay (in seconds) that drivers will experience while proceeding through an intersection. Control delay includes all deceleration delay, stopped delay and acceleration delay caused by the traffic control device. The Level of Service is directly related to the amount of delay experienced. For Concurrency Review, the City uses the total average delay of the intersection and not individual movements. For intersections under minor street stop-sign control, the LOS of the most difficult movement (typically the minor street left-turn) represents the intersection level of service for purposes of assessing potential impacts. However, the Concurrency Review threshold is applied to the intersection average LOS. The following tables show the Level of Service criteria for signalized and unsignalized intersections. SCJ Alliance November 2014 Page 26

30 Traffic Impact Analysis Table 3. Level of Service Criteria for Signalized s Level of Service Average Control Delay (seconds/vehicle) A 10 B > C > 20-3 D > 3- E > -80 F > 80 Table 4. Level of Service Criteria for Unsignalized s Level of Service Average Control Delay (seconds/vehicle) A 10 B > 10-1 C > 1-2 D > 2-3 E > 3-0 F > Volume to Capacity Ratio Another measure of the function of a signalized intersection is the degree of saturation which is typically presented as the volume to capacity (v/c) ratio. Many factors affect the volume of traffic an intersection can accommodate during a specific time interval. These factors include the number of lanes, lane widths, the type of signal phasing, the number of parking maneuvers on the adjacent street, etc. Based on these factors, the intersection (or individual lane group) is determined to have a total vehicle carrying capacity c for the analysis period. The analysis period volume v is compared to the calculated carrying capacity and presented as a ratio. If the v/c ratio is below 1.0, the demand volume is less than the maximum capacity. If the v/c ratio is over 1.0, the demand volume is exceeding the available capacity. 6.3 Operations The analysis was conducted for the following three traffic volume scenarios: Existing 2014 traffic volumes Projected 2020 traffic volumes with the project (three development alternatives) Projected 203 traffic volumes (using highest traffic development scenario only) The capacity analysis worksheets are provided in Appendix D. Following is a description of the level of service analysis of the study intersections for the scenarios listed above. SCJ Alliance November 2014 Page 27

31 Traffic Impact Analysis 6.4 Stop Sign-Controlled s analysis for stop controlled intersections was performed using the Highway Capacity Manual output for the Synchro software. Synchro incorporates the methodology of the current Highway Capacity Manual and is used by the City of Yelm to review operating conditions for unsignalized intersections. The results identified below represent the average LOS condition for the intersection as a whole and not by specific traffic movement Burnett Road/SR 10 This is a tee intersection with stop sign control for Burnett Road. The concurrency standard for this location is LOS D. This intersection currently operates at an LOS A and is projected to remain an LOS A in all of the 2020 build alternatives. No mitigation is required Cullens Road/Yelm Avenue (SR 10) This intersection has stop sign control for the north and south approaches on Cullens Road. The concurrency standard for this location is LOS D. This intersection currently operates at an LOS A and is projected to remain an LOS A in all of the 2020 build alternatives. No mitigation is required Longmire Street/Yelm Avenue (SR 10) This intersection has stop sign control for the north and south approaches on Longmire Street. The concurrency standard for this location is LOS D. This intersection currently operates at an LOS A and is projected to remain an LOS A in all of the 2020 build alternatives. No mitigation is required st Street/Mosman Avenue This intersection is made up of two slightly offset tee intersections, with stop control on the east and west approaches of Mosman Avenue. The concurrency standard for this location is LOS F. This intersection currently operates at an LOS A and is projected to remain an LOS A in all of the 2020 build alternatives. No mitigation is required First Street/Stevens Street This intersection has stop control for the east and west approaches on Stevens Street. Both roads provide a single lane in each direction. The concurrency standard for this location is LOS F. This intersection currently operates at an LOS D and is projected to operate at an LOS E in the 2020 scenario for the highest traffic threshold. This intersection has experienced a change in volume patterns now that it provides an alternative route across 1 st Street. The change in volume can be accommodated by converting this intersection to all-way stop-control. Under all-way stop-control, this intersection is projected to operate at an LOS C for all of the build alternatives st Street/Rhoton Road/Railway Road This intersection has stop control for the east and west approaches on Railway Road. The concurrency standard for this location is LOS D. This intersection currently operates at an LOS A and is projected to remain an LOS A in all of the 2020 build alternatives. No mitigation is required. SCJ Alliance November 2014 Page 28

32 Traffic Impact Analysis rd Avenue/Yelm Avenue (SR 07) This intersection has stop control on the north and south approaches of 103 rd Avenue. The concurrency standard for this location is LOS D. This intersection currently operates at an LOS A and is projected to remain an LOS A in all of the 2020 build alternatives. No mitigation is required West Road/103rd Avenue This intersection has stop control on the north and south approaches of West Road. The concurrency standard for this location is LOS D. This intersection currently operates at an LOS B. It is projected to operate at an LOS C in all of the 2020 build alternatives. No mitigation is required Creek Street/103rd Avenue This is a tee intersection with stop control for Creek Street. The concurrency standard for this location is LOS D. This intersection currently operates at an LOS A and is projected to remain an LOS A in all of the 2020 build alternatives. No mitigation is required Grove Road/103rd Avenue This is a four-way intersection under all-way stop-control. The concurrency standard for this location is LOS C. This intersection currently operates at an LOS B and is projected to remain an LOS B for the 2020 Alt 2 and Alt 3 build alternatives. The intersection is projected to operate at an LOS C in the 2020 Alt 1 build alternative. No mitigation is required Walmart Boulevard/103rd Avenue This tee intersection has stop sign control on the south approach of Walmart Boulevard. The concurrency standard for this location is LOS C. This intersection currently operates at an LOS A and is projected to remain an LOS A in all of the 2020 build alternatives. No mitigation is required Bald Hills Road/Morris Road This is a tee intersection with stop control on the south approach of Morris Road. The concurrency standard for this location is LOS D. This intersection currently operates at an LOS A and is projected to remain an LOS A in all of the 2020 build alternatives. No mitigation is required Grove Road/Yelm Avenue (SR 07) This is a tee intersection with stop control on the north approach of Grove Road. The concurrency standard for this location is LOS D. This intersection currently operates at an LOS A. For the 2020 build alternatives, a fourth leg (south approach) of the intersection will be constructed to provide access into the project area south of Yelm Avenue (SR 07). Leaving the north and south approaches as stop controlled for the 2020 build alternatives, the intersection is projected to operate at an LOS F condition during the PM peak traffic period. This location will serve as one of the primary access points for the proposed development and stop control will not accommodate the projected traffic volumes for any of the development scenarios. Construction of a modern roundabout will improve the operations for conditions with the highest traffic potential to an LOS D. The Alt 2 build alternative is projected to operate at an LOS B, while the Alt 3 SCJ Alliance November 2014 Page 29

33 Traffic Impact Analysis build alternative is projected to operate at an LOS A. The other type of intersection control to consider is the installation of a traffic signal control system. This is a traditional method to provide controlled access while mitigating significant delay impacts to the cross street traffic. However, given the close proximity of this location to the downstream signal system at the Walmart intersection, this type of traffic control will not be permitted by WSDOT. A description of the merits and impacts associated with a modern roundabout versus a signalized system is provided below. Both a modern roundabout and a traffic signal system could be designed at this location to meet acceptable level of service standards. However, a traffic signal would require widening Yelm Avenue (SR 07) further west of the intersection to accommodate vehicle storage. At roundabouts vehicles only turn right to enter the intersection and left-turn lanes are not required. Also vehicles are generally continuously moving which reduces the need for widening to accommodate queued vehicles. A modern roundabout would also provide an opportunity for vehicles to enter or exit right-turn-only (RTO) driveways on Yelm Avenue (SR 07) by performing a U-turn at the roundabout. For example a vehicle headed westbound on Yelm Avenue (SR 07) wishing to enter a RTO driveway on the south side of Yelm Avenue (SR 07) could U-turn at Grove Road and enter the driveway. Modern roundabouts have been shown to experience much lower crash rates than comparable traffic signals. Data provided by FHWA indicate that an intersection converting from traffic signal to roundabout experiences, on average, a 48% reduction in total vehicle crashes and a 78% reduction in injury crashes. For the reasons described above a modern roundabout is proposed as the preferred intersection control alternative at this location Walmart Driveway Access/Yelm Avenue (SR 07) This is a tee intersection with stop control on the north approach, which is the Walmart Driveway Access. The concurrency standard for this location is LOS D. This intersection currently operates at an LOS A and is projected to remain an LOS A in all of the 2020 build alternatives. No mitigation is required. Table summarizes the operational results for the stop sign-controlled intersections. SCJ Alliance November 2014 Page 30

34 Traffic Impact Analysis Table. Unsignalized s LOS Summary PM Peak Hour Burnett Rd at Yelm Ave Cullens St at Yelm Ave Longmire St at Yelm Ave 1 st St at Mosman Ave 1 st St at Stevens Hwy 1 st St/Rhoton Rd at Railway Rd 103 rd Ave at Yelm Ave West Rd at 103 rd Ave Creek St at 103 rd Ave Grove Rd at 103 rd Ave Walmart Blvd at 103 rd Ave Bald Hills Rd at Morris Rd Grove Rd at Yelm Ave Walmart Driveway Access at Yelm Ave Concurrency Standard Existing 2014 D D D F F D D D D C C D D D Worst Movement Average C (22) A (1) (E 39) A (1) D (3) A (2) C (24) A () F (0) D (2) B (12) A (2) F (93) A (1) C (24) B (13) B (12) A (3) B (12) B (11) B (11) A () C (17) A (3) C (24) A (1) C (23) A (2) 1) Convert intersection to all-way stop control 2) Error given in software as a result of excessive delay 3) Includes implementation of a Modern Roundabout Projected 2020 Alt 1 Worst Movement Average D (33) A (1) F (76) A (1) F (108) A (3) E (43) A () F (108) E (49) B (14) A (3) F (300+) A (4) D (32) C (17) B (14) A (4) C (21) C (18) B (12) A (6) D (30) A () Projected 2020 Alt 1 with Imp Worst Movement Average D (33) A (1) F (76) A (1) F (108) A (3) E (43) A () Projected 2020 Alt 2 with Imp Worst Movement Average D (30) A (1) F (70) A (1) F (77) A (3) E (37) A () C (24) 1 C (18) 1 C (23) 1 C (17) 1 B (14) A (3) F (300+) A (4) D (32) C (17) B (14) A (4) C (21) C (18) B (12) A (6) D (30) A () F (300+) F (101) 3 F (Error) 2 D (32) 3 F (60) A (3) F (60) A (3) B (14) A (3) F (300+) A (4) D (30) C (16) B (14) A (4) C (17) B (1) B (11) A () D (2) A (4) C (2) 3 B (14) 3 E (48) A (3) Projected 2020 Alt 3 With Imp Worst Movement Average D (29) A (1) F (64) A (1) F (3) A (2) D (33) A () C (22) 1 C (17) 1 B (13) A (3) F (23) A (3) D (28) B (1) B (13) A (3) B (1) B (13) B (11) A () C (22) A (3) C (17) 3 A (7) 3 E (38) A (2) SCJ Alliance November 2014 Page 31

35 Traffic Impact Analysis 6. Signalized s 6..1 Killion Road/Tahoma Boulevard SE/SR 10 This is a four approach intersection under traffic signal control. The concurrency standard for this location is LOS D. This intersection currently operates at an LOS A. It is projected to operate at an LOS B in all of the 2020 build alternatives. No mitigation is required First Street/SR 07/SR 10 This is a four approach intersection under traffic signal control. The concurrency standard for this location is LOS F. This intersection currently operates at an LOS C. It is projected to operate at an LOS E in the 2020 Alt 1 and Alt 2 build alternatives. For the 2020 Alt 3 build alternative, this intersection is projected to operate at an LOS D. No mitigation is required Clark Road/Yelm Avenue (SR 07) This is a four approach intersection under traffic signal control. The concurrency standard for this location is LOS D. This intersection currently operates at an LOS A. It is projected to operate at an LOS B in all of the 2020 build alternatives. No mitigation is required Bald Hills Road/Creek Street/Yelm Avenue (SR 07) This is a four-leg intersection under signal control. The concurrency standard for this location is LOS D. This intersection currently operates at an LOS C. It is projected to operate at an LOS D in the 2020 Alt 1 and Alt 2 build alternatives. For the 2020 Alt 3 build alternative, this intersection is projected to remain at an LOS C. No mitigation is required. 6.. Walmart Boulevard/Yelm Avenue (SR 07) This is currently a three-leg intersection under signal control. The concurrency standard for this location is LOS D. This intersection currently operates at an LOS B. For the 2020 build alternatives, a fourth leg (south approach) will be constructed. Without further improvements, the 2020 highest traffic potential scenario is projected to operate at an LOS F condition. Construction of additional eastbound and westbound through lanes through the project area and a southbound through lane is projected to improve the level of service of the 2020 highest traffic build alternative to an LOS C. The 2020 Alt 2 build alternative is also projected to operate at an LOS C with these improvements, while the 2020 Alt 3 build alternative is projected to operate at an LOS B. Table 6 summarizes the operational results for the signal-controlled intersections. SCJ Alliance November 2014 Page 32

36 Traffic Impact Analysis Killion Rd at Yelm Ave 1 st St at Yelm Ave Clark Rd at Yelm Ave Table 6. Signalized s LOS Summary PM Peak Hour Concurrency Standard Existing 2014 Projected 2020 Alt 1 Projected 2020 Alt 1 with Imp Projected 2020 Alt 2 with Imp Projected 2020 Alt 3 With Imp LOS (Delay) LOS (Delay) LOS (Delay) LOS (Delay) LOS (Delay) Average Average Average Average Average D A (9) B (12) B (12) B (11) B (10) F C (28) E (7) E (7) E (63) D (1) D A (9) B (1) B (1) B (13) B (11) Bald Hills Rd at Yelm Ave 4 D C (2) D (4) D (4) 4 D (40) 4 C (3) 4 Walmart Blvd at Yelm Ave D B (10) F (100) D (41) C (27) B (17) 4) HCM 2000 methodology used to accommodate Non-NEMA phasing 6.6 Site Driveways Analysis for the site driveways was prepared based on a conceptual development plan for the overall project. The driveway volumes represent equal distribution of site development traffic based on the proposed access system. Individual developments that locate within the site may have actual trip generation characteristics higher or lower than the averages represented in this analysis. Turn lane locations were identified based on these assumptions to provide optimum accessibility to and within the site while creating the least friction on the public street system (Yelm Avenue (SR 07), Walmart Boulevard, Grove Road and the future Y-2c connection). The proposed roadway and intersection geometrics for the site driveways and public intersections adjacent to the site that were assumed for this analysis are shown on Figure 12. As individual developments are advanced within the context of the overall plan, the driveway turn lanes and storage lengths will be defined to the satisfaction of the City of Yelm and WSDOT. The following is a description of the operating conditions expected with the proposed driveway access locations and configurations. SCJ Alliance November 2014 Page 33

37 Grove Rd Walmart Blvd Yelm Ave Legend Existing Roadway Existing Channelization Proposed Roadway Proposed Channelization Figure 12 Proposed 2020 Alt 1 Channelization Plan Yelm Gateway EIS Yelm, WA Traffic Impact Analysis

38 Traffic Impact Analysis Grove Road/North Parcel A Driveway This will be a tee intersection with stop control on the east approach. The concurrency standard for this location is LOS D. This intersection is projected to operate at an LOS A in all of the 2020 build alternatives Grove Road/South Parcel A Driveway This will be a four approach intersection with stop control on the east and west approaches. The west approach serves an existing mini storage facility. The concurrency standard for this location is LOS D. This intersection is projected to operate at an LOS A in all of the 2020 build alternatives Parcel D Driveway/Yelm Avenue (SR 07) This will be a tee intersection with stop control on the south approach. The concurrency standard for this location is LOS D. In Alternatives 1 and 2, this intersection is projected to be a right-in, right-out (RIRO) driveway. For Alternative 3 this intersection is projected to be full access since there would be no planned connectivity within the adjacent parcels. This intersection is projected to operate at an LOS A in 2020 for Alternatives 1 and 2. For Alternative 3 it is projected to operate at an LOS B Parcel B Driveway/Yelm Avenue (SR 07) This will be a tee intersection with stop control on the north approach. The concurrency standard for this location is LOS D. For Alternative 3 this intersection is projected to be full access since there would be no planned connectivity within the adjacent parcels. In Alternatives 1 and 2, this intersection would not be constructed, as access is provided along Yelm Avenue (SR 07) in other locations and there is connectivity through the parcels. This intersection is projected to operate at an LOS A in 2020 Alternative Parcel C Driveway/Parcel F Driveway/Yelm Avenue (SR 07) This will be a four approach intersection with stop control on the north and south approaches. The concurrency standard for this location is LOS D. In Alternatives 1 and 2, this intersection is projected to be a RIRO for the north and south approaches. For Alternative 3 this intersection is projected to be full access since there would be no planned connectivity within the adjacent parcels. This intersection is projected to operate at an LOS A in 2020 for Alternatives 1 and 2. For Alternative 3 it is projected to operate at an LOS B Parcel F North Driveway/Walmart Boulevard This will be a four approach intersection with stop control on the east and west approaches. The west approach serves the existing Walmart. The concurrency standard for this location is LOS D. This intersection is projected to operate at an LOS A in all of the 2020 build alternatives Parcel F South Driveway/Walmart Boulevard This will be a four approach intersection with stop control on the east and west approaches. The west approach serves the existing Walmart. The concurrency standard for this location is LOS D. This intersection is projected to operate at an LOS A in all of the 2020 build alternatives. SCJ Alliance November 2014 Page 3

39 Traffic Impact Analysis Parcel G North Driveway/Y-2c Extension This will be a four approach intersection with stop control on the east and west approaches. This intersection will initially be an internal intersection serving the development. It will be constructed to fit within the planned Y-2c improvement. The concurrency standard for this location is LOS D. This intersection is projected to operate at an LOS A in all of the 2020 build alternatives Parcel G South Driveway/Y-2c Extension This will be a four approach intersection with stop control on the east and west approaches. This intersection will initially be an internal intersection serving the development. It will be constructed to fit within the planned Y-2c improvement. The concurrency standard for this location is LOS D. This intersection is projected to operate at an LOS A in all of the 2020 build alternatives Parcel G Driveway/Yelm Avenue (SR 07) This will be a tee intersection with stop control on the south approach. The concurrency standard for this location is LOS D. This intersection is planned as a right-out only in all three alternatives. This intersection is projected to operate at an LOS A in all of the 2020 build alternatives. Table 7 summarizes the operational results for the site driveway intersections. SCJ Alliance November 2014 Page 36

40 Traffic Impact Analysis Table 7. Site Driveways LOS Summary PM Peak Hour Grove Rd at North Parcel A Driveway Grove Rd at South Parcel A Driveway Parcel D Driveway at Yelm Ave Parcel B Driveway at Yelm Ave Parcel C/F Driveways at Yelm Ave Walmart Blvd at North Parcel C Driveway Walmart Blvd at South Parcel C Driveway Y-2c Extension at North Parcel G Driveway Y-2c Extension at South Parcel G Driveway Parcel G Driveway at Yelm Ave Concurrency Standard D D D Projected 2020 Alt 1 with Imp Projected 2020 Alt 2 with Imp Projected 2020 Alt 3 With Imp LOS (Delay) LOS (Delay) LOS (Delay) Worst Movement Average B (14) A (4) C (23) A () C (20) A (1) Worst Movement Average B (12) A (3) C (1) A (3) C (16) A (1) D N/A N/A D D D D D D C (17) A (2) D (28) A () C (21) A (3) C (19) A () B (12) A (7) B (13) A (1) B (14) A (1) C (22) A (4) C (18) A (3) B (14) A (4) B (10) A (6) B (12) A (1) Worst Movement Average B (10) A (2) B (11) A (2) F (189) B (13) D (30) A (1) F (143) B (12) B (1) A (2) B (13) A (3) B (10) A (3) A (9) A (6) B (11) A (1) SCJ Alliance November 2014 Page 37

41 Traffic Impact Analysis 7. LONG-RANGE TRAFFIC OPERATIONS Although not required for concurrency testing as part of the environmental review for this project, this study has analyzed the intersections and roadways near the project site for conditions expected by the City s long term 203 planning horizon. The analysis is based on the 203 traffic flows predicted for the area with SR 10 Alternate (Yelm Loop) and Y-2c completed. The analysis also assumes the highest traffic potential will be realized even though the moderate land-use build-out is the preferred alternative for the future development scenario. The analysis provides a framework for the street and highway frontage and access requirements of the development within the context of the City of Yelm s general overall vision for the area. The intersection and lane configurations anticipated for this scenario are shown on Figure 13. The roadway and intersection configurations are the same in 203 as for 2020 with the exception of roadway widening on Walmart Boulevard and Yelm Avenue (SR 07) east of Walmart Boulevard associated with the completion of the SR 10 Alternate (Yelm Loop) and Y-2c connections. The following is a summary of the predicted operation of the study intersections for the 203 horizon. Table 8. LOS Summary 203 PM Peak Hour with Alternative 1 Creek Street at 103 rd Avenue Grove Road at 103 rd Avenue Walmart Blvd at 103 rd Avenue Bald Hills Rd at Yelm Ave Morris Rd at Bald Hills Rd Grove Road at Yelm Ave Walmart Blvd at Yelm Ave Walmart Driveway Access at SR 07 Control Stop Control Stop Control Traffic Signal Traffic Signal Stop Control Projected 203 Alternative 1 LOS (Delay) Average A (4) Same as 2020 B (14) Same as 2020 B (20) D (42) Same as 2020 A (7) Same as 2020 RAB B (11) Same as 2020 Traffic Signal Stop Control D (46) A (3) Geometric and Control Description Install traffic signal and widen Walmart Boulevard to five lanes south of 103 rd Ave as part of Yelm Lop completion 2 nd SB to EB left-turn lane and conversion of WB through-right lane to right-only as part of SR 10 Alternate (Yelm Loop) completion Widening of Yelm Avenue (SR 07) to accommodate completion of SR 10 Alternate (Yelm Loop) SCJ Alliance November 2014 Page 38

42 Grove Rd Yelm Ave Y-2c Walmart Blvd Figure 13 Proposed 203 Alt 1 Channelization Plan Yelm Gateway EIS Yelm, WA Traffic Impact Analysis

43 Traffic Impact Analysis As shown on the 203 total traffic volume figures in Section of this study, the intersections on Yelm Avenue (SR 07) west of SR 10 Alternate (Yelm Loop) will experience less traffic in the 203 horizon compared to 2020, and currently Walmart Boulevard and Yelm Avenue (SR 07) east of Walmart Boulevard will experience much higher traffic volumes than in 203 than in The overall future traffic shift and reductions of through traffic in the core commercial area of the City is consistent with the future vision and plans identified in the City s Comprehensive Planning documents. SCJ Alliance November 2014 Page 40

44 Traffic Impact Analysis 8. MITIGATION Development of the proposed project area has been anticipated and in the planning process for some time. The City of Yelm has prepared comprehensive and project-specific documents over the past 1 years that address the traffic potential of this and other large-scale developments within the area. While it is expected that the project would have a measurable impact on the City s transportation system, local and regional transportation corridors have been identified to accommodate this significant development as well as other anticipated growth in the area not associated with. Even with these planned corridors and transportation improvements in place, project-specific impacts would be realized and mitigation measures will be necessary to accommodate the new traffic from the development. The overall development is proposed to be constructed over a 10 to 1-year period and this study has analyzed the traffic potential for three specific build-out scenarios to occur by 2020 and conditions predicted by 203. Given the complexity of predicting the type and size of potential commercial users and economic trends that will impact the development build-out, this study used the highest traffic scenario as a benchmark in assessing probable impacts to the City s transportation system. This scenario, if realized, will attract up to approximately 2,000 evening peak hour trips on the local and regional transportation system. The mitigation strategies listed below are categorized into three types of potential developer contributions and responsibilities. Each of these types is described briefly below, and the mitigation that follows for the project is organized according to these types: Developer Funded Off-site Infrastructure Improvements Improvements that are required to meet current Level of Service and concurrency standards if the proposed development creates impacts that affect service levels, safety and/or operational constraints. Site Access and Circulation Improvements Street and intersection improvements to accommodate internal site access and circulation. These requirements often include provisions for future street connections and corridors linking to adjacent developable properties and identified transportation routes listed in the City s comprehensive planning documents. Traffic Mitigation Fees Traffic mitigation fees paid in accordance with applicable City and County policies as outlined in the Yelm Municipal Code, Section 1.40 Concurrency Management. The following mitigation measures have been identified as necessary to accommodate traffic resulting from the proposed project. Mitigation is organized according to the types described above. SCJ Alliance November 2014 Page 41

45 Traffic Impact Analysis 8.1 Developer Funded Off-site Infrastructure Improvements Grove Road/Yelm Avenue (SR 07) This intersection will serve as a major access point into the proposed development. It will be one of only two locations that will provide left-turn access to/from the subject property via Yelm Avenue (SR 07). Accommodating the volume of traffic predicted at this intersection will require installation of a high volume intersection control. As described in section 6 of this report, the optimum intersection control was determined to be a modern roundabout. The project developers will construct a two-lane modern roundabout concurrent with development of properties that will access Grove Road within the westerly portion of the development. The proposed intersection geometry is shown on Figure 12 in section 6. Roundabouts can be an efficient form of intersection control. They have fewer conflict points, lower speeds, reduce injury collisions and traffic delays and vehicle stacking (i.e. queuing), and also permit U- turns. Per Chapter 1300 of the WSDOT Design Manual, an intersection control analysis (ICA) will be performed to evaluate and determine the appropriate type of intersection control for the Grove Road/Yelm Avenue (SR 07) intersection. The spacing between the Grove Road and Wal-Mart Boulevard intersection is approximately 700-feet and it is doubtful the Washington State Department of Transportation will allow traffic signal control at this intersection due to insufficient spacing for vehicle queuing between intersections. Design and construction of the roundabout will be paid for by the developers and will require approval by the City of Yelm and WSDOT prior to construction Walmart Boulevard [SR 10 Alternate (Yelm Loop), Y-2c]/Yelm Avenue (SR 07) The project developers will construct improvements to this intersection to accommodate the new northbound approach at the intersection, and to accommodate the predicted traffic flows at the intersection with completion of the development. The proposed roadway and intersection improvements to be constructed by the project developers are shown on Figure 12 in section 6 of this report. In addition to the improvements that will be constructed by the developers concurrently with construction of the development, the project will grant public right-of-way setbacks for future completion by the City of additional improvements associated with completion of SR 10 Alternate (Yelm Loop) and Y-2c SR 10 Alternate (Yelm Loop) and Y-2c Corridors The City of Yelm plans to construct the Y-2c corridor through the subject property between Yelm Avenue (SR 07) and Bald Hills Road and the SR 10 Alternate (Yelm Loop) corridor that will extend from Yelm Avenue (SR 07) to the north along the east edge of the subject property. These projects have long been identified in the City of Yelm Transportation Plan as part of a system of improvements to provide alternate routes to reduce congestion on Yelm Avenue (SR 07). The development will accommodate these improvements in two ways: SCJ Alliance November 2014 Page 42

46 Traffic Impact Analysis Constructing frontage improvements on both sides of the proposed Y-2c alignment and the west side of the SR 10 Alternate (Yelm Loop) alignment that will accommodate the ultimate crosssection of the SR 10 Alternate (Yelm Loop) and Y-2c projects. Constructing portions of the Y-2c roadway within the development area that will initially serve just as access to the southern portion of the development, but will also be the future alignment of the completed Y-2c connection to Bald Hills Road. The development will pay for the design and construction of the roadway and intersection configurations shown on Figure 12 in section Yelm Avenue (SR 07) The project will design and construct improvements to Yelm Avenue (SR 07) along the project frontage to accommodate projected traffic flows on Yelm Avenue (SR 07) and the construction of site accesses. The developers will construct frontage improvements as well as the ultimate lane configurations on Yelm Avenue (SR 07) along the project frontage concurrently with development of the Yelm East Gateway project. The project developers may be due a credit against the overall Traffic Facility Charge (TFC - described in section 8.3) if portions of the public roadway system that they construct is also part of City improvements being collected for as part of the TFC. 8.2 Site Access and Circulation Improvements The development of the will require construction of a series of internal private roadway connections. The conceptual site layout has identified a series of internal drive aisles that will provide the major access points within the area. This coordinated design effort will allow the most efficient access to/from the site and will minimize impacts to the public street system by not overloading individual driveways. As each individual development project within the is designed and constructed it will adhere to the access and circulation system developed for the overall project. While all individual access points have been identified in this study, the exact locations will be determined and approved by the City of Yelm and WSDOT later for each development. Each property within the development will also be required to allow for future connection to adjacent properties as identified in this study. Each individual development will be required to prepare a Site Circulation Analysis to identify the trip generation potential of the development and specific site driveway configuration. The analysis will be used to compare cumulative traffic generation within the area to the threshold established in this EIS (2,000 new PM peak hour trips). The analysis will also determine the final driveway location, driveway intersection configurations and turn lane storage lengths (as needed). 8.3 City of Yelm Traffic Facility Charge (TFC) Each property owner/applicant within the proposed development will pay the City of Yelm Traffic Facility Charge. The fees will be based on the net new PM peak hour traffic flows on the area roadways caused by the construction of as shown on Figure 12. The fees will be calculated by the City of Yelm for each individual project as it moves through design and approval stage. SCJ Alliance November 2014 Page 43

47 Traffic Impact Analysis 8.4 Phasing of On-Site and Off-Site Traffic Mitigation Improvements The project is expected to be designed and constructed incrementally over the next 10 1 years. The proposed on-site and off-site improvements will also be constructed incrementally to serve the traffic demands of the public street system and the site access and circulation needs of the development. The following is a description of the construction phasing of these improvements Site Driveways Each individual development that advances will be required to construct all driveways that will serve the subject property. Each driveway will be designed to accommodate the ultimate configuration, but based on the Site Circulation Study may be constructed to a lesser configuration with property and frontage improvement setbacks to accommodate the ultimate configuration Internal Access and Circulation Each individual development will be required to design the internal site circulation system to accommodate connections to adjacent properties as shown on the conceptual site layout (Figure 4). Internal connections will be designed and constructed as major circulation aisles to accommodate through-traffic within the development between individual parcels. These internal connections will allow traffic from any property within the southern portion of the development to access the public street system via Yelm Avenue (SR 07), or Y-2c. Similarly, all properties North of Yelm Avenue (SR 07) will be able to access the public street system via Yelm Avenue (SR 07), Grove Road or Walmart Boulevard Frontage Improvements Each property that fronts a public roadway will be required to construct public street frontage improvements along the entire frontage concurrently with development of property. This will include all curb, gutter, sidewalk and landscaping improvements and public roadway improvements including turn lanes. Where appropriate it may also require additional ROW dedication to accommodate future roadway widening not included as part of the project mitigation. All frontage improvements will be constructed with appropriate setbacks to accommodate future widening Yelm Avenue (SR 07)/Grove Road Any project constructed in the southwest quadrant of the subject property (south of Yelm Avenue (SR 07) and west of Y-2c) that will have its primary public access via the Grove Road/Yelm Avenue (SR 07) intersection will be required to construct improvements to the Grove Road/Yelm Avenue (SR 07) intersection. This will include constructing the new fourth (south) leg of the intersection and necessary intersection improvements to accommodate the new approach leg and development traffic. In addition to the construction of the new south leg, development of the East Yelm Gateway project will trigger the need for a modern roundabout at this intersection. The timing of the construction of the roundabout will be contingent on the background traffic growth in the area that has occurred and the amount of other development traffic within the project that impacts the intersection. A limit of 2 PM peak hour trips of development traffic (new-to-network and pass-by) using the new south leg of the intersection has been established as the threshold to require construction of a roundabout. Development in the northwest quadrant of the subject property (north of SCJ Alliance November 2014 Page 44

48 Traffic Impact Analysis Yelm Avenue (SR 07) will also require construction of the modern roundabout if it has not yet been constructed by others. The same threshold of 2 PM peak hour trips of development traffic using the existing north leg of Grove Road has been established to require construction of a modern roundabout. Prior to either volume threshold being met, the intersection may operate adequately under northbound and southbound stop sign-control until development traffic increases. The roundabout will be designed to accommodate the ultimate two circulating-lane design, but may be initially constructed without all of the auxiliary lanes. This will be determined on a case-by-case basis as each development prepares an individual Site Circulation Analysis. The Site Circulation Analysis would also provide an updated review of the operation of the Yelm Avenue (SR 07)/Grove Road intersection to determine if a modern roundabout is required at that time. The City will consider level of service, delay, queuing, safety and area traffic circulation efficiency in determining when the modern roundabout is required, and what auxiliary lanes are needed Yelm Avenue (SR 07)/Walmart Boulevard The first development in the southeast quadrant of the subject property [south of Yelm Avenue (SR 07) and either side of Y2-c] that will use the new Y2-c connection as the primary access will be required to construct all of the improvements necessary to convert this into a four-way intersection. This will include the northbound approach lanes (on Y-2c), a southbound through lane (on Walmart Boulevard) and a westbound to southbound left-turn lane on Yelm Avenue (SR 07). Improvements will also include all traffic signal system improvements required to accommodate the fourth (south) leg of the intersection. SCJ Alliance November 2014 Page 4

49 Traffic Impact Analysis 9. CONCLUSION The East Gateway commercial area is comprised of approximately 46 acres of undeveloped property located in the eastern portion of the City of Yelm s commercially-zoned district. The project area includes seven distinct parcels of land owned by several independent property and business owners. The potential build-out of the properties will be dependent upon market and economic factors, but it is likely that these properties could realize their full development potential within the next 10-1 years. This report analyzes three build-out alternatives for potential impacts for a near-term (2020) and longrange (203) planning horizon. The following three potential development scenarios were analyzed: Maximum Build-out as a Coordinated Development (Alternative 1) Moderate Intensity Build-out as a Coordinated Development (Alternative 2) No Action Alternative (Alternative 3) The traffic analysis considered the highest traffic potential of the build-out scenarios and assessed the traffic characteristics and potential impacts for a development activity that could generate up to a maximum of 2,000 PM peak hour trips. The ability to achieve this level of traffic activity will be predicated on the development type and mix of retail uses that will generally develop in a moderate density. The analysis was prepared for 2020 conditions to identify potential off site traffic impacts that could require mitigation. A review of 203 traffic conditions was also prepared to ensure that this development and proposed access system was consistent with the general long term vision and needs of the area transportation system. A mitigation plan showing off-site improvements, and a conceptual access and internal circulation plan was provided in Section 8 of this report. The mitigation plan also provides a discussion of recommended phasing of the improvements. SCJ Alliance November 2014 Page 46

50 Traffic Impact Analysis APPENDIX A TURNING MOVEMENT COUNTS SCJ Alliance November 2014 Page 47

51 Prepared for: SCJ Alliance/Shea, Carr, Jewell Traffic Count Consultants, Inc. Phone: (23) FAX: (23) WBE/DBE : Burnett Rd SE & W Yelm Ave (SR 10) Date of Count: Wed 4/16/2014 Location: Yelm, Washington Checked By: Jess Time From North on (SB) From South on (NB) From East on (WB) From West on (EB) Interval Interval Burnett Rd SE 0 W Yelm Ave (SR 10) W Yelm Ave (SR 10) Total Ending at T L S R T L S R T L S R T L S R 4:1 P :30 P :4 P :00 P :1 P :30 P :4 P :00 P :1 P :30 P :4 P :00 P Total Survey Peak Hour: :00 PM to 6:00 PM Total Approach %HV n/a n/a 0.7% 0.% 0.6% PHF 0.8 n/a Burnett Rd SE Bike W Yelm Ave (SR 10) Ped W Yelm Ave (SR 10) 393 Ped Bike Bike :00 PM to 6:00 PM 0 Ped PEDs Across: N S E W Ped PHF Peak Hour Volume INT 01 0 Bike 0 PHF %HV INT 02 0 EB % INT Check WB % INT 04 0 In: 106 NB n/a n/a INT Out: 106 SB 0.8 n/a INT 06 NO PEDS 0 0 T Int % INT 07 0 Bicycles From: N S E W Conditions: INT 08 0 INT INT 09 0 INT 02 0 INT 10 0 INT 03 0 INT 11 0 INT 04 0 INT 12 0 INT INT 06 0 Special Notes INT 07 0 INT 08 0 INT 09 0 INT 10 0 INT 11 0 INT SCJ14032M_01p3

52 Prepared for: SCJ Alliance/Shea, Carr, Jewell Traffic Count Consultants, Inc. Phone: (23) FAX: (23) WBE/DBE : Killion Rd SE/Tahoma Blvd SE & W Yelm Ave (SR 10) Date of Count: Wed 4/16/2014 Location: Yelm, Washington Checked By: Jess Time From North on (SB) From South on (NB) From East on (WB) From West on (EB) Interval Interval Killion Rd SE Tahoma Blvd SE W Yelm Ave (SR 10) W Yelm Ave (SR 10) Total Ending at T L S R T L S R T L S R T L S R 4:1 P :30 P :4 P :00 P :1 P :30 P :4 P :00 P :1 P :30 P :4 P :00 P Total Survey Peak Hour: 4:1 PM to :1 PM Total Approach %HV n/a n/a 1.3% 1.1% 1.1% PHF Killion Rd SE Bike W Yelm Ave (SR 10) Ped W Yelm Ave (SR 10) 04 Ped Bike Bike :1 PM to :1 PM 0 Ped PEDs Across: N S E W Ped PHF Peak Hour Volume INT Bike 0 PHF %HV INT EB % INT Check WB % INT In: 1369 NB 0.86 n/a INT Out: 1369 SB 0.69 n/a INT Tahoma Blvd SE T Int % INT Bicycles From: N S E W Conditions: INT INT INT 09 0 INT 02 0 INT 10 0 INT 03 0 INT 11 0 INT INT 12 0 INT INT 06 0 Special Notes INT 07 0 INT 08 0 INT 09 0 INT 10 0 INT 11 0 INT SCJ14032M_02p3

53 Prepared for: SCJ Alliance/Shea, Carr, Jewell Traffic Count Consultants, Inc. Phone: (23) FAX: (23) WBE/DBE : Cullens St NW/Berry Valley Rd SE & W Yelm Ave (SR 10) Date of Count: Wed 4/16/2014 Location: Yelm, Washington Checked By: Jess Time From North on (SB) From South on (NB) From East on (WB) From West on (EB) Interval Interval Cullens St NW Berry Valley Rd SE W Yelm Ave (SR 10) W Yelm Ave (SR 10) Total Ending at T L S R T L S R T L S R T L S R 4:1 P :30 P :4 P :00 P :1 P :30 P :4 P :00 P :1 P :30 P :4 P :00 P Total Survey Peak Hour: 4:30 PM to :30 PM Total Approach %HV n/a n/a 0.9% 0.8% 0.8% PHF Cullens St NW Bike W Yelm Ave (SR 10) Ped W Yelm Ave (SR 10) 60 Ped Bike Bike :30 PM to :30 PM 7 Ped 74 3 PEDs Across: N S E W Ped PHF Peak Hour Volume INT 01 Bike 0 PHF %HV INT EB % INT Check WB % INT In: 134 NB 0.63 n/a INT Out: 134 SB 0.80 n/a INT Berry Valley Rd SE T Int % INT 07 0 Bicycles From: N S E W Conditions: INT INT INT 09 0 INT 02 0 INT 10 0 INT 03 0 INT 11 0 INT INT 12 0 INT INT 06 0 Special Notes INT 07 0 INT 08 0 INT 09 0 INT 10 0 INT 11 0 INT SCJ14032M_03p3

54 Prepared for: SCJ Alliance/Shea, Carr, Jewell Traffic Count Consultants, Inc. Phone: (23) FAX: (23) WBE/DBE : Longmire St NW/SE & W Yelm Ave (SR 10) Date of Count: Wed 4/16/2014 Location: Yelm, Washington Checked By: Jess Time From North on (SB) From South on (NB) From East on (WB) From West on (EB) Interval Interval Longmire St NW Longmire St SE W Yelm Ave (SR 10) W Yelm Ave (SR 10) Total Ending at T L S R T L S R T L S R T L S R 4:1 P :30 P :4 P :00 P :1 P :30 P :4 P :00 P :1 P :30 P :4 P :00 P Total Survey Peak Hour: 4:1 PM to :1 PM Total Approach %HV n/a 2.1% 0.7% 1.0% 0.9% PHF Longmire St NW Bike W Yelm Ave (SR 10) Ped W Yelm Ave (SR 10) 3 Ped Bike Bike :1 PM to :1 PM 0 Ped PEDs Across: N S E W Ped PHF Peak Hour Volume INT Bike 0 PHF %HV INT EB % INT Check WB % INT In: 1381 NB % INT Out: 1381 SB 0.8 n/a INT Longmire St SE T Int % INT 07 0 Bicycles From: N S E W Conditions: INT INT 01 0 INT 09 0 INT 02 0 INT 10 0 INT 03 0 INT 11 0 INT 04 0 INT 12 0 INT INT 06 0 Special Notes INT INT 08 0 INT 09 0 INT 10 0 INT 11 0 INT SCJ14032M_04p3

55 Prepared for: SCJ Alliance/Shea, Carr, Jewell Traffic Count Consultants, Inc. Phone: (23) FAX: (23) WBE/DBE : SE Mosman Ave/Mosman Ave SE & 1st St S (SR 07) Date of Count: Wed 4/16/2014 Location: Yelm, Washington Checked By: Jess Time From North on (SB) From South on (NB) From East on (WB) From West on (EB) Interval Interval SE Mosman Ave Mosman Ave SE 1st St S (SR 07) 1st St S (SR 07) Total Ending at T L S R T L S R T L S R T L S R 4:1 P :30 P :4 P :00 P :1 P :30 P :4 P :00 P :1 P :30 P :4 P :00 P Total Survey Peak Hour: 4:00 PM to :00 PM Total Approach %HV 0.6% 3.1% 3.4% 2.6% 2.6% PHF SE Mosman Ave Bike 1st St S (SR 07) Ped 1st St S (SR 07) 464 Ped Bike Bike :00 PM to :00 PM 1 Ped PEDs Across: N S E W Ped PHF Peak Hour Volume INT 01 0 Bike 1 PHF %HV INT 02 0 EB % INT Check WB % INT 04 0 In: 962 NB % INT Out: 962 SB % INT 06 0 Mosman Ave SE T Int % INT 07 0 Bicycles From: N S E W Conditions: INT 08 0 INT INT 09 0 INT INT 10 0 INT 03 0 INT 11 0 INT 04 0 INT 12 0 INT INT 06 0 Special Notes INT 07 0 INT 08 0 INT 09 0 INT 10 0 INT 11 0 INT SCJ14032M_0p

56 Prepared for: SCJ Alliance/Shea, Carr, Jewell Traffic Count Consultants, Inc. Phone: (23) FAX: (23) WBE/DBE : N 1st St/1st St S (SR 07) & E/W Yelm Ave (SR 07 & 10) Date of Count: Wed 4/16/2014 Location: Yelm, Washington Checked By: Jess Time From North on (SB) From South on (NB) From East on (WB) From West on (EB) Interval Interval N 1st St 1st St S (SR 07) E Yelm Ave (SR 07) W Yelm Ave (SR 10) Total Ending at T L S R T L S R T L S R T L S R 4:1 P :30 P :4 P :00 P :1 P :30 P :4 P :00 P :1 P :30 P :4 P :00 P Total Survey Peak Hour: 4:00 PM to :00 PM Total Approach %HV 2.% 2.6% 2.4% 0.8% 2.0% PHF N 1st St Bike W Yelm Ave (SR 10) Ped E Yelm Ave (SR 07) 666 Ped Bike Bike :00 PM to :00 PM 2 Ped 7 60 PEDs Across: N S E W Ped PHF Peak Hour Volume INT Bike 0 PHF %HV INT EB % INT Check WB % INT In: 1941 NB % INT Out: 1941 SB % INT st St S (SR 07) T Int % INT Bicycles From: N S E W Conditions: INT 08 0 INT 01 0 INT 09 0 INT INT 10 0 INT 03 0 INT 11 0 INT INT 12 0 INT INT Special Notes INT 07 0 INT INT 09 0 INT 10 0 INT 11 0 INT SCJ14032M_06p3

57 Prepared for: SCJ Alliance/Shea, Carr, Jewell Traffic Count Consultants, Inc. Phone: (23) FAX: (23) WBE/DBE : 1st St NE & Stevens St NE/NW Date of Count: Wed 4/16/2014 Location: Yelm, Washington Checked By: Jess Time From North on (SB) From South on (NB) From East on (WB) From West on (EB) Interval Interval 1st St NE 1st St NE Stevens St NE Stevens St NW Total Ending at T L S R T L S R T L S R T L S R 4:1 P :30 P :4 P :00 P :1 P :30 P :4 P :00 P :1 P :30 P :4 P :00 P Total Survey Peak Hour: 4:00 PM to :00 PM Total Approach %HV.2% 3.9% 2.8% 0.2% 2.4% PHF st St NE Bike Stevens St NW Ped Stevens St NE 21 Ped Bike Bike :00 PM to :00 PM 0 Ped PEDs Across: N S E W Ped PHF Peak Hour Volume INT Bike 0 PHF %HV INT EB % INT Check WB % INT In: 988 NB % INT Out: 988 SB % INT st St NE T Int % INT 07 0 Bicycles From: N S E W Conditions: INT 08 0 INT INT 09 0 INT 02 0 INT 10 0 INT INT 11 0 INT INT 12 0 INT INT Special Notes INT INT INT 09 0 INT 10 0 INT 11 0 INT SCJ14032M_07p3

58 Prepared for: SCJ Alliance/Shea, Carr, Jewell Traffic Count Consultants, Inc. Phone: (23) FAX: (23) WBE/DBE : NW Rhoton Rd/1st St NE & Railway Rd SE Date of Count: Wed 4/16/2014 Location: Yelm, Washington Checked By: Jess Time From North on (SB) From South on (NB) From East on (WB) From West on (EB) Interval Interval NW Rhoton Rd 1st St NE Railway Rd SE Park Drwy Total Ending at T L S R T L S R T L S R T L S R 4:1 P :30 P :4 P :00 P :1 P :30 P :4 P :00 P :1 P :30 P :4 P :00 P Total Survey Peak Hour: 4:00 PM to :00 PM Total Approach %HV 6.1% 1.% 4.% n/a 3.1% PHF NW Rhoton Rd Bike Park Drwy Ped Railway Rd SE 3 Ped Bike Bike 3 2 4:00 PM to :00 PM 0 Ped 10 1 PEDs Across: N S E W Ped PHF Peak Hour Volume INT 01 0 Bike 1 PHF %HV INT EB 0.7 n/a INT Check WB % INT 04 0 In: 481 NB % INT Out: 481 SB % INT st St NE T Int % INT 07 0 Bicycles From: N S E W Conditions: INT 08 0 INT 01 0 INT 09 0 INT 02 0 INT 10 0 INT INT 11 0 INT INT 12 0 INT INT Special Notes INT 07 0 INT 08 0 INT 09 0 INT 10 0 INT 11 0 INT SCJ14032M_10p

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